Add new Python package:
Add the package to gradient/requirements.txt
try if it works by running pip install -r gradient/requirements.txt
and rebuild the development Docker image.
Also freeze exact versions of all packages by running
conda list --export > awe/requirements.txt
Kill processes taking up GPU:
Run fuser -k /dev/nvidia0
Inspect HTML from the dataset:
Run pnpx -y http-server
and navigate to the page through web browser.
Debug CPython code:
Run gdb -ex=r --args python <path_to_script>.py
After a crash, issue GDB command backtrace
Get HTML from a scraping log:
For example, if it's on line 11, run
sed '11!d' data/scraping-logs/2022-03-21T13-26-38.056Z.txt | jq -r '.html' > data/page.html
(or .visuals > data/visuals.json
or .screenshot > data/screenshot.txt
Start Jupyter server manually (e.g., in Gitpod):
Run jupyter notebook --allow-root --no-browser --NotebookApp.token='' --NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf=True --notebook-dir="$(pwd)"