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--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ x86/
@@ -361,5 +362,5 @@ MigrationBackup/
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index 453ed35..9969434 100644
--- a/.openapi-generator/FILES
+++ b/.openapi-generator/FILES
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
@@ -41,6 +42,18 @@ docs/ErrorResponseError.md
@@ -189,6 +202,7 @@ src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/AccountApi.cs
@@ -248,6 +262,17 @@ src/Dropbox.Sign/Model/ErrorResponseError.cs
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--- a/.openapi-generator/VERSION
+++ b/.openapi-generator/VERSION
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 6d253ae..2f43373 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ directory that corresponds to the file you want updated.
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project:
- API version: 3.0.0
-- SDK version: 1.5.0
-- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen
+- SDK version: 1.6.0
+- Generator version: 7.8.0
+- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen
### Building
@@ -42,18 +43,18 @@ Run the following and everything is done for you:
to the OAS file and/or the mustache template files _will be lost_ when you run
this command.
## Frameworks supported
## Dependencies
-- [RestSharp](https://www.nuget.org/packages/RestSharp) - 108.0.1 or later
-- [Json.NET](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/) - 13.0.1 or later
-- [JsonSubTypes](https://www.nuget.org/packages/JsonSubTypes/) - 1.9.0 or later
+- [RestSharp](https://www.nuget.org/packages/RestSharp) - 106.13.0 or later
+- [Json.NET](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Newtonsoft.Json/) - 13.0.2 or later
+- [JsonSubTypes](https://www.nuget.org/packages/JsonSubTypes/) - 1.8.0 or later
- [System.ComponentModel.Annotations](https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.ComponentModel.Annotations) - 5.0.0 or later
## Installation & Usage
### NuGet Package Manager
@@ -74,9 +75,11 @@ webProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
c.Proxy = webProxy;
## Getting Started
using System;
@@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ public class Example
## Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
@@ -137,6 +141,13 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*BulkSendJobApi* | [**BulkSendJobList**](docs/BulkSendJobApi.md#bulksendjoblist) | **GET** /bulk_send_job/list | List Bulk Send Jobs
*EmbeddedApi* | [**EmbeddedEditUrl**](docs/EmbeddedApi.md#embeddedediturl) | **POST** /embedded/edit_url/{template_id} | Get Embedded Template Edit URL
*EmbeddedApi* | [**EmbeddedSignUrl**](docs/EmbeddedApi.md#embeddedsignurl) | **GET** /embedded/sign_url/{signature_id} | Get Embedded Sign URL
+*FaxLineApi* | [**FaxLineAddUser**](docs/FaxLineApi.md#faxlineadduser) | **PUT** /fax_line/add_user | Add Fax Line User
+*FaxLineApi* | [**FaxLineAreaCodeGet**](docs/FaxLineApi.md#faxlineareacodeget) | **GET** /fax_line/area_codes | Get Available Fax Line Area Codes
+*FaxLineApi* | [**FaxLineCreate**](docs/FaxLineApi.md#faxlinecreate) | **POST** /fax_line/create | Purchase Fax Line
+*FaxLineApi* | [**FaxLineDelete**](docs/FaxLineApi.md#faxlinedelete) | **DELETE** /fax_line | Delete Fax Line
+*FaxLineApi* | [**FaxLineGet**](docs/FaxLineApi.md#faxlineget) | **GET** /fax_line | Get Fax Line
+*FaxLineApi* | [**FaxLineList**](docs/FaxLineApi.md#faxlinelist) | **GET** /fax_line/list | List Fax Lines
+*FaxLineApi* | [**FaxLineRemoveUser**](docs/FaxLineApi.md#faxlineremoveuser) | **PUT** /fax_line/remove_user | Remove Fax Line Access
*OAuthApi* | [**OauthTokenGenerate**](docs/OAuthApi.md#oauthtokengenerate) | **POST** /oauth/token | OAuth Token Generate
*OAuthApi* | [**OauthTokenRefresh**](docs/OAuthApi.md#oauthtokenrefresh) | **POST** /oauth/token?refresh | OAuth Token Refresh
*ReportApi* | [**ReportCreate**](docs/ReportApi.md#reportcreate) | **POST** /report/create | Create Report
@@ -183,7 +194,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*UnclaimedDraftApi* | [**UnclaimedDraftEditAndResend**](docs/UnclaimedDraftApi.md#unclaimeddrafteditandresend) | **POST** /unclaimed_draft/edit_and_resend/{signature_request_id} | Edit and Resend Unclaimed Draft
## Documentation for Models
- [Model.AccountCreateRequest](docs/AccountCreateRequest.md)
@@ -220,6 +231,17 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.EventCallbackRequest](docs/EventCallbackRequest.md)
- [Model.EventCallbackRequestEvent](docs/EventCallbackRequestEvent.md)
- [Model.EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata](docs/EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineAddUserRequest](docs/FaxLineAddUserRequest.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineAreaCodeGetCountryEnum](docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetCountryEnum.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineAreaCodeGetProvinceEnum](docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetProvinceEnum.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse](docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineAreaCodeGetStateEnum](docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetStateEnum.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineCreateRequest](docs/FaxLineCreateRequest.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineDeleteRequest](docs/FaxLineDeleteRequest.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineListResponse](docs/FaxLineListResponse.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineRemoveUserRequest](docs/FaxLineRemoveUserRequest.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineResponse](docs/FaxLineResponse.md)
+ - [Model.FaxLineResponseFaxLine](docs/FaxLineResponseFaxLine.md)
- [Model.FileResponse](docs/FileResponse.md)
- [Model.FileResponseDataUri](docs/FileResponseDataUri.md)
- [Model.ListInfoResponse](docs/ListInfoResponse.md)
@@ -360,15 +382,17 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.WarningResponse](docs/WarningResponse.md)
## Documentation for Authorization
+Authentication schemes defined for the API:
### api_key
- **Type**: HTTP basic authentication
### oauth2
- **Type**: Bearer Authentication
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index bc80560..dc1e644 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/docs/AccountApi.md b/docs/AccountApi.md
index 017c8e5..897f4d2 100644
--- a/docs/AccountApi.md
+++ b/docs/AccountApi.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**AccountUpdate**](AccountApi.md#accountupdate) | **PUT** /account | Update Account |
| [**AccountVerify**](AccountApi.md#accountverify) | **POST** /account/verify | Verify Account |
# **AccountCreate**
> AccountCreateResponse AccountCreate (AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **AccountGet**
> AccountGetResponse AccountGet (string? accountId = null, string? emailAddress = null)
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **AccountUpdate**
> AccountGetResponse AccountUpdate (AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **AccountVerify**
> AccountVerifyResponse AccountVerify (AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest)
diff --git a/docs/AccountCreateRequest.md b/docs/AccountCreateRequest.md
index ce037d7..4e1279c 100644
--- a/docs/AccountCreateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/AccountCreateRequest.md
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address which will be associated with the new Account. |
-**ClientId** | **string** | Used when creating a new account with OAuth authorization.
See [OAuth 2.0 Authorization](https://app.hellosign.com/api/oauthWalkthrough#OAuthAuthorization) | [optional]
-**ClientSecret** | **string** | Used when creating a new account with OAuth authorization.
See [OAuth 2.0 Authorization](https://app.hellosign.com/api/oauthWalkthrough#OAuthAuthorization) | [optional]
-**Locale** | **string** | The locale used in this Account. Check out the list of [supported locales](/api/reference/constants/#supported-locales) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional]
+**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address which will be associated with the new Account. | **ClientId** | **string** | Used when creating a new account with OAuth authorization.
See [OAuth 2.0 Authorization](https://app.hellosign.com/api/oauthWalkthrough#OAuthAuthorization) | [optional] **ClientSecret** | **string** | Used when creating a new account with OAuth authorization.
See [OAuth 2.0 Authorization](https://app.hellosign.com/api/oauthWalkthrough#OAuthAuthorization) | [optional] **Locale** | **string** | The locale used in this Account. Check out the list of [supported locales](/api/reference/constants/#supported-locales) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AccountCreateResponse.md b/docs/AccountCreateResponse.md
index 873ccaf..b7a73e6 100644
--- a/docs/AccountCreateResponse.md
+++ b/docs/AccountCreateResponse.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Account** | [**AccountResponse**](AccountResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**OauthData** | [**OAuthTokenResponse**](OAuthTokenResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Account** | [**AccountResponse**](AccountResponse.md) | | **OauthData** | [**OAuthTokenResponse**](OAuthTokenResponse.md) | | [optional] **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AccountGetResponse.md b/docs/AccountGetResponse.md
index ed624a2..1cca9a3 100644
--- a/docs/AccountGetResponse.md
+++ b/docs/AccountGetResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Account** | [**AccountResponse**](AccountResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Account** | [**AccountResponse**](AccountResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AccountResponse.md b/docs/AccountResponse.md
index b26ddb8..2f96724 100644
--- a/docs/AccountResponse.md
+++ b/docs/AccountResponse.md
@@ -4,17 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | The ID of the Account | [optional]
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address associated with the Account. | [optional]
-**IsLocked** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has been locked out of their account by a team admin. | [optional]
-**IsPaidHs** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has a paid Dropbox Sign account. | [optional]
-**IsPaidHf** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has a paid HelloFax account. | [optional]
-**Quotas** | [**AccountResponseQuotas**](AccountResponseQuotas.md) | | [optional]
-**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The URL that Dropbox Sign events will `POST` to. | [optional]
-**RoleCode** | **string** | The membership role for the team. | [optional]
-**TeamId** | **string** | The id of the team account belongs to. | [optional]
-**Locale** | **string** | The locale used in this Account. Check out the list of [supported locales](/api/reference/constants/#supported-locales) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional]
-**Usage** | [**AccountResponseUsage**](AccountResponseUsage.md) | | [optional]
+**AccountId** | **string** | The ID of the Account | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address associated with the Account. | [optional] **IsLocked** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has been locked out of their account by a team admin. | [optional] **IsPaidHs** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has a paid Dropbox Sign account. | [optional] **IsPaidHf** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has a paid HelloFax account. | [optional] **Quotas** | [**AccountResponseQuotas**](AccountResponseQuotas.md) | | [optional] **CallbackUrl** | **string** | The URL that Dropbox Sign events will `POST` to. | [optional] **RoleCode** | **string** | The membership role for the team. | [optional] **TeamId** | **string** | The id of the team account belongs to. | [optional] **Locale** | **string** | The locale used in this Account. Check out the list of [supported locales](/api/reference/constants/#supported-locales) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional] **Usage** | [**AccountResponseUsage**](AccountResponseUsage.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AccountResponseQuotas.md b/docs/AccountResponseQuotas.md
index fae9d23..2e12ea8 100644
--- a/docs/AccountResponseQuotas.md
+++ b/docs/AccountResponseQuotas.md
@@ -5,12 +5,7 @@ Details concerning remaining monthly quotas.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ApiSignatureRequestsLeft** | **int?** | API signature requests remaining. | [optional]
-**DocumentsLeft** | **int?** | Signature requests remaining. | [optional]
-**TemplatesTotal** | **int?** | Total API templates allowed. | [optional]
-**TemplatesLeft** | **int?** | API templates remaining. | [optional]
-**SmsVerificationsLeft** | **int?** | SMS verifications remaining. | [optional]
-**NumFaxPagesLeft** | **int?** | Number of fax pages left | [optional]
+**ApiSignatureRequestsLeft** | **int?** | API signature requests remaining. | [optional] **DocumentsLeft** | **int?** | Signature requests remaining. | [optional] **TemplatesTotal** | **int?** | Total API templates allowed. | [optional] **TemplatesLeft** | **int?** | API templates remaining. | [optional] **SmsVerificationsLeft** | **int?** | SMS verifications remaining. | [optional] **NumFaxPagesLeft** | **int?** | Number of fax pages left | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AccountUpdateRequest.md b/docs/AccountUpdateRequest.md
index 5ff6c69..32ff208 100644
--- a/docs/AccountUpdateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/AccountUpdateRequest.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | The ID of the Account | [optional]
-**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The URL that Dropbox Sign should POST events to. | [optional]
-**Locale** | **string** | The locale used in this Account. Check out the list of [supported locales](/api/reference/constants/#supported-locales) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional]
+**AccountId** | **string** | The ID of the Account | [optional] **CallbackUrl** | **string** | The URL that Dropbox Sign should POST events to. | [optional] **Locale** | **string** | The locale used in this Account. Check out the list of [supported locales](/api/reference/constants/#supported-locales) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AccountVerifyResponse.md b/docs/AccountVerifyResponse.md
index 070df33..3337b0c 100644
--- a/docs/AccountVerifyResponse.md
+++ b/docs/AccountVerifyResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Account** | [**AccountVerifyResponseAccount**](AccountVerifyResponseAccount.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Account** | [**AccountVerifyResponseAccount**](AccountVerifyResponseAccount.md) | | [optional] **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApiAppApi.md b/docs/ApiAppApi.md
index d395eb7..e587a69 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppApi.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppApi.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**ApiAppList**](ApiAppApi.md#apiapplist) | **GET** /api_app/list | List API Apps |
| [**ApiAppUpdate**](ApiAppApi.md#apiappupdate) | **PUT** /api_app/{client_id} | Update API App |
# **ApiAppCreate**
> ApiAppGetResponse ApiAppCreate (ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest)
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **ApiAppDelete**
> void ApiAppDelete (string clientId)
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ void (empty response body)
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# **ApiAppGet**
> ApiAppGetResponse ApiAppGet (string clientId)
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **ApiAppList**
> ApiAppListResponse ApiAppList (int? page = null, int? pageSize = null)
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **ApiAppUpdate**
> ApiAppGetResponse ApiAppUpdate (string clientId, ApiAppUpdateRequest apiAppUpdateRequest)
diff --git a/docs/ApiAppCreateRequest.md b/docs/ApiAppCreateRequest.md
index 7585b73..00307e7 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppCreateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppCreateRequest.md
@@ -4,13 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Domains** | **List<string>** | The domain names the ApiApp will be associated with. |
-**Name** | **string** | The name you want to assign to the ApiApp. |
-**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The URL at which the ApiApp should receive event callbacks. | [optional]
-**CustomLogoFile** | **System.IO.Stream** | An image file to use as a custom logo in embedded contexts. (Only applies to some API plans) | [optional]
-**Oauth** | [**SubOAuth**](SubOAuth.md) | | [optional]
-**Options** | [**SubOptions**](SubOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**WhiteLabelingOptions** | [**SubWhiteLabelingOptions**](SubWhiteLabelingOptions.md) | | [optional]
+**Domains** | **List<string>** | The domain names the ApiApp will be associated with. | **Name** | **string** | The name you want to assign to the ApiApp. | **CallbackUrl** | **string** | The URL at which the ApiApp should receive event callbacks. | [optional] **CustomLogoFile** | **System.IO.Stream** | An image file to use as a custom logo in embedded contexts. (Only applies to some API plans) | [optional] **Oauth** | [**SubOAuth**](SubOAuth.md) | | [optional] **Options** | [**SubOptions**](SubOptions.md) | | [optional] **WhiteLabelingOptions** | [**SubWhiteLabelingOptions**](SubWhiteLabelingOptions.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApiAppGetResponse.md b/docs/ApiAppGetResponse.md
index 95a2b8b..9677b89 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppGetResponse.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppGetResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ApiApp** | [**ApiAppResponse**](ApiAppResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**ApiApp** | [**ApiAppResponse**](ApiAppResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApiAppListResponse.md b/docs/ApiAppListResponse.md
index 041a0c9..c53c3e4 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppListResponse.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppListResponse.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ApiApps** | [**List<ApiAppResponse>**](ApiAppResponse.md) | Contains information about API Apps. | [optional]
-**ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**ApiApps** | [**List<ApiAppResponse>**](ApiAppResponse.md) | Contains information about API Apps. | **ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApiAppResponse.md b/docs/ApiAppResponse.md
index 011ca12..f27ff06 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppResponse.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppResponse.md
@@ -5,16 +5,7 @@ Contains information about an API App.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The app's callback URL (for events) | [optional]
-**ClientId** | **string** | The app's client id | [optional]
-**CreatedAt** | **int** | The time that the app was created | [optional]
-**Domains** | **List<string>** | The domain name(s) associated with the app | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the app | [optional]
-**IsApproved** | **bool** | Boolean to indicate if the app has been approved | [optional]
-**Oauth** | [**ApiAppResponseOAuth**](ApiAppResponseOAuth.md) | | [optional]
-**Options** | [**ApiAppResponseOptions**](ApiAppResponseOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**OwnerAccount** | [**ApiAppResponseOwnerAccount**](ApiAppResponseOwnerAccount.md) | | [optional]
-**WhiteLabelingOptions** | [**ApiAppResponseWhiteLabelingOptions**](ApiAppResponseWhiteLabelingOptions.md) | | [optional]
+**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The app's callback URL (for events) | [optional] **ClientId** | **string** | The app's client id | [optional] **CreatedAt** | **int** | The time that the app was created | [optional] **Domains** | **List<string>** | The domain name(s) associated with the app | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name of the app | [optional] **IsApproved** | **bool** | Boolean to indicate if the app has been approved | [optional] **Oauth** | [**ApiAppResponseOAuth**](ApiAppResponseOAuth.md) | | [optional] **Options** | [**ApiAppResponseOptions**](ApiAppResponseOptions.md) | | [optional] **OwnerAccount** | [**ApiAppResponseOwnerAccount**](ApiAppResponseOwnerAccount.md) | | [optional] **WhiteLabelingOptions** | [**ApiAppResponseWhiteLabelingOptions**](ApiAppResponseWhiteLabelingOptions.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApiAppResponseOAuth.md b/docs/ApiAppResponseOAuth.md
index b8cdfff..cffe890 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppResponseOAuth.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppResponseOAuth.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ An object describing the app's OAuth properties, or null if OAuth is not configu
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The app's OAuth callback URL. | [optional]
-**Secret** | **string** | The app's OAuth secret, or null if the app does not belong to user. | [optional]
-**Scopes** | **List<string>** | Array of OAuth scopes used by the app. | [optional]
-**ChargesUsers** | **bool** | Boolean indicating whether the app owner or the account granting permission is billed for OAuth requests. | [optional]
+**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The app's OAuth callback URL. | [optional] **Secret** | **string** | The app's OAuth secret, or null if the app does not belong to user. | [optional] **Scopes** | **List<string>** | Array of OAuth scopes used by the app. | [optional] **ChargesUsers** | **bool** | Boolean indicating whether the app owner or the account granting permission is billed for OAuth requests. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApiAppResponseOwnerAccount.md b/docs/ApiAppResponseOwnerAccount.md
index 396b83e..eee4afc 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppResponseOwnerAccount.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppResponseOwnerAccount.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ An object describing the app's owner
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | The owner account's ID | [optional]
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The owner account's email address | [optional]
+**AccountId** | **string** | The owner account's ID | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | The owner account's email address | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApiAppResponseWhiteLabelingOptions.md b/docs/ApiAppResponseWhiteLabelingOptions.md
index 8d02219..3f3eb34 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppResponseWhiteLabelingOptions.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppResponseWhiteLabelingOptions.md
@@ -5,20 +5,7 @@ An object with options to customize the app's signer page
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HeaderBackgroundColor** | **string** | | [optional]
-**LegalVersion** | **string** | | [optional]
-**LinkColor** | **string** | | [optional]
-**PageBackgroundColor** | **string** | | [optional]
-**PrimaryButtonColor** | **string** | | [optional]
-**PrimaryButtonColorHover** | **string** | | [optional]
-**PrimaryButtonTextColor** | **string** | | [optional]
-**PrimaryButtonTextColorHover** | **string** | | [optional]
-**SecondaryButtonColor** | **string** | | [optional]
-**SecondaryButtonColorHover** | **string** | | [optional]
-**SecondaryButtonTextColor** | **string** | | [optional]
-**SecondaryButtonTextColorHover** | **string** | | [optional]
-**TextColor1** | **string** | | [optional]
-**TextColor2** | **string** | | [optional]
+**HeaderBackgroundColor** | **string** | | [optional] **LegalVersion** | **string** | | [optional] **LinkColor** | **string** | | [optional] **PageBackgroundColor** | **string** | | [optional] **PrimaryButtonColor** | **string** | | [optional] **PrimaryButtonColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] **PrimaryButtonTextColor** | **string** | | [optional] **PrimaryButtonTextColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] **SecondaryButtonColor** | **string** | | [optional] **SecondaryButtonColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] **SecondaryButtonTextColor** | **string** | | [optional] **SecondaryButtonTextColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] **TextColor1** | **string** | | [optional] **TextColor2** | **string** | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApiAppUpdateRequest.md b/docs/ApiAppUpdateRequest.md
index a689255..cd4888a 100644
--- a/docs/ApiAppUpdateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/ApiAppUpdateRequest.md
@@ -4,13 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The URL at which the API App should receive event callbacks. | [optional]
-**CustomLogoFile** | **System.IO.Stream** | An image file to use as a custom logo in embedded contexts. (Only applies to some API plans) | [optional]
-**Domains** | **List<string>** | The domain names the ApiApp will be associated with. | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name you want to assign to the ApiApp. | [optional]
-**Oauth** | [**SubOAuth**](SubOAuth.md) | | [optional]
-**Options** | [**SubOptions**](SubOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**WhiteLabelingOptions** | [**SubWhiteLabelingOptions**](SubWhiteLabelingOptions.md) | | [optional]
+**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The URL at which the API App should receive event callbacks. | [optional] **CustomLogoFile** | **System.IO.Stream** | An image file to use as a custom logo in embedded contexts. (Only applies to some API plans) | [optional] **Domains** | **List<string>** | The domain names the ApiApp will be associated with. | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name you want to assign to the ApiApp. | [optional] **Oauth** | [**SubOAuth**](SubOAuth.md) | | [optional] **Options** | [**SubOptions**](SubOptions.md) | | [optional] **WhiteLabelingOptions** | [**SubWhiteLabelingOptions**](SubWhiteLabelingOptions.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/BulkSendJobApi.md b/docs/BulkSendJobApi.md
index 25e2c79..050257d 100644
--- a/docs/BulkSendJobApi.md
+++ b/docs/BulkSendJobApi.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**BulkSendJobGet**](BulkSendJobApi.md#bulksendjobget) | **GET** /bulk_send_job/{bulk_send_job_id} | Get Bulk Send Job |
| [**BulkSendJobList**](BulkSendJobApi.md#bulksendjoblist) | **GET** /bulk_send_job/list | List Bulk Send Jobs |
# **BulkSendJobGet**
> BulkSendJobGetResponse BulkSendJobGet (string bulkSendJobId, int? page = null, int? pageSize = null)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **BulkSendJobList**
> BulkSendJobListResponse BulkSendJobList (int? page = null, int? pageSize = null)
diff --git a/docs/BulkSendJobGetResponse.md b/docs/BulkSendJobGetResponse.md
index 8f229a1..9d23309 100644
--- a/docs/BulkSendJobGetResponse.md
+++ b/docs/BulkSendJobGetResponse.md
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**BulkSendJob** | [**BulkSendJobResponse**](BulkSendJobResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**SignatureRequests** | [**List<BulkSendJobGetResponseSignatureRequests>**](BulkSendJobGetResponseSignatureRequests.md) | Contains information about the Signature Requests sent in bulk. | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**BulkSendJob** | [**BulkSendJobResponse**](BulkSendJobResponse.md) | | **ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | **SignatureRequests** | [**List<BulkSendJobGetResponseSignatureRequests>**](BulkSendJobGetResponseSignatureRequests.md) | Contains information about the Signature Requests sent in bulk. | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/BulkSendJobGetResponseSignatureRequests.md b/docs/BulkSendJobGetResponseSignatureRequests.md
index 012dd70..779fdaf 100644
--- a/docs/BulkSendJobGetResponseSignatureRequests.md
+++ b/docs/BulkSendJobGetResponseSignatureRequests.md
@@ -4,31 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TestMode** | **bool?** | Whether this is a test signature request. Test requests have no legal value. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**SignatureRequestId** | **string** | The id of the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the initiator of the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**Title** | **string** | The title the specified Account uses for the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**OriginalTitle** | **string** | Default Label for account. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that was initially sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that was initially sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Object** | The metadata attached to the signature request. | [optional]
-**CreatedAt** | **int** | Time the signature request was created. | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int** | The time when the signature request will expire unsigned signatures. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional]
-**IsComplete** | **bool** | Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been fully executed by all signers. | [optional]
-**IsDeclined** | **bool** | Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been declined by a signer. | [optional]
-**HasError** | **bool** | Whether or not an error occurred (either during the creation of the SignatureRequest or during one of the signings). | [optional]
-**FilesUrl** | **string** | The URL where a copy of the request's documents can be downloaded. | [optional]
-**SigningUrl** | **string** | The URL where a signer, after authenticating, can sign the documents. This should only be used by users with existing Dropbox Sign accounts as they will be required to log in before signing. | [optional]
-**DetailsUrl** | **string** | The URL where the requester and the signers can view the current status of the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | A list of email addresses that were CCed on the SignatureRequest. They will receive a copy of the final PDF once all the signers have signed. | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**FinalCopyUri** | **string** | The path where the completed document can be downloaded | [optional]
-**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Templates IDs used in this SignatureRequest (if any). | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase>**](SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase.md) | An array of Custom Field objects containing the name and type of each custom field.
