diff --git a/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/BlockSupplier.java b/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/BlockSupplier.java
index 397191e5f..067449097 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/BlockSupplier.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/BlockSupplier.java
@@ -153,11 +153,7 @@ default < U extends NativeType< U > > BlockSupplier< U > andThen( UnaryBlockOper
default < U extends NativeType< U > > BlockSupplier< U > andThen( Function< BlockSupplier< T >, UnaryBlockOperator< T, U > > function )
- final UnaryBlockOperator< T, U > op = function.apply( this );
- if ( op instanceof NoOpUnaryBlockOperator )
- return Cast.unchecked( this );
- else
- return new ConcatenatedBlockSupplier<>( this.independentCopy(), op );
+ return andThen( function.apply( this ) );
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/Convolve.java b/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/Convolve.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..430d05c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/Convolve.java
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+package net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.convolve;
+import static net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.ClampType.NONE;
+import static net.imglib2.type.PrimitiveType.FLOAT;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.BlockSupplier;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.ClampType;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.ComputationType;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.DefaultUnaryBlockOperator;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.UnaryBlockOperator;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.convolve.ConvolveProcessors.ConvolveDouble;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.convolve.ConvolveProcessors.ConvolveFloat;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.convolution.kernel.Kernel1D;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.gauss3.Gauss3;
+import net.imglib2.type.NativeType;
+import net.imglib2.type.PrimitiveType;
+import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType;
+import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType;
+import net.imglib2.util.Util;
+ * Separable convolution.
+ *
+ * Supported types are {@code UnsignedByteType}, {@code UnsignedShortType},
+ * {@code UnsignedIntType}, {@code ByteType}, {@code ShortType}, {@code
+ * IntType}, {@code LongType}, {@code FloatType}, {@code DoubleType}).
+ *
+ * For {@code T} other than {@code DoubleType} or {@code FloatType}, the input
+ * will be converted to float/double for computation and the result converted
+ * back to {@code T}. To avoid unnecessary conversions, if you want the result
+ * as {@code FloatType} then you should explicitly convert to {@code FloatType}
+ * before applying the convolve operator.
+ * This code:
+ *
+ * RandomAccessible< UnsignedByteType > input;
+ * BlockSupplier< FloatType > convolved = BlockSupplier.of( input )
+ * .andThen( Convert.convert( new FloatType() ) )
+ * .andThen( Convolve.convolve( kernels ) );
+ * }
+ * avoids loss of precision and is more efficient than
+ * {@code
+ * RandomAccessible< UnsignedByteType > input;
+ * BlockSupplier< FloatType > convolved = BlockSupplier.of( input )
+ * .andThen( Convolve.convolve( kernels ) )
+ * .andThen( Convert.convert( new FloatType() ) );
+ * }
+ *
+ */
+public class Convolve
+ /**
+ * Convolve blocks of the standard ImgLib2 {@code RealType}s with a Gaussian kernel.
+ *
+ * Precision for intermediate values is chosen as to represent the
+ * input/output type without loss of precision. That is, {@code FLOAT} for
+ * u8, i8, u16, i16, i32, f32, and otherwise {@code DOUBLE} for u32, i64,
+ * f64.
+ *
+ * The returned factory function creates an operator matching the
+ * type and dimensionality of a given input {@code BlockSupplier}.
+ *
+ * @param sigma
+ * sigmas in each dimension. if the image has fewer or more dimensions
+ * than values given, values will be truncated or the final value
+ * repeated as necessary.
+ * @param
+ * the input/output type
+ *
+ * @return factory for {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to convolve blocks of type {@code T}
+ */
+ public static < T extends NativeType< T > >
+ Function< BlockSupplier< T >, UnaryBlockOperator< T, T > > gauss( final double... sigma )
+ {
+ return gauss( ComputationType.AUTO, sigma );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convolve blocks of the standard ImgLib2 {@code RealType}s with a Gaussian kernel.
+ *
+ * The returned factory function creates an operator matching the
+ * type and dimensionality of a given input {@code BlockSupplier}.
+ *
+ * @param computationType
+ * specifies in which precision intermediate values should be
+ * computed. For {@code AUTO}, the type that can represent the
+ * input/output type without loss of precision is picked. That is,
+ * {@code FLOAT} for u8, i8, u16, i16, i32, f32, and otherwise {@code
+ * DOUBLE} for u32, i64, f64.
