Central repository for the server-side installation of Quessly.
Lead maintainer: Buğra Ekuklu
It is a toy-project of mine, containing server-side implementation of a platform called Quessly.
Quessly is a platform, where you can solve, write questions and do examinations as a both student or teacher. It will be supported in mobile platforms, such as iOS and Android, as well as desktop operating systems, Windows and macOS. The platform aims to combine power, mobility and portability of the smartphones and personal computers in the field of education. It is expected to be released in 2021-Q4.
It is empowered by the technologies found in the Elixir ecosystem, and tries to be one of the good examples of it. This application features the following libraries. The list is not exhaustive.
Install the umbrella dependencies, configure the project from the configuration files located in **/config/${ENVIRONMENT}.exs
To scaffold the database and download the databases for reverse IP geocoding, you can use the Mix task.
To give an illustration, we're going to run the unit tests with the following commands.
$ MIX_ENV=test mix deps.get # retrieve the project dependencies
$ MIX_ENV=test mix legion.setup # scaffold database and download
# specific files (such as MaxGeoIP databases)
$ mix test # run ExUnit testing suite
You can build the docs by using ExDoc's Mix task.
$ mix docs
You can run the tests by using the Mix task of ExUnit.
$ mix test --trace # although you can remove the --trace
# flag to show solely failing tests
You can also calculate the code coverage by running the Mix task of ExCoveralls.
$ mix coverage.html --umbrella
An HTML-formatted coverage report will be located in the /coverage
folder after
running the command successfully.
Licensed under Apache-2, see LICENSE.