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#4.2 Touch Screen Installation

Croke edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 5 revisions

The component We are using is ready to be connected directly to the RPI3 pins. It doesn't need any wire. The screen module comes with another 40 pins which are map with the ones in the RPI3.


Once the screen is connected, the screen will show a white screen. If you use the official OS image of Adafruit, the configuration is so easy, but this image gave us some problems and We decided to install it in a clean image of Raspbian.

If you are looking for an installation tutorial in the Adafruit web page be careful with the outdated ones which are not compatible with the new versions of Raspbian. On 09/01/2019, the one which works is this one.

The commands to install the screen are:

cd ~
chmod +x
sudo ./

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