Package to demux media-files into single file formats to be used elsewhere.
Video tracks are only supported currently
Developed by Jessie Wilson (2022)
pip install AutomaticDemuxer
If using Linux you must also install MediaInfo
sudo apt install mediainfo
pip uninstall AutomaticDemuxer
Video: Example with callback
from automatic_demuxer import AutoDemuxer
def callback_func(x):
AutoDemuxer will return a dictionary with keys 'output' and 'percent'
"output" will always display the ffmpeg command line output
"percent" will return None if there is no track duration OR when the job hasn't fully started/is finished
"job_pid" will return a pathlike/string of the full path of the output filename
# check if x["percent"] is not none before using output
if x["percent"]:
print(f"do something with {str(x['percent'])}")
demux = AutoDemuxer()
demux.video_demux(file_input=r"fileinput.mkv", callback=callback_func)
Video: Example without callback
When not using callback the FFMPEG output is automatically printed to console in the format of a string. This does not include percentage.
from automatic_demuxer import AutoDemuxer
demux = AutoDemuxer()
Video: Return status
from automatic_demuxer import AutoDemuxer
demux = AutoDemuxer()
# To print the return code
# To print the output file name
# To print a completed status (completed internally by checking the output path name and getting a return code of 0)
# This will return "Ok" or "Error"
String or Pathlike path to input file.
String or Pathlike path to ffmpeg.
Optional: Will raise an error if not found on path or defined
Track number based off of ffmpeg stream selection or mediainfo's 'Stream identifier'.
Optional: Defaults to 0
String to define the output ending suffix.
Optional: Defaults to "_out_"
Bool to insert delay string into filename output if delay is detected.
Optional: Defaults to True
The output extension in the form of a string. e.g. "mkv" or ".mkv"
Optional: Defaults to "mkv"
Log callback progress to a variable instead of printing to console
Optional: Defaults to None
Extension in the form of a string. e.g. "mkv" or "mp4". Default is "mkv", if changed the program will
fall back to what ever extension is selected
Optional: Defaults to "mkv"