* Text Field uses `SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldText` * Checkbox Field uses `SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldCheckbox` | [optional]
-**Attachments** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseAttachment>**](SignatureRequestResponseAttachment.md) | Signer attachments. | [optional]
-**ResponseData** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseDataBase>**](SignatureRequestResponseDataBase.md) | An array of form field objects containing the name, value, and type of each textbox or checkmark field filled in by the signers. | [optional]
-**Signatures** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseSignatures>**](SignatureRequestResponseSignatures.md) | An array of signature objects, 1 for each signer. | [optional]
-**BulkSendJobId** | **string** | The id of the BulkSendJob. | [optional]
+**TestMode** | **bool?** | Whether this is a test signature request. Test requests have no legal value. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**SignatureRequestId** | **string** | The id of the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the initiator of the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **Title** | **string** | The title the specified Account uses for the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **OriginalTitle** | **string** | Default Label for account. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that was initially sent to the signers. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that was initially sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Object** | The metadata attached to the signature request. | [optional] **CreatedAt** | **int** | Time the signature request was created. | [optional] **ExpiresAt** | **int** | The time when the signature request will expire unsigned signatures. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional] **IsComplete** | **bool** | Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been fully executed by all signers. | [optional] **IsDeclined** | **bool** | Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been declined by a signer. | [optional] **HasError** | **bool** | Whether or not an error occurred (either during the creation of the SignatureRequest or during one of the signings). | [optional] **FilesUrl** | **string** | The URL where a copy of the request's documents can be downloaded. | [optional] **SigningUrl** | **string** | The URL where a signer, after authenticating, can sign the documents. This should only be used by users with existing Dropbox Sign accounts as they will be required to log in before signing. | [optional] **DetailsUrl** | **string** | The URL where the requester and the signers can view the current status of the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | A list of email addresses that were CCed on the SignatureRequest. They will receive a copy of the final PDF once all the signers have signed. | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **FinalCopyUri** | **string** | The path where the completed document can be downloaded | [optional] **TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Templates IDs used in this SignatureRequest (if any). | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase>**](SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase.md) | An array of Custom Field objects containing the name and type of each custom field.
* Text Field uses `SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldText` * Checkbox Field uses `SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldCheckbox` | [optional] **Attachments** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseAttachment>**](SignatureRequestResponseAttachment.md) | Signer attachments. | [optional] **ResponseData** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseDataBase>**](SignatureRequestResponseDataBase.md) | An array of form field objects containing the name, value, and type of each textbox or checkmark field filled in by the signers. | [optional] **Signatures** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseSignatures>**](SignatureRequestResponseSignatures.md) | An array of signature objects, 1 for each signer. | [optional] **BulkSendJobId** | **string** | The id of the BulkSendJob. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/BulkSendJobListResponse.md b/docs/BulkSendJobListResponse.md
index 1ecc64a..0c353dd 100644
--- a/docs/BulkSendJobListResponse.md
+++ b/docs/BulkSendJobListResponse.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**BulkSendJobs** | [**List<BulkSendJobResponse>**](BulkSendJobResponse.md) | Contains a list of BulkSendJobs that the API caller has access to. | [optional]
-**ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**BulkSendJobs** | [**List<BulkSendJobResponse>**](BulkSendJobResponse.md) | Contains a list of BulkSendJobs that the API caller has access to. | **ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/BulkSendJobResponse.md b/docs/BulkSendJobResponse.md
index 02eff35..6a9e580 100644
--- a/docs/BulkSendJobResponse.md
+++ b/docs/BulkSendJobResponse.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ Contains information about the BulkSendJob such as when it was created and how m
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**BulkSendJobId** | **string** | The id of the BulkSendJob. | [optional]
-**Total** | **int** | The total amount of Signature Requests queued for sending. | [optional]
-**IsCreator** | **bool** | True if you are the owner of this BulkSendJob, false if it's been shared with you by a team member. | [optional]
-**CreatedAt** | **int** | Time that the BulkSendJob was created. | [optional]
+**BulkSendJobId** | **string** | The id of the BulkSendJob. | [optional] **Total** | **int** | The total amount of Signature Requests queued for sending. | [optional] **IsCreator** | **bool** | True if you are the owner of this BulkSendJob, false if it's been shared with you by a team member. | [optional] **CreatedAt** | **int** | Time that the BulkSendJob was created. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/BulkSendJobSendResponse.md b/docs/BulkSendJobSendResponse.md
index dda084a..1649dc4 100644
--- a/docs/BulkSendJobSendResponse.md
+++ b/docs/BulkSendJobSendResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**BulkSendJob** | [**BulkSendJobResponse**](BulkSendJobResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**BulkSendJob** | [**BulkSendJobResponse**](BulkSendJobResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/EmbeddedApi.md b/docs/EmbeddedApi.md
index 9906560..39c38b4 100644
--- a/docs/EmbeddedApi.md
+++ b/docs/EmbeddedApi.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**EmbeddedEditUrl**](EmbeddedApi.md#embeddedediturl) | **POST** /embedded/edit_url/{template_id} | Get Embedded Template Edit URL |
| [**EmbeddedSignUrl**](EmbeddedApi.md#embeddedsignurl) | **GET** /embedded/sign_url/{signature_id} | Get Embedded Sign URL |
# **EmbeddedEditUrl**
> EmbeddedEditUrlResponse EmbeddedEditUrl (string templateId, EmbeddedEditUrlRequest embeddedEditUrlRequest)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **EmbeddedSignUrl**
> EmbeddedSignUrlResponse EmbeddedSignUrl (string signatureId)
diff --git a/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlRequest.md b/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlRequest.md
index 8ebd954..43b4c3e 100644
--- a/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlRequest.md
+++ b/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlRequest.md
@@ -4,16 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AllowEditCcs** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable/disable to add or change CC roles when editing the template. | [optional] [default to false]
-**CcRoles** | **List<string>** | The CC roles that must be assigned when using the template to send a signature request. To remove all CC roles, pass in a single role with no name. For use in a POST request. | [optional]
-**EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**ForceSignerRoles** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template signer roles. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ForceSubjectMessage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template subject and message. | [optional] [default to false]
-**MergeFields** | [**List<SubMergeField>**](SubMergeField.md) | Add additional merge fields to the template, which can be used used to pre-fill data by passing values into signature requests made with that template.
Remove all merge fields on the template by passing an empty array `[]`. | [optional]
-**PreviewOnly** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the preview experience (i.e. does not allow the requester's end user to add any additional fields via the editor).
**NOTE:** This parameter overwrites `show_preview=true` (if set). | [optional] [default to false]
-**ShowPreview** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the editor/preview experience. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, locked templates will only be available for editing if this is set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
+**AllowEditCcs** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable/disable to add or change CC roles when editing the template. | [optional] [default to false]**CcRoles** | **List<string>** | The CC roles that must be assigned when using the template to send a signature request. To remove all CC roles, pass in a single role with no name. For use in a POST request. | [optional] **EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional] **ForceSignerRoles** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template signer roles. | [optional] [default to false]**ForceSubjectMessage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template subject and message. | [optional] [default to false]**MergeFields** | [**List<SubMergeField>**](SubMergeField.md) | Add additional merge fields to the template, which can be used used to pre-fill data by passing values into signature requests made with that template.
Remove all merge fields on the template by passing an empty array `[]`. | [optional] **PreviewOnly** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the preview experience (i.e. does not allow the requester's end user to add any additional fields via the editor).
**NOTE:** This parameter overwrites `show_preview=true` (if set). | [optional] [default to false]**ShowPreview** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the editor/preview experience. | [optional] [default to false]**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, locked templates will only be available for editing if this is set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlResponse.md b/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlResponse.md
index c133ac3..d2c1d5f 100644
--- a/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlResponse.md
+++ b/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Embedded** | [**EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded**](EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Embedded** | [**EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded**](EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded.md b/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded.md
index 92c3336..7750157 100644
--- a/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded.md
+++ b/docs/EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ An embedded template object.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**EditUrl** | **string** | A template url that can be opened in an iFrame. | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int** | The specific time that the the `edit_url` link expires, in epoch. | [optional]
+**EditUrl** | **string** | A template url that can be opened in an iFrame. | [optional] **ExpiresAt** | **int** | The specific time that the the `edit_url` link expires, in epoch. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/EmbeddedSignUrlResponse.md b/docs/EmbeddedSignUrlResponse.md
index 95e2673..2bd6732 100644
--- a/docs/EmbeddedSignUrlResponse.md
+++ b/docs/EmbeddedSignUrlResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Embedded** | [**EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded**](EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Embedded** | [**EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded**](EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded.md b/docs/EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded.md
index 1da5d6b..319edfa 100644
--- a/docs/EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded.md
+++ b/docs/EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ An object that contains necessary information to set up embedded signing.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SignUrl** | **string** | A signature url that can be opened in an iFrame. | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int** | The specific time that the the `sign_url` link expires, in epoch. | [optional]
+**SignUrl** | **string** | A signature url that can be opened in an iFrame. | [optional] **ExpiresAt** | **int** | The specific time that the the `sign_url` link expires, in epoch. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ErrorResponseError.md b/docs/ErrorResponseError.md
index 387d682..13dacc1 100644
--- a/docs/ErrorResponseError.md
+++ b/docs/ErrorResponseError.md
@@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ Contains information about an error that occurred.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ErrorMsg** | **string** | Message describing an error. |
-**ErrorName** | **string** | Name of the error. |
-**ErrorPath** | **string** | Path at which an error occurred. | [optional]
+**ErrorMsg** | **string** | Message describing an error. | **ErrorName** | **string** | Name of the error. | **ErrorPath** | **string** | Path at which an error occurred. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/EventCallbackRequest.md b/docs/EventCallbackRequest.md
index 8f1e5d7..2ff935c 100644
--- a/docs/EventCallbackRequest.md
+++ b/docs/EventCallbackRequest.md
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Event** | [**EventCallbackRequestEvent**](EventCallbackRequestEvent.md) | |
-**Account** | [**AccountResponse**](AccountResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**SignatureRequest** | [**SignatureRequestResponse**](SignatureRequestResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Template** | [**TemplateResponse**](TemplateResponse.md) | | [optional]
+**Event** | [**EventCallbackRequestEvent**](EventCallbackRequestEvent.md) | | **Account** | [**AccountResponse**](AccountResponse.md) | | [optional] **SignatureRequest** | [**SignatureRequestResponse**](SignatureRequestResponse.md) | | [optional] **Template** | [**TemplateResponse**](TemplateResponse.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/EventCallbackRequestEvent.md b/docs/EventCallbackRequestEvent.md
index 98884f1..ca1780a 100644
--- a/docs/EventCallbackRequestEvent.md
+++ b/docs/EventCallbackRequestEvent.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ Basic information about the event that occurred.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**EventTime** | **string** | Time the event was created (using Unix time). |
-**EventType** | **string** | Type of callback event that was triggered. |
-**EventHash** | **string** | Generated hash used to verify source of event data. |
-**EventMetadata** | [**EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata**](EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata.md) | | [optional]
+**EventTime** | **string** | Time the event was created (using Unix time). | **EventType** | **string** | Type of callback event that was triggered. | **EventHash** | **string** | Generated hash used to verify source of event data. | **EventMetadata** | [**EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata**](EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata.md b/docs/EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata.md
index 65ad874..cf78a66 100644
--- a/docs/EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata.md
+++ b/docs/EventCallbackRequestEventMetadata.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ Specific metadata about the event.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**RelatedSignatureId** | **string** | Signature ID for a specific signer. Applicable to `signature_request_signed` and `signature_request_viewed` events. | [optional]
-**ReportedForAccountId** | **string** | Account ID the event was reported for. | [optional]
-**ReportedForAppId** | **string** | App ID the event was reported for. | [optional]
-**EventMessage** | **string** | Message about a declined or failed (due to error) signature flow. | [optional]
+**RelatedSignatureId** | **string** | Signature ID for a specific signer. Applicable to `signature_request_signed` and `signature_request_viewed` events. | [optional] **ReportedForAccountId** | **string** | Account ID the event was reported for. | [optional] **ReportedForAppId** | **string** | App ID the event was reported for. | [optional] **EventMessage** | **string** | Message about a declined or failed (due to error) signature flow. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/FaxLineAddUserRequest.md b/docs/FaxLineAddUserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f89c0de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineAddUserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineAddUserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Number** | **string** | The Fax Line number. | **AccountId** | **string** | Account ID | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | Email address | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/FaxLineApi.md b/docs/FaxLineApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fd57ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Api.FaxLineApi
+All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
+| Method | HTTP request | Description |
+| [**FaxLineAddUser**](FaxLineApi.md#faxlineadduser) | **PUT** /fax_line/add_user | Add Fax Line User |
+| [**FaxLineAreaCodeGet**](FaxLineApi.md#faxlineareacodeget) | **GET** /fax_line/area_codes | Get Available Fax Line Area Codes |
+| [**FaxLineCreate**](FaxLineApi.md#faxlinecreate) | **POST** /fax_line/create | Purchase Fax Line |
+| [**FaxLineDelete**](FaxLineApi.md#faxlinedelete) | **DELETE** /fax_line | Delete Fax Line |
+| [**FaxLineGet**](FaxLineApi.md#faxlineget) | **GET** /fax_line | Get Fax Line |
+| [**FaxLineList**](FaxLineApi.md#faxlinelist) | **GET** /fax_line/list | List Fax Lines |
+| [**FaxLineRemoveUser**](FaxLineApi.md#faxlineremoveuser) | **PUT** /fax_line/remove_user | Remove Fax Line Access |
+# **FaxLineAddUser**
+> FaxLineResponse FaxLineAddUser (FaxLineAddUserRequest faxLineAddUserRequest)
+Add Fax Line User
+Grants a user access to the specified Fax Line.
+### Example
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ var data = new FaxLineAddUserRequest(
+ number: "[FAX_NUMBER]",
+ emailAddress: "member@dropboxsign.com"
+ );
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineAddUser(data);
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+#### Using the FaxLineAddUserWithHttpInfo variant
+This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
+ // Add Fax Line User
+ ApiResponse response = apiInstance.FaxLineAddUserWithHttpInfo(faxLineAddUserRequest);
+ Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
+ Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
+ Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
+catch (ApiException e)
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling FaxLineApi.FaxLineAddUserWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
+| **faxLineAddUserRequest** | [**FaxLineAddUserRequest**](FaxLineAddUserRequest.md) | | |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - * X-RateLimit-Remaining - * X-Ratelimit-Reset - |
+| **4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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+# **FaxLineAreaCodeGet**
+> FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse FaxLineAreaCodeGet (string country, string? state = null, string? province = null, string? city = null)
+Get Available Fax Line Area Codes
+Returns a response with the area codes available for a given state/provice and city.
+### Example
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineAreaCodeGet("US", "CA");
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+#### Using the FaxLineAreaCodeGetWithHttpInfo variant
+This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
+ // Get Available Fax Line Area Codes
+ ApiResponse response = apiInstance.FaxLineAreaCodeGetWithHttpInfo(country, state, province, city);
+ Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
+ Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
+ Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
+catch (ApiException e)
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling FaxLineApi.FaxLineAreaCodeGetWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
+| **country** | **string** | Filter area codes by country. | |
+| **state** | **string?** | Filter area codes by state. | [optional] |
+| **province** | **string?** | Filter area codes by province. | [optional] |
+| **city** | **string?** | Filter area codes by city. | [optional] |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - * X-RateLimit-Remaining - * X-Ratelimit-Reset - |
+| **4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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+# **FaxLineCreate**
+> FaxLineResponse FaxLineCreate (FaxLineCreateRequest faxLineCreateRequest)
+Purchase Fax Line
+Purchases a new Fax Line.
+### Example
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ var data = new FaxLineCreateRequest(
+ areaCode: 209,
+ country: "US"
+ );
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineCreate(data);
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+#### Using the FaxLineCreateWithHttpInfo variant
+This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
+ // Purchase Fax Line
+ ApiResponse response = apiInstance.FaxLineCreateWithHttpInfo(faxLineCreateRequest);
+ Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
+ Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
+ Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
+catch (ApiException e)
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling FaxLineApi.FaxLineCreateWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
+| **faxLineCreateRequest** | [**FaxLineCreateRequest**](FaxLineCreateRequest.md) | | |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - * X-RateLimit-Remaining - * X-Ratelimit-Reset - |
+| **4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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+# **FaxLineDelete**
+> void FaxLineDelete (FaxLineDeleteRequest faxLineDeleteRequest)
+Delete Fax Line
+Deletes the specified Fax Line from the subscription.
+### Example
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ var data = new FaxLineDeleteRequest(
+ number: "[FAX_NUMBER]",
+ );
+ try
+ {
+ faxLineApi.FaxLineDelete(data);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+#### Using the FaxLineDeleteWithHttpInfo variant
+This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
+ // Delete Fax Line
+ apiInstance.FaxLineDeleteWithHttpInfo(faxLineDeleteRequest);
+catch (ApiException e)
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling FaxLineApi.FaxLineDeleteWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
+| **faxLineDeleteRequest** | [**FaxLineDeleteRequest**](FaxLineDeleteRequest.md) | | |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - * X-RateLimit-Remaining - * X-Ratelimit-Reset - |
+| **4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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+# **FaxLineGet**
+> FaxLineResponse FaxLineGet (string number)
+Get Fax Line
+Returns the properties and settings of a Fax Line.
+### Example
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineGet("[FAX_NUMBER]");
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+#### Using the FaxLineGetWithHttpInfo variant
+This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
+ // Get Fax Line
+ ApiResponse response = apiInstance.FaxLineGetWithHttpInfo(number);
+ Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
+ Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
+ Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
+catch (ApiException e)
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling FaxLineApi.FaxLineGetWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
+| **number** | **string** | The Fax Line number. | |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - * X-RateLimit-Remaining - * X-Ratelimit-Reset - |
+| **4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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+# **FaxLineList**
+> FaxLineListResponse FaxLineList (string? accountId = null, int? page = null, int? pageSize = null, bool? showTeamLines = null)
+List Fax Lines
+Returns the properties and settings of multiple Fax Lines.
+### Example
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineList();
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+#### Using the FaxLineListWithHttpInfo variant
+This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
+ // List Fax Lines
+ ApiResponse response = apiInstance.FaxLineListWithHttpInfo(accountId, page, pageSize, showTeamLines);
+ Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
+ Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
+ Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
+catch (ApiException e)
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling FaxLineApi.FaxLineListWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
+| **accountId** | **string?** | Account ID | [optional] |
+| **page** | **int?** | Page | [optional] [default to 1] |
+| **pageSize** | **int?** | Page size | [optional] [default to 20] |
+| **showTeamLines** | **bool?** | Show team lines | [optional] |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - * X-RateLimit-Remaining - * X-Ratelimit-Reset - |
+| **4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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+# **FaxLineRemoveUser**
+> FaxLineResponse FaxLineRemoveUser (FaxLineRemoveUserRequest faxLineRemoveUserRequest)
+Remove Fax Line Access
+Removes a user's access to the specified Fax Line.
+### Example
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ var data = new FaxLineRemoveUserRequest(
+ number: "[FAX_NUMBER]",
+ emailAddress: "member@dropboxsign.com"
+ );
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineRemoveUser(data);
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+#### Using the FaxLineRemoveUserWithHttpInfo variant
+This returns an ApiResponse object which contains the response data, status code and headers.
