The goal of ML
is to build a model that performs well on new data.
Split the dataset into training set
and testing set
the model on training set
the model on testing set
and evaluate the performance.
% matplotlib inline
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn .datasets import load_boston
from sklearn .model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn .linear_model import LinearRegression
data = load_boston ()
df = pd .DataFrame (data .data , columns = data .feature_names )
df ['target' ] = data .target
# Feature matrix and target vector:
X = df .loc [:, ['RM' , 'LSTAT' , 'PTRATION' ]].values
y = df .loc [:, 'target' ].values
X_train , X_test , y_train , y_test = train_test_split (X , y , random_state = 42 )
= Featue matrix used for training.
= Target vector used for training.
= Feature matrix used for testing.
= Target vector used for evaluation.
Linear Regression Model
# Create model instance:
model = LinearRegression (fit_intercept = True )
# Train the model with training set:
model .fit (X_train , y_train )
Measuring model performance:
# Model performance on train set:
model .score (X_train , y_train )
# Model performance on test set:
model .score (X_test , y_test )
By comparing the model performance on train set
and test set
we can identify overfitting
Model performance on train set
states how well the model is trained.
Model performance on test set
helps us to find well the model is performing on new dataset.