The :mod:`bidict` library provides several friendly, efficient data structures for working with bidirectional mappings in Python.
:class:`bidict.bidict` is the main bidirectional mapping data structure provided. It allows looking up the value associated with a key, just like a :class:`dict`:
>>> element_by_symbol = bidict({'H': 'hydrogen'})
>>> element_by_symbol['H']
But it also allows looking up the key associated with a value, via the special :attr:`~bidict.BidictBase.inverse` attribute:
>>> element_by_symbol.inverse['hydrogen']
The :attr:`~bidict.BidictBase.inverse` attribute actually references the entire inverse bidirectional mapping:
>>> element_by_symbol
bidict({'H': 'hydrogen'})
>>> element_by_symbol.inverse
bidict({'hydrogen': 'H'})
...which is automatically kept in sync as the original mapping is updated:
>>> element_by_symbol['H'] = 'hydrogène'
>>> element_by_symbol.inverse
bidict({'hydrogène': 'H'})
If you're used to working with :class:`dict`s, you'll feel right at home using :mod:`bidict`:
>>> dir(element_by_symbol) [..., '__getitem__', ..., '__setitem__', ..., 'items', 'keys', ...]
Familiar, concise, Pythonic.
A skeptic writes:
If I want a mapping associating a → b and b → a,
I can just create the dict {a: b, b: a}
Why bother using :mod:`bidict`?
One answer is better ergonomics for maintaining a correct representation. For example, to get the correct length, you'd have to take the number reported by :func:`len` and cut it in half.
But now consider what happens when we need to store a new association, and we try to do so naively:
el_by_sym = {'H': 'hydrogen', 'hydrogen': 'H'}
# Later we need to associate 'H' with a different value
el_by_sym.update({'H': 'hydrogène', 'hydrogène': 'H'} # Too naive
Here is what we're left with:
# el_by_sym:
{'H': 'hydrogène', 'hydrogène': 'H', 'hydrogen': 'H'}
We forgot to look up whether the key and value we wanted to set already had any previous associations and remove them as necessary.
In general, if we want to store the association k ⟷ v, but we may have already stored the associations k ⟷ v′ or k′ ⟷ v, a correct implementation using the single-dict approach would require code like this:
>>> d = {'H': 'hydrogen', 'hydrogen': 'H'}
>>> def update(d, key, val):
... oldval = d.pop(key, object())
... d.pop(oldval, None)
... oldkey = d.pop(val, object())
... d.pop(oldkey, None)
... d.update({key: val, val: key})
>>> update(d, 'H', 'hydrogène')
>>> d == {'H': 'hydrogène', 'hydrogène': 'H'}
With :mod:`bidict`, we can instead just write:
>>> b = bidict({'H': 'hydrogen'})
>>> b['H'] = 'hydrogène'
And :mod:`bidict` takes care of all the fussy details, leaving us with just what we wanted:
>>> b
bidict({'H': 'hydrogène'})
>>> b.inverse
bidict({'hydrogène': 'H'})
Beyond this, consider what would happen if we needed to work with just the keys, values, or items that we have associated.
Since the single-dict approach inserts values as keys into the same dict that it inserts keys into, we'd never be able to tell our keys and values apart.
So iterating over the keys would also yield the values (and vice versa), with no way to tell which was which.
Iterating over the items would yield twice as many as we wanted, with a (v, k) item that we'd have to ignore for each (k, v) item that we expect, and no way to tell which was which.
>>> # Compare the single-dict approach:
>>> set(d.keys()) == {'H', 'hydrogène'} # .keys() also gives values
>>> set(d.values()) == {'H', 'hydrogène'} # .values() also gives keys
>>> # using a bidict:
>>> b.keys() == {'H'} # just the keys
>>> b.values() == {'hydrogène'} # just the values
In short, to model a bidirectional mapping correctly and unambiguously, we need two separate one-directional mappings, one for the forward associations and one for the inverse, that are kept in sync as the associations change.
This is exactly what :mod:`bidict` does under the hood, abstracting it into a clean and ergonomic interface.
:mod:`bidict`'s APIs also provide power, flexibility, and safety, making sure the one-to-one invariant is maintained and inverse mappings are kept consistent, while also helping make sure you don't accidentally :ref:`shoot yourself in the foot <basic-usage:Values Must Be Unique>`.
Besides the standard :class:`bidict.bidict` type, the :mod:`bidict` module provides other bidirectional mapping variants: :class:`~bidict.frozenbidict` and :class:`~bidict.OrderedBidict`.
These and :mod:`bidict`'s other functionality will be covered in later sections.
But first, let's look at a few more details of :doc:`basic-usage`.