+ // Remove Fax Line Access
+ ApiResponse response = apiInstance.FaxLineRemoveUserWithHttpInfo(faxLineRemoveUserRequest);
+ Debug.Write("Status Code: " + response.StatusCode);
+ Debug.Write("Response Headers: " + response.Headers);
+ Debug.Write("Response Body: " + response.Data);
+catch (ApiException e)
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling FaxLineApi.FaxLineRemoveUserWithHttpInfo: " + e.Message);
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
+| **faxLineRemoveUserRequest** | [**FaxLineRemoveUserRequest**](FaxLineRemoveUserRequest.md) | | |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | successful operation | * X-RateLimit-Limit - * X-RateLimit-Remaining - * X-Ratelimit-Reset - |
+| **4XX** | failed_operation | - |
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diff --git a/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetCountryEnum.md b/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetCountryEnum.md
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index 0000000..1bb3e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetCountryEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineAreaCodeGetCountryEnum
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetProvinceEnum.md b/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetProvinceEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b06480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetProvinceEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineAreaCodeGetProvinceEnum
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse.md b/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**AreaCodes** | **List<int>** | |
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diff --git a/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetStateEnum.md b/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetStateEnum.md
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+++ b/docs/FaxLineAreaCodeGetStateEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineAreaCodeGetStateEnum
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
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diff --git a/docs/FaxLineCreateRequest.md b/docs/FaxLineCreateRequest.md
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+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineCreateRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**AreaCode** | **int** | Area code | **Country** | **string** | Country | **City** | **string** | City | [optional] **AccountId** | **string** | Account ID | [optional]
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/FaxLineDeleteRequest.md b/docs/FaxLineDeleteRequest.md
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+++ b/docs/FaxLineDeleteRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineDeleteRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Number** | **string** | The Fax Line number. |
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index 0000000..95a4918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineListResponse.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineListResponse
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | **FaxLines** | [**List<FaxLineResponseFaxLine>**](FaxLineResponseFaxLine.md) | | **Warnings** | [**WarningResponse**](WarningResponse.md) | | [optional]
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineRemoveUserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineRemoveUserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Number** | **string** | The Fax Line number. | **AccountId** | **string** | Account ID | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | Email address | [optional]
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineResponse.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineResponse
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**FaxLine** | [**FaxLineResponseFaxLine**](FaxLineResponseFaxLine.md) | | **Warnings** | [**WarningResponse**](WarningResponse.md) | | [optional]
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/FaxLineResponseFaxLine.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Dropbox.Sign.Model.FaxLineResponseFaxLine
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Number** | **string** | Number | [optional] **CreatedAt** | **int** | Created at | [optional] **UpdatedAt** | **int** | Updated at | [optional] **Accounts** | [**List<AccountResponse>**](AccountResponse.md) | | [optional]
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index 3137096..8ce1da0 100644
--- a/docs/FileResponse.md
+++ b/docs/FileResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**FileUrl** | **string** | URL to the file. | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int** | When the link expires. | [optional]
+**FileUrl** | **string** | URL to the file. | **ExpiresAt** | **int** | When the link expires. |
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--- a/docs/FileResponseDataUri.md
+++ b/docs/FileResponseDataUri.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**DataUri** | **string** | File as base64 encoded string. | [optional]
+**DataUri** | **string** | File as base64 encoded string. |
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index cd1983f..59b6e3a 100644
--- a/docs/ListInfoResponse.md
+++ b/docs/ListInfoResponse.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ Contains pagination information about the data returned.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**NumPages** | **int** | Total number of pages available. | [optional]
-**NumResults** | **int?** | Total number of objects available. | [optional]
-**Page** | **int** | Number of the page being returned. | [optional]
-**PageSize** | **int** | Objects returned per page. | [optional]
+**NumPages** | **int** | Total number of pages available. | [optional] **NumResults** | **int?** | Total number of objects available. | [optional] **Page** | **int** | Number of the page being returned. | [optional] **PageSize** | **int** | Objects returned per page. | [optional]
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--- a/docs/OAuthApi.md
+++ b/docs/OAuthApi.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**OauthTokenGenerate**](OAuthApi.md#oauthtokengenerate) | **POST** /oauth/token | OAuth Token Generate |
| [**OauthTokenRefresh**](OAuthApi.md#oauthtokenrefresh) | **POST** /oauth/token?refresh | OAuth Token Refresh |
# **OauthTokenGenerate**
> OAuthTokenResponse OauthTokenGenerate (OAuthTokenGenerateRequest oAuthTokenGenerateRequest)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ No authorization required
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# **OauthTokenRefresh**
> OAuthTokenResponse OauthTokenRefresh (OAuthTokenRefreshRequest oAuthTokenRefreshRequest)
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index 0513db7..04b69bc 100644
--- a/docs/OAuthTokenGenerateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/OAuthTokenGenerateRequest.md
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ClientId** | **string** | The client id of the app requesting authorization. |
-**ClientSecret** | **string** | The secret token of your app. |
-**Code** | **string** | The code passed to your callback when the user granted access. |
-**GrantType** | **string** | When generating a new token use `authorization_code`. | [default to "authorization_code"]
-**State** | **string** | Same as the state you specified earlier. |
+**ClientId** | **string** | The client id of the app requesting authorization. | **ClientSecret** | **string** | The secret token of your app. | **Code** | **string** | The code passed to your callback when the user granted access. | **GrantType** | **string** | When generating a new token use `authorization_code`. | [default to "authorization_code"]**State** | **string** | Same as the state you specified earlier. |
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--- a/docs/OAuthTokenRefreshRequest.md
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@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**GrantType** | **string** | When refreshing an existing token use `refresh_token`. | [default to "refresh_token"]
-**RefreshToken** | **string** | The token provided when you got the expired access token. |
+**GrantType** | **string** | When refreshing an existing token use `refresh_token`. | [default to "refresh_token"]**RefreshToken** | **string** | The token provided when you got the expired access token. |
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index ea11e01..52a0501 100644
--- a/docs/OAuthTokenResponse.md
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@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccessToken** | **string** | | [optional]
-**TokenType** | **string** | | [optional]
-**RefreshToken** | **string** | | [optional]
-**ExpiresIn** | **int** | Number of seconds until the `access_token` expires. Uses epoch time. | [optional]
-**State** | **string** | | [optional]
+**AccessToken** | **string** | | [optional] **TokenType** | **string** | | [optional] **RefreshToken** | **string** | | [optional] **ExpiresIn** | **int** | Number of seconds until the `access_token` expires. Uses epoch time. | [optional] **State** | **string** | | [optional]
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index 7069375..9ea9879 100644
--- a/docs/ReportApi.md
+++ b/docs/ReportApi.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**ReportCreate**](ReportApi.md#reportcreate) | **POST** /report/create | Create Report |
# **ReportCreate**
> ReportCreateResponse ReportCreate (ReportCreateRequest reportCreateRequest)
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index d1c813d..4b02527 100644
--- a/docs/ReportCreateRequest.md
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@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**EndDate** | **string** | The (inclusive) end date for the report data in `MM/DD/YYYY` format. |
-**ReportType** | **List<string>** | The type(s) of the report you are requesting. Allowed values are `user_activity` and `document_status`. User activity reports contain list of all users and their activity during the specified date range. Document status report contain a list of signature requests created in the specified time range (and their status). |
-**StartDate** | **string** | The (inclusive) start date for the report data in `MM/DD/YYYY` format. |
+**EndDate** | **string** | The (inclusive) end date for the report data in `MM/DD/YYYY` format. | **ReportType** | **List<ReportCreateRequest.ReportTypeEnum>** | The type(s) of the report you are requesting. Allowed values are `user_activity` and `document_status`. User activity reports contain list of all users and their activity during the specified date range. Document status report contain a list of signature requests created in the specified time range (and their status). | **StartDate** | **string** | The (inclusive) start date for the report data in `MM/DD/YYYY` format. |
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index 18102c6..a6416fe 100644
--- a/docs/ReportCreateResponse.md
+++ b/docs/ReportCreateResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Report** | [**ReportResponse**](ReportResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Report** | [**ReportResponse**](ReportResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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index fd15b48..9f6aec6 100644
--- a/docs/ReportResponse.md
+++ b/docs/ReportResponse.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ Contains information about the report request.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Success** | **string** | A message indicating the requested operation's success | [optional]
-**StartDate** | **string** | The (inclusive) start date for the report data in MM/DD/YYYY format. | [optional]
-**EndDate** | **string** | The (inclusive) end date for the report data in MM/DD/YYYY format. | [optional]
-**ReportType** | **List<string>** | The type(s) of the report you are requesting. Allowed values are "user_activity" and "document_status". User activity reports contain list of all users and their activity during the specified date range. Document status report contain a list of signature requests created in the specified time range (and their status). | [optional]
+**Success** | **string** | A message indicating the requested operation's success | [optional] **StartDate** | **string** | The (inclusive) start date for the report data in MM/DD/YYYY format. | [optional] **EndDate** | **string** | The (inclusive) end date for the report data in MM/DD/YYYY format. | [optional] **ReportType** | **List<ReportResponse.ReportTypeEnum>** | The type(s) of the report you are requesting. Allowed values are "user_activity" and "document_status". User activity reports contain list of all users and their activity during the specified date range. Document status report contain a list of signature requests created in the specified time range (and their status). | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestApi.md b/docs/SignatureRequestApi.md
index 60f6e1b..c411d0c 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestApi.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestApi.md
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**SignatureRequestSendWithTemplate**](SignatureRequestApi.md#signaturerequestsendwithtemplate) | **POST** /signature_request/send_with_template | Send with Template |
| [**SignatureRequestUpdate**](SignatureRequestApi.md#signaturerequestupdate) | **POST** /signature_request/update/{signature_request_id} | Update Signature Request |
# **SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate**
> BulkSendJobSendResponse SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate (SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest signatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest)
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplate**
> BulkSendJobSendResponse SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplate (SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest signatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest)
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestCancel**
> void SignatureRequestCancel (string signatureRequestId)
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ void (empty response body)
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# **SignatureRequestCreateEmbedded**
> SignatureRequestGetResponse SignatureRequestCreateEmbedded (SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest)
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate**
> SignatureRequestGetResponse SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate (SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest signatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest)
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestFiles**
> System.IO.Stream SignatureRequestFiles (string signatureRequestId, string? fileType = null)
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestFilesAsDataUri**
> FileResponseDataUri SignatureRequestFilesAsDataUri (string signatureRequestId)
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestFilesAsFileUrl**
> FileResponse SignatureRequestFilesAsFileUrl (string signatureRequestId, int? forceDownload = null)
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestGet**
> SignatureRequestGetResponse SignatureRequestGet (string signatureRequestId)
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestList**
> SignatureRequestListResponse SignatureRequestList (string? accountId = null, int? page = null, int? pageSize = null, string? query = null)
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestReleaseHold**
> SignatureRequestGetResponse SignatureRequestReleaseHold (string signatureRequestId)
@@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestRemind**
> SignatureRequestGetResponse SignatureRequestRemind (string signatureRequestId, SignatureRequestRemindRequest signatureRequestRemindRequest)
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestRemove**
> void SignatureRequestRemove (string signatureRequestId)
@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ void (empty response body)
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# **SignatureRequestSend**
> SignatureRequestGetResponse SignatureRequestSend (SignatureRequestSendRequest signatureRequestSendRequest)
@@ -1565,7 +1565,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestSendWithTemplate**
> SignatureRequestGetResponse SignatureRequestSendWithTemplate (SignatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest signatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest)
@@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **SignatureRequestUpdate**
> SignatureRequestGetResponse SignatureRequestUpdate (string signatureRequestId, SignatureRequestUpdateRequest signatureRequestUpdateRequest)
diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md b/docs/SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
index 7feccc8..002d950 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestBulkCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
@@ -4,19 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the template will be used. |
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this embedded signature request. Used for security purposes. |
-**SignerFile** | **System.IO.Stream** | `signer_file` is a CSV file defining values and options for signer fields. Required unless a `signer_list` is used, you may not use both. The CSV can have the following columns:
- `name`: the name of the signer filling the role of RoleName - `email_address`: email address of the signer filling the role of RoleName - `pin`: the 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer's signature page (optional) - `sms_phone_number`: An E.164 formatted phone number that will receive a code via SMS to access this signer's signature page. (optional)
By using the feature, you agree you are responsible for obtaining a signer's consent to receive text messages from Dropbox Sign related to this signature request and confirm you have obtained such consent from all signers prior to enabling SMS delivery for this signature request. [Learn more](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/15815316468877-Dropbox-Sign-SMS-tools-add-on).
**NOTE:** Not available in test mode and requires a Standard plan or higher. - `*_field`: any column with a _field" suffix will be treated as a custom field (optional)
You may only specify field values here, any other options should be set in the custom_fields request parameter.
Example CSV:
``` name, email_address, pin, company_field George, george@example.com, d79a3td, ABC Corp Mary, mary@example.com, gd9as5b, 123 LLC ``` | [optional]
-**SignerList** | [**List<SubBulkSignerList>**](SubBulkSignerList.md) | `signer_list` is an array defining values and options for signer fields. Required unless a `signer_file` is used, you may not use both. | [optional]
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
+**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the template will be used. | **ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this embedded signature request. Used for security purposes. | **SignerFile** | **System.IO.Stream** | `signer_file` is a CSV file defining values and options for signer fields. Required unless a `signer_list` is used, you may not use both. The CSV can have the following columns:
- `name`: the name of the signer filling the role of RoleName - `email_address`: email address of the signer filling the role of RoleName - `pin`: the 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer's signature page (optional) - `sms_phone_number`: An E.164 formatted phone number that will receive a code via SMS to access this signer's signature page. (optional)
By using the feature, you agree you are responsible for obtaining a signer's consent to receive text messages from Dropbox Sign related to this signature request and confirm you have obtained such consent from all signers prior to enabling SMS delivery for this signature request. [Learn more](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/15815316468877-Dropbox-Sign-SMS-tools-add-on).
**NOTE:** Not available in test mode and requires a Standard plan or higher. - `*_field`: any column with a _field" suffix will be treated as a custom field (optional)
You may only specify field values here, any other options should be set in the custom_fields request parameter.
Example CSV:
``` name, email_address, pin, company_field George, george@example.com, d79a3td, ABC Corp Mary, mary@example.com, gd9as5b, 123 LLC ``` | [optional] **SignerList** | [**List<SubBulkSignerList>**](SubBulkSignerList.md) | `signer_list` is an array defining values and options for signer fields. Required unless a `signer_file` is used, you may not use both. | [optional] **AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest.md b/docs/SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest.md
index 8eb63a7..8e10821 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestBulkSendWithTemplateRequest.md
@@ -4,19 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the template will be used. |
-**SignerFile** | **System.IO.Stream** | `signer_file` is a CSV file defining values and options for signer fields. Required unless a `signer_list` is used, you may not use both. The CSV can have the following columns:
- `name`: the name of the signer filling the role of RoleName - `email_address`: email address of the signer filling the role of RoleName - `pin`: the 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer's signature page (optional) - `sms_phone_number`: An E.164 formatted phone number that will receive a code via SMS to access this signer's signature page. (optional)
By using the feature, you agree you are responsible for obtaining a signer's consent to receive text messages from Dropbox Sign related to this signature request and confirm you have obtained such consent from all signers prior to enabling SMS delivery for this signature request. [Learn more](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/15815316468877-Dropbox-Sign-SMS-tools-add-on).
**NOTE:** Not available in test mode and requires a Standard plan or higher. - `*_field`: any column with a _field" suffix will be treated as a custom field (optional)
You may only specify field values here, any other options should be set in the custom_fields request parameter.
Example CSV:
``` name, email_address, pin, company_field George, george@example.com, d79a3td, ABC Corp Mary, mary@example.com, gd9as5b, 123 LLC ``` | [optional]
-**SignerList** | [**List<SubBulkSignerList>**](SubBulkSignerList.md) | `signer_list` is an array defining values and options for signer fields. Required unless a `signer_file` is used, you may not use both. | [optional]
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional]
-**ClientId** | **string** | The client id of the API App you want to associate with this request. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
+**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the template will be used. | **SignerFile** | **System.IO.Stream** | `signer_file` is a CSV file defining values and options for signer fields. Required unless a `signer_list` is used, you may not use both. The CSV can have the following columns:
- `name`: the name of the signer filling the role of RoleName - `email_address`: email address of the signer filling the role of RoleName - `pin`: the 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer's signature page (optional) - `sms_phone_number`: An E.164 formatted phone number that will receive a code via SMS to access this signer's signature page. (optional)
By using the feature, you agree you are responsible for obtaining a signer's consent to receive text messages from Dropbox Sign related to this signature request and confirm you have obtained such consent from all signers prior to enabling SMS delivery for this signature request. [Learn more](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/15815316468877-Dropbox-Sign-SMS-tools-add-on).
**NOTE:** Not available in test mode and requires a Standard plan or higher. - `*_field`: any column with a _field" suffix will be treated as a custom field (optional)
You may only specify field values here, any other options should be set in the custom_fields request parameter.
Example CSV:
``` name, email_address, pin, company_field George, george@example.com, d79a3td, ABC Corp Mary, mary@example.com, gd9as5b, 123 LLC ``` | [optional] **SignerList** | [**List<SubBulkSignerList>**](SubBulkSignerList.md) | `signer_list` is an array defining values and options for signer fields. Required unless a `signer_file` is used, you may not use both. | [optional] **AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional] **ClientId** | **string** | The client id of the API App you want to associate with this request. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest.md b/docs/SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest.md
index 20d996c..babeb4e 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedRequest.md
@@ -4,30 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this embedded signature request. Used for security purposes. |
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Signature Request.
This endpoint requires either **signers** or **grouped_signers**, but not both. | [optional]
-**GroupedSigners** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners>**](SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners.md) | Add Grouped Signers to your Signature Request.
This endpoint requires either **signers** or **grouped_signers**, but not both. | [optional]
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional]
-**CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | The email addresses that should be CCed. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional]
-**FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional]
-**HideTextTags** | **bool** | Enables automatic Text Tag removal when set to true.
**NOTE:** Removing text tags this way can cause unwanted clipping. We recommend leaving this setting on `false` and instead hiding your text tags using white text or a similar approach. See the [Text Tags Walkthrough](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) for more information. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**UseTextTags** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document. Defaults to disabled, or `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**PopulateAutoFillFields** | **bool** | Controls whether [auto fill fields](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051467511-Auto-Fill-Fields) can automatically populate a signer's information during signing.
**NOTE:** Keep your signer's information safe by ensuring that the _signer on your signature request is the intended party_ before using this feature. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional]
+**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this embedded signature request. Used for security purposes. | **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Signature Request.
This endpoint requires either **signers** or **grouped_signers**, but not both. | [optional] **GroupedSigners** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners>**](SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners.md) | Add Grouped Signers to your Signature Request.
This endpoint requires either **signers** or **grouped_signers**, but not both. | [optional] **AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan. | [optional] [default to false]**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional] **CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | The email addresses that should be CCed. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional] **FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional] **FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional] **FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional] **FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional] **HideTextTags** | **bool** | Enables automatic Text Tag removal when set to true.
**NOTE:** Removing text tags this way can cause unwanted clipping. We recommend leaving this setting on `false` and instead hiding your text tags using white text or a similar approach. See the [Text Tags Walkthrough](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) for more information. | [optional] [default to false]**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **UseTextTags** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document. Defaults to disabled, or `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**PopulateAutoFillFields** | **bool** | Controls whether [auto fill fields](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051467511-Auto-Fill-Fields) can automatically populate a signer's information during signing.
**NOTE:** Keep your signer's information safe by ensuring that the _signer on your signature request is the intended party_ before using this feature. | [optional] [default to false]**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md b/docs/SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
index 20a3531..61bab9b 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
@@ -4,21 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the template will be used. |
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this embedded signature request. Used for security purposes. |
-**Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Templated-based Signature Request. |
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | An array defining values and options for custom fields. Required when a custom field exists in the Template. | [optional]
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**PopulateAutoFillFields** | **bool** | Controls whether [auto fill fields](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051467511-Auto-Fill-Fields) can automatically populate a signer's information during signing.
**NOTE:** Keep your signer's information safe by ensuring that the _signer on your signature request is the intended party_ before using this feature. | [optional] [default to false]
+**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the template will be used. | **ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this embedded signature request. Used for security purposes. | **Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Templated-based Signature Request. | **AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | An array defining values and options for custom fields. Required when a custom field exists in the Template. | [optional] **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **PopulateAutoFillFields** | **bool** | Controls whether [auto fill fields](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051467511-Auto-Fill-Fields) can automatically populate a signer's information during signing.
**NOTE:** Keep your signer's information safe by ensuring that the _signer on your signature request is the intended party_ before using this feature. | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestGetResponse.md b/docs/SignatureRequestGetResponse.md
index 6f985fc..b43aebe 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestGetResponse.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestGetResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SignatureRequest** | [**SignatureRequestResponse**](SignatureRequestResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**SignatureRequest** | [**SignatureRequestResponse**](SignatureRequestResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestListResponse.md b/docs/SignatureRequestListResponse.md
index 41c1429..d3cda99 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestListResponse.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestListResponse.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SignatureRequests** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponse>**](SignatureRequestResponse.md) | Contains information about signature requests. | [optional]
-**ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**SignatureRequests** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponse>**](SignatureRequestResponse.md) | Contains information about signature requests. | **ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestRemindRequest.md b/docs/SignatureRequestRemindRequest.md
index 60f2bfa..45ab25c 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestRemindRequest.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestRemindRequest.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer to send a reminder to. |
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the signer to send a reminder to. Include if two or more signers share an email address. | [optional]
+**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer to send a reminder to. | **Name** | **string** | The name of the signer to send a reminder to. Include if two or more signers share an email address. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponse.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponse.md
index 3a36fd4..a21e1fd 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponse.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponse.md
@@ -5,31 +5,7 @@ Contains information about a signature request.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TestMode** | **bool?** | Whether this is a test signature request. Test requests have no legal value. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**SignatureRequestId** | **string** | The id of the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the initiator of the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**Title** | **string** | The title the specified Account uses for the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**OriginalTitle** | **string** | Default Label for account. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that was initially sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that was initially sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Object** | The metadata attached to the signature request. | [optional]
-**CreatedAt** | **int** | Time the signature request was created. | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int** | The time when the signature request will expire unsigned signatures. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional]
-**IsComplete** | **bool** | Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been fully executed by all signers. | [optional]
-**IsDeclined** | **bool** | Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been declined by a signer. | [optional]
-**HasError** | **bool** | Whether or not an error occurred (either during the creation of the SignatureRequest or during one of the signings). | [optional]
-**FilesUrl** | **string** | The URL where a copy of the request's documents can be downloaded. | [optional]
-**SigningUrl** | **string** | The URL where a signer, after authenticating, can sign the documents. This should only be used by users with existing Dropbox Sign accounts as they will be required to log in before signing. | [optional]
-**DetailsUrl** | **string** | The URL where the requester and the signers can view the current status of the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | A list of email addresses that were CCed on the SignatureRequest. They will receive a copy of the final PDF once all the signers have signed. | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**FinalCopyUri** | **string** | The path where the completed document can be downloaded | [optional]
-**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Templates IDs used in this SignatureRequest (if any). | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase>**](SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase.md) | An array of Custom Field objects containing the name and type of each custom field.
* Text Field uses `SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldText` * Checkbox Field uses `SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldCheckbox` | [optional]
-**Attachments** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseAttachment>**](SignatureRequestResponseAttachment.md) | Signer attachments. | [optional]
-**ResponseData** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseDataBase>**](SignatureRequestResponseDataBase.md) | An array of form field objects containing the name, value, and type of each textbox or checkmark field filled in by the signers. | [optional]
-**Signatures** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseSignatures>**](SignatureRequestResponseSignatures.md) | An array of signature objects, 1 for each signer. | [optional]
-**BulkSendJobId** | **string** | The ID of the Bulk Send job which sent the signature request, if applicable. | [optional]
+**TestMode** | **bool?** | Whether this is a test signature request. Test requests have no legal value. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**SignatureRequestId** | **string** | The id of the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the initiator of the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **Title** | **string** | The title the specified Account uses for the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **OriginalTitle** | **string** | Default Label for account. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that was initially sent to the signers. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that was initially sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Object** | The metadata attached to the signature request. | [optional] **CreatedAt** | **int** | Time the signature request was created. | [optional] **ExpiresAt** | **int** | The time when the signature request will expire unsigned signatures. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional] **IsComplete** | **bool** | Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been fully executed by all signers. | [optional] **IsDeclined** | **bool** | Whether or not the SignatureRequest has been declined by a signer. | [optional] **HasError** | **bool** | Whether or not an error occurred (either during the creation of the SignatureRequest or during one of the signings). | [optional] **FilesUrl** | **string** | The URL where a copy of the request's documents can be downloaded. | [optional] **SigningUrl** | **string** | The URL where a signer, after authenticating, can sign the documents. This should only be used by users with existing Dropbox Sign accounts as they will be required to log in before signing. | [optional] **DetailsUrl** | **string** | The URL where the requester and the signers can view the current status of the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | A list of email addresses that were CCed on the SignatureRequest. They will receive a copy of the final PDF once all the signers have signed. | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want the signer redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **FinalCopyUri** | **string** | The path where the completed document can be downloaded | [optional] **TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Templates IDs used in this SignatureRequest (if any). | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase>**](SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase.md) | An array of Custom Field objects containing the name and type of each custom field.
