Switch on a RGB LED (e.g. Slack=Green ; SublimeText=Red ; Word=Orange) following...
- option1, the current user window
- option2, the skype status (away, busy, available, in a meeting, presenting...)
- option3, manually with a physical button
- Order all the things (Wemos, stripes, button, RGB led, ...)
- Print 3D models (globe & boxes)
- Put the whole together
- Connect the Wemos using a micro USB cable to your laptop
- Upload the .ino code (adapt with your WiFi credentials)
- Unplug from your laptop and connnect somewhere visible on top of your office
- Launch the program on your laptop (it will create an MQTT connection and send data to the wemos)
- Enjoy
First install dependencies
sudo easy_install pip *(or sudo -E easy_install pip if you are behind a proxy)*
sudo pip install paho-mqtt *(or sudo pip --proxy http://proxy:8080 install paho-mqtt)*
Now, run the script
python run.py
- 1x Wemos
- 1x LED RGB
- 1x Push button
- 1x Micro USB power supply
MIT © Joey Bronner