Note: This CHANGELOG is only for the changes in insights operator. Please see OpenShift release notes for official changes
- #347 Gather info about unhealthy SAP pods
- #342 sap license management logs gatherer
- #337 Recorder refactoring that improves maintainability
- #341 Fixes changelog script code styling
- #303 Improve code removing some codesmells
- #352 Do not use context in the recorder
- #336 Disable instead of Degrade in case of gather fails
- #334 Do not create the metrics file in case of any error
- #332 Relax the recent log gatherers to avoid degrading during…
- #329 Remove StatefulSet gatherer & replace it with gathering "cluster-mon…
- #353 Update relatedObjects
- #351 Reduce Gatherer's code complexity
- #350 Remove code duplication that disable the gather
- #348 Do not run gathering when IO is disabled
- #349 Sample archive - update metrics file to contain all the metrics we ga…
- #345 Small clean up and utils reorg
- #306 Introduce parallelism to unit tests
- #305 Some charms to Makefile
- #318 Auto changelog
- #333 Updating ose-insights-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART
- #327 collect invalid resource name error from logs
- #316 Gather list of OLM operator names and versions & minor clean up
- #319 Gather PersistentVolume definition (if any) used in Image registry st…
- #291 Gather SAP configuration (SCC & ClusterRoleBinding)
- #314 collect logs from openshift-sdn-controller pod
- #309 Collect logs from openshift-sdn namespace
- #273 Implemented gathering specific logs from openshift apiserver operator
- #297 Gather netnamespaces network info
- #325 Fixes error metadata gathering
- #320 Monitors how many gatherings failed in a row, and applies degraded status accordingly
- #317 Update the sample archive and remove IP anonymization in clusteropera…
- #323 Updates
- #302 Refactor periodic.go
- #313 Adds docs for using the profiler
- #310 Remove HostSubnet anonymization
- #300 Added changelog file
- #298 Bug 1908400:tests-e2e, increase timeouts, re-add TestArchiveUploadedAndResultsReceived
- #279 Refactoring record and gatherer
- #296 e2e tests - increase timeouts little bit
- #295 Skip TestArchiveUploadedAndResultReceived
- #312 Updating ose-insights-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART
- #285 Upgrade OpenShift & K8s API versions
- #282 Adds github pull request template.
- #255 Diskrecorder simplify the Summary function
- #292 Update initial waiting times and give TestIsIOHealthy more time
- #289 Check context status when checking container is running OK
- #275 Adding a metrics report to IO gatherers
- #270 First check IO container status and optionally delay first gathering
- #281 Fix bug in statefulset gatherer & minor doc fix
- #267 Cleanup clusterOperatorInsights helper function
- #277 Annotate manifests for single-node-developer cluster profile
- #266 Collect complete spec info for cluster operator resources
- #274 Add hostsubnet to sample archive & fix bug in the hostsu…
- #264 Reuse archives & refactor archive checks + some fixes
- #272 Fix clusteroperators serialization
- #271 Init health status metrics to distinguish no report state vs 0 problems
- #268 fix typos in docs and unused variable
- #174 Improve container image collection
- #230 Add IO Architecture doc and metrics sample
- #265 Skip TestArchiveUploadedAndResultReceived
- #257 Separating the gather logic into separate files
- #259 Add IBM Cloud managed annotations to CVO manifests
- #260 Fix TestProxy in clusterauthorizer_test.go
- #249 Update owners list
- #236 Refactor isOperatorDegraded and isOperatorDisabled to operatorConditionCheck
- #196 Add pattern/patterns to TestArchiveContains
- #246 IO archive contains more records of than is the limit
- #223 Gather clusteroperator resources
- #235 add current profile annotations to CVO manifests
- #241 Added TestArchiveUploadedAndResultReceived
- #234 Simplify/generalize host subnet pattern
- #237 Add more verbosity to the tests
- #218 Gather StatefulSet configs from default & openshift namespaces
- #220 Updates the sample archive.
