- Many people today face psychological problems such as stress, nervous reactions, and depression. These issues often lead to other complications.
- I decided to leverage my programming skills to tackle this problem. How? By developing an app that measures people’s daily and weekly mood levels and recommends books and activities accordingly.
The main working logic of the program is based on PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) questions, which consist of 20 questions. These questions are a reliable source for determining the level of positive and negative effects on a person.
You can answer the 20 questions using a scale from “Very slightly or not at all”(1) to “Extremely”(5). This process takes about 5 minutes. Then, with a special calculation, your negative and positive feelings are determined.
Every evening at 22:00, I send you a link to answer these questions by email. After you enter the link and answer the questions, you can see your positive and negative feelings scores. Also, I recommend books and activities based on your scores.
Your daily results are stored in the database. Then every Sunday at 22:00, your weekly results are emailed to you. And again, suitable books and activities are recommended for you.
- The project has a community space where each user can share their results with everyone and see the results of others. The program has global correspondence where users can correspond with each other instantly.
- Finally, the program can find the sentiment level (“Very Negative”,“Negative”,“Neutral”,“Positive”,“Very Positive”) of text in any language you enter.
- Kafka - A distributed streaming platform.
- CI CD - Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment.
- OAuth2 - Secure authentication.
- JWT - Authentication and registration.
- I18N - Multilingual support (Russian, Azerbaijani, English, German).
- Resilience4J - Resilient and fault-tolerant architecture.
- RabbitMQ - Message queue for operations like email notifications and subscription handling.
- Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana - For powerful search and visualization capabilities.
- Docker/docker-compose - Containerization and orchestration.
- Eureka Service/API Gateway - Service discovery and routing.
- Feign Client - Simplifies HTTP API calls within the microservices.
- Validation - Robust validation mechanisms.
- JPA/PostgreSQL - Database management.
- Spring Mail - Provides functionalities for sending emails.