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901 lines (642 loc) · 26.1 KB

File metadata and controls

901 lines (642 loc) · 26.1 KB[options,] file [, file ...])[options,] file_array)

Available options:

  • -n: number all output lines


var str = cat('file*.txt');
var str = cat('file1', 'file2');
var str = cat(['file1', 'file2']); // same as above

Returns a ShellString containing the given file, or a concatenated string containing the files if more than one file is given (a new line character is introduced between each file).[dir])

Changes to directory dir for the duration of the script. Changes to home directory if no argument is supplied. Returns a ShellString to indicate success or failure.

s.chmod([options,] octal_mode || octal_string, file)

s.chmod([options,] symbolic_mode, file)

Available options:

  • -v: output a diagnostic for every file processed
  • -c: like verbose, but report only when a change is made
  • -R: change files and directories recursively


chmod(755, '/Users/brandon');
chmod('755', '/Users/brandon'); // same as above
chmod('u+x', '/Users/brandon');
chmod('-R', 'a-w', '/Users/brandon');

Alters the permissions of a file or directory by either specifying the absolute permissions in octal form or expressing the changes in symbols. This command tries to mimic the POSIX behavior as much as possible. Notable exceptions:

  • In symbolic modes, a-r and -r are identical. No consideration is given to the umask.
  • There is no "quiet" option, since default behavior is to run silent.
  • Windows OS uses a very different permission model than POSIX. chmod() does its best on Windows, but there are limits to how file permissions can be set. Note that WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux) does follow POSIX, so cross-platform compatibility should not be a concern there.

Returns a ShellString indicating success or failure.

s.cp([options,] source [, source ...], dest)

s.cp([options,] source_array, dest)

Available options:

  • -f: force (default behavior)
  • -n: no-clobber
  • -u: only copy if source is newer than dest
  • -r, -R: recursive
  • -L: follow symlinks
  • -P: don't follow symlinks
  • -p: preserve file mode, ownership, and timestamps


cp('file1', 'dir1');
cp('-R', 'path/to/dir/', '~/newCopy/');
cp('-Rf', '/tmp/*', '/usr/local/*', '/home/tmp');
cp('-Rf', ['/tmp/*', '/usr/local/*'], '/home/tmp'); // same as above

Copies files. Returns a ShellString indicating success or failure.

s.pushd([options,] [dir | '-N' | '+N'])

Available options:

  • -n: Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories to the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated.
  • -q: Suppresses output to the console.


  • dir: Sets the current working directory to the top of the stack, then executes the equivalent of cd dir.
  • +N: Brings the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs, starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack.
  • -N: Brings the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs, starting with zero) to the top of the list by rotating the stack.


// process.cwd() === '/usr'
pushd('/etc'); // Returns /etc /usr
pushd('+1');   // Returns /usr /etc

Save the current directory on the top of the directory stack and then cd to dir. With no arguments, pushd exchanges the top two directories. Returns an array of paths in the stack.

s.popd([options,] ['-N' | '+N'])

Available options:

  • -n: Suppress the normal directory change when removing directories from the stack, so that only the stack is manipulated.
  • -q: Suppresses output to the console.


  • +N: Removes the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs), starting with zero.
  • -N: Removes the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs), starting with zero.


echo(process.cwd()); // '/usr'
pushd('/etc');       // '/etc /usr'
echo(process.cwd()); // '/etc'
popd();              // '/usr'
echo(process.cwd()); // '/usr'

When no arguments are given, popd removes the top directory from the stack and performs a cd to the new top directory. The elements are numbered from 0, starting at the first directory listed with dirs (i.e., popd is equivalent to popd +0). Returns an array of paths in the stack.

s.dirs([options | '+N' | '-N'])

Available options:

  • -c: Clears the directory stack by deleting all of the elements.
  • -q: Suppresses output to the console.


  • +N: Displays the Nth directory (counting from the left of the list printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero.
  • -N: Displays the Nth directory (counting from the right of the list printed by dirs when invoked without options), starting with zero.

Display the list of currently remembered directories. Returns an array of paths in the stack, or a single path if +N or -N was specified.

See also: pushd, popd

s.find(path [, path ...])



find('src', 'lib');
find(['src', 'lib']); // same as above
find('.').filter(function(file) { return file.match(/\.js$/); });

Returns a ShellString (with array-like properties) of all files (however deep) in the given paths.