+ * @param sigma
+ * sigmas in each dimension. if the image has fewer or more dimensions
+ * than values given, values will be truncated or the final value
+ * repeated as necessary.
+ * @param
+ * the input/output type
+ *
+ * @return factory for {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to convolve blocks of type {@code T}
+ */
+ public static < T extends NativeType< T > >
+ Function< BlockSupplier< T >, UnaryBlockOperator< T, T > > gauss( final ComputationType computationType, final double... sigma )
+ {
+ return s -> {
+ final T type = s.getType();
+ final int n = s.numDimensions();
+ return createOperator( type, computationType, ClampType.NONE, gaussKernels( Util.expandArray( sigma, n ) ) );
+ };
+ }
+ static Kernel1D[] gaussKernels( final double[] sigma )
+ {
+ final Kernel1D[] kernels = new Kernel1D[ sigma.length ];
+ for ( int d = 0; d < sigma.length; d++ )
+ if ( sigma[ d ] > 0 )
+ kernels[ d ] = Kernel1D.symmetric( Gauss3.halfkernel( sigma[ d ] ) );
+ return kernels;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to convolve with the given {@code kernels}.
+ * {@code kernels.length} must match the dimensionality of the input images.
+ * If {@code kernels[d]==null}, the convolution for dimension {@code d} is
+ * skipped (equivalent to convolution with the kernel {@code {1}}).
+ *
+ * Supported types are {@code UnsignedByteType}, {@code UnsignedShortType},
+ * {@code UnsignedIntType}, {@code ByteType}, {@code ShortType}, {@code
+ * IntType}, {@code LongType}, {@code FloatType}, {@code DoubleType}).
+ *
+ * @param type
+ * instance of the input type
+ * @param computationType
+ * specifies in which precision intermediate values should be
+ * computed. For {@code AUTO}, the type that can represent the
+ * input/output type without loss of precision is picked. That is,
+ * {@code FLOAT} for u8, i8, u16, i16, i32, f32, and otherwise {@code
+ * DOUBLE} for u32, i64, f64.
+ * @param kernels
+ * kernel to apply in each dimension
+ * @param
+ * the input/output type
+ *
+ * @return {@code UnaryBlockOperator} to downsample blocks of type {@code T}
+ */
+ public static < T extends NativeType< T > >
+ UnaryBlockOperator< T, T > createOperator( final T type, final ComputationType computationType, final ClampType clampType, final Kernel1D[] kernels )
+ {
+ final boolean processAsFloat;
+ switch ( computationType )
+ {
+ case FLOAT:
+ processAsFloat = true;
+ break;
+ case DOUBLE:
+ processAsFloat = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ case AUTO:
+ final PrimitiveType pt = type.getNativeTypeFactory().getPrimitiveType();
+ processAsFloat = pt.equals( FLOAT ) || pt.getByteCount() < FLOAT.getByteCount();
+ break;
+ }
+ final UnaryBlockOperator< ?, ? > op = processAsFloat
+ ? convolveFloat( kernels )
+ : convolveDouble( kernels );
+ return op.adaptSourceType( type, NONE ).adaptTargetType( type, clampType );
+ }
+ private static UnaryBlockOperator< FloatType, FloatType > convolveFloat( final Kernel1D[] kernels )
+ {
+ final FloatType type = new FloatType();
+ final int n = kernels.length;
+ return new DefaultUnaryBlockOperator<>( type, type, n, n, new ConvolveFloat( kernels ) );
+ }
+ private static UnaryBlockOperator< DoubleType, DoubleType > convolveDouble( final Kernel1D[] kernels )
+ {
+ final DoubleType type = new DoubleType();
+ final int n = kernels.length;
+ return new DefaultUnaryBlockOperator<>( type, type, n, n, new ConvolveDouble( kernels ) );
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/ConvolveProcessors.java b/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/ConvolveProcessors.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c5530f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/ConvolveProcessors.java
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+package net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.convolve;
+import static net.imglib2.util.Util.safeInt;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.function.Function;
+import net.imglib2.Interval;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.AbstractBlockProcessor;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.BlockProcessor;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.convolution.kernel.Kernel1D;
+import net.imglib2.blocks.TempArray;
+import net.imglib2.type.PrimitiveType;
+import net.imglib2.util.Cast;
+import net.imglib2.util.Intervals;
+ * Separable convolution
+ */
+class ConvolveProcessors
+ abstract static class AbstractConvolve< T extends AbstractConvolve< T, P >, P > extends AbstractBlockProcessor< P, P >
+ {
+ final P[] kernels;
+ final int[] kernelOffsets;
+ final int[] kernelSizes;
+ final int n;
+ final int[] destSize;
+ // buf indices:
+ // 0 intermediate 0
+ // 1 intermediate 1
+ // 2 src
+ // 3 dest
+ private static final int BUF_AUX0 = 0;
+ private static final int BUF_AUX1 = 1;
+ private static final int BUF_SRC = 2;
+ private static final int BUF_DEST = 3;
+ final int[] fromBuf;
+ final int[] toBuf;
+ final TempArray< P > tempArrayAux0;
+ final TempArray< P > tempArrayAux1;
+ private final int[] ols;
+ private final int[] ils;
+ private final int[] ksteps;
+ private int aux0Length;
+ private int aux1Length;
+ // TODO: make this configurable. provide good default values (probably dependent on data type)
+ private final int bw = 2048;
+ /**
+ * If {@code kernel1Ds[d]==null}, the convolution for dimension {@code d} is
+ * skipped (equivalent to convolution with the kernel {@code {1}}).
