This is the Roadmap for development. 🎉🎉🎉 Thank you for whatever contribution to one of these features! 🎉🎉🎉
To contribute for the next featues, fork the repo and open a pull request regarding the kanban board progress issues or to do.
The actual goal is to have the first release (1.0.0) with these basic features:
- Blueprint to generate monolitich/microservice app with NestJS basic templates
- Swagger support
- Entity ORM generation for prod database (sql) and dev database (default db is sqlite already configured)
- Basic security management with jwt and oauth2
- Jest e2e tests for server and jhipster e2e client tests
- All subgenerators
Let it free to give advices or tips!
- Running microservice or monolith project
- Default sqlite support already configured
- Import jdl: functional entity-server generator with simple options (no dto, no serviceImpl)
- Typeorm mappings for sql
- Rest API (with headers) compatible with other jhipster implementations
- Cloud Configuration client
- Eureka client (but there are some issues registering zuul routes in jhipster registry app)
- JWT authentication and role base method decorators
- Swagger documentation
- Monolithic generation with client generation (orchestration with dev and prod maven profile)
- Overwrite standard (for every application type) with new instructions for project structure
- Added controller generator (jhipster spring-controller name command)
- Delete unuseful java questions not supported
- Entity generator
- Automatic config in dev profile sqlite db and in prod another sql db
- All user and auth api with jwt integrated in angular ui
- Remove maven with JAVA requirement option
- Add package.json when no client
- Avoid reinsert seed db in restart app using typeORM migration
- Test prod mysql database and update doc with angular/react client
- OAuth2 feature for Okta
- Integration test in the pipeline build
- Remove all java references customizing main app generator
- Needs way more testing of different relations, combinations for entity
- Pipelines migrations from travis to GitHub Actions
- Unit tests for all generators and sonar quality with coverage
- e2e tests for generated project
- Added service generator (jhipster spring-service name command)
- OAuth2 feature for Keycloack
- Encrypt user password in db
- Languages subgenerator support i18n: translate home page for NHipster and remove spring boot resources message
- Jhipster client e2e protractor tests integrated
- Other core/admin jhipster management api
- DTOs based rest api
- Validation
- Add MongoDB support with docker compose and embedded for dev/test
- Upgrade Jhipster 7.0.0 with Vue
- Export json/yaml for swagger to integrate with jhipster gateway
- Elastic Search support
- Search api
- Admin services sending email (for new user and change password api)