- Hello World App
- Intro to Android Studio IDE Environment
- Android project structure
- Gradle as a build system
- Debugging
- Layouts and resources for the UI
- Views and ViewGroups
- Activity Lifecycle and State
- Explicit and Implicit Intents
- Fragment Lifecycle
- Buttons and clickable images
- Input controls
- Menus and pickers
- User Navigation
- Navigation Drawer vs Bottom Navigation
- RecyclerView
- Drawables, styles, and themes
- Material Design
- Resources for adaptive layouts
- Testing your UI with Espresso
- Asynctask and AsyncTaskLoader
- Internet Connection
- Broadcast Receiver
- Services
- 3rd party networking libraries: Retrofit, Volley, Loopj, etc
- Notifications
- Alarms
- Scheduler
- Work Manager
- Data Storage Overview
- Shared preferences
- App Settings
- SQLite Overview
- SQLite CRUD without Room
- Room, LiveData, and View Model
- Architecture Overview : MVP, MVVM, MVC, MVI, etc
- Android Architecture Components
- Deep learning to MVVM Pattern
- Android Jetpack Overview
- Types of tests
- Unit Testing
- Firebase Overview
- Firebase Authentication
- Cloud Firestore
- Crashlytics
- Others
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