is a nice LaTeX editor.
For the overall approach:
GPU-accelerated Path Rendering Kilgard and Bolz 2012
To determine how many quadratic curves are necessary to approximate a cubic curve, the approach from this paper is used to find the error:
Explicit Error Bound for Quadratic Spline Approximation of Cubic Spline Kim and Ahn 2009
To fill quadratic and cubic curves, the approach in this paper is used:
Resolution Independent Curve Rendering using Programmable Graphics Hardware Loop and Blinn 2005
To find the distance to a quadratic curve in the fragment shader, this page was helpful:
To solve a depressed cubic equation using Cardano's formula, Wikipedia has some information, but overall is poor. This page is very useful for solving depressed a cubic equation:
This page shows solving a non-depressed cubic:
To Solve a Cubic Equation
And in this section, there's some code:
To find the axis of a quadratic curve (which is the point of greatest curvature):
An Inexpensive Bounding Representation for Offsets of Quadratic Curves Ruf 2011