* Text Field uses `SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldText` * Checkbox Field uses `SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldCheckbox` | [optional] **Attachments** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseAttachment>**](SignatureRequestResponseAttachment.md) | Signer attachments. | [optional] **ResponseData** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseDataBase>**](SignatureRequestResponseDataBase.md) | An array of form field objects containing the name, value, and type of each textbox or checkmark field filled in by the signers. | [optional] **Signatures** | [**List<SignatureRequestResponseSignatures>**](SignatureRequestResponseSignatures.md) | An array of signature objects, 1 for each signer. | [optional] **BulkSendJobId** | **string** | The ID of the Bulk Send job which sent the signature request, if applicable. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseAttachment.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseAttachment.md
index 0d488c9..cf09569 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseAttachment.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseAttachment.md
@@ -5,12 +5,7 @@ Signer attachments.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Id** | **string** | The unique ID for this attachment. |
-**Signer** | **string** | The Signer this attachment is assigned to. |
-**Name** | **string** | The name of this attachment. |
-**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this attachment is required. |
-**Instructions** | **string** | Instructions for Signer. | [optional]
-**UploadedAt** | **int?** | Timestamp when attachment was uploaded by Signer. | [optional]
+**Id** | **string** | The unique ID for this attachment. | **Signer** | **string** | The Signer this attachment is assigned to. | **Name** | **string** | The name of this attachment. | **Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this attachment is required. | **Instructions** | **string** | Instructions for Signer. | [optional] **UploadedAt** | **int?** | Timestamp when attachment was uploaded by Signer. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase.md
index cb06159..02072d8 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldBase.md
@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ An array of Custom Field objects containing the name and type of each custom fie
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | The type of this Custom Field. Only 'text' and 'checkbox' are currently supported. |
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the Custom Field. |
-**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**ApiId** | **string** | The unique ID for this field. | [optional]
-**Editor** | **string** | The name of the Role that is able to edit this field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The type of this Custom Field. Only 'text' and 'checkbox' are currently supported. | **Name** | **string** | The name of the Custom Field. | **Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional] **ApiId** | **string** | The unique ID for this field. | [optional] **Editor** | **string** | The name of the Role that is able to edit this field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldCheckbox.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldCheckbox.md
index 7ec0fea..42a1a30 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldCheckbox.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldCheckbox.md
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
**ApiId** | **string** | The unique ID for this field. | [optional]
**Editor** | **string** | The name of the Role that is able to edit this field. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | The type of this Custom Field. Only 'text' and 'checkbox' are currently supported. | [default to "checkbox"]
-**Value** | **bool** | A true/false for checkbox fields | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The type of this Custom Field. Only 'text' and 'checkbox' are currently supported. | [default to "checkbox"]**Value** | **bool** | A true/false for checkbox fields | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldText.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldText.md
index 505b9ed..c3c9ca8 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldText.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldText.md
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
**ApiId** | **string** | The unique ID for this field. | [optional]
**Editor** | **string** | The name of the Role that is able to edit this field. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | The type of this Custom Field. Only 'text' and 'checkbox' are currently supported. | [default to "text"]
-**Value** | **string** | A text string for text fields | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The type of this Custom Field. Only 'text' and 'checkbox' are currently supported. | [default to "text"]**Value** | **string** | A text string for text fields | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldTypeEnum.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldTypeEnum.md
index fdc3545..d425f40 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldTypeEnum.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseCustomFieldTypeEnum.md
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataBase.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataBase.md
index 8adfadb..63c965d 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataBase.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataBase.md
@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ An array of form field objects containing the name, value, and type of each text
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ApiId** | **string** | The unique ID for this field. | [optional]
-**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
-**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | | [optional]
+**ApiId** | **string** | The unique ID for this field. | [optional] **SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional] **Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional] **Type** | **string** | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataTypeEnum.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataTypeEnum.md
index f0c37a9..493db1e 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataTypeEnum.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataTypeEnum.md
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueCheckbox.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueCheckbox.md
index 4166044..57d02ae 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueCheckbox.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueCheckbox.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A yes/no checkbox | [optional] [default to "checkbox"]
-**Value** | **bool** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A yes/no checkbox | [optional] [default to "checkbox"]**Value** | **bool** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueCheckboxMerge.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueCheckboxMerge.md
index bad93e4..7e96757 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueCheckboxMerge.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueCheckboxMerge.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A checkbox field that has default value set by the api | [optional] [default to "checkbox-merge"]
-**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A checkbox field that has default value set by the api | [optional] [default to "checkbox-merge"]**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueDateSigned.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueDateSigned.md
index bb08382..3bc2e55 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueDateSigned.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueDateSigned.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A date | [optional] [default to "date_signed"]
-**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A date | [optional] [default to "date_signed"]**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueDropdown.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueDropdown.md
index bfcdf07..13473c2 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueDropdown.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueDropdown.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | An input field for dropdowns | [optional] [default to "dropdown"]
-**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | An input field for dropdowns | [optional] [default to "dropdown"]**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueInitials.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueInitials.md
index 389f139..fcd9ab1 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueInitials.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueInitials.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | An input field for initials | [optional] [default to "initials"]
-**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | An input field for initials | [optional] [default to "initials"]**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueRadio.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueRadio.md
index 3dc5693..ccc7520 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueRadio.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueRadio.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | An input field for radios | [optional] [default to "radio"]
-**Value** | **bool** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | An input field for radios | [optional] [default to "radio"]**Value** | **bool** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueSignature.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueSignature.md
index 8ea7c7c..2ee12dc 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueSignature.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueSignature.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A signature input field | [optional] [default to "signature"]
-**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A signature input field | [optional] [default to "signature"]**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueText.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueText.md
index e8c2438..14e685e 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueText.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueText.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A text input field | [optional] [default to "text"]
-**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A text input field | [optional] [default to "text"]**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueTextMerge.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueTextMerge.md
index d41148e..2c8ab32 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueTextMerge.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseDataValueTextMerge.md
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SignatureId** | **string** | The ID of the signature to which this response is linked. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | A boolean value denoting if this field is required. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A text field that has default text set by the api | [optional] [default to "text-merge"]
-**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A text field that has default text set by the api | [optional] [default to "text-merge"]**Value** | **string** | The value of the form field. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseSignatures.md b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseSignatures.md
index 484840e..0956244 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestResponseSignatures.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestResponseSignatures.md
@@ -5,25 +5,7 @@ An array of signature objects, 1 for each signer.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SignatureId** | **string** | Signature identifier. | [optional]
-**SignerGroupGuid** | **string** | Signer Group GUID | [optional]
-**SignerEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer. | [optional]
-**SignerName** | **string** | The name of the signer. | [optional]
-**SignerRole** | **string** | The role of the signer. | [optional]
-**Order** | **int?** | If signer order is assigned this is the 0-based index for this signer. | [optional]
-**StatusCode** | **string** | The current status of the signature. eg: awaiting_signature, signed, declined. | [optional]
-**DeclineReason** | **string** | The reason provided by the signer for declining the request. | [optional]
-**SignedAt** | **int?** | Time that the document was signed or null. | [optional]
-**LastViewedAt** | **int?** | The time that the document was last viewed by this signer or null. | [optional]
-**LastRemindedAt** | **int?** | The time the last reminder email was sent to the signer or null. | [optional]
-**HasPin** | **bool** | Boolean to indicate whether this signature requires a PIN to access. | [optional]
-**HasSmsAuth** | **bool?** | Boolean to indicate whether this signature has SMS authentication enabled. | [optional]
-**HasSmsDelivery** | **bool?** | Boolean to indicate whether this signature has SMS delivery enabled. | [optional]
-**SmsPhoneNumber** | **string** | The SMS phone number used for authentication or signature request delivery. | [optional]
-**ReassignedBy** | **string** | Email address of original signer who reassigned to this signer. | [optional]
-**ReassignmentReason** | **string** | Reason provided by original signer who reassigned to this signer. | [optional]
-**ReassignedFrom** | **string** | Previous signature identifier. | [optional]
-**Error** | **string** | Error message pertaining to this signer, or null. | [optional]
+**SignatureId** | **string** | Signature identifier. | [optional] **SignerGroupGuid** | **string** | Signer Group GUID | [optional] **SignerEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer. | [optional] **SignerName** | **string** | The name of the signer. | [optional] **SignerRole** | **string** | The role of the signer. | [optional] **Order** | **int?** | If signer order is assigned this is the 0-based index for this signer. | [optional] **StatusCode** | **string** | The current status of the signature. eg: awaiting_signature, signed, declined. | [optional] **DeclineReason** | **string** | The reason provided by the signer for declining the request. | [optional] **SignedAt** | **int?** | Time that the document was signed or null. | [optional] **LastViewedAt** | **int?** | The time that the document was last viewed by this signer or null. | [optional] **LastRemindedAt** | **int?** | The time the last reminder email was sent to the signer or null. | [optional] **HasPin** | **bool** | Boolean to indicate whether this signature requires a PIN to access. | [optional] **HasSmsAuth** | **bool?** | Boolean to indicate whether this signature has SMS authentication enabled. | [optional] **HasSmsDelivery** | **bool?** | Boolean to indicate whether this signature has SMS delivery enabled. | [optional] **SmsPhoneNumber** | **string** | The SMS phone number used for authentication or signature request delivery. | [optional] **ReassignedBy** | **string** | Email address of original signer who reassigned to this signer. | [optional] **ReassignmentReason** | **string** | Reason provided by original signer who reassigned to this signer. | [optional] **ReassignedFrom** | **string** | Previous signature identifier. | [optional] **Error** | **string** | Error message pertaining to this signer, or null. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestSendRequest.md b/docs/SignatureRequestSendRequest.md
index 545f976..000c7ad 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestSendRequest.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestSendRequest.md
@@ -4,32 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Signature Request.
This endpoint requires either **signers** or **grouped_signers**, but not both. | [optional]
-**GroupedSigners** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners>**](SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners.md) | Add Grouped Signers to your Signature Request.
This endpoint requires either **signers** or **grouped_signers**, but not both. | [optional]
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional]
-**CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | The email addresses that should be CCed. | [optional]
-**ClientId** | **string** | The client id of the API App you want to associate with this request. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional]
-**FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional]
-**HideTextTags** | **bool** | Enables automatic Text Tag removal when set to true.
**NOTE:** Removing text tags this way can cause unwanted clipping. We recommend leaving this setting on `false` and instead hiding your text tags using white text or a similar approach. See the [Text Tags Walkthrough](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) for more information. | [optional] [default to false]
-**IsQualifiedSignature** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [Qualified Electronic Signatures](https://www.hellosign.com/features/qualified-electronic-signatures) (QES), which requires a face-to-face call to verify the signer's identity.<br> **NOTE:** QES is only available on the Premium API plan as an add-on purchase. Cannot be used in `test_mode`. Only works on requests with one signer. | [optional] [default to false]
-**IsEid** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [electronic identification (eID)](https://www.hellosign.com/features/electronic-id), which requires the signer to verify their identity with an eID provider to sign a document.<br> **NOTE:** eID is only available on the Premium API plan. Cannot be used in `test_mode`. Only works on requests with one signer. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**UseTextTags** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document. Defaults to disabled, or `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional]
+**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Signature Request.
This endpoint requires either **signers** or **grouped_signers**, but not both. | [optional] **GroupedSigners** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners>**](SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners.md) | Add Grouped Signers to your Signature Request.
This endpoint requires either **signers** or **grouped_signers**, but not both. | [optional] **AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional] **CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | The email addresses that should be CCed. | [optional] **ClientId** | **string** | The client id of the API App you want to associate with this request. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional] **FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional] **FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional] **FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional] **FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional] **HideTextTags** | **bool** | Enables automatic Text Tag removal when set to true.
**NOTE:** Removing text tags this way can cause unwanted clipping. We recommend leaving this setting on `false` and instead hiding your text tags using white text or a similar approach. See the [Text Tags Walkthrough](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) for more information. | [optional] [default to false]**IsQualifiedSignature** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [Qualified Electronic Signatures](https://www.hellosign.com/features/qualified-electronic-signatures) (QES), which requires a face-to-face call to verify the signer's identity.<br> **NOTE:** QES is only available on the Premium API plan as an add-on purchase. Cannot be used in `test_mode`. Only works on requests with one signer. | [optional] [default to false]**IsEid** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [electronic identification (eID)](https://www.hellosign.com/features/electronic-id), which requires the signer to verify their identity with an eID provider to sign a document.<br> **NOTE:** eID is only available on the Premium API plan. Cannot be used in `test_mode`. Only works on requests with one signer. | [optional] [default to false]**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **UseTextTags** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document. Defaults to disabled, or `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest.md b/docs/SignatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest.md
index e77a9a1..12fc09b 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestSendWithTemplateRequest.md
@@ -4,23 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the template will be used. |
-**Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Templated-based Signature Request. |
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional]
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app to associate with the signature request. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | An array defining values and options for custom fields. Required when a custom field exists in the Template. | [optional]
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**IsQualifiedSignature** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [Qualified Electronic Signatures](https://www.hellosign.com/features/qualified-electronic-signatures) (QES), which requires a face-to-face call to verify the signer's identity.<br> **NOTE:** QES is only available on the Premium API plan as an add-on purchase. Cannot be used in `test_mode`. Only works on requests with one signer. | [optional] [default to false]
-**IsEid** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [electronic identification (eID)](https://www.hellosign.com/features/electronic-id), which requires the signer to verify their identity with an eID provider to sign a document.<br> **NOTE:** eID is only available on the Premium API plan. Cannot be used in `test_mode`. Only works on requests with one signer. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
+**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the template will be used. | **Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Templated-based Signature Request. | **AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional] **ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app to associate with the signature request. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | An array defining values and options for custom fields. Required when a custom field exists in the Template. | [optional] **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **IsQualifiedSignature** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [Qualified Electronic Signatures](https://www.hellosign.com/features/qualified-electronic-signatures) (QES), which requires a face-to-face call to verify the signer's identity.<br> **NOTE:** QES is only available on the Premium API plan as an add-on purchase. Cannot be used in `test_mode`. Only works on requests with one signer. | [optional] [default to false]**IsEid** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable [electronic identification (eID)](https://www.hellosign.com/features/electronic-id), which requires the signer to verify their identity with an eID provider to sign a document.<br> **NOTE:** eID is only available on the Premium API plan. Cannot be used in `test_mode`. Only works on requests with one signer. | [optional] [default to false]**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SignatureRequestUpdateRequest.md b/docs/SignatureRequestUpdateRequest.md
index 7aa6991..9f19a93 100644
--- a/docs/SignatureRequestUpdateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/SignatureRequestUpdateRequest.md
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SignatureId** | **string** | The signature ID for the recipient. |
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The new email address for the recipient.
This will generate a new `signature_id` value.
**NOTE:** Optional if `name` is provided. | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The new name for the recipient.
**NOTE:** Optional if `email_address` is provided. | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | The new time when the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional]
+**SignatureId** | **string** | The signature ID for the recipient. | **EmailAddress** | **string** | The new email address for the recipient.
This will generate a new `signature_id` value.
**NOTE:** Optional if `name` is provided. | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The new name for the recipient.
**NOTE:** Optional if `email_address` is provided. | [optional] **ExpiresAt** | **int?** | The new time when the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubAttachment.md b/docs/SubAttachment.md
index 80d4f5c..55eb99a 100644
--- a/docs/SubAttachment.md
+++ b/docs/SubAttachment.md
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of attachment. |
-**SignerIndex** | **int** | The signer's index in the `signers` parameter (0-based indexing).
**NOTE:** Only one signer can be assigned per attachment. |
-**Instructions** | **string** | The instructions for uploading the attachment. | [optional]
-**Required** | **bool** | Determines if the attachment must be uploaded. | [optional] [default to false]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of attachment. | **SignerIndex** | **int** | The signer's index in the `signers` parameter (0-based indexing).
**NOTE:** Only one signer can be assigned per attachment. | **Instructions** | **string** | The instructions for uploading the attachment. | [optional] **Required** | **bool** | Determines if the attachment must be uploaded. | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/SubBulkSignerList.md b/docs/SubBulkSignerList.md
index 69b43a9..c256792 100644
--- a/docs/SubBulkSignerList.md
+++ b/docs/SubBulkSignerList.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubBulkSignerListCustomField>**](SubBulkSignerListCustomField.md) | An array of custom field values. | [optional]
-**Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Templated-based Signature Request. Allows the requester to specify editor options when a preparing a document.
Currently only templates with a single role are supported. All signers must have the same `role` value. | [optional]
+**CustomFields** | [**List<SubBulkSignerListCustomField>**](SubBulkSignerListCustomField.md) | An array of custom field values. | [optional] **Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Templated-based Signature Request. Allows the requester to specify editor options when a preparing a document.
Currently only templates with a single role are supported. All signers must have the same `role` value. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubBulkSignerListCustomField.md b/docs/SubBulkSignerListCustomField.md
index 1646ba4..da30ceb 100644
--- a/docs/SubBulkSignerListCustomField.md
+++ b/docs/SubBulkSignerListCustomField.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the custom field. Must be the field's `name` or `api_id`. |
-**Value** | **string** | The value of the custom field. |
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the custom field. Must be the field's `name` or `api_id`. | **Value** | **string** | The value of the custom field. |
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diff --git a/docs/SubCC.md b/docs/SubCC.md
index bfe6bc5..098eee5 100644
--- a/docs/SubCC.md
+++ b/docs/SubCC.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Role** | **string** | Must match an existing CC role in chosen Template(s). Multiple CC recipients cannot share the same CC role. |
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the CC recipient. |
+**Role** | **string** | Must match an existing CC role in chosen Template(s). Multiple CC recipients cannot share the same CC role. | **EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the CC recipient. |
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diff --git a/docs/SubCustomField.md b/docs/SubCustomField.md
index 27ee651..0ef9221 100644
--- a/docs/SubCustomField.md
+++ b/docs/SubCustomField.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-fi
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of a custom field. When working with pre-filled data, the custom field's name must have a matching merge field name or the field will remain empty on the document during signing. |
-**Editor** | **string** | Used to create editable merge fields. When the value matches a role passed in with `signers`, that role can edit the data that was pre-filled to that field. This field is optional, but required when this custom field object is set to `required = true`.
**NOTE:** Editable merge fields are only supported for single signer requests (or the first signer in ordered signature requests). If used when there are multiple signers in an unordered signature request, the editor value is ignored and the field won't be editable. | [optional]
-**Required** | **bool** | Used to set an editable merge field when working with pre-filled data. When `true`, the custom field must specify a signer role in `editor`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Value** | **string** | The string that resolves (aka "pre-fills") to the merge field on the final document(s) used for signing. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of a custom field. When working with pre-filled data, the custom field's name must have a matching merge field name or the field will remain empty on the document during signing. | **Editor** | **string** | Used to create editable merge fields. When the value matches a role passed in with `signers`, that role can edit the data that was pre-filled to that field. This field is optional, but required when this custom field object is set to `required = true`.
**NOTE:** Editable merge fields are only supported for single signer requests (or the first signer in ordered signature requests). If used when there are multiple signers in an unordered signature request, the editor value is ignored and the field won't be editable. | [optional] **Required** | **bool** | Used to set an editable merge field when working with pre-filled data. When `true`, the custom field must specify a signer role in `editor`. | [optional] [default to false]**Value** | **string** | The string that resolves (aka "pre-fills") to the merge field on the final document(s) used for signing. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubEditorOptions.md b/docs/SubEditorOptions.md
index b1bca0a..e0b22f1 100644
--- a/docs/SubEditorOptions.md
+++ b/docs/SubEditorOptions.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ This allows the requester to specify editor options when a preparing a document
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AllowEditSigners** | **bool** | Allows requesters to edit the list of signers | [optional] [default to false]
-**AllowEditDocuments** | **bool** | Allows requesters to edit documents, including delete and add | [optional] [default to false]
+**AllowEditSigners** | **bool** | Allows requesters to edit the list of signers | [optional] [default to false]**AllowEditDocuments** | **bool** | Allows requesters to edit documents, including delete and add | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldGroup.md b/docs/SubFormFieldGroup.md
index 82a52fe..7928371 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldGroup.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldGroup.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**GroupId** | **string** | ID of group. Use this to reference a specific group from the `group` value in `form_fields_per_document`. |
-**GroupLabel** | **string** | Name of the group |
-**Requirement** | **string** | Examples: `require_0-1` `require_1` `require_1-ormore`
- Check out the list of [acceptable `requirement` checkbox type values](/api/reference/constants/#checkbox-field-grouping). - Check out the list of [acceptable `requirement` radio type fields](/api/reference/constants/#radio-field-grouping). - Radio groups require **at least** two fields per group. |
+**GroupId** | **string** | ID of group. Use this to reference a specific group from the `group` value in `form_fields_per_document`. | **GroupLabel** | **string** | Name of the group | **Requirement** | **string** | Examples: `require_0-1` `require_1` `require_1-ormore`
- Check out the list of [acceptable `requirement` checkbox type values](/api/reference/constants/#checkbox-field-grouping). - Check out the list of [acceptable `requirement` radio type fields](/api/reference/constants/#radio-field-grouping). - Radio groups require **at least** two fields per group. |
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldRule.md b/docs/SubFormFieldRule.md
index 219166a..e834762 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldRule.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldRule.md
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Id** | **string** | Must be unique across all defined rules. |
-**TriggerOperator** | **string** | Currently only `AND` is supported. Support for `OR` is being worked on. | [default to "AND"]
-**Triggers** | [**List<SubFormFieldRuleTrigger>**](SubFormFieldRuleTrigger.md) | An array of trigger definitions, the "if this" part of "**if this**, then that". Currently only a single trigger per rule is allowed. |
-**Actions** | [**List<SubFormFieldRuleAction>**](SubFormFieldRuleAction.md) | An array of action definitions, the "then that" part of "if this, **then that**". Any number of actions may be attached to a single rule. |
+**Id** | **string** | Must be unique across all defined rules. | **TriggerOperator** | **string** | Currently only `AND` is supported. Support for `OR` is being worked on. | [default to "AND"]**Triggers** | [**List<SubFormFieldRuleTrigger>**](SubFormFieldRuleTrigger.md) | An array of trigger definitions, the "if this" part of "**if this**, then that". Currently only a single trigger per rule is allowed. | **Actions** | [**List<SubFormFieldRuleAction>**](SubFormFieldRuleAction.md) | An array of action definitions, the "then that" part of "if this, **then that**". Any number of actions may be attached to a single rule. |
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldRuleAction.md b/docs/SubFormFieldRuleAction.md
index 83e89ce..96028d9 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldRuleAction.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldRuleAction.md
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Hidden** | **bool** | `true` to hide the target field when rule is satisfied, otherwise `false`. |
-**Type** | **string** | |
-**FieldId** | **string** | **field_id** or **group_id** is required, but not both.
Must reference the `api_id` of an existing field defined within `form_fields_per_document`.
Cannot use with `group_id`. Trigger and action fields must belong to the same signer. | [optional]
-**GroupId** | **string** | **group_id** or **field_id** is required, but not both.
Must reference the ID of an existing group defined within `form_field_groups`.
Cannot use with `field_id`. Trigger and action fields and groups must belong to the same signer. | [optional]
+**Hidden** | **bool** | `true` to hide the target field when rule is satisfied, otherwise `false`. | **Type** | **string** | | **FieldId** | **string** | **field_id** or **group_id** is required, but not both.
Must reference the `api_id` of an existing field defined within `form_fields_per_document`.
Cannot use with `group_id`. Trigger and action fields must belong to the same signer. | [optional] **GroupId** | **string** | **group_id** or **field_id** is required, but not both.
Must reference the ID of an existing group defined within `form_field_groups`.
Cannot use with `field_id`. Trigger and action fields and groups must belong to the same signer. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldRuleTrigger.md b/docs/SubFormFieldRuleTrigger.md
index e2ee203..e6b829e 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldRuleTrigger.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldRuleTrigger.md
@@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Id** | **string** | Must reference the `api_id` of an existing field defined within `form_fields_per_document`. Trigger and action fields and groups must belong to the same signer. |
-**Operator** | **string** | Different field types allow different `operator` values: - Field type of **text**: - **is**: exact match - **not**: not exact match - **match**: regular expression, without /. Example: - OK `[a-zA-Z0-9]` - Not OK `/[a-zA-Z0-9]/` - Field type of **dropdown**: - **is**: exact match, single value - **not**: not exact match, single value - **any**: exact match, array of values. - **none**: not exact match, array of values. - Field type of **checkbox**: - **is**: exact match, single value - **not**: not exact match, single value - Field type of **radio**: - **is**: exact match, single value - **not**: not exact match, single value |
-**Value** | **string** | **value** or **values** is required, but not both.
The value to match against **operator**.
- When **operator** is one of the following, **value** must be `String`: - `is` - `not` - `match`
Otherwise, - **checkbox**: When **type** of trigger is **checkbox**, **value** must be `0` or `1` - **radio**: When **type** of trigger is **radio**, **value** must be `1` | [optional]
-**Values** | **List<string>** | **values** or **value** is required, but not both.
The values to match against **operator** when it is one of the following:
- `any` - `none` | [optional]
+**Id** | **string** | Must reference the `api_id` of an existing field defined within `form_fields_per_document`. Trigger and action fields and groups must belong to the same signer. | **Operator** | **string** | Different field types allow different `operator` values: - Field type of **text**: - **is**: exact match - **not**: not exact match - **match**: regular expression, without /. Example: - OK `[a-zA-Z0-9]` - Not OK `/[a-zA-Z0-9]/` - Field type of **dropdown**: - **is**: exact match, single value - **not**: not exact match, single value - **any**: exact match, array of values. - **none**: not exact match, array of values. - Field type of **checkbox**: - **is**: exact match, single value - **not**: not exact match, single value - Field type of **radio**: - **is**: exact match, single value - **not**: not exact match, single value | **Value** | **string** | **value** or **values** is required, but not both.
The value to match against **operator**.
- When **operator** is one of the following, **value** must be `String`: - `is` - `not` - `match`
Otherwise, - **checkbox**: When **type** of trigger is **checkbox**, **value** must be `0` or `1` - **radio**: When **type** of trigger is **radio**, **value** must be `1` | [optional] **Values** | **List<string>** | **values** or **value** is required, but not both.
The values to match against **operator** when it is one of the following:
- `any` - `none` | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md
index cadb43e..e684c8b 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md
@@ -5,17 +5,7 @@ The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**DocumentIndex** | **int** | Represents the integer index of the `file` or `file_url` document the field should be attached to. |
-**ApiId** | **string** | An identifier for the field that is unique across all documents in the request. |
-**Height** | **int** | Size of the field in pixels. |
-**Required** | **bool** | Whether this field is required. |
-**Signer** | **string** | Signer index identified by the offset in the signers parameter (0-based indexing), indicating which signer should fill out the field.
**NOTE:** To set the value of the field as the preparer you must set this to `me_now`
**NOTE:** If type is `text-merge` or `checkbox-merge`, you must set this to sender in order to use pre-filled data. |
-**Type** | **string** | |
-**Width** | **int** | Size of the field in pixels. |
-**X** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
-**Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
-**Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional]
-**Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
+**DocumentIndex** | **int** | Represents the integer index of the `file` or `file_url` document the field should be attached to. | **ApiId** | **string** | An identifier for the field that is unique across all documents in the request. | **Height** | **int** | Size of the field in pixels. | **Required** | **bool** | Whether this field is required. | **Signer** | **string** | Signer index identified by the offset in the signers parameter (0-based indexing), indicating which signer should fill out the field.
