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Information Security

UUG Spring 2023

"The three golden rules to ensure computer security are: do not own a computer; do not power it on; and do not use it." — Robert Morris

CIA Triad

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability


  • Assures that private or confidential information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals


  • Assures that information and programs are changed only in a specified and authorized manner


  • Assures that systems work promptly and service is not denied to users

Which Aspect of the CIA Triad is Most Important?

Additional CIA Triad Concepts

  • Authenticity

    • The property of being genuine and being able to be verified and trusted

      • Confidence in the validity of a transmission, a message, or message originator
  • Accountability

    • The security goal that generates the requirement for actions of an entity to be traced uniquely to that entity.

      • Non-repudiation

Cryptography Concepts

  • Plaintext

    • The item we plan on encrypting. Human-readable.
  • Key

    • A secret.
  • Ciphertext

    • The output of encryption. Not human-readable.
  • Cleartext

    • The output of decryption (same as the input plaintext).

Kerckhoffs's principle

  • Security must reside entirely in the secret key

  • Assume all other information is known by the attacker

  • This includes the:

    • key-space (128-bit, 256-bit)
    • algorithm (AES, RSA, ECC)
    • hardware (Enigma)

Types of Ciphers

  • Block

    • Message is partitioned into fixed-size blocks (typically 64 or 128-bits)

      • DES, AES, RSA
  • Stream

    • Encrypts a digital data stream one bit or one byte at a time.

      • RC4, OTP (One-time pad)

Electronic Codebook (ECB)

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Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

  • Duplicate data is not reflected in ciphertext

  • Malformed/incorrect blocks affect all following blocks

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Output feedback (OFB)

  • Can prepare encryption and decryption in advance

  • Malformed/incorrect blocks affect only the current block

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Types of Encryption

Symmetric Asymmetric
Single key Two linked/related keys
Fast Slow
Good for large data transfers Good for small data transfers
Only provides confidentiality Can provide confidentiality, authentication, and non-repudiation

Symmetric Encryption

width:1000px Basic image of symmetric key encryption

"Perfect" Encryption - One-Time Pad (OTP)

  • Major rules of OTP:
    • Key must be the same size as the message
    • Key must be truly random
    • Keys must never be reused

One-Time Pad Encryption


One-Time Pad Decryption


Is One-Time Pad practical to implement?

Feistel Cipher

  • Created by German physicist Horst Feistel and patented the early 1970's
  • The Feistel Cipher is a design model (template) that is used to create different block ciphers.
    • Blowfish, DES, RC5, Twofish

How the Feistel Cipher Works


Data Encryption Standard

  • A symmetric-key algorithm standardized in 1977
  • Incorporates 16 Feistel Cipher rounds
  • Has a block size of 64-bits
  • Has a key size of 56-bits
    • Purposely neutered by the NSA to make brute-force attacks easier

How the Data Encryption Standard Works

  • Expansion: Function that takes 32-bit block increased to 48-bits
  • Key mixing: XOR operation with the subkey
  • Substitution: Lookup table
  • Permutation: Bit shuffling

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Triple DES (3DES)

  • Published in 1981
  • Incorporates 48 Feistel Cipher rounds
  • Has a block size of 64-bits
  • Has a key size of 168-bits (three 56-bit keys)
  • Officially deprecated by NIST at the end of 2023

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Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

  • Published in 1998 by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen under the name Rijndael
  • Selected by NIST in 2001 to replace DES
Key length (bits) Block size (bits) # of Rounds
AES-128 128 128 10
AES-192 192 128 12
AES-256 256 128 14

How AES works (1 of 2)


How AES works (2 of 2)

  • SubBytes
  • ShiftRows
  • MixColumns
  • AddRoundKey

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How AES works - SubBytes

  • Byte-wise table lookup

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How AES works - ShiftRows


How AES works - MixColumns

  • Shuffles bits using special matrix multiplication
    • Uses polynomials, XOR, and modulo


How AES works - AddRoundKey


Asymmetric Encryption

Basic image of asymmetric key encryption

Diffie Hellman key exchange (DH)

  • An asymmetric-key protocol conceived by Ralph Merkle that was published by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1976.

  • Previously been discovered by a British intelligence agency in 1969.

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How DH Works (1 of 2)

  • Alice and Bob publicly agree to use the modulus p=23 and base g=5
Alice Bob
α = 4 β = 3
A = gᵃ mod p B = gᵇ mod p
A = 5⁴ mod 23 = 625 mod 23 = 4 B = 5³ mod 23 = 125 mod 23 = 10
sᵃ = Bᵃ mod p sᵇ = Aᵇ mod p
sᵃ = 10⁴ mod 23 = 10000 mod 23 = 18 sᵇ = 4³ mod 23 = 64 mod 23 = 18

How DH Works (2 of 2)


Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

  • An asymmetric-key algorithm published in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman
  • Relies on the difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers
  • Common key lengths in RSA
    • 1024, 2048, 3072, 7680, 15360

How RSA Works (1 of 2)

  • p, q : chosen random prime integers (private)
  • n : product of p and q, modulus for the public/private keys (public)
  • Φ(n) : (Phi of n) Euler totient
  • e : chosen integer that is (public):
    • greater than one and less than the totient
    • co-prime to the totient
    • shares no common factors with the totient
  • d : calculated multiplicative inverse of e mod the totient (private)