- #225 Fixes policyClient and the corresponding config.
- #173 Increase allowed delay in TestUploadNotDelayedAfterStart
- #192 Gather installplans
- #216 Adds ContainerRuntimeConfig gatherer
- #212 Fix error in default Smart proxy report endpoint
- #211 Take default support instead of rely on existence of config
- #163 Get report from smart-proxy and expose overview as a metric
- #207 Updating ose-insights-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART
- #210 Gather MachineConfigPools
- #209 Add the namespace to the gatherers reports to avoid conflicts
- #142 Report the returned response body to log the error detail from
- #198 IO becomes unhealthy due to a file change
- #200 Gather ServiceAccounts stats from cluster namespaces
- #197 Adds info about sample archive in
- #185 Adds gatherer for PodDistributionBudget
- #184 Limit the maximum number of CSR
- #175 Adds cluster version into the User-Agent header
- #165 Log checker
- #182 Automate TestArchiveContains::HostsSubnet & 2 more
- #178 Updates readme
- #193 Make gen-doc work outside of GOPATH
- #186 Upgrade to k8s 0.18.9
- #183 Gather MachineSet info
- #187 Add new team members to OWNERS
- #188 Do not return CRD not found error, just log it
- #179 Updating Dockerfile baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config
- #177 Collect hostsubnet information
- #171 Add metrics back to archive sample
- #166 Gather VolumeSnapshot CRD
- #176 rename operator container to be more descriptive
- #167 Updating Dockerfile baseimages to mach ocp-build-data config
- #168 handle 201 response from upload
- #161 Updating archive and Generated doc
- #159 Check if insights operator records an event
- #157 TestUploadNotDelayedAfterStart
- #158 Decrease insights secret interval minimal duration
- #155 TestCSRCollected
- #154 Add @natiiix to OWNERS
- #152 Automate 2 BZ tests & generalize TestArchiveContainsFiles
- #148 Limit collection of ALERTS metric to 1000 lines (~500KiB) to avoid unbearably large archives
- #150 Test if files in insights archive have extension set
- #149 TestCollectingAfterDegradingOperator
- #133 Running Red Hat images and crashlooping OpenShift pods should be gathered
- #135 Shorten e2e tests interval
- #144 TestPodLogsCollected fix
- #134 Test pods logs collected - Automate BZ1838973
- #141 Info how to retrieve key and certificate and simple script to do so
- #132 Check also Pod status before enabling Fast upload
- #129 Updating sample data
- #126 limit the size of collected logs
- #119 include node information in every archive
- #125 Collect namespace level cpu and memory metrics
- #124 Make e2e tests more stable
- #115 store pod logs
- #114 Set reasons for conditions
- #117 Skip the initial upload delay
- #99 add json extension
- #113 Gathering Image Pruner configuration
- #102 Stop using service ca from service account token
- #100 Gather image registry config
- #95 Refactoring collector, add Doc and doc generator
- #94 add Martin Kunc to OWNERS
- #93 Increase tests timeout and ignore failing tests
- #86 Collecting config maps
- #90 Specify bugzilla component in OWNERS
- #87 Support for specific http proxy for the service
- #88 Report logs when checkPods is going to fail
- #85 Add test to observe config changes
- #84 Fix reporting duration error and add tests
- #82 add coverage for BZ1753755
- #81 add new test TestClusterDefaultNodeSelector
- #78 Insights operator does not require being in an openshift run-level to function
- #72 Updated base image for insights-operator
- #70 Collect certificates
- #73 Add license
- #77 Insightsclient metrics - small bugfix , added status code '0'.
- #71 Add alexandrevicenzi as code owner
- #65 added TestUnreachableHost
- #68 Update insights-operator to latest library-go
- #69 Only return pods that have been pending more than 2m
- #66 include error message when we are unable to build request
- #62 Add Pavel Tisnovsky into list of repo owners
- #61 added TestOptOutOptIn and moved some code to functions
- #59 Bug 1782151 - override node selector