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executable file
639 lines (518 loc) · 21.8 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
639 lines (518 loc) · 21.8 KB



2.18.0 2023-03-14

  • CO-2271 - fix language mapping
  • CO-2161 - fix duplicate languages on product attributes

2.17.1 2022-12-13

  • CO-2076 - fix Customer creation date is null
  • CO-2237 - Fix Plugin Manager Guzzle Error with dev Version

2.17.0 2022-11-08

  • CO-2048 - upload to sw store
  • CO-2130 - support Unzer Plugin
  • CO-2076 - check if customer creation date is null on pull

2.16.0 2022-09-13

  • CO-2113 - add TaxGroups to GlobalData Pull
  • CO-2080 - update Changelog to new format
  • CO-2098 - merge GitHub PR #1
  • CO-2106 - Add PayPal Invoice V2 Support

2.15.1 2022-07-11

  • CO-2026 - Skip Attributes without i18ns translation

2.15.0 2022-05-25

  • CO-1996 - Feature - Added support for regulation price

2.14.0 2022-02-01

  • CO-1913 - Bugfix - Fixed problem with image deleting in shop
  • CO-1880 - Bugfix - Fixed importing same language several times
  • CO-1850 - Feature - Added support of the field max purchase

2.13.0 2021-11-16

  • CO-1809 - Bugfix - Fixed setting image names in s_articles_img table
  • CO-1566 - Feature - Import payments for manual payment types even without a transaction ID
  • CO-1375 - Feature - Added option to not overwrite 'download' files on product after product push

2.12.0 2021-09-01

  • CO-1367 - Extended saving many tracking numbers in delivery note
  • CO-1320 - Added config property 'payment_type_mappings' for specifying custom payment type mapping
  • CO-327 - Added support for category 'Link target' property
  • CO-1590 - Fixed error if customer do not exists
  • CO-1242 - Fixed error if customer do not exists

2.11.1 2021-07-28

  • CO-1723 - Hotfix tax class guessing

2.11.0 2021-07-05

  • CO-1380 Added support for states on customer order pull
  • fixed payment mapping on unknown payment module code
  • fixed monolog library compatibility issue with shopware 5.7
  • fixed setSize method compatibility issue
  • updated features.json

2.10.2 2021-06-22

  • CO-994 Added payment description as fallback for payment module code during order and payment pull
  • CO-1459 Added product tax class guessing on product push
  • CO-1538 Fixed replacing images instead of adding them on image push
  • CO-1540 Added importing only one product translation per language during product pull

2.9.1 2021-05-11

  • Added forgotten variations translations fix (CO-1260)

2.9.0 2021-05-05

  • CO-522 Added support for JTL product Onlineshop-Suchbegriffe as article search keywords in shop
  • CO-1090 Fixed updating sw_image_config_ignores attribute on parent product
  • CO-1260 Fixed sending article variation translations to shop
  • CO-1394 Fixed importing SEPA data from customer on order
  • CO-1477 Allowed that rrp can be equal to sales price
  • CO-1482 Added possibility to download connector logs and to de-/active developer-logging in plugin gui
  • CO-1498 Removed overriding features file in update process
  • Added support for php8 (connector)
  • Removed duplicated thumbnail generation on image push
  • Revised shipping time handling on product push

2.8.6 2021-01-26

  • Switched rounding precision of order positions back to 4 in customer order pull
  • Fixed categories order in category pull
  • Fixed problem with existing images in image push

2.8.5 2021-01-11

  • Fixed problems with not existing image translations

2.8.4 2021-01-06

  • Added workaround for problem with empty lannguage iso properties

2.8.3 2020-12-24

  • Updated connector core version, due to issues during product import

2.8.2 2020-12-21

  • CO-1259 Added importing phone number in customer order delivery address
  • CO-1281 Fixed importing article attributes with language iso
  • Revised image creation process in shop