**NOTE:** To set the value of the field as the preparer you must set this to `me_now`
**NOTE:** If type is `text-merge` or `checkbox-merge`, you must set this to sender in order to use pre-filled data. | **Type** | **string** | | **Width** | **int** | Size of the field in pixels. | **X** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. | **Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. | **Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional] **Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox.md
index 2befe92..3e099fb 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox.md
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
**Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional]
**Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A yes/no checkbox. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` class. | [default to "checkbox"]
-**IsChecked** | **bool** | `true` for checking the checkbox field by default, otherwise `false`. |
-**Group** | **string** | String referencing group defined in `form_field_groups` parameter. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A yes/no checkbox. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` class. | [default to "checkbox"]**IsChecked** | **bool** | `true` for checking the checkbox field by default, otherwise `false`. | **Group** | **string** | String referencing group defined in `form_field_groups` parameter. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned.md
index 3a9f886..1e7bf64 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned.md
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
**Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional]
**Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A date. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` class. | [default to "date_signed"]
-**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional]
-**FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
+**Type** | **string** | A date. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` class. | [default to "date_signed"]**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional] **FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown.md
index 4e40162..d23c8c6 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown.md
@@ -15,11 +15,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
**Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional]
**Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | An input field for dropdowns. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` class. | [default to "dropdown"]
-**Options** | **List<string>** | Array of string values representing dropdown values. |
-**Content** | **string** | Selected value in `options` array. Value must exist in array. | [optional]
-**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional]
-**FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
+**Type** | **string** | An input field for dropdowns. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` class. | [default to "dropdown"]**Options** | **List<string>** | Array of string values representing dropdown values. | **Content** | **string** | Selected value in `options` array. Value must exist in array. | [optional] **FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional] **FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentFontEnum.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentFontEnum.md
index d47a6bf..e929833 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentFontEnum.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentFontEnum.md
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink.md
index 6b3845f..aea6fa4 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink.md
@@ -15,11 +15,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
**Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional]
**Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A hyperlink field. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` class. | [default to "hyperlink"]
-**Content** | **string** | Link Text. |
-**ContentUrl** | **string** | Link URL. |
-**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional]
-**FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
+**Type** | **string** | A hyperlink field. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` class. | [default to "hyperlink"]**Content** | **string** | Link Text. | **ContentUrl** | **string** | Link URL. | **FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional] **FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio.md
index 3340d56..d8b4ec7 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio.md
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
**Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional]
**Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | An input field for radios. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` class. | [default to "radio"]
-**Group** | **string** | String referencing group defined in `form_field_groups` parameter. |
-**IsChecked** | **bool** | `true` for checking the radio field by default, otherwise `false`. Only one radio field per group can be `true`. |
+**Type** | **string** | An input field for radios. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` class. | [default to "radio"]**Group** | **string** | String referencing group defined in `form_field_groups` parameter. | **IsChecked** | **bool** | `true` for checking the radio field by default, otherwise `false`. Only one radio field per group can be `true`. |
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText.md
index b40010e..c025afe 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText.md
@@ -15,17 +15,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
**Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional]
**Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A text input field. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` class. | [default to "text"]
-**Placeholder** | **string** | Placeholder value for text field. | [optional]
-**AutoFillType** | **string** | Auto fill type for populating fields automatically. Check out the list of [auto fill types](/api/reference/constants/#auto-fill-types) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional]
-**LinkId** | **string** | Link two or more text fields. Enter data into one linked text field, which automatically fill all other linked text fields. | [optional]
-**Masked** | **bool** | Masks entered data. For more information see [Masking sensitive information](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040742811-Masking-sensitive-information). `true` for masking the data in a text field, otherwise `false`. | [optional]
-**ValidationType** | **string** | Each text field may contain a `validation_type` parameter. Check out the list of [validation types](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) to learn more about the possible values.
**NOTE:** When using `custom_regex` you are required to pass a second parameter `validation_custom_regex` and you can optionally provide `validation_custom_regex_format_label` for the error message the user will see in case of an invalid value. | [optional]
-**ValidationCustomRegex** | **string** | | [optional]
-**ValidationCustomRegexFormatLabel** | **string** | | [optional]
-**Content** | **string** | Content of a `me_now` text field | [optional]
-**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional]
-**FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
+**Type** | **string** | A text input field. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` class. | [default to "text"]**Placeholder** | **string** | Placeholder value for text field. | [optional] **AutoFillType** | **string** | Auto fill type for populating fields automatically. Check out the list of [auto fill types](/api/reference/constants/#auto-fill-types) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional] **LinkId** | **string** | Link two or more text fields. Enter data into one linked text field, which automatically fill all other linked text fields. | [optional] **Masked** | **bool** | Masks entered data. For more information see [Masking sensitive information](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040742811-Masking-sensitive-information). `true` for masking the data in a text field, otherwise `false`. | [optional] **ValidationType** | **string** | Each text field may contain a `validation_type` parameter. Check out the list of [validation types](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) to learn more about the possible values.
**NOTE:** When using `custom_regex` you are required to pass a second parameter `validation_custom_regex` and you can optionally provide `validation_custom_regex_format_label` for the error message the user will see in case of an invalid value. | [optional] **ValidationCustomRegex** | **string** | | [optional] **ValidationCustomRegexFormatLabel** | **string** | | [optional] **Content** | **string** | Content of a `me_now` text field | [optional] **FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional] **FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge.md
index 8611416..20fd614 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge.md
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Y** | **int** | Location coordinates of the field in pixels. |
**Name** | **string** | Display name for the field. | [optional]
**Page** | **int?** | Page in the document where the field should be placed (requires documents be PDF files).
- When the page number parameter is supplied, the API will use the new coordinate system. - Check out the differences between both [coordinate systems](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) and how to use them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A text field that has default text set using pre-filled data. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` class. | [default to "text-merge"]
-**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional]
-**FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
+**Type** | **string** | A text field that has default text set using pre-filled data. Use the `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` class. | [default to "text-merge"]**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family for the field. | [optional] **FontSize** | **int** | The initial px font size for the field contents. Can be any integer value between `7` and `49`.
**NOTE:** Font size may be reduced during processing in order to fit the contents within the dimensions of the field. | [optional] [default to 12]
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diff --git a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTypeEnum.md b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTypeEnum.md
index b966065..73d875e 100644
--- a/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTypeEnum.md
+++ b/docs/SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTypeEnum.md
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
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diff --git a/docs/SubMergeField.md b/docs/SubMergeField.md
index 76911af..d87cc90 100644
--- a/docs/SubMergeField.md
+++ b/docs/SubMergeField.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the merge field. Must be unique. |
-**Type** | **string** | The type of merge field. |
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the merge field. Must be unique. | **Type** | **string** | The type of merge field. |
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diff --git a/docs/SubOAuth.md b/docs/SubOAuth.md
index db5dc0a..6c5bf7d 100644
--- a/docs/SubOAuth.md
+++ b/docs/SubOAuth.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ OAuth related parameters.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The callback URL to be used for OAuth flows. (Required if `oauth[scopes]` is provided) | [optional]
-**Scopes** | **List<string>** | A list of [OAuth scopes](/api/reference/tag/OAuth) to be granted to the app. (Required if `oauth[callback_url]` is provided). | [optional]
+**CallbackUrl** | **string** | The callback URL to be used for OAuth flows. (Required if `oauth[scopes]` is provided) | [optional] **Scopes** | **List<SubOAuth.ScopesEnum>** | A list of [OAuth scopes](/api/reference/tag/OAuth) to be granted to the app. (Required if `oauth[callback_url]` is provided). | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners.md b/docs/SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners.md
index 8ae84f7..b37cae0 100644
--- a/docs/SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners.md
+++ b/docs/SubSignatureRequestGroupedSigners.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Group** | **string** | The name of the group. |
-**Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestSigner.md) | Signers belonging to this Group.
**NOTE:** Only `name`, `email_address`, and `pin` are available to Grouped Signers. We will ignore all other properties, even though they are listed below. |
-**Order** | **int?** | The order the group is required to sign in. Use this instead of Signer-level `order`. | [optional]
+**Group** | **string** | The name of the group. | **Signers** | [**List<SubSignatureRequestSigner>**](SubSignatureRequestSigner.md) | Signers belonging to this Group.
**NOTE:** Only `name`, `email_address`, and `pin` are available to Grouped Signers. We will ignore all other properties, even though they are listed below. | **Order** | **int?** | The order the group is required to sign in. Use this instead of Signer-level `order`. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubSignatureRequestSigner.md b/docs/SubSignatureRequestSigner.md
index a130657..4357879 100644
--- a/docs/SubSignatureRequestSigner.md
+++ b/docs/SubSignatureRequestSigner.md
@@ -4,12 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the signer. |
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer. |
-**Order** | **int?** | The order the signer is required to sign in. | [optional]
-**Pin** | **string** | The 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer's signature page. | [optional]
-**SmsPhoneNumber** | **string** | An E.164 formatted phone number.
By using the feature, you agree you are responsible for obtaining a signer's consent to receive text messages from Dropbox Sign related to this signature request and confirm you have obtained such consent from all signers prior to enabling SMS delivery for this signature request. [Learn more](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/15815316468877-Dropbox-Sign-SMS-tools-add-on).
**NOTE:** Not available in test mode and requires a Standard plan or higher. | [optional]
-**SmsPhoneNumberType** | **string** | Specifies the feature used with the `sms_phone_number`. Default `authentication`.
If `authentication`, signer is sent a verification code via SMS that is required to access the document.
If `delivery`, a link to complete the signature request is delivered via SMS (_and_ email). | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the signer. | **EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer. | **Order** | **int?** | The order the signer is required to sign in. | [optional] **Pin** | **string** | The 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer's signature page. | [optional] **SmsPhoneNumber** | **string** | An E.164 formatted phone number.
By using the feature, you agree you are responsible for obtaining a signer's consent to receive text messages from Dropbox Sign related to this signature request and confirm you have obtained such consent from all signers prior to enabling SMS delivery for this signature request. [Learn more](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/15815316468877-Dropbox-Sign-SMS-tools-add-on).
**NOTE:** Not available in test mode and requires a Standard plan or higher. | [optional] **SmsPhoneNumberType** | **string** | Specifies the feature used with the `sms_phone_number`. Default `authentication`.
If `authentication`, signer is sent a verification code via SMS that is required to access the document.
If `delivery`, a link to complete the signature request is delivered via SMS (_and_ email). | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md b/docs/SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md
index 4a30406..5789681 100644
--- a/docs/SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md
+++ b/docs/SubSignatureRequestTemplateSigner.md
@@ -4,12 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Role** | **string** | Must match an existing role in chosen Template(s). It's case-sensitive. |
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the signer. |
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer. |
-**Pin** | **string** | The 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer's signature page. | [optional]
-**SmsPhoneNumber** | **string** | An E.164 formatted phone number.
By using the feature, you agree you are responsible for obtaining a signer's consent to receive text messages from Dropbox Sign related to this signature request and confirm you have obtained such consent from all signers prior to enabling SMS delivery for this signature request. [Learn more](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/15815316468877-Dropbox-Sign-SMS-tools-add-on).
**NOTE:** Not available in test mode and requires a Standard plan or higher. | [optional]
-**SmsPhoneNumberType** | **string** | Specifies the feature used with the `sms_phone_number`. Default `authentication`.
If `authentication`, signer is sent a verification code via SMS that is required to access the document.
If `delivery`, a link to complete the signature request is delivered via SMS (_and_ email). | [optional]
+**Role** | **string** | Must match an existing role in chosen Template(s). It's case-sensitive. | **Name** | **string** | The name of the signer. | **EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer. | **Pin** | **string** | The 4- to 12-character access code that will secure this signer's signature page. | [optional] **SmsPhoneNumber** | **string** | An E.164 formatted phone number.
By using the feature, you agree you are responsible for obtaining a signer's consent to receive text messages from Dropbox Sign related to this signature request and confirm you have obtained such consent from all signers prior to enabling SMS delivery for this signature request. [Learn more](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/15815316468877-Dropbox-Sign-SMS-tools-add-on).
**NOTE:** Not available in test mode and requires a Standard plan or higher. | [optional] **SmsPhoneNumberType** | **string** | Specifies the feature used with the `sms_phone_number`. Default `authentication`.
If `authentication`, signer is sent a verification code via SMS that is required to access the document.
If `delivery`, a link to complete the signature request is delivered via SMS (_and_ email). | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubSigningOptions.md b/docs/SubSigningOptions.md
index c0ec40e..a656741 100644
--- a/docs/SubSigningOptions.md
+++ b/docs/SubSigningOptions.md
@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ This allows the requester to specify the types allowed for creating a signature.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**DefaultType** | **string** | The default type shown (limited to the listed types) |
-**Draw** | **bool** | Allows drawing the signature | [optional] [default to false]
-**Phone** | **bool** | Allows using a smartphone to email the signature | [optional] [default to false]
-**Type** | **bool** | Allows typing the signature | [optional] [default to false]
-**Upload** | **bool** | Allows uploading the signature | [optional] [default to false]
+**DefaultType** | **string** | The default type shown (limited to the listed types) | **Draw** | **bool** | Allows drawing the signature | [optional] [default to false]**Phone** | **bool** | Allows using a smartphone to email the signature | [optional] [default to false]**Type** | **bool** | Allows typing the signature | [optional] [default to false]**Upload** | **bool** | Allows uploading the signature | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/SubTeamResponse.md b/docs/SubTeamResponse.md
index ebdb96c..b2c09e6 100644
--- a/docs/SubTeamResponse.md
+++ b/docs/SubTeamResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TeamId** | **string** | The id of a team | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name of a team | [optional]
+**TeamId** | **string** | The id of a team | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name of a team | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubTemplateRole.md b/docs/SubTemplateRole.md
index ece06e4..ecf59c5 100644
--- a/docs/SubTemplateRole.md
+++ b/docs/SubTemplateRole.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The role name of the signer that will be displayed when the template is used to create a signature request. | [optional]
-**Order** | **int?** | The order in which this signer role is required to sign. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The role name of the signer that will be displayed when the template is used to create a signature request. | [optional] **Order** | **int?** | The order in which this signer role is required to sign. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubUnclaimedDraftSigner.md b/docs/SubUnclaimedDraftSigner.md
index 4a7ca39..46bdfda 100644
--- a/docs/SubUnclaimedDraftSigner.md
+++ b/docs/SubUnclaimedDraftSigner.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer. |
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the signer. |
-**Order** | **int?** | The order the signer is required to sign in. | [optional]
+**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer. | **Name** | **string** | The name of the signer. | **Order** | **int?** | The order the signer is required to sign in. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/SubUnclaimedDraftTemplateSigner.md b/docs/SubUnclaimedDraftTemplateSigner.md
index 79f0978..43be64a 100644
--- a/docs/SubUnclaimedDraftTemplateSigner.md
+++ b/docs/SubUnclaimedDraftTemplateSigner.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Role** | **string** | Must match an existing role in chosen Template(s). |
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the signer filling the role of `role`. |
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer filling the role of `role`. |
+**Role** | **string** | Must match an existing role in chosen Template(s). | **Name** | **string** | The name of the signer filling the role of `role`. | **EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the signer filling the role of `role`. |
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diff --git a/docs/SubWhiteLabelingOptions.md b/docs/SubWhiteLabelingOptions.md
index 295d243..930a345 100644
--- a/docs/SubWhiteLabelingOptions.md
+++ b/docs/SubWhiteLabelingOptions.md
@@ -5,21 +5,7 @@ An array of elements and values serialized to a string, to be used to customize
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HeaderBackgroundColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#1A1A1A"]
-**LegalVersion** | **string** | | [optional] [default to LegalVersionEnum.Terms1]
-**LinkColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]
-**PageBackgroundColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#F7F8F9"]
-**PrimaryButtonColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]
-**PrimaryButtonColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]
-**PrimaryButtonTextColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]
-**PrimaryButtonTextColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]
-**SecondaryButtonColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]
-**SecondaryButtonColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]
-**SecondaryButtonTextColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]
-**SecondaryButtonTextColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]
-**TextColor1** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#808080"]
-**TextColor2** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]
-**ResetToDefault** | **bool** | Resets white labeling options to defaults. Only useful when updating an API App. | [optional]
+**HeaderBackgroundColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#1A1A1A"]**LegalVersion** | **string** | | [optional] [default to LegalVersionEnum.Terms1]**LinkColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]**PageBackgroundColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#F7F8F9"]**PrimaryButtonColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]**PrimaryButtonColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]**PrimaryButtonTextColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]**PrimaryButtonTextColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]**SecondaryButtonColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]**SecondaryButtonColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]**SecondaryButtonTextColor** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]**SecondaryButtonTextColorHover** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#00B3E6"]**TextColor1** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#808080"]**TextColor2** | **string** | | [optional] [default to "#FFFFFF"]**ResetToDefault** | **bool** | Resets white labeling options to defaults. Only useful when updating an API App. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamAddMemberRequest.md b/docs/TeamAddMemberRequest.md
index 89478f0..878edbb 100644
--- a/docs/TeamAddMemberRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TeamAddMemberRequest.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | `account_id` or `email_address` is required. If both are provided, the account id prevails.
Account id of the user to invite to your Team. | [optional]
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | `account_id` or `email_address` is required, If both are provided, the account id prevails.
Email address of the user to invite to your Team. | [optional]
-**Role** | **string** | A role member will take in a new Team.
**NOTE:** This parameter is used only if `team_id` is provided. | [optional]
+**AccountId** | **string** | `account_id` or `email_address` is required. If both are provided, the account id prevails.
Account id of the user to invite to your Team. | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | `account_id` or `email_address` is required, If both are provided, the account id prevails.
Email address of the user to invite to your Team. | [optional] **Role** | **string** | A role member will take in a new Team.
**NOTE:** This parameter is used only if `team_id` is provided. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamApi.md b/docs/TeamApi.md
index 90d89f0..64d8dd5 100644
--- a/docs/TeamApi.md
+++ b/docs/TeamApi.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**TeamSubTeams**](TeamApi.md#teamsubteams) | **GET** /team/sub_teams/{team_id} | List Sub Teams |
| [**TeamUpdate**](TeamApi.md#teamupdate) | **PUT** /team | Update Team |
# **TeamAddMember**
> TeamGetResponse TeamAddMember (TeamAddMemberRequest teamAddMemberRequest, string? teamId = null)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TeamCreate**
> TeamGetResponse TeamCreate (TeamCreateRequest teamCreateRequest)
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TeamDelete**
> void TeamDelete ()
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ void (empty response body)
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# **TeamGet**
> TeamGetResponse TeamGet ()
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ This endpoint does not need any parameter.
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# **TeamInfo**
> TeamGetInfoResponse TeamInfo (string? teamId = null)
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TeamInvites**
> TeamInvitesResponse TeamInvites (string? emailAddress = null)
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TeamMembers**
> TeamMembersResponse TeamMembers (string teamId, int? page = null, int? pageSize = null)
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TeamRemoveMember**
> TeamGetResponse TeamRemoveMember (TeamRemoveMemberRequest teamRemoveMemberRequest)
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TeamSubTeams**
> TeamSubTeamsResponse TeamSubTeams (string teamId, int? page = null, int? pageSize = null)
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TeamUpdate**
> TeamGetResponse TeamUpdate (TeamUpdateRequest teamUpdateRequest)
diff --git a/docs/TeamGetInfoResponse.md b/docs/TeamGetInfoResponse.md
index bacc799..b0f876e 100644
--- a/docs/TeamGetInfoResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamGetInfoResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Team** | [**TeamInfoResponse**](TeamInfoResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Team** | [**TeamInfoResponse**](TeamInfoResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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index 45046b1..a3a8293 100644
--- a/docs/TeamGetResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamGetResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Team** | [**TeamResponse**](TeamResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Team** | [**TeamResponse**](TeamResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamInfoResponse.md b/docs/TeamInfoResponse.md
index ac3a4e8..8f487d8 100644
--- a/docs/TeamInfoResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamInfoResponse.md
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TeamId** | **string** | The id of a team | [optional]
-**TeamParent** | [**TeamParentResponse**](TeamParentResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name of a team | [optional]
-**NumMembers** | **int** | Number of members within a team | [optional]
-**NumSubTeams** | **int** | Number of sub teams within a team | [optional]
+**TeamId** | **string** | The id of a team | [optional] **TeamParent** | [**TeamParentResponse**](TeamParentResponse.md) | | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name of a team | [optional] **NumMembers** | **int** | Number of members within a team | [optional] **NumSubTeams** | **int** | Number of sub teams within a team | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamInviteResponse.md b/docs/TeamInviteResponse.md
index 1258000..ed0e48b 100644
--- a/docs/TeamInviteResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamInviteResponse.md
@@ -4,12 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | Email address of the user invited to this team. | [optional]
-**TeamId** | **string** | Id of the team. | [optional]
-**Role** | **string** | Role of the user invited to this team. | [optional]
-**SentAt** | **int** | Timestamp when the invitation was sent. | [optional]
-**RedeemedAt** | **int** | Timestamp when the invitation was redeemed. | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int** | Timestamp when the invitation is expiring. | [optional]
+**EmailAddress** | **string** | Email address of the user invited to this team. | [optional] **TeamId** | **string** | Id of the team. | [optional] **Role** | **string** | Role of the user invited to this team. | [optional] **SentAt** | **int** | Timestamp when the invitation was sent. | [optional] **RedeemedAt** | **int** | Timestamp when the invitation was redeemed. | [optional] **ExpiresAt** | **int** | Timestamp when the invitation is expiring. | [optional]
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index ffc82c4..393ff71 100644
--- a/docs/TeamInvitesResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamInvitesResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TeamInvites** | [**List<TeamInviteResponse>**](TeamInviteResponse.md) | Contains a list of team invites and their roles. | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | | [optional]
+**TeamInvites** | [**List<TeamInviteResponse>**](TeamInviteResponse.md) | Contains a list of team invites and their roles. | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamMemberResponse.md b/docs/TeamMemberResponse.md
index dde5266..d8f0e5d 100644
--- a/docs/TeamMemberResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamMemberResponse.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | Account id of the team member. | [optional]
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | Email address of the team member. | [optional]
-**Role** | **string** | The specific role a member has on the team. | [optional]
+**AccountId** | **string** | Account id of the team member. | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | Email address of the team member. | [optional] **Role** | **string** | The specific role a member has on the team. | [optional]
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index fd51ffe..6549335 100644
--- a/docs/TeamMembersResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamMembersResponse.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TeamMembers** | [**List<TeamMemberResponse>**](TeamMemberResponse.md) | Contains a list of team members and their roles for a specific team. | [optional]
-**ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | | [optional]
+**TeamMembers** | [**List<TeamMemberResponse>**](TeamMemberResponse.md) | Contains a list of team members and their roles for a specific team. | **ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamParentResponse.md b/docs/TeamParentResponse.md
index 56bd35b..6db34d8 100644
--- a/docs/TeamParentResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamParentResponse.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ Information about the parent team if a team has one, set to `null` otherwise.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TeamId** | **string** | The id of a team | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name of a team | [optional]
+**TeamId** | **string** | The id of a team | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name of a team | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamRemoveMemberRequest.md b/docs/TeamRemoveMemberRequest.md
index bc227b9..475caf0 100644
--- a/docs/TeamRemoveMemberRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TeamRemoveMemberRequest.md
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | **account_id** or **email_address** is required. If both are provided, the account id prevails.
Account id to remove from your Team. | [optional]
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | **account_id** or **email_address** is required. If both are provided, the account id prevails.
Email address of the Account to remove from your Team. | [optional]
-**NewOwnerEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of an Account on this Team to receive all documents, templates, and API apps (if applicable) from the removed Account. If not provided, and on an Enterprise plan, this data will remain with the removed Account.
**NOTE:** Only available for Enterprise plans. | [optional]
-**NewTeamId** | **string** | Id of the new Team. | [optional]
-**NewRole** | **string** | A new role member will take in a new Team.
**NOTE:** This parameter is used only if `new_team_id` is provided. | [optional]
+**AccountId** | **string** | **account_id** or **email_address** is required. If both are provided, the account id prevails.
Account id to remove from your Team. | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | **account_id** or **email_address** is required. If both are provided, the account id prevails.
Email address of the Account to remove from your Team. | [optional] **NewOwnerEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of an Account on this Team to receive all documents, templates, and API apps (if applicable) from the removed Account. If not provided, and on an Enterprise plan, this data will remain with the removed Account.
