The main usage of this image is to build julia on windows.
Use cmd /C ver
to check your windows version and make sure it is >= 20H2 (10.0.19042.1826)
Or you need to build an image that matches your windows version.
# Pull && Run container
docker pull woclass/msys2-mingw-w64
docker run -it --cpus="8" --memory=16G woclass/msys2-mingw-w64
# Clone julia
git clone
cd julia
# Cross-compiling with MINGW64 by default
make O=julia-docker-mingw64 configure
make -C julia-docker-mingw64 -j 8
- If you want to run test in docker, you may set a large memory limit.
Maybe5~6 GB / per CPU core
cd msys2-mingw-w64
docker build -t msys2-mingw-w64 .
# Or choose an another windows version:
docker build --build-arg WIN_VERSION=ltsc2022 -t msys2-mingw-w64 .
# Or use mirrors:
docker build --build-arg MSYS2_DOWNLOAD_URL= -t msys2-mingw-w64 .
cmake diffutils git m4 make patch tar p7zip curl python3
# mingw64 toolchain
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-fortran
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The repo is distributed under the terms of Unlicense (public domain) OR MIT License.