Welcome to my spot for Powershell related scripts and utils!
DISCLAIMER: The scripts here are made available to you without any express, implied or statutory warranty, not even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or the warranty of title or non-infringement. The entire risk of the use or the results from the use of this script remains with you.
Please make sure to review all scripts code and comments!
| Clear-ListItemsRetentionLabel.ps1 <- Clears the retention label from all library items.
| Clear-ListItemsRetentionLabelPnP.ps1 <- Clears the retention label from all library items (PnP based).
| Enforce-MajorVersionLimit.ps1 <- Enforces major versions limit on all library files (PnP based).
| Remove-ModulesOldVersions.ps1 <- Script to uninstall old modules versions.
\---Yammer (Viva Engage)
Resolve-NMCannotOpenFile.ps1 <- Resolves can't open file in native mode migration.
Resolve-NMExistingFiles.ps1 <- Resolves file already exists in Sharepoint on native mode migration.
Resolve-NMFilenameConflits.ps1 <- Resolves invalid characters conflit in filename, for native mode.
Resolve-NMOrphanFiles.ps1 <- Resolves orphan files for native mode migration.