**NOTE:** Only available for Enterprise plans. | [optional] **NewTeamId** | **string** | Id of the new Team. | [optional] **NewRole** | **string** | A new role member will take in a new Team.
**NOTE:** This parameter is used only if `new_team_id` is provided. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamResponse.md b/docs/TeamResponse.md
index e8a14f5..977696c 100644
--- a/docs/TeamResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamResponse.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ Contains information about your team and its members
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of your Team | [optional]
-**Accounts** | [**List<AccountResponse>**](AccountResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**InvitedAccounts** | [**List<AccountResponse>**](AccountResponse.md) | A list of all Accounts that have an outstanding invitation to join your Team. Note that this response is a subset of the response parameters found in `GET /account`. | [optional]
-**InvitedEmails** | **List<string>** | A list of email addresses that have an outstanding invitation to join your Team and do not yet have a Dropbox Sign account. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of your Team | [optional] **Accounts** | [**List<AccountResponse>**](AccountResponse.md) | | [optional] **InvitedAccounts** | [**List<AccountResponse>**](AccountResponse.md) | A list of all Accounts that have an outstanding invitation to join your Team. Note that this response is a subset of the response parameters found in `GET /account`. | [optional] **InvitedEmails** | **List<string>** | A list of email addresses that have an outstanding invitation to join your Team and do not yet have a Dropbox Sign account. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TeamSubTeamsResponse.md b/docs/TeamSubTeamsResponse.md
index 41faf83..f25e026 100644
--- a/docs/TeamSubTeamsResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TeamSubTeamsResponse.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SubTeams** | [**List<SubTeamResponse>**](SubTeamResponse.md) | Contains a list with sub teams. | [optional]
-**ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | | [optional]
+**SubTeams** | [**List<SubTeamResponse>**](SubTeamResponse.md) | Contains a list with sub teams. | **ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateAddUserRequest.md b/docs/TemplateAddUserRequest.md
index 059dc1e..8fd19bc 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateAddUserRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateAddUserRequest.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | The id of the Account to give access to the Template. **NOTE:** The account id prevails if email address is also provided. | [optional]
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the Account to give access to the Template. **NOTE:** The account id prevails if it is also provided. | [optional]
-**SkipNotification** | **bool** | If set to `true`, the user does not receive an email notification when a template has been shared with them. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
+**AccountId** | **string** | The id of the Account to give access to the Template. **NOTE:** The account id prevails if email address is also provided. | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the Account to give access to the Template. **NOTE:** The account id prevails if it is also provided. | [optional] **SkipNotification** | **bool** | If set to `true`, the user does not receive an email notification when a template has been shared with them. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateApi.md b/docs/TemplateApi.md
index 60384f6..2f6cf98 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateApi.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateApi.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**TemplateRemoveUser**](TemplateApi.md#templateremoveuser) | **POST** /template/remove_user/{template_id} | Remove User from Template |
| [**TemplateUpdateFiles**](TemplateApi.md#templateupdatefiles) | **POST** /template/update_files/{template_id} | Update Template Files |
# **TemplateAddUser**
> TemplateGetResponse TemplateAddUser (string templateId, TemplateAddUserRequest templateAddUserRequest)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateCreate**
> TemplateCreateResponse TemplateCreate (TemplateCreateRequest templateCreateRequest)
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraft**
> TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponse TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraft (TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftRequest templateCreateEmbeddedDraftRequest)
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateDelete**
> void TemplateDelete (string templateId)
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ void (empty response body)
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# **TemplateFiles**
> System.IO.Stream TemplateFiles (string templateId, string? fileType = null)
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateFilesAsDataUri**
> FileResponseDataUri TemplateFilesAsDataUri (string templateId)
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateFilesAsFileUrl**
> FileResponse TemplateFilesAsFileUrl (string templateId, int? forceDownload = null)
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateGet**
> TemplateGetResponse TemplateGet (string templateId)
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateList**
> TemplateListResponse TemplateList (string? accountId = null, int? page = null, int? pageSize = null, string? query = null)
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateRemoveUser**
> TemplateGetResponse TemplateRemoveUser (string templateId, TemplateRemoveUserRequest templateRemoveUserRequest)
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **TemplateUpdateFiles**
> TemplateUpdateFilesResponse TemplateUpdateFiles (string templateId, TemplateUpdateFilesRequest templateUpdateFilesRequest)
diff --git a/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftRequest.md b/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftRequest.md
index 0ce33cb..299d6fe 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftRequest.md
@@ -4,31 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. |
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**AllowCcs** | **bool** | This allows the requester to specify whether the user is allowed to provide email addresses to CC when creating a template. | [optional] [default to true]
-**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional]
-**CcRoles** | **List<string>** | The CC roles that must be assigned when using the template to send a signature request | [optional]
-**EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**ForceSignerRoles** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template signer roles. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ForceSubjectMessage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template subject and message. | [optional] [default to false]
-**FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional]
-**MergeFields** | [**List<SubMergeField>**](SubMergeField.md) | Add merge fields to the template. Merge fields are placed by the user creating the template and used to pre-fill data by passing values into signature requests with the `custom_fields` parameter. If the signature request using that template *does not* pass a value into a merge field, then an empty field remains in the document. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The default template email message. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**ShowPreview** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the editor/preview experience.
- `show_preview=true`: Allows requesters to enable the editor/preview experience. - `show_preview=false`: Allows requesters to disable the editor/preview experience. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]
-**SignerRoles** | [**List<SubTemplateRole>**](SubTemplateRole.md) | An array of the designated signer roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template. | [optional]
-**SkipMeNow** | **bool** | Disables the "Me (Now)" option for the person preparing the document. Does not work with type `send_document`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Subject** | **string** | The template title (alias). | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**UsePreexistingFields** | **bool** | Enable the detection of predefined PDF fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). | [optional] [default to false]
+**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **AllowCcs** | **bool** | This allows the requester to specify whether the user is allowed to provide email addresses to CC when creating a template. | [optional] [default to true]**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional] **CcRoles** | **List<string>** | The CC roles that must be assigned when using the template to send a signature request | [optional] **EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional] **FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional] **ForceSignerRoles** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template signer roles. | [optional] [default to false]**ForceSubjectMessage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template subject and message. | [optional] [default to false]**FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional] **FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional] **FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional] **MergeFields** | [**List<SubMergeField>**](SubMergeField.md) | Add merge fields to the template. Merge fields are placed by the user creating the template and used to pre-fill data by passing values into signature requests with the `custom_fields` parameter. If the signature request using that template *does not* pass a value into a merge field, then an empty field remains in the document. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The default template email message. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **ShowPreview** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the editor/preview experience.
- `show_preview=true`: Allows requesters to enable the editor/preview experience. - `show_preview=false`: Allows requesters to disable the editor/preview experience. | [optional] [default to false]**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]**SignerRoles** | [**List<SubTemplateRole>**](SubTemplateRole.md) | An array of the designated signer roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template. | [optional] **SkipMeNow** | **bool** | Disables the "Me (Now)" option for the person preparing the document. Does not work with type `send_document`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Subject** | **string** | The template title (alias). | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **UsePreexistingFields** | **bool** | Enable the detection of predefined PDF fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponse.md b/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponse.md
index cf5a675..b3a03c0 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Template** | [**TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate**](TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Template** | [**TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate**](TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate.md b/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate.md
index 0e13091..d23893d 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ Template object with parameters: `template_id`, `edit_url`, `expires_at`.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplateId** | **string** | The id of the Template. | [optional]
-**EditUrl** | **string** | Link to edit the template. | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int** | When the link expires. | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**TemplateId** | **string** | The id of the Template. | [optional] **EditUrl** | **string** | Link to edit the template. | [optional] **ExpiresAt** | **int** | When the link expires. | [optional] **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateCreateRequest.md b/docs/TemplateCreateRequest.md
index a0e9860..9a80d0c 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateCreateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateCreateRequest.md
@@ -4,24 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` |
-**SignerRoles** | [**List<SubTemplateRole>**](SubTemplateRole.md) | An array of the designated signer roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template. |
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional]
-**CcRoles** | **List<string>** | The CC roles that must be assigned when using the template to send a signature request | [optional]
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional]
-**FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional]
-**MergeFields** | [**List<SubMergeField>**](SubMergeField.md) | Add merge fields to the template. Merge fields are placed by the user creating the template and used to pre-fill data by passing values into signature requests with the `custom_fields` parameter. If the signature request using that template *does not* pass a value into a merge field, then an empty field remains in the document. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The default template email message. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The template title (alias). | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**UsePreexistingFields** | **bool** | Enable the detection of predefined PDF fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). | [optional] [default to false]
+**FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | **SignerRoles** | [**List<SubTemplateRole>**](SubTemplateRole.md) | An array of the designated signer roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template. | **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional] **CcRoles** | **List<string>** | The CC roles that must be assigned when using the template to send a signature request | [optional] **ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to create this draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional] **FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional] **FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional] **FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional] **MergeFields** | [**List<SubMergeField>**](SubMergeField.md) | Add merge fields to the template. Merge fields are placed by the user creating the template and used to pre-fill data by passing values into signature requests with the `custom_fields` parameter. If the signature request using that template *does not* pass a value into a merge field, then an empty field remains in the document. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The default template email message. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The template title (alias). | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **UsePreexistingFields** | **bool** | Enable the detection of predefined PDF fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateCreateResponse.md b/docs/TemplateCreateResponse.md
index cbd87a7..75bab14 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateCreateResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateCreateResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Template** | [**TemplateCreateResponseTemplate**](TemplateCreateResponseTemplate.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Template** | [**TemplateCreateResponseTemplate**](TemplateCreateResponseTemplate.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateEditResponse.md b/docs/TemplateEditResponse.md
index 723cdfc..830c7a9 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateEditResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateEditResponse.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplateId** | **string** | The id of the Template. | [optional]
+**TemplateId** | **string** | The id of the Template. |
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateGetResponse.md b/docs/TemplateGetResponse.md
index ee781ce..7a301e1 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateGetResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateGetResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Template** | [**TemplateResponse**](TemplateResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Template** | [**TemplateResponse**](TemplateResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateListResponse.md b/docs/TemplateListResponse.md
index b5bb9aa..7bb37dc 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateListResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateListResponse.md
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Templates** | [**List<TemplateResponse>**](TemplateResponse.md) | List of templates that the API caller has access to. | [optional]
-**ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**Templates** | [**List<TemplateResponse>**](TemplateResponse.md) | List of templates that the API caller has access to. | **ListInfo** | [**ListInfoResponse**](ListInfoResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateRemoveUserRequest.md b/docs/TemplateRemoveUserRequest.md
index 1e2280f..98922e5 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateRemoveUserRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateRemoveUserRequest.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | The id or email address of the Account to remove access to the Template. The account id prevails if both are provided. | [optional]
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The id or email address of the Account to remove access to the Template. The account id prevails if both are provided. | [optional]
+**AccountId** | **string** | The id or email address of the Account to remove access to the Template. The account id prevails if both are provided. | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | The id or email address of the Account to remove access to the Template. The account id prevails if both are provided. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponse.md b/docs/TemplateResponse.md
index f25de6a..ce17e37 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponse.md
@@ -5,21 +5,7 @@ Contains information about the templates you and your team have created.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplateId** | **string** | The id of the Template. | [optional]
-**Title** | **string** | The title of the Template. This will also be the default subject of the message sent to signers when using this Template to send a SignatureRequest. This can be overridden when sending the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The default message that will be sent to signers when using this Template to send a SignatureRequest. This can be overridden when sending the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**UpdatedAt** | **int** | Time the template was last updated. | [optional]
-**IsEmbedded** | **bool?** | `true` if this template was created using an embedded flow, `false` if it was created on our website. | [optional]
-**IsCreator** | **bool?** | `true` if you are the owner of this template, `false` if it's been shared with you by a team member. | [optional]
-**CanEdit** | **bool?** | Indicates whether edit rights have been granted to you by the owner (always `true` if that's you). | [optional]
-**IsLocked** | **bool?** | Indicates whether the template is locked. If `true`, then the template was created outside your quota and can only be used in `test_mode`. If `false`, then the template is within your quota and can be used to create signature requests. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Object** | The metadata attached to the template. | [optional]
-**SignerRoles** | [**List<TemplateResponseSignerRole>**](TemplateResponseSignerRole.md) | An array of the designated signer roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template. | [optional]
-**CcRoles** | [**List<TemplateResponseCCRole>**](TemplateResponseCCRole.md) | An array of the designated CC roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template. | [optional]
-**Documents** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocument>**](TemplateResponseDocument.md) | An array describing each document associated with this Template. Includes form field data for each document. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase.md) | Deprecated. Use `custom_fields` inside the [documents](https://developers.hellosign.com/api/reference/operation/templateGet/#!c=200&path=template/documents&t=response) array instead. | [optional]
-**NamedFormFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase.md) | Deprecated. Use `form_fields` inside the [documents](https://developers.hellosign.com/api/reference/operation/templateGet/#!c=200&path=template/documents&t=response) array instead. | [optional]
-**Accounts** | [**List<TemplateResponseAccount>**](TemplateResponseAccount.md) | An array of the Accounts that can use this Template. | [optional]
+**TemplateId** | **string** | The id of the Template. | [optional] **Title** | **string** | The title of the Template. This will also be the default subject of the message sent to signers when using this Template to send a SignatureRequest. This can be overridden when sending the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The default message that will be sent to signers when using this Template to send a SignatureRequest. This can be overridden when sending the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **UpdatedAt** | **int** | Time the template was last updated. | [optional] **IsEmbedded** | **bool?** | `true` if this template was created using an embedded flow, `false` if it was created on our website. | [optional] **IsCreator** | **bool?** | `true` if you are the owner of this template, `false` if it's been shared with you by a team member. | [optional] **CanEdit** | **bool?** | Indicates whether edit rights have been granted to you by the owner (always `true` if that's you). | [optional] **IsLocked** | **bool?** | Indicates whether the template is locked. If `true`, then the template was created outside your quota and can only be used in `test_mode`. If `false`, then the template is within your quota and can be used to create signature requests. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Object** | The metadata attached to the template. | [optional] **SignerRoles** | [**List<TemplateResponseSignerRole>**](TemplateResponseSignerRole.md) | An array of the designated signer roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template. | [optional] **CcRoles** | [**List<TemplateResponseCCRole>**](TemplateResponseCCRole.md) | An array of the designated CC roles that must be specified when sending a SignatureRequest using this Template. | [optional] **Documents** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocument>**](TemplateResponseDocument.md) | An array describing each document associated with this Template. Includes form field data for each document. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase.md) | Deprecated. Use `custom_fields` inside the [documents](https://developers.hellosign.com/api/reference/operation/templateGet/#!c=200&path=template/documents&t=response) array instead. | [optional] **NamedFormFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase.md) | Deprecated. Use `form_fields` inside the [documents](https://developers.hellosign.com/api/reference/operation/templateGet/#!c=200&path=template/documents&t=response) array instead. | [optional] **Accounts** | [**List<TemplateResponseAccount>**](TemplateResponseAccount.md) | An array of the Accounts that can use this Template. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseAccount.md b/docs/TemplateResponseAccount.md
index 8713247..b69b4eb 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseAccount.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseAccount.md
@@ -4,12 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**AccountId** | **string** | The id of the Account. | [optional]
-**EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address associated with the Account. | [optional]
-**IsLocked** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has been locked out of their account by a team admin. | [optional]
-**IsPaidHs** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has a paid Dropbox Sign account. | [optional]
-**IsPaidHf** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has a paid HelloFax account. | [optional]
-**Quotas** | [**TemplateResponseAccountQuota**](TemplateResponseAccountQuota.md) | | [optional]
+**AccountId** | **string** | The id of the Account. | [optional] **EmailAddress** | **string** | The email address associated with the Account. | [optional] **IsLocked** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has been locked out of their account by a team admin. | [optional] **IsPaidHs** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has a paid Dropbox Sign account. | [optional] **IsPaidHf** | **bool** | Returns `true` if the user has a paid HelloFax account. | [optional] **Quotas** | [**TemplateResponseAccountQuota**](TemplateResponseAccountQuota.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseAccountQuota.md b/docs/TemplateResponseAccountQuota.md
index c57a271..5051dc5 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseAccountQuota.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseAccountQuota.md
@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ An array of the designated CC roles that must be specified when sending a Signat
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplatesLeft** | **int** | API templates remaining. | [optional]
-**ApiSignatureRequestsLeft** | **int** | API signature requests remaining. | [optional]
-**DocumentsLeft** | **int** | Signature requests remaining. | [optional]
-**SmsVerificationsLeft** | **int** | SMS verifications remaining. | [optional]
+**TemplatesLeft** | **int** | API templates remaining. | [optional] **ApiSignatureRequestsLeft** | **int** | API signature requests remaining. | [optional] **DocumentsLeft** | **int** | Signature requests remaining. | [optional] **SmsVerificationsLeft** | **int** | SMS verifications remaining. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocument.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocument.md
index 09b0716..6847d7b 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocument.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocument.md
@@ -4,12 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | Name of the associated file. | [optional]
-**Index** | **int** | Document ordering, the lowest index is displayed first and the highest last (0-based indexing). | [optional]
-**FieldGroups** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroup>**](TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroup.md) | An array of Form Field Group objects. | [optional]
-**FormFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase.md) | An array of Form Field objects containing the name and type of each named field. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase.md) | An array of Form Field objects containing the name and type of each named field. | [optional]
-**StaticFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentStaticFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentStaticFieldBase.md) | An array describing static overlay fields. **NOTE:** Only available for certain subscriptions. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | Name of the associated file. | [optional] **Index** | **int** | Document ordering, the lowest index is displayed first and the highest last (0-based indexing). | [optional] **FieldGroups** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroup>**](TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroup.md) | An array of Form Field Group objects. | [optional] **FormFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase.md) | An array of Form Field objects containing the name and type of each named field. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase.md) | An array of Form Field objects containing the name and type of each named field. | [optional] **StaticFields** | [**List<TemplateResponseDocumentStaticFieldBase>**](TemplateResponseDocumentStaticFieldBase.md) | An array describing static overlay fields. **NOTE:** Only available for certain subscriptions. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase.md
index 6aba80b..9f349a7 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldBase.md
@@ -5,16 +5,7 @@ An array of Form Field objects containing the name and type of each named field.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | |
-**ApiId** | **string** | The unique ID for this field. | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the Custom Field. | [optional]
-**Signer** | **string** | The signer of the Custom Field. Can be `null` if field is a merge field (assigned to Sender). | [optional]
-**X** | **int** | The horizontal offset in pixels for this form field. | [optional]
-**Y** | **int** | The vertical offset in pixels for this form field. | [optional]
-**Width** | **int** | The width in pixels of this form field. | [optional]
-**Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this form field. | [optional]
-**Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional]
-**Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null`. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | | **ApiId** | **string** | The unique ID for this field. | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name of the Custom Field. | [optional] **Signer** | **string** | The signer of the Custom Field. Can be `null` if field is a merge field (assigned to Sender). | [optional] **X** | **int** | The horizontal offset in pixels for this form field. | [optional] **Y** | **int** | The vertical offset in pixels for this form field. | [optional] **Width** | **int** | The width in pixels of this form field. | [optional] **Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this form field. | [optional] **Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional] **Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null`. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldText.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldText.md
index 4a63e9d..8db1636 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldText.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldText.md
@@ -14,11 +14,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional]
**Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null`. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | The type of this Custom Field. Only `text` and `checkbox` are currently supported.
* Text uses `TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldText` * Checkbox uses `TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldCheckbox` | [default to "text"]
-**AvgTextLength** | [**TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength**](TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md) | | [optional]
-**IsMultiline** | **bool** | Whether this form field is multiline text. | [optional]
-**OriginalFontSize** | **int** | Original font size used in this form field's text. | [optional]
-**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family used in this form field's text. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The type of this Custom Field. Only `text` and `checkbox` are currently supported.
* Text uses `TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldText` * Checkbox uses `TemplateResponseDocumentCustomFieldCheckbox` | [default to "text"]**AvgTextLength** | [**TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength**](TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md) | | [optional] **IsMultiline** | **bool** | Whether this form field is multiline text. | [optional] **OriginalFontSize** | **int** | Original font size used in this form field's text. | [optional] **FontFamily** | **string** | Font family used in this form field's text. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroup.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroup.md
index a1e7f00..0dfac71 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroup.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroup.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field group. | [optional]
-**Rule** | [**TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroupRule**](TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroupRule.md) | | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field group. | [optional] **Rule** | [**TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroupRule**](TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroupRule.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroupRule.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroupRule.md
index 0a92e92..44dd2eb 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroupRule.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFieldGroupRule.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ The rule used to validate checkboxes in the form field group. See [checkbox fiel
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Requirement** | **string** | Examples: `require_0-1` `require_1` `require_1-ormore`
- Check out the list of [acceptable `requirement` checkbox type values](/api/reference/constants/#checkbox-field-grouping). - Check out the list of [acceptable `requirement` radio type fields](/api/reference/constants/#radio-field-grouping). - Radio groups require **at least** two fields per group. | [optional]
-**GroupLabel** | **string** | Name of the group | [optional]
+**Requirement** | **string** | Examples: `require_0-1` `require_1` `require_1-ormore`
- Check out the list of [acceptable `requirement` checkbox type values](/api/reference/constants/#checkbox-field-grouping). - Check out the list of [acceptable `requirement` radio type fields](/api/reference/constants/#radio-field-grouping). - Radio groups require **at least** two fields per group. | [optional] **GroupLabel** | **string** | Name of the group | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase.md
index 74429bf..0e941c7 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldBase.md
@@ -5,16 +5,7 @@ An array of Form Field objects containing the name and type of each named field.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | |
-**ApiId** | **string** | A unique id for the form field. | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional]
-**Signer** | **string** | The signer of the Form Field. | [optional]
-**X** | **int** | The horizontal offset in pixels for this form field. | [optional]
-**Y** | **int** | The vertical offset in pixels for this form field. | [optional]
-**Width** | **int** | The width in pixels of this form field. | [optional]
-**Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this form field. | [optional]
-**Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional]
-**Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null` except for Radio fields. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | | **ApiId** | **string** | A unique id for the form field. | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name of the form field. | [optional] **Signer** | **string** | The signer of the Form Field. | [optional] **X** | **int** | The horizontal offset in pixels for this form field. | [optional] **Y** | **int** | The vertical offset in pixels for this form field. | [optional] **Width** | **int** | The width in pixels of this form field. | [optional] **Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this form field. | [optional] **Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional] **Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null` except for Radio fields. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldHyperlink.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldHyperlink.md
index 125ba1d..c5dc34e 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldHyperlink.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldHyperlink.md
@@ -14,11 +14,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional]
**Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null` except for Radio fields. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | The type of this form field. See [field types](/api/reference/constants/#field-types).
* Text Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldText` * Dropdown Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldDropdown` * Hyperlink Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldHyperlink` * Checkbox Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldCheckbox` * Radio Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldRadio` * Signature Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldSignature` * Date Signed Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldDateSigned` * Initials Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldInitials` | [default to "hyperlink"]
-**AvgTextLength** | [**TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength**](TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md) | | [optional]
-**IsMultiline** | **bool** | Whether this form field is multiline text. | [optional]
-**OriginalFontSize** | **int** | Original font size used in this form field's text. | [optional]
-**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family used in this form field's text. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The type of this form field. See [field types](/api/reference/constants/#field-types).
* Text Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldText` * Dropdown Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldDropdown` * Hyperlink Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldHyperlink` * Checkbox Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldCheckbox` * Radio Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldRadio` * Signature Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldSignature` * Date Signed Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldDateSigned` * Initials Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldInitials` | [default to "hyperlink"]**AvgTextLength** | [**TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength**](TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md) | | [optional] **IsMultiline** | **bool** | Whether this form field is multiline text. | [optional] **OriginalFontSize** | **int** | Original font size used in this form field's text. | [optional] **FontFamily** | **string** | Font family used in this form field's text. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldText.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldText.md
index cc0c064..9bcc478 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldText.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldText.md
@@ -14,12 +14,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this form field. | [optional]
**Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional]
**Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null` except for Radio fields. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | The type of this form field. See [field types](/api/reference/constants/#field-types).
