Irene is a new query language written on top of Lucene's indexing structures. This query language can be interpreted into both Galago 3.13 and Lucene 7 indexing structures. It may also be run in a learning-to-rank context.
The composition given to us by #inquery is the "killer app" of the Lemur project search engines (Indri and Galago).
How do we make that smaller, more portable, more useful for researchers? Separate it from the backend.
I had no real intention of opening it up yet, but it's evolved to the point where I prefer to use it for all my experiments, and folks have been asking me "What's the future of Galago?", and they want to know what I'm using now that I'm not using Galago anymore.
Clone this repository and then run ./install_galago
, which will grab Galago as a submodule, and install it (skipping the slow tests) and then you can mvn install
this project (or import to IntelliJ or your favorite IDE).
This is our actual definition of Query Likelihood:
fun QueryLikelihood(terms: List<String>, field: String?=null, statsField: String?=null, mu: Double? = null): QExpr {
return MeanExpr( { DirQLExpr(TextExpr(it, field, statsField), mu) })
See more retrieval models, including SDM in RetrievalModels.kt.
Looking for an exact Wikipedia Title match?
// Do we find the exact phrasing, and do we match the length of the field exactly.
fun generateExactMatchQuery(qterms: List<String>, field: String?=null, statsField: String?=null): QExpr {
return AndExpr(listOf(phraseQuery(qterms, field, statsField), CountEqualsExpr(LengthsExpr(field), qterms.size)))
Want to only allow documents published after the query document?
val time = doc.published_date ?: 0L
assert(time >= 0L)
val publishedBeforeExpr = LongLTE(DenseLongField("published_date"), time)
val countBefore = index.count(publishedBeforeExpr)
val finalExpr = MustExpr(publishedBeforeExpr, query).deepCopy()
This example gives a sense of how to use the index opening and reading API in order to submit queries and write results to a trec file.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val argp = Parameters.parseArgs(args)
val queryFile = argp.get("queryFile", "${System.getenv("HOME")}/code/queries/trec_core/2018-test-topics.txt")
val queries = LoadTrecCoreQueries(queryFile)
val qlOutput = File("umass_ql.trecrun.gz").smartPrinter()
IndexParams().apply {
withPath(File(argp.get("index", defaultWapoIndexPath)))
}.openReader().use { index ->
index.env.defaultDirichletMu = index.getAverageDL(index.defaultField)
for (q in queries.values) {
val titleTerms = index.tokenize(q.title)
println("${q.qid} ${titleTerms.joinToString(separator=" ")}")
val ql = QueryLikelihood(titleTerms)
val (time, scores) = timed {, 10000) }
System.out.printf("\tQL Time: %1.3fs total=%d\n", time, scores.totalHits)
scores.toQueryResults(index, qid = q.qid).outputTrecrun(qlOutput, "umass_ql")
Right now, there is no string-based syntax for these Query Language Nodes. They are all either subclasses of QExpr
or they are functions that select sub-classes of QExpr
(e.g., MeanExpr
is a function that sets up weights in a CombineExpr
). Because there's no new
keyword in Kotlin, they look the same in a query.
To understand this query language, you need to think of search as logically being done in two passes. In the first pass, we collect all the documents that "match" a query, and in the second pass, we score those documents. Some expressions separate these passes explicitly, like MustExpr
and RequireExpr
. Irene is able to optimize these two parts of scoring independently, often leading to much simpler expressions and requirements for document matching even with expensive scoring trees.
ConstScoreExpr(var x: Double)
. This is a constant value - it never matches any documents.ConstCountExpr(var x: Int, val lengths: LengthsExpr)
. This is a constant value - it never matches any documents.ConstBoolExpr(var x: Boolean)
. This is a constant value - it never matches any documents.AlwaysMatchExpr(child: QExpr) = RequireExpr(AlwaysMatchLeaf, child)
. This wrapper ignores whether or notchild
matches any documents and just always considers itself a match. This can be helpful for to extract features for a set of documents no matter what.NeverMatchExpr(child: QExpr) = RequireExpr(NeverMatchLeaf, child)
. This wrapper ignores whether or notchild
matches any documents and always returns false -- this can be used to boost document scores, for instance, but never adds to the pool by itself.WhitelistMatchExpr(var docNames: Set<String>? = null, var docIdentifiers: List<Int>? = null)
. This is a so-called "working-set" operation. Given a set of internal or external document identifiers, it only scores those in this subtree.RequireExpr(var cond: QExpr, var value: QExpr)
. ARequireExpr
gives a score fromvalue
sub-expression whencond
matches, regardless of whether thevalue
expression matches.MustExpr(var must: QExpr, var value: QExpr)
. AMustExpr
gives a score from thevalue
sub-expression when bothmust
DenseLongField(val name: String, var missing: Long=0L)
. This gives us access to a named long field in each document.LongLTE(override var child: QExpr, val threshold: Long)
. This gives us the ability to check whether a length or a dense long field is less than or equal to a threshold value.LengthsExpr(var statsField: String?)
. Given a field to draw statistics from, all documents have a length.BoolExpr(field: String, desired: Boolean=true)
. We store boolean values in Lucene'sStringField
with "T" and "F" to store true and false (we can also detect missing this way). So you don't have to remember those constants with aTextEXpr
, we have this node.TextExpr(var text: String, private var field: String? = null, private var statsField: String? = null, var needed: DataNeeded = DataNeeded.DOCS)
. This is the core of any retrieval model: a term (text
) located in a givenfield
, with statistics drawn fromstatsField
. The final fieldneeded
is whether presence, counts, or positions are needed to compute the values derived from this term in your expression -- this is calculated automatically by Irene.LuceneExpr(val rawQuery: String, var query: LuceneQuery? = null )
. Because our primary search system is Lucene, we have the ability to submit Lucene queries in Lucene syntax, and use them at any point in our language. Fill in eitherrawQuery
(and it will be parsed) orLuceneQuery
which is an alias
SynonymExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>)
AndExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>)
OrExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>)
SumExpr(children: List<QExpr>) = CombineExpr(children, { 1.0 })
MeanExpr(children: List<QExpr>) = CombineExpr(children, { 1.0 / children.size.toDouble() })
CombineExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>, var weights: List<Double>)
MultExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>)
MaxExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>)
WeightExpr(override var child: QExpr, var weight: Double = 1.0)
SmallerCountExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>)
OrderedWindowExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>, var step: Int=1)
UnorderedWindowExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>, var width: Int=8)
ProxExpr(override var children: List<QExpr>, var width: Int=8)
CountEqualsExpr(override var child: QExpr, var target: Int)
DirQLExpr(override var child: QExpr, var mu: Double? = null, var stats: CountStats? = null)
AbsoluteDiscountingQLExpr(override var child: QExpr, var delta: Double? = null, var stats: CountStats? = null)
BM25Expr(override var child: QExpr, var b: Double? = null, var k: Double? = null, var stats: CountStats? = null, var extractedIDF: Boolean = false)
CountToScoreExpr(override var child: QExpr)
BoolToScoreExpr(override var child: QExpr, var trueScore: Double=1.0, var falseScore: Double=0.0)
CountToBoolExpr(override var child: QExpr, var gt: Int = 0)