"Harmoni" is a web application for creating and organizing events. You can keep track of events, and performers, crew and documents that are tied to that event. Harmoni is designed with both accessibility and universal design in mind. The web design is focused on simplicity at the same time as having the features you wish for as an event organizer. The website is currently only available in Norwegian.
To run our system, run these commands in a command window with git installed. You also need npm and node. We have used node 13 for our project, and recommend you use the same.
git clone https://gitlab.stud.idi.ntnu.no/williaj/harmoni-team-7.git
cd harmoni-team-7/application/server
npm install
This will take some time.
npm start
This will start the server running on port 8080 on localhost of your machine.
cd ../client
npm install
npm start
Your development server will now start on localhost:3000.
And that's it! If you have any questions or bugs, please feel free to contact us.# Harmoni