* Text Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldText` * Dropdown Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldDropdown` * Hyperlink Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldHyperlink` * Checkbox Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldCheckbox` * Radio Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldRadio` * Signature Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldSignature` * Date Signed Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldDateSigned` * Initials Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldInitials` | [default to "text"]
-**AvgTextLength** | [**TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength**](TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md) | | [optional]
-**IsMultiline** | **bool** | Whether this form field is multiline text. | [optional]
-**OriginalFontSize** | **int** | Original font size used in this form field's text. | [optional]
-**FontFamily** | **string** | Font family used in this form field's text. | [optional]
-**ValidationType** | **string** | Each text field may contain a `validation_type` parameter. Check out the list of [validation types](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The type of this form field. See [field types](/api/reference/constants/#field-types).
* Text Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldText` * Dropdown Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldDropdown` * Hyperlink Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldHyperlink` * Checkbox Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldCheckbox` * Radio Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldRadio` * Signature Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldSignature` * Date Signed Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldDateSigned` * Initials Field uses `TemplateResponseDocumentFormFieldInitials` | [default to "text"]**AvgTextLength** | [**TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength**](TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md) | | [optional] **IsMultiline** | **bool** | Whether this form field is multiline text. | [optional] **OriginalFontSize** | **int** | Original font size used in this form field's text. | [optional] **FontFamily** | **string** | Font family used in this form field's text. | [optional] **ValidationType** | **string** | Each text field may contain a `validation_type` parameter. Check out the list of [validation types](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/217115577) to learn more about the possible values. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentStaticFieldBase.md b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentStaticFieldBase.md
index 4af0019..b147460 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentStaticFieldBase.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseDocumentStaticFieldBase.md
@@ -5,16 +5,7 @@ An array describing static overlay fields. **NOTE:** Only available for certain
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | |
-**ApiId** | **string** | A unique id for the static field. | [optional]
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the static field. | [optional]
-**Signer** | **string** | The signer of the Static Field. | [optional] [default to "me_now"]
-**X** | **int** | The horizontal offset in pixels for this static field. | [optional]
-**Y** | **int** | The vertical offset in pixels for this static field. | [optional]
-**Width** | **int** | The width in pixels of this static field. | [optional]
-**Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this static field. | [optional]
-**Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional]
-**Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null`. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | | **ApiId** | **string** | A unique id for the static field. | [optional] **Name** | **string** | The name of the static field. | [optional] **Signer** | **string** | The signer of the Static Field. | [optional] [default to "me_now"]**X** | **int** | The horizontal offset in pixels for this static field. | [optional] **Y** | **int** | The vertical offset in pixels for this static field. | [optional] **Width** | **int** | The width in pixels of this static field. | [optional] **Height** | **int** | The height in pixels of this static field. | [optional] **Required** | **bool** | Boolean showing whether or not this field is required. | [optional] **Group** | **string** | The name of the group this field is in. If this field is not a group, this defaults to `null`. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md b/docs/TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md
index 7909e61..a2773f0 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseFieldAvgTextLength.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ Average text length in this field.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**NumLines** | **int** | Number of lines. | [optional]
-**NumCharsPerLine** | **int** | Number of characters per line. | [optional]
+**NumLines** | **int** | Number of lines. | [optional] **NumCharsPerLine** | **int** | Number of characters per line. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateResponseSignerRole.md b/docs/TemplateResponseSignerRole.md
index 20be54c..ddead2a 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateResponseSignerRole.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateResponseSignerRole.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of the Role. | [optional]
-**Order** | **int** | If signer order is assigned this is the 0-based index for this role. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the Role. | [optional] **Order** | **int** | If signer order is assigned this is the 0-based index for this role. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesRequest.md b/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesRequest.md
index 77529c0..ddaaac6 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesRequest.md
@@ -4,12 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to update this template. | [optional]
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to use for the template.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to use for the template.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**Message** | **string** | The new default template email message. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The new default template email subject. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
+**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app you're using to update this template. | [optional] **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to use for the template.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to use for the template.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **Message** | **string** | The new default template email message. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The new default template email subject. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesResponse.md b/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesResponse.md
index 5bd4210..8ff710e 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesResponse.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Template** | [**TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate**](TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate.md) | | [optional]
+**Template** | [**TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate**](TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate.md b/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate.md
index 34756c3..390961e 100644
--- a/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ Contains template id
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TemplateId** | **string** | The id of the Template. | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**TemplateId** | **string** | The id of the Template. | [optional] **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UnclaimedDraftApi.md b/docs/UnclaimedDraftApi.md
index 458e5d3..7d5a0e1 100644
--- a/docs/UnclaimedDraftApi.md
+++ b/docs/UnclaimedDraftApi.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.hellosign.com/v3*
| [**UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate**](UnclaimedDraftApi.md#unclaimeddraftcreateembeddedwithtemplate) | **POST** /unclaimed_draft/create_embedded_with_template | Create Embedded Unclaimed Draft with Template |
| [**UnclaimedDraftEditAndResend**](UnclaimedDraftApi.md#unclaimeddrafteditandresend) | **POST** /unclaimed_draft/edit_and_resend/{signature_request_id} | Edit and Resend Unclaimed Draft |
# **UnclaimedDraftCreate**
> UnclaimedDraftCreateResponse UnclaimedDraftCreate (UnclaimedDraftCreateRequest unclaimedDraftCreateRequest)
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbedded**
> UnclaimedDraftCreateResponse UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbedded (UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedRequest unclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedRequest)
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate**
> UnclaimedDraftCreateResponse UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplate (UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest unclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest)
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ catch (ApiException e)
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# **UnclaimedDraftEditAndResend**
> UnclaimedDraftCreateResponse UnclaimedDraftEditAndResend (string signatureRequestId, UnclaimedDraftEditAndResendRequest unclaimedDraftEditAndResendRequest)
diff --git a/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedRequest.md b/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedRequest.md
index 0da15d2..d3bc89c 100644
--- a/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedRequest.md
+++ b/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedRequest.md
@@ -4,42 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app used to create the draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. |
-**RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the user that should be designated as the requester of this draft, if the draft type is `request_signature`. |
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**AllowCcs** | **bool** | This allows the requester to specify whether the user is allowed to provide email addresses to CC when claiming the draft. | [optional] [default to true]
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional]
-**CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | The email addresses that should be CCed. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional]
-**EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**ForceSignerPage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the signers. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ForceSubjectMessage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the subject and message. | [optional] [default to false]
-**FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional]
-**HideTextTags** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable automatic Text Tag removal. Defaults to `false`. When using Text Tags it is preferred that you set this to `false` and hide your tags with white text or something similar because the automatic removal system can cause unwanted clipping. See the [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) walkthrough for more details. | [optional] [default to false]
-**HoldRequest** | **bool** | The request from this draft will not automatically send to signers post-claim if set to `true`. Requester must [release](/api/reference/operation/signatureRequestReleaseHold/) the request from hold when ready to send. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**IsForEmbeddedSigning** | **bool** | The request created from this draft will also be signable in embedded mode if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**RequestingRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully request a signature. | [optional]
-**ShowPreview** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the editor/preview experience.
- `show_preview=true`: Allows requesters to enable the editor/preview experience. - `show_preview=false`: Allows requesters to disable the editor/preview experience. | [optional]
-**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]
-**Signers** | [**List<SubUnclaimedDraftSigner>**](SubUnclaimedDraftSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Unclaimed Draft Signature Request. | [optional]
-**SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**SkipMeNow** | **bool** | Disables the "Me (Now)" option for the person preparing the document. Does not work with type `send_document`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Type** | **string** | The type of the draft. By default this is `request_signature`, but you can set it to `send_document` if you want to self sign a document and download it. | [optional] [default to TypeEnum.RequestSignature]
-**UsePreexistingFields** | **bool** | Set `use_text_tags` to `true` to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Alternatively, if your PDF contains pre-defined fields, enable the detection of these fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Currently we only support use of either `use_text_tags` or `use_preexisting_fields` parameter, not both. | [optional] [default to false]
-**UseTextTags** | **bool** | Set `use_text_tags` to `true` to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Alternatively, if your PDF contains pre-defined fields, enable the detection of these fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Currently we only support use of either `use_text_tags` or `use_preexisting_fields` parameter, not both. | [optional] [default to false]
-**PopulateAutoFillFields** | **bool** | Controls whether [auto fill fields](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051467511-Auto-Fill-Fields) can automatically populate a signer's information during signing.
**NOTE:** Keep your signer's information safe by ensuring that the _signer on your signature request is the intended party_ before using this feature. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details.
**NOTE:** This does not correspond to the **expires_at** returned in the response. | [optional]
+**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app used to create the draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | **RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the user that should be designated as the requester of this draft, if the draft type is `request_signature`. | **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **AllowCcs** | **bool** | This allows the requester to specify whether the user is allowed to provide email addresses to CC when claiming the draft. | [optional] [default to true]**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional] **CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | The email addresses that should be CCed. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional] **EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional] **FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional] **ForceSignerPage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the signers. | [optional] [default to false]**ForceSubjectMessage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the subject and message. | [optional] [default to false]**FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional] **FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional] **FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional] **HideTextTags** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable automatic Text Tag removal. Defaults to `false`. When using Text Tags it is preferred that you set this to `false` and hide your tags with white text or something similar because the automatic removal system can cause unwanted clipping. See the [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) walkthrough for more details. | [optional] [default to false]**HoldRequest** | **bool** | The request from this draft will not automatically send to signers post-claim if set to `true`. Requester must [release](/api/reference/operation/signatureRequestReleaseHold/) the request from hold when ready to send. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**IsForEmbeddedSigning** | **bool** | The request created from this draft will also be signable in embedded mode if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **RequestingRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully request a signature. | [optional] **ShowPreview** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the editor/preview experience.
- `show_preview=true`: Allows requesters to enable the editor/preview experience. - `show_preview=false`: Allows requesters to disable the editor/preview experience. | [optional] **ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]**Signers** | [**List<SubUnclaimedDraftSigner>**](SubUnclaimedDraftSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Unclaimed Draft Signature Request. | [optional] **SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **SkipMeNow** | **bool** | Disables the "Me (Now)" option for the person preparing the document. Does not work with type `send_document`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Type** | **string** | The type of the draft. By default this is `request_signature`, but you can set it to `send_document` if you want to self sign a document and download it. | [optional] [default to TypeEnum.RequestSignature]**UsePreexistingFields** | **bool** | Set `use_text_tags` to `true` to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Alternatively, if your PDF contains pre-defined fields, enable the detection of these fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Currently we only support use of either `use_text_tags` or `use_preexisting_fields` parameter, not both. | [optional] [default to false]**UseTextTags** | **bool** | Set `use_text_tags` to `true` to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Alternatively, if your PDF contains pre-defined fields, enable the detection of these fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Currently we only support use of either `use_text_tags` or `use_preexisting_fields` parameter, not both. | [optional] [default to false]**PopulateAutoFillFields** | **bool** | Controls whether [auto fill fields](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051467511-Auto-Fill-Fields) can automatically populate a signer's information during signing.
**NOTE:** Keep your signer's information safe by ensuring that the _signer on your signature request is the intended party_ before using this feature. | [optional] [default to false]**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details.
**NOTE:** This does not correspond to the **expires_at** returned in the response. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md b/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
index 1dc85f6..d5b6954 100644
--- a/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateEmbeddedWithTemplateRequest.md
@@ -4,36 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app used to create the draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. |
-**RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the user that should be designated as the requester of this draft. |
-**TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the templates will be used. |
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | An array defining values and options for custom fields. Required when a custom field exists in the Template. | [optional]
-**EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to append additional files to the signature request being created from the template. Dropbox Sign will parse the files for [text tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough) and append it to the signature request. Text tags for signers not on the template(s) will be ignored.
**files** or **file_urls[]** is required, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use file_urls[] to append additional files to the signature request being created from the template. Dropbox Sign will download the file, then parse it for [text tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough), and append to the signature request. Text tags for signers not on the template(s) will be ignored.
**files** or **file_urls[]** is required, but not both. | [optional]
-**ForceSignerRoles** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template signer roles. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ForceSubjectMessage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template subject and message. | [optional] [default to false]
-**HoldRequest** | **bool** | The request from this draft will not automatically send to signers post-claim if set to 1. Requester must [release](/api/reference/operation/signatureRequestReleaseHold/) the request from hold when ready to send. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**IsForEmbeddedSigning** | **bool** | The request created from this draft will also be signable in embedded mode if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**PreviewOnly** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the preview experience (i.e. does not allow the requester's end user to add any additional fields via the editor).
- `preview_only=true`: Allows requesters to enable the preview only experience. - `preview_only=false`: Allows requesters to disable the preview only experience.
**NOTE:** This parameter overwrites `show_preview=1` (if set). | [optional] [default to false]
-**RequestingRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully request a signature. | [optional]
-**ShowPreview** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the editor/preview experience.
- `show_preview=true`: Allows requesters to enable the editor/preview experience. - `show_preview=false`: Allows requesters to disable the editor/preview experience. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]
-**Signers** | [**List<SubUnclaimedDraftTemplateSigner>**](SubUnclaimedDraftTemplateSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Templated-based Signature Request. | [optional]
-**SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**SkipMeNow** | **bool** | Disables the "Me (Now)" option for the person preparing the document. Does not work with type `send_document`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional]
-**PopulateAutoFillFields** | **bool** | Controls whether [auto fill fields](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051467511-Auto-Fill-Fields) can automatically populate a signer's information during signing.
**NOTE:** Keep your signer's information safe by ensuring that the _signer on your signature request is the intended party_ before using this feature. | [optional] [default to false]
-**AllowCcs** | **bool** | This allows the requester to specify whether the user is allowed to provide email addresses to CC when claiming the draft. | [optional] [default to false]
+**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app used to create the draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | **RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the user that should be designated as the requester of this draft. | **TemplateIds** | **List<string>** | Use `template_ids` to create a SignatureRequest from one or more templates, in the order in which the templates will be used. | **AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**AllowReassign** | **bool** | Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
**NOTE:** Only available for Premium plan and higher. | [optional] [default to false]**Ccs** | [**List<SubCC>**](SubCC.md) | Add CC email recipients. Required when a CC role exists for the Template. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | An array defining values and options for custom fields. Required when a custom field exists in the Template. | [optional] **EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional] **FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional] **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to append additional files to the signature request being created from the template. Dropbox Sign will parse the files for [text tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough) and append it to the signature request. Text tags for signers not on the template(s) will be ignored.
**files** or **file_urls[]** is required, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use file_urls[] to append additional files to the signature request being created from the template. Dropbox Sign will download the file, then parse it for [text tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough), and append to the signature request. Text tags for signers not on the template(s) will be ignored.
**files** or **file_urls[]** is required, but not both. | [optional] **ForceSignerRoles** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template signer roles. | [optional] [default to false]**ForceSubjectMessage** | **bool** | Provide users the ability to review/edit the template subject and message. | [optional] [default to false]**HoldRequest** | **bool** | The request from this draft will not automatically send to signers post-claim if set to 1. Requester must [release](/api/reference/operation/signatureRequestReleaseHold/) the request from hold when ready to send. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**IsForEmbeddedSigning** | **bool** | The request created from this draft will also be signable in embedded mode if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **PreviewOnly** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the preview experience (i.e. does not allow the requester's end user to add any additional fields via the editor).
- `preview_only=true`: Allows requesters to enable the preview only experience. - `preview_only=false`: Allows requesters to disable the preview only experience.
**NOTE:** This parameter overwrites `show_preview=1` (if set). | [optional] [default to false]**RequestingRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully request a signature. | [optional] **ShowPreview** | **bool** | This allows the requester to enable the editor/preview experience.
- `show_preview=true`: Allows requesters to enable the editor/preview experience. - `show_preview=false`: Allows requesters to disable the editor/preview experience. | [optional] [default to false]**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]**Signers** | [**List<SubUnclaimedDraftTemplateSigner>**](SubUnclaimedDraftTemplateSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Templated-based Signature Request. | [optional] **SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **SkipMeNow** | **bool** | Disables the "Me (Now)" option for the person preparing the document. Does not work with type `send_document`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Title** | **string** | The title you want to assign to the SignatureRequest. | [optional] **PopulateAutoFillFields** | **bool** | Controls whether [auto fill fields](https://faq.hellosign.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051467511-Auto-Fill-Fields) can automatically populate a signer's information during signing.
**NOTE:** Keep your signer's information safe by ensuring that the _signer on your signature request is the intended party_ before using this feature. | [optional] [default to false]**AllowCcs** | **bool** | This allows the requester to specify whether the user is allowed to provide email addresses to CC when claiming the draft. | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateRequest.md b/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateRequest.md
index 71ef91f..462e914 100644
--- a/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateRequest.md
+++ b/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateRequest.md
@@ -4,30 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | The type of unclaimed draft to create. Use `send_document` to create a claimable file, and `request_signature` for a claimable signature request. If the type is `request_signature` then signers name and email_address are not optional. |
-**Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional]
-**AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional]
-**CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | The email addresses that should be CCed. | [optional]
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app used to create the draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional]
-**CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional]
-**FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional]
-**FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional]
-**HideTextTags** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable automatic Text Tag removal. Defaults to `false`. When using Text Tags it is preferred that you set this to `false` and hide your tags with white text or something similar because the automatic removal system can cause unwanted clipping. See the [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) walkthrough for more details. | [optional] [default to false]
-**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional]
-**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]
-**Signers** | [**List<SubUnclaimedDraftSigner>**](SubUnclaimedDraftSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Unclaimed Draft Signature Request. | [optional]
-**SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
-**UsePreexistingFields** | **bool** | Set `use_text_tags` to `true` to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Alternatively, if your PDF contains pre-defined fields, enable the detection of these fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Currently we only support use of either `use_text_tags` or `use_preexisting_fields` parameter, not both. | [optional] [default to false]
-**UseTextTags** | **bool** | Set `use_text_tags` to `true` to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Alternatively, if your PDF contains pre-defined fields, enable the detection of these fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Currently we only support use of either `use_text_tags` or `use_preexisting_fields` parameter, not both. | [optional] [default to false]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details.
**NOTE:** This does not correspond to the **expires_at** returned in the response. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The type of unclaimed draft to create. Use `send_document` to create a claimable file, and `request_signature` for a claimable signature request. If the type is `request_signature` then signers name and email_address are not optional. | **Files** | **List<System.IO.Stream>** | Use `files[]` to indicate the uploaded file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **FileUrls** | **List<string>** | Use `file_urls[]` to have Dropbox Sign download the file(s) to send for signature.
This endpoint requires either **files** or **file_urls[]**, but not both. | [optional] **AllowDecline** | **bool** | Allows signers to decline to sign a document if `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**Attachments** | [**List<SubAttachment>**](SubAttachment.md) | A list describing the attachments | [optional] **CcEmailAddresses** | **List<string>** | The email addresses that should be CCed. | [optional] **ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app used to create the draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | [optional] **CustomFields** | [**List<SubCustomField>**](SubCustomField.md) | When used together with merge fields, `custom_fields` allows users to add pre-filled data to their signature requests.
Pre-filled data can be used with "send-once" signature requests by adding merge fields with `form_fields_per_document` or [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) while passing values back with `custom_fields` together in one API call.
For using pre-filled on repeatable signature requests, merge fields are added to templates in the Dropbox Sign UI or by calling [/template/create_embedded_draft](/api/reference/operation/templateCreateEmbeddedDraft) and then passing `custom_fields` on subsequent signature requests referencing that template. | [optional] **FieldOptions** | [**SubFieldOptions**](SubFieldOptions.md) | | [optional] **FormFieldGroups** | [**List<SubFormFieldGroup>**](SubFormFieldGroup.md) | Group information for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. String-indexed JSON array with `group_label` and `requirement` keys. `form_fields_per_document` must contain fields referencing a group defined in `form_field_groups`. | [optional] **FormFieldRules** | [**List<SubFormFieldRule>**](SubFormFieldRule.md) | Conditional Logic rules for fields defined in `form_fields_per_document`. | [optional] **FormFieldsPerDocument** | [**List<SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase>**](SubFormFieldsPerDocumentBase.md) | The fields that should appear on the document, expressed as an array of objects. (For more details you can read about it here: [Using Form Fields per Document](/docs/openapi/form-fields-per-document).)
**NOTE:** Fields like **text**, **dropdown**, **checkbox**, **radio**, and **hyperlink** have additional required and optional parameters. Check out the list of [additional parameters](/api/reference/constants/#form-fields-per-document) for these field types.
* Text Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentText` * Dropdown Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDropdown` * Hyperlink Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentHyperlink` * Checkbox Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckbox` * Radio Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentRadio` * Signature Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentSignature` * Date Signed Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentDateSigned` * Initials Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentInitials` * Text Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentTextMerge` * Checkbox Merge Field use `SubFormFieldsPerDocumentCheckboxMerge` | [optional] **HideTextTags** | **bool** | Send with a value of `true` if you wish to enable automatic Text Tag removal. Defaults to `false`. When using Text Tags it is preferred that you set this to `false` and hide your tags with white text or something similar because the automatic removal system can cause unwanted clipping. See the [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) walkthrough for more details. | [optional] [default to false]**Message** | **string** | The custom message in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **Metadata** | **Dictionary<string, Object>** | Key-value data that should be attached to the signature request. This metadata is included in all API responses and events involving the signature request. For example, use the metadata field to store a signer's order number for look up when receiving events for the signature request.
Each request can include up to 10 metadata keys (or 50 nested metadata keys), with key names up to 40 characters long and values up to 1000 characters long. | [optional] **ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]**Signers** | [**List<SubUnclaimedDraftSigner>**](SubUnclaimedDraftSigner.md) | Add Signers to your Unclaimed Draft Signature Request. | [optional] **SigningOptions** | [**SubSigningOptions**](SubSigningOptions.md) | | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **Subject** | **string** | The subject in the email that will be sent to the signers. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]**UsePreexistingFields** | **bool** | Set `use_text_tags` to `true` to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Alternatively, if your PDF contains pre-defined fields, enable the detection of these fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Currently we only support use of either `use_text_tags` or `use_preexisting_fields` parameter, not both. | [optional] [default to false]**UseTextTags** | **bool** | Set `use_text_tags` to `true` to enable [Text Tags](https://app.hellosign.com/api/textTagsWalkthrough#TextTagIntro) parsing in your document (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Alternatively, if your PDF contains pre-defined fields, enable the detection of these fields by setting the `use_preexisting_fields` to `true` (defaults to disabled, or `false`). Currently we only support use of either `use_text_tags` or `use_preexisting_fields` parameter, not both. | [optional] [default to false]**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the signature request will expire. Unsigned signatures will be moved to the expired status, and no longer signable. See [Signature Request Expiration Date](https://developers.hellosign.com/docs/signature-request/expiration/) for details.
