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Toy app with infrastructure for a production-ready application

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Quick Shopper

Backend for shopping list app with Lauren, for personal use. Pairs with frontend found here.

This project is a live app I use personally, and I use it as a sandbox for practices like CI/CD, testing, security. For more, see project goals.

Check out API docs with /api-docs endpoint.



Create a PostgreSQL database called 'quickshopper' on your local machine (see db starter scripts). It includes four tables:

  • items: stores the added grocery items. It includes four columns:

    • name (varchar)
    • id (varchar - primary key)
    • note (varchar)
    • count (smallint)
  • completeditems: stores the completed items. It includes four columns, same as above.

  • groceriestemplate: is used to fetch top 10 favorites on app load and to populate the autocomplete search input. It includes two columns:

    • name (varchar - primary key)
    • count (integer - not null)
  • grocerystoremodel: is used to fetch and update store layouts. It includes three columns:

    • id (integer - primary key)
    • name (varchar)
    • categories (jsonb)

Configure the database connection

  • In config/knexFile.js, edit the server credentials

Set environment variables

  • NODE_ENV: set to 'development' or 'production'
  • DATABASE_URL: connection string

Set CI secrets

  • RAINFOREST_API_TOKEN: for visual regression testing
  • SNYK_TOKEN: for security testing
  • HEROKU_API_KEY: for deployment
  • HEROKU_APP_NAME: for deployment
  • HEROKU_EMAIL: for deployment
  • POSTMAN_API_KEY: for functional testing

Project folder structure

  • .github: contains CI/CD workflows
  • config: contains configuration files for knex, swagger, and winston
  • data: contains seed data for the database
  • docker: contains Dockerfiles
  • postman: contains postman collection and schemas for functional testing
  • src: contains app code
  • test: contains unit tests


Start the server

npm run start:dev starts the server on port 3000

Run unit tests

npm run test:dev for verbose output and watch mode

npm run test for CI

Run linter

npm run lint

Remote debugging

Port is exposed through the Procfile. To forward the port, run: heroku ps:forward 9090 -a {{app_name}}

CI/CD pipeline

The CD pipeline consists of development, staging, and production environments. Each push to master will trigger a GitHub action that will run the following:

  1. Security vulnerability checks
  2. Build stage a. Lint checks b. Unit tests, including mock DB and integration-like tests with mock-knex tracker c. Build the app
  3. Deploy to staging environment
  4. Functional tests
  5. Visual regression tests

Email reports are sent for all CI runs, regardless of the status of the run. Once all checks pass, the app is deployed automatically to production.

Note: In addition to the pipeline above, the following security checks are run on a weekly basis: Snyk static scan monitoring and Github Dependabot for dependency security alerts and updates.

Note: There is a Dockerfile to containerize the app, if desired.

Functional testing

Functional tests are run with Postman CLI. Schemas and collections are in the postman folder.

Set environment variables

  • BASE_URL: for testing in different environments
  • ENVIRONMENT: use 'development', 'staging', and 'production' to test in different environments

Set collection variables

  • schema: for schema validation. To generate a schema, run npm run schema and copy the output ./postman/schemas/schema.json content to the collection variable. Note that some of the anyOf definitions and array schemas don't translate properly in Postman, so don't override these. Ex: see groceryStoreModel and updateStoreCategoriesResponseSchema. Also manualy change openapi version to 3.1.0 in the schema file.
  • itemName: random string to use for item name

Run tests

Import the collection into Postman in order to run the tests either manually or with the Postman CLI.

Technologies Used

  • body-parser: Node.js body parsing middleware
  • cors: to provide a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS
  • express: To set up server
  • knex: A SQL query builder in JavaScript
  • pg: PostgreSQL client for Node.js. Uses pure JavaScript
  • nodemon: A development utility that monitors for any changes in the code and automatically restarts the server
  • mock-knex: to unit test controllers
  • eslint: to lint code
  • joi for schema validation
  • swagger for API documentation
  • postman for functional testing
  • Rainforest QA for visual regression testing


All rights reserved.

If I had more time...

  • Granular error responses
  • Add authentication to protect the API
  • Health check endpoint
  • Secure endpoints with input validation (protect against malicious requests)
  • Automate DB migrations (ex: Liquibase)

Note: The CI/CD pipeline adopts an automated zero downtime deployment approach. I realize some enterprises require manual intervention when deploying to higher environments, for example when needing approvals at different stages of the pipeline.


Toy app with infrastructure for a production-ready application