The main difference from ls('-R', path) is that the resulting file names include the base directories (e.g., lib/resources/file1 instead of just file1).

s.grep([options,] regex_filter, file [, file ...])

s.grep([options,] regex_filter, file_array)

Available options:

  • -v: Invert regex_filter (only print non-matching lines).
  • -l: Print only filenames of matching files.
  • -i: Ignore case.
  • -n: Print line numbers.


grep('-v', 'GLOBAL_VARIABLE', '*.js');
grep('GLOBAL_VARIABLE', '*.js');

Reads input string from given files and returns a ShellString containing all lines of the @ file that match the given regex_filter.

s.head([{'-n': <num>},] file [, file ...])

s.head([{'-n': <num>},] file_array)

Available options:

  • -n <num>: Show the first <num> lines of the files


var str = head({'-n': 1}, 'file*.txt');
var str = head('file1', 'file2');
var str = head(['file1', 'file2']); // same as above

Read the start of a file. Returns a ShellString.

s.ln([options,] source, dest)

Available options:

  • -s: symlink
  • -f: force


ln('file', 'newlink');
ln('-sf', 'file', 'existing');

Links source to dest. Use -f to force the link, should dest already exist. Returns a ShellString indicating success or failure.[options,] [path, ...])[options,] path_array)

Available options:

  • -R: recursive
  • -A: all files (include files beginning with ., except for . and ..)
  • -L: follow symlinks
  • -d: list directories themselves, not their contents
  • -l: provides more details for each file. Specifically, each file is represented by a structured object with separate fields for file metadata (see fs.Stats). The return value also overrides .toString() to resemble ls -l's output format for human readability, but programmatic usage should depend on the stable object format rather than the .toString() representation.


ls('projs/**/*.js'); // Find all js files recursively in projs
ls('-R', '/users/me', '/tmp');
ls('-R', ['/users/me', '/tmp']); // same as above
ls('-l', 'file.txt'); // { name: 'file.txt', mode: 33188, nlink: 1, ...}

Returns a ShellString (with array-like properties) of all the files in the given path, or files in the current directory if no path is provided.

s.mkdir([options,] dir [, dir ...])

s.mkdir([options,] dir_array)

Available options:

  • -p: full path (and create intermediate directories, if necessary)


mkdir('-p', '/tmp/a/b/c/d', '/tmp/e/f/g');
mkdir('-p', ['/tmp/a/b/c/d', '/tmp/e/f/g']); // same as above

Creates directories. Returns a ShellString indicating success or failure.[options ,] source [, source ...], dest')[options ,] source_array, dest')

Available options:

  • -f: force (default behavior)
  • -n: no-clobber


mv('-n', 'file', 'dir/');
mv('file1', 'file2', 'dir/');
mv(['file1', 'file2'], 'dir/'); // same as above

Moves source file(s) to dest. Returns a ShellString indicating success or failure.


Returns the current directory as a ShellString.

s.rm([options,] file [, file ...])

s.rm([options,] file_array)

Available options:

  • -f: force
  • -r, -R: recursive


rm('-rf', '/tmp/*');
rm('some_file.txt', 'another_file.txt');
rm(['some_file.txt', 'another_file.txt']); // same as above

Removes files. Returns a ShellString indicating success or failure.

s.sed([options,] search_regex, replacement, file [, file ...])

s.sed([options,] search_regex, replacement, file_array)

Available options:

  • -i: Replace contents of file in-place. Note that no backups will be created!


sed('-i', 'PROGRAM_VERSION', 'v0.1.3', 'source.js');

Reads an input string from files, line by line, and performs a JavaScript replace() on each of the lines from the input string using the given search_regex and replacement string or function. Returns the new ShellString after replacement.


