Using SOIL. Preferred installation on Ubuntu. install g++ cc opengl
Load SOIL libraries present in src folder using: sudo apt-get install libsoil-dev then compile using: g++ -g source.cpp -lglu32 -lSOIL -lopengl32 -lfreeglut
Description of Flow:
Step 1: Compile the program using cpp compiler linking GLUT, GL, GLU, SOIL. Then run the same.
Step 2: You will be greeted with a loading screen followed by the project introduction. Click next to go to next step
Step 3: A mission-1 Briefing will be given. Click next to go to next step.
Step 4: You will be shown the main menu for the game. • Choosing play will take you step-5. • Choosing instruction will take you to step-11. • Choosing instruction will take you to step-12. • Choosing exit option will terminate the program.
Step 5: The game play for mission-1 starts.
Step 6: If mission-1 is completed, displays mission-1 completed Screen go to step-7. Else If mission-1 is not completed, displays mission-1 not completed Screen go to step-4.
Step 7: Mission-2 briefing is given. Click next when ready to go to step-9.
Step 8: The game play for mission-2 starts.
Step 9: If mission-2 is completed, displays mission-2 completed screen, Go to step-10. Else displays mission-2 not completed Screen go to step-4.
Step 10: Display mission-2 completed screen. Go to step-4.
Step 11: Display Instructions of the game play. Press esc to go back to step-4.
Step 12: Display High Score of the game play. Press esc to go back to step-4.
FUTURE ENHANCEMENT In future the same project can be enhanced in such a way that we can interact more with the project. We can add new features to change plane models and scenes. New type of bombs can also be added. A vast amount of future work can be possible by following investigations and strategies. More features can be included and can be modified in a more versatile way such that we can let the players shoot enemy planes during mission-1 itself.