How RSA Works (2 of 2)

  • Public key

    • {e, n}
  • Private key

    • {d, n}

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RSA Example (1 of 3)

  • p = 5, q = 7

  • n = 5 × 7 = 35

  • Φ(n) = (5 - 1) × (7 - 1) = 4 × 6 = 24

  • e = 1 < 5 < 24

    • can check if co-prime using Euclid's Algorithm (GCD)
  • d = 5⁻¹ mod 24 = 5

    • can solve this using Extended Euclid's Algorithm (XGCD)

RSA Example (2 of 3)

  • Public Key: {5, 35}

  • plaintext (M): 23

    • ciphertext (C) = Mᵉ mod n
  • C = 23⁵ mod 35 = 6436343 mod 35 = 18

RSA Example (3 of 3)

  • Private Key: {5, 35}

  • ciphertext (C): 18

    • cleartext (M) = Cᵈ mod n
  • M = 18⁵ mod 35 = 1889568 mod 35 = 23

Elliptic-Curve Cryptography (ECC)

  • An asymmetric-key cryptography approach independently suggested by Neal Koblitz and Victor S. Miller in 1985.
  • Relies on the discrete logarithm problem over the elliptic curve y² = x³ + ax + b
  • Elliptic-curve calculations are more computationally demanding allowing keys to be smaller than the equivalent RSA counterparts

How ECC Works (1 of 4)

  • Publicly agreed on curve (a=2, b=2, q=17):
    • y² = x³ + ax + b
    • y² = x³ + 2x + 2
  • Publicly agreed on generator (G)
    • G=(5,1)
  • Publicly agreed order of G (n)
    • n = 19

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How ECC Works (2 of 4)

  • G=(5,1)
Alice Bob
α = 3 β = 9
Α = 3G Β = 9G

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How ECC Works (3 of 4)

  • Alice (3G)

    • G + G = 2G
    • 2G + G = 3G (10,6)
  • Bob (9G)

    • G + G = 2G
    • 2G + 2G = 4G
    • 4G + 4G = 8G
    • 8G + G = 9G (7,6)

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How ECC Works (4 of 4)

Alice Bob
Α = 3G = (10,6) Β = 9G = (7,6)
αΒ = 3Β = 3(9G) = 27G = 8G = (13,7) βΑ = 9Α = 9(3G) = 27G = 8G = (13,7)


Comparison of Symmetric and Asymmetric Algorithms

Security Bits Symmetric Encryption Algorithm RSA ECC
80 1024 160
112 3DES 2048 224
128 AES-128 3072 256
192 AES-192 7680 384
256 AES-256 15360 512

Symmetric Encryption Quantum Threats

  • Grover's Algorithm

    • A quantum brute-forcing algorithm that is effective against AES

    • Takes AES from O(N) to O(√N)

      • 2¹²⁸ → 2⁶⁴

      • 2¹⁹² → 2⁹⁶

      • 2²⁵⁶ → 2¹²⁸

Asymmetric Encryption Quantum Threats

  • Shor's Algorithm

    • A quantum algorithm for finding prime factors of an integer (DH, RSA) and discrete logarithms (ECC)


Basic image of a cryptographic hashing algorithm

Password Hashing

  • password123

  • SHA-256

    • ef92b778bafe771e89245b89ecbc08a44a4e166c06659911881f383d4473e94f
  • password123D;%yL9TS:5PalS/d

    • 9C9B913EB1B6254F4737CE947EFD16F16E916F9D6EE5C1102A2002E48D4C88BD
  • password123D;%yL9TS:5PalS/d + iterations

    • fc91e3c64406e6afb456303d93ecb7c22b7f7ddb7f89d7e3ca52de8c10c16525

Storing Hashed Passwords - LAN Manager

  • Morpheus:1010:B902F044A44585DF93E28745B8BF4BA6:D5D630DA69EBD8AB040D77BE7BB046DD:::

  • username:user_id:LM_hash:NTLM_hash

  • 14 character password

    • Converted to uppercase
    • Unused space filled with null bytes
    • Split in half with parity character added (two 8-byte segments)
    • Both halves are encrypted with DES and concatenated together

Storing Hashed Passwords - New Technology LAN Manager

  • Morpheus:1002:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:d5d630da69ebd8ab040d77be7bb046dd:::

  • username:user_id:LM_hash:NTLM_hash

  • 14 character password

    • RC4 encryption

Storing Hashed Passwords - sha512crypt

  • Morpheus:$6$ykumbyCz$kb1zUhrB3wROIN1uoI94gfmAMjlTeeVhKkEtEZHYeIFIqD6CBiAQAlFB9uqYHHVO1doCNJbV56tC4gJi/L0ng0:1001:1001::/home/morpheus:/bin/sh

  • username:hash_algorithm:user_id:group_id:home_directory:default_shell

man 5 crypt - sha512crypt


man 5 crypt - yescrypt


Password Hashing Explained

  • Hashing protects against dictionary attacks

  • Salts protect against rainbow tables

    • Precomputed hashes
  • Iterations increase the computation time

  • Hash + Salt + Iterations:

    • susceptible to dictionary attacks if the algorithm is known