2.8.1 2020-12-07

  • Fixed image sending problems

2.8.0 2020-12-02

  • CO-1101 - Added support for individual texts in custom products
  • CO-1019 - Added support for extending cleared states in config for payment import in JTL-Wawi
  • CO-1164 - Fixed/Refactored creating and updating images including name
  • Fixed order of categories during import in JTL-Wawi
  • Fixed error when importing customers in JTL-Wawi and no language was found

2.7.0 2020-10-06

  • CO-1170 - Added new payment method mapping hgw_ivb2b
  • CO-1167 - Added config option 'consider_supplier_inflow_date_for_shipping' (default: true) for calculation delivery time
  • CO-1010 - Set RRP only when it's greater than normal price

2.6.1 2020-09-09

  • CO-1144 - Fixed import of DateTime attributes

2.6.0 2020-08-25

  • CO-531 - Fixed packUnit translations
  • CO-1037 - Fixed packUnit translations
  • CO-1001 - Fixed language mapping (ex. translations for shops with a locale at_DE should be now saved)
  • CO-951 - Added attribute to control is_blog category attribute
  • CO-391 - Added attribute to assign product price group

2.5.4 2020-08-12

  • CO-1106 Reverted using handling time as shipping time only Added config flag "product.push.use_handling_time_for_shipping" for using handling time as shipping time only

2.5.3 2020-08-10

  • Updated connector core due to compatiblity reasons with JTl-Wawi

2.5.2 2020-08-05

  • Fixed set shipping time by handling time only

2.5.1 2020-08-04

  • CO-1089 Fixed rounding differences when importing voucher code positions in orders

2.5.0 2020-07-28

  • CO-187 Added customer attributes support
  • CO-840 Refactored attributes handling
  • CO-1066 Fixed order items order during import in JTL-Wawi
  • CO-1086 Changed supplier delivery time to handling time

2.4.1 2020-06-26

Attention: Update process can take some time!

  • Removed alias in update query

2.4.0 2020-06-09

  • CO-923 Fixed CrossSelling deletes in Shopware
  • CO-949 Removed payment trigger and payment table
  • CO-974 Changed logic when payment will be imported
  • CO-966 Fixed limiting customer group to 50 2020-05-05

  • CO-930 - Added if image name is not empty it's now set in backend
  • CO-975 - DHL Wunschpaket: Added default salutation 'Herr' if no salutation is present
  • CO-961 - If 'additional_address_line2' is not empty it's now transferred to Wawi in extraAddressLine field 2020-04-20

  • Hotfix skip monolog file deletion

2.3.0 2020-03_31

  • CO-922 Increased connector core version to ^2.7, increased minimum PHP version to 7.1.3, removed fixed monolog version
  • CO-924 Transfer full image tag url in product and category description 2020-03-12

  • Removed problematic monolog file 2020-03-12

  • Removed phar dependencies
  • Switched to older monolog version due to compatiblity reasons 2020-03_04

  • CO-496 Fixed missing image relations on variant children
  • CO-569 Removed not existent getter calls in customer order mapper
  • CO-849 Fixed Warning "Zahlung mit Transaktions-ID 'XYZ'..." when importing payment orders
  • CO-866 Keep dummy parents as well in case linking tables should be kept after deinstallation

2.2.5 2020-02_17

  • CO-805 Fixed bug with shipping tax rate
  • CO-785 Added support for image alt attribute
  • CO-784 Added support for product SEO attributes title, keywords, description
  • CO-567 Delivery note creation can be now turned off in config 2020-01-24

  • Fixed start_date for payment import

  • CO-711 Fixed primary key mapper
  • CO-730 Fixed problem with translation service override

  • Locked connector core version to 2.6.8

  • CO-704 Mapped paypal unified payment methods correcty during payment push


  • CO-417 Removed not needed category level table for performance optimisation
  • CO-540 Cleared date will be used as payment date if possible, existing payment entries only deleted if necessary
  • CO-549 Assigned tax rate for shipping order items will be used if possible
  • CO-572 DHL-Wunschpaket related attributes will be imported into JTL-Wawi if the DHL-Wunschpaket plugin is installed
  • CO-594 Connector tables can be kept after connector deinstallation if desired