Like unix sed, ShellJS sed supports capture groups. Capture groups are specified using the $n syntax:

sed(/(\w+)\s(\w+)/, '$2, $1', 'file.txt');

Also, like unix sed, ShellJS sed runs replacements on each line from the input file (split by '\n') separately, so search_regexes that span more than one line (or include '\n') will not match anything and nothing will be replaced.

s.sort([options,] file [, file ...])

s.sort([options,] file_array)

Available options:

  • -r: Reverse the results
  • -n: Compare according to numerical value


sort('foo.txt', 'bar.txt');
sort('-r', 'foo.txt');

Return the contents of the files, sorted line-by-line as a ShellString. Sorting multiple files mixes their content (just as unix sort does).

s.tail([{'-n': <num>},] file [, file ...])

s.tail([{'-n': <num>},] file_array)

Available options:

  • -n <num>: Show the last <num> lines of files


var str = tail({'-n': 1}, 'file*.txt');
var str = tail('file1', 'file2');
var str = tail(['file1', 'file2']); // same as above

Read the end of a file. Returns a ShellString.


Available expression primaries:

  • '-b', 'path': true if path is a block device
  • '-c', 'path': true if path is a character device
  • '-d', 'path': true if path is a directory
  • '-e', 'path': true if path exists
  • '-f', 'path': true if path is a regular file
  • '-L', 'path': true if path is a symbolic link
  • '-p', 'path': true if path is a pipe (FIFO)
  • '-S', 'path': true if path is a socket


if (test('-d', path)) { /* do something with dir */ };
if (!test('-f', path)) continue; // skip if it's not a regular file

Evaluates expression using the available primaries and returns corresponding boolean value.



Analogous to the redirection operator > in Unix, but works with ShellStrings (such as those returned by cat, grep, etc.). Like Unix redirections, to() will overwrite any existing file! Returns the same ShellString this operated on, to support chaining.




Analogous to the redirect-and-append operator >> in Unix, but works with ShellStrings (such as those returned by cat, grep, etc.). Returns the same ShellString this operated on, to support chaining.

s.touch([options,] file [, file ...])

s.touch([options,] file_array)

Available options:

  • -a: Change only the access time
  • -c: Do not create any files
  • -m: Change only the modification time
  • {'-d': someDate}, {date: someDate}: Use a Date instance (ex. someDate) instead of current time
  • {'-r': file}, {reference: file}: Use file's times instead of current time


touch('-c', 'path/to/file.js');
touch({ '-r': 'referenceFile.txt' }, 'path/to/file.js');
touch({ '-d': new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00'), '-m': true }, 'path/to/file.js');
touch({ date: new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00') }, 'path/to/file.js');

Update the access and modification times of each file to the current time. A file argument that does not exist is created empty, unless -c is supplied. This is a partial implementation of touch(1). Returns a ShellString indicating success or failure.

s.uniq([options,] [input, [output]])

Available options:

  • -i: Ignore case while comparing
  • -c: Prefix lines by the number of occurrences
  • -d: Only print duplicate lines, one for each group of identical lines


uniq('-i', 'foo.txt');
uniq('-cd', 'foo.txt', 'bar.txt');

Filter adjacent matching lines from input. Returns a ShellString.



var nodeExec = which('node');

Searches for command in the system's PATH. On Windows, this uses the PATHEXT variable to append the extension if it's not already executable. Returns a ShellString containing the absolute path to command.


Tests if error occurred in the last command. Returns a truthy value if an error returned, or a falsy value otherwise.

Note: do not rely on the return value to be an error message. If you need the last error message, use the .stderr attribute from the last command's return value instead.


Returns the error code from the last command.

s.xargs([options,], cmd[, cmd_args])

Available options:

  • -I: Next parameter represents to be replaced in cmd_args.
  • -R: Raw piped string ⇒ turn off escaping piped string (by default).

Works as xargs in bash, only -I option is supported."git branch --show-current").xargs(, "dep deploy --branch={}");"git branch --show-current").xargs({ "-I": "§" },, "dep deploy --branch=§");

xarg() by default escapes piped string, this can be off by passing -R option.