+ *
+ * @param kernel1Ds
+ * convolution kernel for each dimension.
+ */
+ AbstractConvolve( final Kernel1D[] kernel1Ds, final Function< Kernel1D, P > extractKernel, final PrimitiveType primitiveType )
+ {
+ super( primitiveType, kernel1Ds.length );
+ n = kernel1Ds.length;
+ kernels = Cast.unchecked( new Object[ n ] );
+ kernelOffsets = new int[ n ];
+ kernelSizes = new int[ n ];
+ for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
+ {
+ final Kernel1D kernel1D = kernel1Ds[ d ];
+ if ( kernel1D != null )
+ {
+ kernels[ d ] = extractKernel.apply( kernel1D );
+ kernelOffsets[ d ] = safeInt( kernel1D.min() );
+ kernelSizes[ d ] = safeInt( kernel1D.size() );
+ }
+ }
+ destSize = new int[ n ];
+ fromBuf = new int[ n ];
+ toBuf = new int[ n ];
+ // find total number of passes to do.
+ final int numPasses = ( int ) Arrays.stream( kernels ).filter( Objects::nonNull ).count();
+ if ( numPasses == 0 )
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+ // if numPasses < 2, we need no intermediate buffer
+ // if numPasses == 2, we need 1 intermediate buffer
+ // if numPasses > 2, we need 2 intermediate buffers
+ // pass 0 reads from src
+ // pass i>0 reads from intermediate (i+1)%2
+ // that is for 4 passes:
+ // pass 0 reads from src
+ // pass 1 reads from intermediate 0
+ // pass 2 reads from intermediate 1
+ // pass 3 reads from intermediate 0
+ // pass i<(numPasses-1) writes to intermediate i%2
+ // pass (numPasses-1) writes to dest
+ // that is for 4 passes:
+ // pass 0 writes to intermediate 0
+ // pass 1 writes to intermediate 1
+ // pass 2 writes to intermediate 0
+ // pass 3 writes to dest
+ // combined, for 4 passes:
+ // pass 0 reads from src, writes to intermediate 0
+ // pass 1 reads from intermediate 0, writes to intermediate 1
+ // pass 2 reads from intermediate 1, writes to intermediate 0
+ // pass 3 reads from intermediate 0, writes to dest
+ int pass = 0;
+ for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
+ {
+ if ( kernels[ d ] != null )
+ {
+ fromBuf[ d ] = ( pass == 0 ) ? BUF_SRC : ( pass + 1 ) % 2;
+ toBuf[ d ] = ( pass == numPasses - 1 ) ? BUF_DEST : pass % 2;
+ ++pass;
+ }
+ }
+ tempArrayAux0 = TempArray.forPrimitiveType( primitiveType );
+ tempArrayAux1 = TempArray.forPrimitiveType( primitiveType );
+ ols = new int[n];
+ ils = new int[n];
+ ksteps = new int[n];
+ }
+ AbstractConvolve( final T convolve )
+ {
+ super( convolve );
+ n = convolve.n;
+ kernels = convolve.kernels;
+ kernelOffsets = convolve.kernelOffsets;
+ kernelSizes = convolve.kernelSizes;
+ destSize = new int[ n ];
+ fromBuf = convolve.fromBuf;
+ toBuf = convolve.toBuf;
+ tempArrayAux0 = convolve.tempArrayAux0.newInstance();
+ tempArrayAux1 = convolve.tempArrayAux1.newInstance();
+ ols = new int[ n ];
+ ils = new int[ n ];
+ ksteps = new int[ n ];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setTargetInterval( final Interval interval )
+ {
+ assert interval.numDimensions() == n;
+ Arrays.setAll( destSize, d -> ( int ) interval.dimension( d ) );
+ Arrays.setAll( sourcePos, d -> ( int ) interval.min( d ) + kernelOffsets[ d ] );
+ aux0Length = 0;
+ aux1Length = 0;
+ System.arraycopy( destSize, 0, sourceSize, 0, n );
+ for ( int d = n - 1; d >= 0; --d )
+ {
+ if ( kernels[ d ] != null )
+ {
+ ils[ d ] = 1;
+ for ( int dd = 0; dd < d + 1; ++dd )
+ ils[ d ] *= sourceSize[ dd ];
+ ols[ d ] = 1;
+ for ( int dd = d + 1; dd < n; ++dd )
+ ols[ d ] *= sourceSize[ dd ];
+ ksteps[ d ] = 1;
+ for ( int dd = 0; dd < d; ++dd )
+ ksteps[ d ] *= sourceSize[ dd ];
+ if ( toBuf[ d ] == BUF_AUX0 )
+ aux0Length = Math.max( aux0Length, safeInt( Intervals.numElements( sourceSize ) ) );
+ else if ( toBuf[ d ] == BUF_AUX1 )
+ aux1Length = Math.max( aux1Length, safeInt( Intervals.numElements( sourceSize ) ) );