  • Save product translations by language and not by locale


  • Added compatiblity to Shopware 5.6


  • CO-363 Save categories translations in shop (without category mappings)
  • CO-430 Set articles changed date during product price quicksync
  • CO-446 Attribute names normalised
  • CO-502 Save category attribute translations in shop
  • CO-526 Set bulk prices correctly
  • CO-514 Delete article related image data when media image is linked to more than one article
  • Add custom products plugin template by using "custom_products_template" attribute (internal template name)

  • Problems with group based product prices during quicksync fixed

  • Problems with product price during push fixed


  • CO-447 Lower case to camel case transformation on product attributes during push fixed
  • CO-452 Product price quicksync fixed

  • Set configuratorOptions on article details fix
  • Class alias typo corrected

  • Hotfix for backward compatiblity with namespace aliases


  • CO-286 Custom properties support added
  • CO-310 Additional text support added
  • CO-354 Translations from product variation child attributes will be imported into JTL-Wawi
  • CO-359 Use same de-/activation logic for products as in shopware backend
  • CO-433 Convert Shopware product DateTime attributes to string when importing into JTL-Wawi
  • Convert Shopware product attribute names from camel case to underscore when importing into JTL-Wawi


  • Image copy problem fixed
  • Avoid warnings when cleaning unassigned product images


  • Fixed plugin autoloading


  • CO-340 Fixed problems with image upload
  • Don't add the same image mapping multiple times
  • Fixed customer import problem when creation date is set to 0000-00-00


  • Backward compatiblity to SW 5.2 and 5.3 fixed
  • Write category.mapping flag correctly during connector installation
  • Compatiblity to Shopware composer installation fixed
  • Default value of article detail preselection changed to false


  • Fixed main article detail preselection logic
  • Images from not existent products will be removed


  • CO-288 Specifics assignment revised
  • CO-306 Changing variation values afterwards fix
  • Main article detail will be switched during push automatically if actual one has no stock
  • Config file structure completely revised


  • WAWI-25142 Order status mappings revised
  • CO-222 Main article detail can be changed in Wawi
  • CO-292 Account holder in PUI fixed
  • CO-293 kind value of pseudo master article detail changed to 3
  • CO-294 Changing main image of a product after push fix
  • Category attributes with individual names will be pulled into Wawi
  • Camel case product attribute names will be converted to underscore


  • Fixed payment mapping for heidelpay
  • CO-254 Added Support for new Paypal Plugin
  • CO-251 Added Support for new Paypal Plugin
  • CO-255 Shorten vat number in case it is longer than 20 chars
  • CO-283 CrossSelling events are available


  • CO-269 Consider seo description, seo keywords and page title by manufacturer pull
  • Config flags added for undefined attributes handling during push
  • Deprecations replaced for Shopware 5.5 compatiblity
  • Connector Core downgraded, due to compatiblity reasons


  • CO-229 Fixed saving the customer order tracking code
  • CO-232 Added customer order cleared date when payment is completed


  • CO-215 Fixed missing customer order billing and shipping title
  • CO-218 Fixed sw pre 5.2.25 access on protected property
  • CO-226 Fixed sw pre 5.4 delivery note path access
  • CO-184 Added customer order voucher support
  • CO-196 Added product changed date support


  • CO-212 Fixed customer address support


  • CO-186 Added full shopware delivery note support with pdf creation
  • CO-195 Fixed compatibility issues with SW < 5.4.0


  • CO-185 Added shopware order document type support


  • Fixed missing default laststock value


  • Fixed wrong version string


  • CO-182 Added shopware 5.4.0 support
  • CO-183 Added shopware variants in listing support


  • CO-157 Fixed missing ProductSpecialPriceItem class
  • CO-158 Added shopware media service support


  • CO-120 Added customer note property
  • CO-125 Added customer order status change to processing after pull
  • CO-129 Fixed category mapping parents when moving to another level


  • CO-99 Added Heidelpay invoice fallback
  • CO-106 Added product sku fallback detection
  • CO-107 Removed customer order attribute limit