@param options Defaults to -I {} @param cmd ShellJS method from {@link ShellReturnValue} @param cmd_args Arguments for cmd @return Result of cmd



Modifies {@link config} for next command in chain. The $() runs next command in silent mode:

// comapre bash
var=$(echo Hi)
echo $var
// with
const var= s.$().echo("Hi");


const branch= s.$().run("git branch --show-current");

s.$("-VF").run("gyt branch --show-current");

s.$("-g").rm("*.tx"); //remove only "*.txt" file

@param options Options

  • "-V": verbose
  • "-S": silent (default)
  • "-F": fatal
  • "-G": glob (evaluate * in paths)
  • to off option(s) use lower-case letters ("-v" no-verbose, "-s" …, …, "-g" noglob)

s.runcmd[, vars][, options])

You can use this function to run executable commands not listed in the shelljs (s namespace). For example (the simplest one):`git branch --show-current`;

…you can also pass variables and function automatically escapes them.

const var= "Hello World";`echo ${var}`;

…alternatively you can use classic function approach:"echo ::var::", { var: "Hello World" });

…this way you can also pass additional options:"echo 'HI'", null, { cwd: "../" });"echo ::var::", { var: "Hi" }, { cwd: "../" });

Internally the child_process.execFileSync is used to execute the command, so use any of the options supported by that function.

By default the function prints the output of the command to stdout. You can use $.is_silent= false or {@link s.$}:

const branch= s.$().run`git branch --show-current`.stdout;

@param command String of command(s) to be executed. Defined patterns (by default /::([^:]+)::/g) will be replaced by actual value. @param vars Arguments for command. @param options Silence and synchronous options. @return Returns {@link ShellString}.


s.runA(cmd[, vars][, options])

Executes the given command asynchronously, the function arguments are the same as for {@link} function except that the child_process.spawn is used internally.

s.runA`git branch --show-current`;
s.runA`echa ${"Hello World"}`;
s.runA("echo ::var::", { var: "Hello World" });
s.runA("echo 'HI'", null, { cwd: "../" });

The function returns a {@link ProcessPromise} object.

const result_a= await s.$().runA("git branch --show-current");

const result_b= await s.$().runA("git branch --show-::var::", { var: "current" }, { silent: true });

const ch= s.$().runA`git branch --show-current`;
ch.child.on("data", echo);

@param command String of command(s) to be executed. Defined patterns (by default /::([^:]+)::/g) will be replaced by actual value. @param vars Arguments for command. @param options Silence and synchronous options. @return Returns {@link ProcessPromise}.

Available options:

  • -p: Promt mode, value is used as question. It is possible to cobine with other options.
  • -s: Make sence to combine only with -p to not show pressed keys (e.g. to prompt password).
  • completions: Make sence to combine only with -p to provide tab suggestion/completions.
  • -d: Returns the stdin till given needle.
  • -n: Choose given number of chars from stdin.

This function mimic read command. So, the function purpose is reading from stdin.

const answer= await $.read({ "-p": "Question" });
const color= await $.read({ "-p": "Your color", completions: [ "red", "green" ] });
if($.isFIFO(0)) await $.read().then(echo.bind(null, "E.g. for reading received input:"));


Holds current nodejsscript version


This is small helper function to determine if current script file was launched as main one.

//nodejsscript main.js

if($.isMain(import.meta)) echo("This is main script");
import 'nomain.js';

if($.isMain(import.meta)) echo("This is NOT main script ⇒ never echo");

This can be helpful for writing importable scripts. It is very similar to __name__ == '__main__'. For this use case, be careful to use $.exit correctly (when the script is imported, you probably don't want to use it).

$.is_silent: boolean

Suppresses all command output if true, except for echo() call.

$.is_verbose: boolean

Will print each executed command to the screen.

$.is_fatal: boolean

If true, the script will throw a JavaScript error when any shell.js command encounters an error. This is analogous to Bash's set -e.

$.glob_options: { is_off: boolean, options: boolean }

  • glob: disable filename expansion (globbing), options for glob.sync()

$.configAssign({ verbose?: boolean, fatal?: boolean, silent?: boolean })

Set multiple options except glob_options with one command.

const { is_verbose, is_fatal }= $;
$.is_silent= true;
const $.configAssign({ verbose: true, silent: false });


Method to check whether script stdin/stdout (0/1) is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) pipe or not.

node pipes.js |# — test by $.isFIFO(1)| node pipes.js # — test by $.isFIFO(0)

…more precisely:

import { stdin, stdout } from "node:process";
echo($.isFIFO(stdin.fd), $.isFIFO(stdout.fd));

⚠️ On Windows it can throw an error (see #42)!


$.api(usage, true)

A wrapper around the lukeed/sade: Smooth (CLI) Operator 🎶 package.