+ sourceSize[ d ] += kernelSizes[ d ] - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void compute( final P src, final P dest )
+ {
+ final P aux0 = tempArrayAux0.get( aux0Length );
+ final P aux1 = tempArrayAux1.get( aux1Length );
+ for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
+ {
+ if ( kernels[ d ] != null )
+ {
+ final P source = selectBuf( fromBuf[ d ], src, dest, aux0, aux1 );
+ final P target = selectBuf( toBuf[ d ], src, dest, aux0, aux1 );
+ convolve( source, target, kernels[ d ], ols[ d ], ils[ d ], ksteps[ d ], bw );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private P selectBuf( final int bufId, final P src, final P dest, final P aux0, final P aux1 )
+ {
+ switch ( bufId )
+ {
+ case BUF_AUX0:
+ return aux0;
+ case BUF_AUX1:
+ return aux1;
+ case BUF_SRC:
+ return src;
+ case BUF_DEST:
+ default:
+ return dest;
+ }
+ }
+ // convolve in one dimension (d)
+ // ol: outer loop length
+ // til: inner loop length.
+ // how many target elements we can process in a row until we have to
+ // adjust source/target offset because we skip a few elements to move
+ // to the next line/plane/hyperplane (depending on dimension d).
+ // kstep: when moving to the next kernel element how much to move in the source.
+ // (this depends on the dimension d. TODO: == source stride?)
+ // bw: block width.
+ // Roughly: how many elements to process "in parallel".
+ // The length of the accumulation buffer:
+ // We loop over the kernel once and accumulate kernel[i] * source[?+a] into accumulator[a]
+ // This is NOT the same as the target block width! It will usually be
+ // larger than that because we just let the accumulation loop run across
+ // line/plane/cube boundaries,
+ // TODO: For tuning, we should support different bw for each dimension
+ abstract void convolve(
+ final P source,
+ final P target,
+ final P kernel,
+ final int ol,
+ final int til,
+ final int kstep,
+ final int bw );
+ }
+ private static float[] extractKernelFloat( final Kernel1D k )
+ {
+ final double[] doubles = k.fullKernel();
+ final int length = doubles.length;
+ final float[] result = new float[ length ];
+ for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
+ result[ i ] = ( float ) doubles[ length - 1 - i ];
+ return result;
+ }
+ private static double[] extractKernelDouble( final Kernel1D k )
+ {
+ final double[] doubles = k.fullKernel();
+ final int length = doubles.length;
+ final double[] result = new double[ length ];
+ for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
+ result[ i ] = doubles[ length - 1 - i ];
+ return result;
+ }
+ static class ConvolveDouble extends AbstractConvolve< ConvolveDouble, double[] >
+ {
+ ConvolveDouble( final Kernel1D[] kernel1Ds )
+ {
+ super( kernel1Ds, ConvolveProcessors::extractKernelDouble, PrimitiveType.DOUBLE );
+ }
+ ConvolveDouble( final ConvolveDouble convolve )
+ {
+ super( convolve );
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BlockProcessor< double[], double[] > independentCopy()
+ {
+ return new ConvolveDouble( this );
+ }
+ @Override
+ void convolve(
+ final double[] source,
+ final double[] target,
+ final double[] kernel,
+ final int ol,
+ final int til,
+ final int kstep,
+ final int bw )
+ {
+ final int kl = kernel.length;
+ final int sil = til + ( kl - 1 ) * kstep;
+ final double[] sourceCopy = new double[ bw ];
+ final double[] targetCopy = new double[ bw ];
+ final int nBlocks = ( til - 1 ) / bw + 1;
+ final int trailing = til - ( nBlocks - 1 ) * bw;
+ for ( int o = 0; o < ol; ++o )
+ {
+ final int to = o * til;
+ final int so = o * sil;
+ for ( int b = 0; b < nBlocks; ++b )
+ {
+ final int tob = to + b * bw;
+ final int sob = so + b * bw;
+ final int bwb = ( b == nBlocks - 1 ) ? trailing : bw;
+ Arrays.fill( targetCopy, 0 );
+ for ( int k = 0; k < kl; ++k )
+ {
+ // NB: Copy data to make auto-vectorization happen.