  • CO-92 Fixed supplier delivery time
  • CO-99 Added Heidelpay invoice support
  • CO-101 Added wawi float to shopware integer instock conversion
  • CO-103 Added missing customer push validation


  • Shopware 5.3 support
  • Added connector core log control


  • Added category mapping check for missing data
  • Added feature product attributes must be storable in different languages regardless of other product informations
  • Removed debug logging in image mapper
  • Fixed category mapping missing image for languages


  • Fixed minor product image titles translation bug
  • Fixed parameter binding in pre php 7


  • Fixed customer birthday property warning
  • Added customer birthday property wawi exception workaround
  • Added customer order pull start date to payments
  • Added product attribute sw_image_config_ignores to configure product image assignments
  • Added product image titles via wawi image alt text
  • Removed deprecated method call


  • Fixed customer birthday and title
  • Fixed product purchasePrice push and pull
  • Fixed temp directory and added fallback


  • Added missing product specific group fail safe
  • Added customer order pull start date (via config parameter customer_order_pull_start_date)
  • Added new category attribute management support
  • Fixed customer number
  • Fixed category meta title in non default languages
  • Fixed product filter group allocation after set removal
  • Removed additional detail text


  • Fixed PayPal Plus installment check
  • Added temp directory fallback


  • Fixed customer push salutation bug
  • Fixed customer order status push
  • Added new product attribute sw_pseudo_sales
  • Added paypal plus installment


  • Added customer mapping via email
  • Added number format for billpay and paypal invoice
  • Fixed missing cms text in mapped categories


  • Added attribute value hard cast to string


  • Fixed PayPal Plus pui property
  • Reverted product attribute change from version 2.0.8


  • Added PayPal Plus support
  • Added product image description support (wawi name property)
  • Fixed product attributes - will not override existing values


  • Fixed product price save return value (Event ProductPriceAfterPushEvent will be triggered again)
  • Fixed attributes to support camel case and containing an _ in the name
  • Fixed crossselling primary key mapping and added extended developer logging
  • Fixed shopware customer entity setter usage
  • Added String Helper class


  • Added product attribute method_exists check


  • Added customer hasCustomerAccount property
  • Added new shopware 5.2 attribute management
  • Added translated product attributes (pull)
  • Added Wawi missing product default price work around
  • Fixed product base price


  • Changing customer order item gross price to 4 decimal places
  • Preparing for SW 5.2.4


  • Fixed currency problem
  • Added additional customer informations


  • Added price work around for empty customer group wawi bug


  • Fixed installer issue


  • Removed debit support
  • Added csrf support
  • Removed fax support
  • Added multiple customer addresses support
  • Added Shopware 5.2 support


  • Added fixed (eg. attr6) category attributes
  • Fixed Cross Selling identity mapping


  • Added new connector core 2.2.16


  • Added product id at delivery note item
  • Added product attr for activating notifications
  • Add product specifics only to parent and normal products
  • Added new customer order item types (surcharge and coupon)
  • Fixed customer order item gross and net prices


  • Fixed plugins autoload when using phar


  • Added php 7 error handling support
  • Added product shipping free attribute
  • Added customer order and customer order item gross prices
  • Fixed product specific id mapping


  • Fixed bootstrap update management
  • Added broken product data failsafe


  • Fixed crossselling reference to elements of a temporary array expression
  • Changed crosselling find sql to select fixed columns


  • Fixed payment module code
  • Changed product name helper to ignore variations
  • Changed all db classes and added more safety


  • Added billsafe btn tansaction number
  • Added product first import unit name
  • Added product variation set default (standard) type
  • Added crossselling group support (sw_related, sw_similar)
  • Fixed wrong customer type hint in customer mapper class
  • Fixed missing crossselling linking
  • Fixed duplicate payments


  • Fixed customer missing or nulled birthday


  • Added customer payment sepa support
  • Added specific value image support
  • Added product delivery time manuell and fixed value
  • Added customer additional text and birthday
  • Added product sort
  • Added specific filterable via isGlobal
  • Fixed customer order shipping and billing additional text handling
  • Changed payment pull error tolerance