$.xdg: { home, temp, data, config, cache, root, cwd, main }

Returns the directory/file path based on $.xdg.<tag>().



This is a helper motivated to evaluate relative paths from current script file:

const $path= $.pathFromURL(import.meta.url);
echo("Relative path: ", $path`../file.txt`);


Returns the PID of the process. Compare to bash $$ vs $.$. @alias


{@link _env}. Compare to bash $var vs $.env['var']. @alias process.env

$.stdin: { text, json, lines }

Holding stdin when script was executed with pipe.

echo TEST | nodejsscript script.js
echo($.stdin.text());//= "TEST"

…but it can be empty in case of platform specific error (see {@link Dollar.isFIFO $.isFIFO}).


Throws user targeted error

const number= await $.read({ "-p". "Insert a number:" });
if(Number.isNaN(Number(number))) $.error(`Provided text '${number}' is not a number`);

$.exit(code[, ...ignore])

Just an alias for {@link _exit}. Any other argument is ignored, so you can use:

if($.hasArgs("-v", "--version")) $.exit(0, echo("v0.0.1"));


Returns boolean value that script has been executed with given arguments (needles).

if($.hasArgs("-v", "--version")) $.exit(0, echo("v0.0.1"));

echo([as console.log()])

Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()). Internally uses console.log. Stringify inputs except objects and errors in case of $.is_verbose. Supports basic styling, see {@link css}.

const count = 5;
echo('count: %d', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
echo('count:', count);
// Prints: count: 5, to stdout
echo({ count });
// Prints: { count: 5 }, to stdout
echo(new Error("Test"));
// Prints: 'Error: Test', when `config.verbose= false`
echo("%cRed", "color: red");
// Prints 'Red' in red

@param message The text to print. @return Returns processed string with additional utility methods like .to().

echo.use(options, [as echo()])

Similarly to {@link s.echo}, the first argument accepts options string starting with -:

  • -n: Don’t append new line
  • -1/-2: Outputs to stdout/stderr
  • -c: Don’t colorize output (e.g. objects)
  • -P: Outputs objects in prettier format
  • -R/-r: Starts/Ends rewritable mode (for spinners, progress bars, etc.). Mode can be ended with any other echo without -R.
  • -S: silent mode ⇒ just return processed final string (ignores: -1, -2, R)
echo.use("-R", "0%");
// …
echo.use("-r", "100%");
// combination
echo.use("-2cP", { a: "A" });

@param options Available options: -n, -1/-2, -c, -P, -R/-r. @param message The text to print. @return Returns processed string with additional utility methods like .to().



In echo, you can use %c for styling:

echo("%cHello %cWorld!", "color: red", "color: blue");

But, implementation for echo is much more limited. There is no CSS parser, just keywords see css_rules. Internally uses css-in-console - npm.

You can pre-define css class with this method:

const css= echo.css(".red { color: red; }", ".blue { color: blue; }");
echo("%cRed text",;
echo("%cBlue text",;

…there is special style name * which applies to all defined classes:

const css= echo.css("* { font-weight: bold; }", ".red { color: red; }", ".blue { color: blue; }");
echo("%cRed and bold text",;
echo("%cBlue and bold text",;

…there is also helpers (see {@link EchoFunction.format} and {@link EchoFunction.formatWithOptions}) to just return finally formated text:

const css= echo.css`
* { font-weight: bold; }
.red { color: red; }
.blue { color: blue; }
const text= echo.format("%cRed and bold text",;

For further information, see:
- css-in-console - npm
- Styling console output
- Util.format | Node.js v19.1.0 Documentation

echo.format([as echo()])

A helper method returning formated text as it processed by {@link echo}, but not printed into the console. (So infact, it is an alias echo.use("-S", …);) @param message The text to print. @return Returns processed string with additional utility methods like .to().

echo.formatWithOptions([as echo.use()])

A helper method returning formated text as it processed by {@link echo}, but not printed into the console. (So infact, it is an alias echo.use("-S"+…, …);) @param options Available options: -n, -c, -P (these are available, but ignored: -1/-2, -R/-r). @param message The text to print. @return Returns processed string with additional utility methods like .to().


Function similar to Ramda R.pipe. Provides functional way to combine commands/functions.

v=> `Result is: ${v}`,
)(await question("Choose number:"));