+ // See https://richardstartin.github.io/posts/multiplying-matrices-fast-and-slow
+ System.arraycopy( source, sob + k * kstep, sourceCopy, 0, bwb );
+ line( sourceCopy, targetCopy, bwb, kernel[ k ] );
+ }
+ System.arraycopy( targetCopy, 0, target, tob, bwb );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void line( final double[] source, final double[] target, final int txl, final double v )
+ {
+ for ( int x = 0; x < txl; ++x )
+ // target[ x ] = Math.fma( v, source[ x ], target[ x ] );// TODO: Use Math.fma when moving to Java9+
+ target[ x ] += v * source[ x ];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Separable convolution
+ */
+ static class ConvolveFloat extends AbstractConvolve< ConvolveFloat, float[] >
+ {
+ ConvolveFloat( final Kernel1D[] kernel1Ds )
+ {
+ super( kernel1Ds, ConvolveProcessors::extractKernelFloat, PrimitiveType.FLOAT );
+ }
+ ConvolveFloat( final ConvolveFloat convolve )
+ {
+ super( convolve );
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BlockProcessor< float[], float[] > independentCopy()
+ {
+ return new ConvolveFloat( this );
+ }
+ @Override
+ void convolve(
+ final float[] source,
+ final float[] target,
+ final float[] kernel,
+ final int ol,
+ final int til,
+ final int kstep,
+ final int bw )
+ {
+ final int kl = kernel.length;
+ final int sil = til + ( kl - 1 ) * kstep;
+ final float[] sourceCopy = new float[ bw ];
+ final float[] targetCopy = new float[ bw ];
+ final int nBlocks = ( til - 1 ) / bw + 1;
+ final int trailing = til - ( nBlocks - 1 ) * bw;
+ for ( int o = 0; o < ol; ++o )
+ {
+ final int to = o * til;
+ final int so = o * sil;
+ for ( int b = 0; b < nBlocks; ++b )
+ {
+ final int tob = to + b * bw;
+ final int sob = so + b * bw;
+ final int bwb = ( b == nBlocks - 1 ) ? trailing : bw;
+ Arrays.fill( targetCopy, 0 );
+ for ( int k = 0; k < kl; ++k )
+ {
+ // NB: Copy data to make auto-vectorization happen.