  • Added connector install, phar and suhosin check
  • Added category language locale check
  • Added billsafe to payment types
  • Added billsafe customer order support
  • Added shopware 5.1 media service support
  • Added file and mysql validation files
  • Changed payment mysql trigger to trigger only at state 'payment completed'
  • Changed customer order shipping item support


  • Fixed product attribute type
  • Added product attribute multilanguage support


  • Fixed product attribute regex
  • Fixed product specific pull mapping
  • Fixed product pseudo and base price reset
  • Fixed category sorting for different languages
  • Added product variation and variation value sorting
  • Changed product attribute start value from 3 to 4


  • Changed product image main and position handling


  • Fixed product attribute delete bug
  • Fixed missing shop query
  • Fixed customer order detail price net
  • Added product variation child option name if additional text is empty
  • Added product specific relation deletion
  • Added product variation type fallback handling
  • Changed product image pull and delete handling
  • Changed product image push handling (total rework)
  • Changed to core connector version 2.0
  • Changed gitignore and other deprecated stuff
  • Changed specific value duplicates handling


  • Fixed product meta description sync
  • Fixed translation shop mapping with multiple same locale
  • Changed parent dummy generation in plugin install routine
  • Changed product attribute behavior
  • Added currency sync


  • Fixed product variation language bug
  • Fixed measurement language bug
  • Fixed category loading by name
  • Added product variation type (standard, swatches) support
  • Added product child image relation support


  • Added category by name mapping
  • Added product variation multi language support
  • Added customer main language support
  • Added manufacturer language support
  • Fixed multi language bug
  • Fixed specific language bug


  • Fixed customer order vat free support
  • Fixed product child delete
  • Fixed customer order language iso


  • Fixed product attribute date type problem
  • Fixed syntax error in customer order controller
  • Changed price value restriction
  • Changed category cms function management behavior
  • Added global exception handler
  • Added shopware link support
  • Added customer order tax free support
  • Added specific ci encoding support
  • Added customer order vat number support


  • Added more payment mapping codes
  • Added payment name fallback
  • Changed error handling


  • Added floating point values support for php ini configurations
  • Changed identify serverinfo byte values to megabyte


  • Added product activity support
  • Added shipping method mapping
  • Added product minimum quantity support
  • Added base price (purchase price) support
  • Added base price converting
  • Added customer order status new
  • Added customer / customer order shipping / billing department support
  • Added category description to cms text mapping
  • Added multiple image push support
  • Changed pull value handling - stripping whitespaces from the beginning and end of a string
  • Changed image save and delete error handling
  • Changed specific value error tolerance
  • Fixed payment price value to gross
  • Fixed loop bug when pulling inconsistent customer orders
  • Fixed cross selling save issue
  • Fixed category moving problem
  • Fixed payment trigger problem
  • Fixed product doctrine delete problem
  • Fixed category meta data problem


  • Added dhl postnumber, postoffice and packstation support
  • Added customer order payment info support
  • Added delivery note tracking code support
  • Added paypal transaction id support
  • Added and evaluate category active flag value
  • Added and evaluate category isActive attribute value
  • Fixed image delete result id
  • Fixed cash-on-delivery (CoD) payments mapping
  • Fixed image url path when using virtual paths
  • Fixed linking with image relation types
  • Fixed product variation images
  • Fixed specific delete bug
  • Fixed product variation value merging
  • Fixed product image seo length
  • Fixed product specific relation problem


  • Added empty billing and shipping information check in customer order controller
  • Fixed single product child push and delete task
  • Fixed checksum interface problems


  • Added category cms title support
  • Added product uvp support
  • Added seo support for product image filenames
  • Added attribute for product active flag
  • Added customer group key mapping in foreign tables
  • Added exception for default EK customer group
  • Fixed active flag for product parents to 0
  • Fixed category and manufacturer image key mapping
  • Fixed key mapping missing table bug