- As a person interested in investing in cryptocurrencies, I would like to know how the price of the leading cryptocurrencies have changed in the last 5 years
- API Provider - yfinance Link
- Call the download() method provided by the yfinance library
df_ticker_low = yf.download(['BTC-USD' , 'ETH-USD', 'DOGE-USD', 'ADA-USD', 'MATIC-USD'], period='5y', group_by= 'ticker', dtype= object)
Create the dataframe containing the data that has been downloaded from yfinance
Plot a plotly express line graph to display the data in the data frame
fig = px.line(df_closing_prices, y=["BTC", "ETH", "DOGE", "ADA", "MATIC"], title= "Major Crypto's Five Years History & Trend" )