+ // See https://richardstartin.github.io/posts/multiplying-matrices-fast-and-slow
+ System.arraycopy( source, sob + k * kstep, sourceCopy, 0, bwb );
+ line( sourceCopy, targetCopy, bwb, kernel[ k ] );
+ }
+ System.arraycopy( targetCopy, 0, target, tob, bwb );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void line( final float[] source, final float[] target, final int txl, final float v )
+ {
+ for ( int x = 0; x < txl; ++x )
+ // target[ x ] = Math.fma( v, source[ x ], target[ x ] );// TODO: Use Math.fma when moving to Java9+
+ target[ x ] += v * source[ x ];
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/gauss3/Gauss3.java b/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/gauss3/Gauss3.java
index 952d83d5d..2f723252f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/gauss3/Gauss3.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/gauss3/Gauss3.java
@@ -248,23 +248,28 @@ public static < S extends NumericType< S >, T extends NumericType< T > > void ga
public static double[][] halfkernels( final double[] sigma )
- final int n = sigma.length;
- final double[][] halfkernels = new double[ n ][];
- final int[] size = halfkernelsizes( sigma );
- for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
- halfkernels[ i ] = halfkernel( sigma[ i ], size[ i ], true );
+ final double[][] halfkernels = new double[ sigma.length ][];
+ Arrays.setAll( halfkernels, i -> halfkernel( sigma[ i ] ) );
return halfkernels;
public static int[] halfkernelsizes( final double[] sigma )
- final int n = sigma.length;
- final int[] size = new int[ n ];
- for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
- size[ i ] = Math.max( 2, ( int ) ( 3 * sigma[ i ] + 0.5 ) + 1 );
+ final int[] size = new int[ sigma.length ];
+ Arrays.setAll( size, i -> halfkernelsize( sigma[ i ] ) );
return size;
+ public static int halfkernelsize( final double sigma )
+ {
+ return Math.max( 2, ( int ) ( 3 * sigma + 0.5 ) + 1 );
+ }
+ public static double[] halfkernel( final double sigma )
+ {
+ return halfkernel( sigma, halfkernelsize( sigma ), true );
+ }
* Returns a gaussian half kernel with the given sigma and size.
diff --git a/src/test/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/ConvolveBdvPlayground.java b/src/test/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/ConvolveBdvPlayground.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8db6340da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/net/imglib2/algorithm/blocks/convolve/ConvolveBdvPlayground.java
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * #%L
+ * ImgLib2: a general-purpose, multidimensional image processing library.
+ * %%
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024 Tobias Pietzsch, Stephan Preibisch, Stephan Saalfeld,
+ * John Bogovic, Albert Cardona, Barry DeZonia, Christian Dietz, Jan Funke,
+ * Aivar Grislis, Jonathan Hale, Grant Harris, Stefan Helfrich, Mark Hiner,
+ * Martin Horn, Steffen Jaensch, Lee Kamentsky, Larry Lindsey, Melissa Linkert,
+ * Mark Longair, Brian Northan, Nick Perry, Curtis Rueden, Johannes Schindelin,
+ * Jean-Yves Tinevez and Michael Zinsmaier.
+ * %%
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * #L%
+ */
+package net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.convolve;
+import bdv.cache.SharedQueue;
+import bdv.util.Bdv;
+import bdv.util.BdvFunctions;
+import bdv.util.BdvSource;
+import bdv.util.volatiles.VolatileViews;
+import bdv.viewer.DisplayMode;
+import ij.IJ;
+import ij.ImagePlus;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.BlockAlgoUtils;
+import net.imglib2.algorithm.blocks.BlockSupplier;
+import net.imglib2.img.Img;
+import net.imglib2.img.display.imagej.ImageJFunctions;
+import net.imglib2.type.numeric.ARGBType;
+import net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedByteType;
+import net.imglib2.view.Views;
+public class ConvolveBdvPlayground
+ public static void main( String[] args )
+ {
+ System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true");
+ final String fn = "/Users/pietzsch/workspace/data/e002_stack_fused-8bit.tif";
+ final ImagePlus imp = IJ.openImage( fn );
+ final Img< UnsignedByteType > img = ImageJFunctions.wrapByte( imp );
+ final BdvSource bdv = BdvFunctions.show(
+ img,
+ "img",
+ Bdv.options() );
+ bdv.setColor( new ARGBType( 0xffffff ) );
+ bdv.setDisplayRange( 0, 255 );
+ bdv.getBdvHandle().getViewerPanel().setDisplayMode( DisplayMode.SINGLE );
+ final BlockSupplier< UnsignedByteType > blocks = BlockSupplier
+ .of( Views.extendMirrorDouble( img ) )
+ .andThen( Convolve.gauss( 4 ) );
+ final long[] dimensions = img.dimensionsAsLongArray();
+ final int[] cellDimensions = { 64, 64, 64 };
+ final Img< UnsignedByteType > convolved = BlockAlgoUtils.cellImg(
+ blocks,
+ dimensions,
+ cellDimensions );
+ final BdvSource out = BdvFunctions.show(
+ VolatileViews.wrapAsVolatile( convolved, new SharedQueue( 8, 1 ) ),
+ "convolve",
+ Bdv.options()
+ .addTo( bdv )
+ );
+ out.setDisplayRange( 0, 255 );
+ out.setColor( new ARGBType( 0x00ff00 ) );
+ }