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#4.1 Operative System installation

Croke edited this page Apr 20, 2018 · 2 revisions

Operative System

The clean installation image is availabre in the official web page of Raspberry.

We chose Raspbian because of most of the tutorials and documentation available for our components is written for this operative system.


In a clean class 10 SD card with at least 8GB of storage we burn the Raspbian image. If you are using Linux, the shell command is the next one:

$ sudo dd bs=4M if=<path to OS image> of=<path to sd>

The SD path can be check using the command:

$ ls -l /dev/sd*

This command will show the list of devices mounted in our computer. There are more specific commands but not as generic. I use this one because of some special characteristics of my linux distribution.

For a more complete description and for tutorials which teach how to do it from Windows or Mac you can read how to in the Raspberry Pi Foundation official web page.

Once the OS is working and installed in the Raspberry Pi, We have to expand the file system. This can be achieved executing:

$ sudo raspi-config

Then, a menu will appear in the terminal. There select advanced options and inside that menu, select Expand file system. After this, reboot the Raspberry Pi.

$ sudo reboot

Next: Touch Screen installation