**NOTE:** This does not correspond to the **expires_at** returned in the response. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateResponse.md b/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateResponse.md
index 3258481..97a8f57 100644
--- a/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateResponse.md
+++ b/docs/UnclaimedDraftCreateResponse.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**UnclaimedDraft** | [**UnclaimedDraftResponse**](UnclaimedDraftResponse.md) | | [optional]
-**Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
+**UnclaimedDraft** | [**UnclaimedDraftResponse**](UnclaimedDraftResponse.md) | | **Warnings** | [**List<WarningResponse>**](WarningResponse.md) | A list of warnings. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UnclaimedDraftEditAndResendRequest.md b/docs/UnclaimedDraftEditAndResendRequest.md
index 80051e3..330a064 100644
--- a/docs/UnclaimedDraftEditAndResendRequest.md
+++ b/docs/UnclaimedDraftEditAndResendRequest.md
@@ -4,14 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app used to create the draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. |
-**EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional]
-**IsForEmbeddedSigning** | **bool** | The request created from this draft will also be signable in embedded mode if set to `true`. | [optional]
-**RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the user that should be designated as the requester of this draft. If not set, original requester's email address will be used. | [optional]
-**RequestingRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully request a signature. | [optional]
-**ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
+**ClientId** | **string** | Client id of the app used to create the draft. Used to apply the branding and callback url defined for the app. | **EditorOptions** | [**SubEditorOptions**](SubEditorOptions.md) | | [optional] **IsForEmbeddedSigning** | **bool** | The request created from this draft will also be signable in embedded mode if set to `true`. | [optional] **RequesterEmailAddress** | **string** | The email address of the user that should be designated as the requester of this draft. If not set, original requester's email address will be used. | [optional] **RequestingRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully request a signature. | [optional] **ShowProgressStepper** | **bool** | When only one step remains in the signature request process and this parameter is set to `false` then the progress stepper will be hidden. | [optional] [default to true]**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test, the signature request created from this draft will not be legally binding if set to `true`. Defaults to `false`. | [optional] [default to false]
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/UnclaimedDraftResponse.md b/docs/UnclaimedDraftResponse.md
index d9fe7da..f301ff7 100644
--- a/docs/UnclaimedDraftResponse.md
+++ b/docs/UnclaimedDraftResponse.md
@@ -5,12 +5,7 @@ A group of documents that a user can take ownership of via the claim URL.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**SignatureRequestId** | **string** | The ID of the signature request that is represented by this UnclaimedDraft. | [optional]
-**ClaimUrl** | **string** | The URL to be used to claim this UnclaimedDraft. | [optional]
-**SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional]
-**RequestingRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully request a signature (Will only be returned in the response if it is applicable to the request.). | [optional]
-**ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the link expires. | [optional]
-**TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test draft. Signature requests made from test drafts have no legal value. | [optional]
+**SignatureRequestId** | **string** | The ID of the signature request that is represented by this UnclaimedDraft. | [optional] **ClaimUrl** | **string** | The URL to be used to claim this UnclaimedDraft. | [optional] **SigningRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully sign. | [optional] **RequestingRedirectUrl** | **string** | The URL you want signers redirected to after they successfully request a signature (Will only be returned in the response if it is applicable to the request.). | [optional] **ExpiresAt** | **int?** | When the link expires. | [optional] **TestMode** | **bool** | Whether this is a test draft. Signature requests made from test drafts have no legal value. | [optional]
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/WarningResponse.md b/docs/WarningResponse.md
index e5466e0..f44da16 100644
--- a/docs/WarningResponse.md
+++ b/docs/WarningResponse.md
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ A list of warnings.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**WarningMsg** | **string** | Warning message |
-**WarningName** | **string** | Warning name |
+**WarningMsg** | **string** | Warning message | **WarningName** | **string** | Warning name |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/examples/FaxLineAddUser.cs b/examples/FaxLineAddUser.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de22f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/FaxLineAddUser.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ var data = new FaxLineAddUserRequest(
+ number: "[FAX_NUMBER]",
+ emailAddress: "member@dropboxsign.com"
+ );
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineAddUser(data);
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.cs b/examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3beedfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineAreaCodeGet("US", "CA");
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/FaxLineCreate.cs b/examples/FaxLineCreate.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d96ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/FaxLineCreate.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ var data = new FaxLineCreateRequest(
+ areaCode: 209,
+ country: "US"
+ );
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineCreate(data);
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/FaxLineDelete.cs b/examples/FaxLineDelete.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2cf8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/FaxLineDelete.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ var data = new FaxLineDeleteRequest(
+ number: "[FAX_NUMBER]",
+ );
+ try
+ {
+ faxLineApi.FaxLineDelete(data);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/FaxLineGet.cs b/examples/FaxLineGet.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d18c82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/FaxLineGet.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineGet("[FAX_NUMBER]");
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/FaxLineList.cs b/examples/FaxLineList.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96d7f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/FaxLineList.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineList();
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.cs b/examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd562e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Api;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
+public class Example
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ var config = new Configuration();
+ config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
+ var faxLineApi = new FaxLineApi(config);
+ var data = new FaxLineRemoveUserRequest(
+ number: "[FAX_NUMBER]",
+ emailAddress: "member@dropboxsign.com"
+ );
+ try
+ {
+ var result = faxLineApi.FaxLineRemoveUser(data);
+ Console.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling Dropbox Sign API: " + e.Message);
+ Console.WriteLine("Status Code: " + e.ErrorCode);
+ Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openapi-config.yaml b/openapi-config.yaml
index 1d76c9a..f87cb23 100644
--- a/openapi-config.yaml
+++ b/openapi-config.yaml
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
-generatorName: csharp-netcore
+generatorName: csharp
- clientPackage: Dropbox.Sign.Api
+ clientPackage: Client
packageName: Dropbox.Sign
packageAuthors: Dropbox Sign API Team
packageCompany: Dropbox Sign API Team
+ packageCopyright: Dropbox 2024
packageDescription: Client library for using the Dropbox Sign API
- packageVersion: 1.5.0
+ packageVersion: 1.6.0
packageTitle: Dropbox Sign .Net SDK
sortModelPropertiesByRequiredFlag: true
optionalEmitDefaultValues: true
targetFramework: net6.0
packageGuid: "{F8C8232D-7020-4603-8E04-18D060AE530B}"
+ legacyDiscriminatorBehavior: true
+ useCustomTemplateCode: true
templateType: SupportingFiles
diff --git a/openapi-sdk.yaml b/openapi-sdk.yaml
index 9bf5a68..c7189fd 100644
--- a/openapi-sdk.yaml
+++ b/openapi-sdk.yaml
@@ -1409,6 +1409,803 @@ paths:
title: 'Get Embedded Sign URL | iFrame | Dropbox Sign for Developers'
description: 'The Dropbox Sign API allows you to build custom integrations. To find out how to retrieve an embedded iFrame object containing a signature url, click here.'
+ /fax_line/add_user:
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - 'Fax Line'
+ summary: 'Add Fax Line User'
+ description: 'Grants a user access to the specified Fax Line.'
+ operationId: faxLineAddUser
+ requestBody:
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineAddUserRequest'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineAddUserRequestExample'
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: 'successful operation'
+ headers:
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit'
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining'
+ X-Ratelimit-Reset:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Ratelimit-Reset'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineResponse'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineResponseExample'
+ 4XX:
+ description: failed_operation
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ examples:
+ 400_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error400ResponseExample'
+ 401_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error401ResponseExample'
+ 402_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error402ResponseExample'
+ 403_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error403ResponseExample'
+ 404_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error404ResponseExample'
+ 4XX_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error4XXResponseExample'
+ security:
+ -
+ api_key: []
+ x-codeSamples:
+ -
+ lang: PHP
+ label: PHP
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAddUser.php
+ -
+ lang: 'C#'
+ label: 'C#'
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAddUser.cs
+ -
+ lang: JavaScript
+ label: JavaScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAddUser.js
+ -
+ lang: TypeScript
+ label: TypeScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAddUser.ts
+ -
+ lang: Java
+ label: Java
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAddUser.java
+ -
+ lang: Ruby
+ label: Ruby
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAddUser.rb
+ -
+ lang: Python
+ label: Python
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAddUser.py
+ -
+ lang: cURL
+ label: cURL
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAddUser.sh
+ x-meta:
+ seo:
+ title: 'Fax Line Add User | API Documentation | Dropbox Fax for Developers'
+ description: 'The Dropbox Fax API allows you to build custom integrations. To find out how to add a user to an existing fax line, click here.'
+ /fax_line/area_codes:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - 'Fax Line'
+ summary: 'Get Available Fax Line Area Codes'
+ description: 'Returns a response with the area codes available for a given state/provice and city.'
+ operationId: faxLineAreaCodeGet
+ parameters:
+ -
+ name: country
+ in: query
+ description: 'Filter area codes by country.'
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - CA
+ - US
+ - UK
+ -
+ name: state
+ in: query
+ description: 'Filter area codes by state.'
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - AK
+ - AL
+ - AR
+ - AZ
+ - CA
+ - CO
+ - CT
+ - DC
+ - DE
+ - FL
+ - GA
+ - HI
+ - IA
+ - ID
+ - IL
+ - IN
+ - KS
+ - KY
+ - LA
+ - MA
+ - MD
+ - ME
+ - MI
+ - MN
+ - MO
+ - MS
+ - MT
+ - NC
+ - ND
+ - NE
+ - NH
+ - NJ
+ - NM
+ - NV
+ - NY
+ - OH
+ - OK
+ - OR
+ - PA
+ - RI
+ - SC
+ - SD
+ - TN
+ - TX
+ - UT
+ - VA
+ - VT
+ - WA
+ - WI
+ - WV
+ - WY
+ -
+ name: province
+ in: query
+ description: 'Filter area codes by province.'
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - AB
+ - BC
+ - MB
+ - NB
+ - NL
+ - NT
+ - NS
+ - NU
+ - 'ON'
+ - PE
+ - QC
+ - SK
+ - YT
+ -
+ name: city
+ in: query
+ description: 'Filter area codes by city.'
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: 'successful operation'
+ headers:
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit'
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining'
+ X-Ratelimit-Reset:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Ratelimit-Reset'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponseExample'
+ 4XX:
+ description: failed_operation
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ examples:
+ 400_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error400ResponseExample'
+ 401_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error401ResponseExample'
+ 402_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error402ResponseExample'
+ 403_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error403ResponseExample'
+ 4XX_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error4XXResponseExample'
+ security:
+ -
+ api_key: []
+ x-codeSamples:
+ -
+ lang: PHP
+ label: PHP
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.php
+ -
+ lang: 'C#'
+ label: 'C#'
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.cs
+ -
+ lang: JavaScript
+ label: JavaScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.js
+ -
+ lang: TypeScript
+ label: TypeScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.ts
+ -
+ lang: Java
+ label: Java
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.java
+ -
+ lang: Ruby
+ label: Ruby
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.rb
+ -
+ lang: Python
+ label: Python
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.py
+ -
+ lang: cURL
+ label: cURL
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineAreaCodeGet.sh
+ x-meta:
+ seo:
+ title: 'Fax Line Get Area Codes | API Documentation | Dropbox Fax for Developers'
+ description: 'The Dropbox Fax API allows you to build custom integrations. To find out how to purchase a new fax line, click here.'
+ /fax_line/create:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - 'Fax Line'
+ summary: 'Purchase Fax Line'
+ description: 'Purchases a new Fax Line.'
+ operationId: faxLineCreate
+ requestBody:
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineCreateRequest'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineCreateRequestExample'
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: 'successful operation'
+ headers:
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit'
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining'
+ X-Ratelimit-Reset:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Ratelimit-Reset'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineResponse'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineResponseExample'
+ 4XX:
+ description: failed_operation
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ examples:
+ 400_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error400ResponseExample'
+ 401_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error401ResponseExample'
+ 402_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error402ResponseExample'
+ 403_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error403ResponseExample'
+ 404_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error404ResponseExample'
+ 4XX_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error4XXResponseExample'
+ security:
+ -
+ api_key: []
+ x-codeSamples:
+ -
+ lang: PHP
+ label: PHP
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineCreate.php
+ -
+ lang: 'C#'
+ label: 'C#'
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineCreate.cs
+ -
+ lang: JavaScript
+ label: JavaScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineCreate.js
+ -
+ lang: TypeScript
+ label: TypeScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineCreate.ts
+ -
+ lang: Java
+ label: Java
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineCreate.java
+ -
+ lang: Ruby
+ label: Ruby
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineCreate.rb
+ -
+ lang: Python
+ label: Python
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineCreate.py
+ -
+ lang: cURL
+ label: cURL
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineCreate.sh
+ x-meta:
+ seo:
+ title: 'Purchase Fax Line | API Documentation | Dropbox Fax for Developers'
+ description: 'The Dropbox Fax API allows you to build custom integrations. To find out how to purchase a new fax line, click here.'
+ /fax_line:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - 'Fax Line'
+ summary: 'Get Fax Line'
+ description: 'Returns the properties and settings of a Fax Line.'
+ operationId: faxLineGet
+ parameters:
+ -
+ name: number
+ in: query
+ description: 'The Fax Line number.'
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: 'successful operation'
+ headers:
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit'
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining'
+ X-Ratelimit-Reset:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Ratelimit-Reset'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineResponse'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineResponseExample'
+ 4XX:
+ description: failed_operation
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ examples:
+ 400_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error400ResponseExample'
+ 401_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error401ResponseExample'
+ 402_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error402ResponseExample'
+ 403_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error403ResponseExample'
+ 404_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error404ResponseExample'
+ 4XX_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error4XXResponseExample'
+ security:
+ -
+ api_key: []
+ x-codeSamples:
+ -
+ lang: PHP
+ label: PHP
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineGet.php
+ -
+ lang: 'C#'
+ label: 'C#'
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineGet.cs
+ -
+ lang: JavaScript
+ label: JavaScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineGet.js
+ -
+ lang: TypeScript
+ label: TypeScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineGet.ts
+ -
+ lang: Java
+ label: Java
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineGet.java
+ -
+ lang: Ruby
+ label: Ruby
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineGet.rb
+ -
+ lang: Python
+ label: Python
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineGet.py
+ -
+ lang: cURL
+ label: cURL
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineGet.sh
+ x-meta:
+ seo:
+ title: 'Get Fax Line | API Documentation | Dropbox Fax for Developers'
+ description: 'The Dropbox Fax API allows you to build custom integrations. To find out how to retrieve a fax line, click here.'
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - 'Fax Line'
+ summary: 'Delete Fax Line'
+ description: 'Deletes the specified Fax Line from the subscription.'
+ operationId: faxLineDelete
+ requestBody:
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineDeleteRequest'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineDeleteRequestExample'
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: 'successful operation'
+ headers:
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit'
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining'
+ X-Ratelimit-Reset:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Ratelimit-Reset'
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ 4XX:
+ description: failed_operation
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ examples:
+ 400_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error400ResponseExample'
+ 401_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error401ResponseExample'
+ 402_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error402ResponseExample'
+ 403_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error403ResponseExample'
+ 404_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error404ResponseExample'
+ 4XX_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error4XXResponseExample'
+ security:
+ -
+ api_key: []
+ x-codeSamples:
+ -
+ lang: PHP
+ label: PHP
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineDelete.php
+ -
+ lang: 'C#'
+ label: 'C#'
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineDelete.cs
+ -
+ lang: JavaScript
+ label: JavaScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineDelete.js
+ -
+ lang: TypeScript
+ label: TypeScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineDelete.ts
+ -
+ lang: Java
+ label: Java
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineDelete.java
+ -
+ lang: Ruby
+ label: Ruby
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineDelete.rb
+ -
+ lang: Python
+ label: Python
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineDelete.py
+ -
+ lang: cURL
+ label: cURL
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineDelete.sh
+ x-meta:
+ seo:
+ title: 'Delete Fax Line | API Documentation | Dropbox Fax for Developers'
+ description: 'The Dropbox Fax API allows you to build custom integrations. To find out how to delete a fax line, click here.'
+ /fax_line/list:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - 'Fax Line'
+ summary: 'List Fax Lines'
+ description: 'Returns the properties and settings of multiple Fax Lines.'
+ operationId: faxLineList
+ parameters:
+ -
+ name: account_id
+ in: query
+ description: 'Account ID'
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ab55cd14a97219e36b5ff5fe23f2f9329b0c1e97
+ -
+ name: page
+ in: query
+ description: Page
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ default: 1
+ example: 1
+ -
+ name: page_size
+ in: query
+ description: 'Page size'
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ default: 20
+ example: 20
+ -
+ name: show_team_lines
+ in: query
+ description: 'Show team lines'
+ schema:
+ type: boolean
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: 'successful operation'
+ headers:
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit'
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining'
+ X-Ratelimit-Reset:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Ratelimit-Reset'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineListResponse'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineListResponseExample'
+ 4XX:
+ description: failed_operation
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ examples:
+ 400_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error400ResponseExample'
+ 401_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error401ResponseExample'
+ 402_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error402ResponseExample'
+ 403_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error403ResponseExample'
+ 4XX_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error4XXResponseExample'
+ security:
+ -
+ api_key: []
+ x-codeSamples:
+ -
+ lang: PHP
+ label: PHP
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineList.php
+ -
+ lang: 'C#'
+ label: 'C#'
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineList.cs
+ -
+ lang: JavaScript
+ label: JavaScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineList.js
+ -
+ lang: TypeScript
+ label: TypeScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineList.ts
+ -
+ lang: Java
+ label: Java
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineList.java
+ -
+ lang: Ruby
+ label: Ruby
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineList.rb
+ -
+ lang: Python
+ label: Python
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineList.py
+ -
+ lang: cURL
+ label: cURL
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineList.sh
+ x-meta:
+ seo:
+ title: 'List Fax Lines | API Documentation | Dropbox Fax for Developers'
+ description: 'The Dropbox Fax API allows you to build custom integrations. To find out how to list your fax lines, click here.'
+ /fax_line/remove_user:
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - 'Fax Line'
+ summary: 'Remove Fax Line Access'
+ description: 'Removes a user''s access to the specified Fax Line.'
+ operationId: faxLineRemoveUser
+ requestBody:
+ required: true
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineRemoveUserRequest'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineRemoveUserRequestExample'
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: 'successful operation'
+ headers:
+ X-RateLimit-Limit:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Limit'
+ X-RateLimit-Remaining:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-RateLimit-Remaining'
+ X-Ratelimit-Reset:
+ $ref: '#/components/headers/X-Ratelimit-Reset'
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineResponse'
+ examples:
+ default_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/FaxLineResponseExample'
+ 4XX:
+ description: failed_operation
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse'
+ examples:
+ 400_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error400ResponseExample'
+ 401_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error401ResponseExample'
+ 402_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error402ResponseExample'
+ 403_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error403ResponseExample'
+ 404_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error404ResponseExample'
+ 4XX_example:
+ $ref: '#/components/examples/Error4XXResponseExample'
+ security:
+ -
+ api_key: []
+ x-codeSamples:
+ -
+ lang: PHP
+ label: PHP
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.php
+ -
+ lang: 'C#'
+ label: 'C#'
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.cs
+ -
+ lang: JavaScript
+ label: JavaScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.js
+ -
+ lang: TypeScript
+ label: TypeScript
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.ts
+ -
+ lang: Java
+ label: Java
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.java
+ -
+ lang: Ruby
+ label: Ruby
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.rb
+ -
+ lang: Python
+ label: Python
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.py
+ -
+ lang: cURL
+ label: cURL
+ source:
+ $ref: examples/FaxLineRemoveUser.sh
+ x-meta:
+ seo:
+ title: 'Fax Line Remove User | API Documentation | Dropbox Fax for Developers'
+ description: 'The Dropbox Fax API allows you to build custom integrations. To find out how to remove a user from an existing fax line, click here.'
@@ -6409,6 +7206,145 @@ components:
type: boolean
default: false
type: object
+ FaxLineAddUserRequest:
+ required:
+ - number
+ properties:
+ number:
+ description: 'The Fax Line number.'
+ type: string
+ account_id:
+ description: 'Account ID'
+ type: string
+ example: ab55cd14a97219e36b5ff5fe23f2f9329b0c1e97
+ email_address:
+ description: 'Email address'
+ type: string
+ format: email
+ type: object
+ FaxLineAreaCodeGetStateEnum:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - AK
+ - AL
+ - AR
+ - AZ
+ - CA
+ - CO
+ - CT
+ - DC
+ - DE
+ - FL
+ - GA
+ - HI
+ - IA
+ - ID
+ - IL
+ - IN
+ - KS
+ - KY
+ - LA
+ - MA
+ - MD
+ - ME
+ - MI
+ - MN
+ - MO
+ - MS
+ - MT
+ - NC
+ - ND
+ - NE
+ - NH
+ - NJ
+ - NM
+ - NV
+ - NY
+ - OH
+ - OK
+ - OR
+ - PA
+ - RI
+ - SC
+ - SD
+ - TN
+ - TX
+ - UT
+ - VA
+ - VT
+ - WA
+ - WI
+ - WV
+ - WY
+ FaxLineAreaCodeGetProvinceEnum:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - AB
+ - BC
+ - MB
+ - NB
+ - NL
+ - NT
+ - NS
+ - NU
+ - 'ON'
+ - PE
+ - QC
+ - SK
+ - YT
+ FaxLineAreaCodeGetCountryEnum:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - CA
+ - US
+ - UK
+ FaxLineCreateRequest:
+ required:
+ - area_code
+ - country
+ properties:
+ area_code:
+ description: 'Area code'
+ type: integer
+ country:
+ description: Country
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - CA
+ - US
+ - UK
+ city:
+ description: City
+ type: string
+ account_id:
+ description: 'Account ID'
+ type: string
+ example: ab55cd14a97219e36b5ff5fe23f2f9329b0c1e97
+ type: object
+ FaxLineDeleteRequest:
+ required:
+ - number
+ properties:
+ number:
+ description: 'The Fax Line number.'
+ type: string
+ type: object
+ FaxLineRemoveUserRequest:
+ required:
+ - number
+ properties:
+ number:
+ description: 'The Fax Line number.'
+ type: string
+ account_id:
+ description: 'Account ID'
+ type: string
+ example: ab55cd14a97219e36b5ff5fe23f2f9329b0c1e97
+ email_address:
+ description: 'Email address'
+ type: string
+ format: email
+ type: object
- client_id
@@ -9118,6 +10054,8 @@ components:
default: false
type: object
+ required:
+ - account
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountResponse'
@@ -9131,6 +10069,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - account
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountResponse'
@@ -9153,6 +10093,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - api_app
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiAppResponse'
@@ -9164,6 +10106,9 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - api_apps
+ - list_info
description: 'Contains information about API Apps.'
@@ -9180,6 +10125,10 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - bulk_send_job
+ - list_info
+ - signature_requests
$ref: '#/components/schemas/BulkSendJobResponse'
@@ -9198,6 +10147,9 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - bulk_send_jobs
+ - list_info
description: 'Contains a list of BulkSendJobs that the API caller has access to.'
@@ -9214,6 +10166,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - bulk_send_job
$ref: '#/components/schemas/BulkSendJobResponse'
@@ -9225,6 +10179,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - embedded
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EmbeddedEditUrlResponseEmbedded'
@@ -9236,6 +10192,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - embedded
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EmbeddedSignUrlResponseEmbedded'
@@ -9253,7 +10211,45 @@ components:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorResponseError'
type: object
+ FaxLineResponse:
+ required:
+ - fax_line
+ properties:
+ fax_line:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineResponseFaxLine'
+ warnings:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/WarningResponse'
+ type: object
+ x-internal-class: true
+ FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponse:
+ required:
+ - area_codes
+ properties:
+ area_codes:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: integer
+ type: object
+ x-internal-class: true
+ FaxLineListResponse:
+ required:
+ - fax_lines
+ - list_info
+ properties:
+ list_info:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/ListInfoResponse'
+ fax_lines:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/FaxLineResponseFaxLine'
+ warnings:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/WarningResponse'
+ type: object
+ x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - file_url
+ - expires_at
description: 'URL to the file.'
@@ -9264,6 +10260,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - data_uri
description: 'File as base64 encoded string.'
@@ -9271,6 +10269,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - report
$ref: '#/components/schemas/ReportResponse'
@@ -9282,6 +10282,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - signature_request
$ref: '#/components/schemas/SignatureRequestResponse'
@@ -9293,6 +10295,9 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - signature_requests
+ - list_info
description: 'Contains information about signature requests.'
@@ -9584,6 +10589,23 @@ components:
description: 'Name of the error.'
type: string
type: object
+ FaxLineResponseFaxLine:
+ properties:
+ number:
+ description: Number
+ type: string
+ created_at:
+ description: 'Created at'
+ type: integer
+ updated_at:
+ description: 'Updated at'
+ type: integer
+ accounts:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountResponse'
+ type: object
+ x-internal-class: true
description: 'Contains pagination information about the data returned.'
@@ -9745,6 +10767,7 @@ components:
description: 'The Signer this attachment is assigned to.'
type: string
+ x-int-or-string: true
description: 'The name of this attachment.'
type: string
@@ -10374,6 +11397,7 @@ components:
description: 'The signer of the Custom Field. Can be `null` if field is a merge field (assigned to Sender).'
type: string
nullable: true
+ x-int-or-string: true
description: 'The horizontal offset in pixels for this form field.'
type: integer
@@ -10489,6 +11513,7 @@ components:
description: 'The signer of the Form Field.'
type: string
+ x-int-or-string: true
description: 'The horizontal offset in pixels for this form field.'
type: integer
@@ -11100,6 +12125,8 @@ components:
type: string
type: object
+ required:
+ - team
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TeamResponse'
@@ -11111,6 +12138,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - team
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TeamInfoResponse'
@@ -11122,6 +12151,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - team_invites
description: 'Contains a list of team invites and their roles.'
@@ -11135,6 +12166,9 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - team_members
+ - list_info
description: 'Contains a list of team members and their roles for a specific team.'
@@ -11150,6 +12184,9 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - sub_teams
+ - list_info
description: 'Contains a list with sub teams.'
@@ -11165,6 +12202,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - template
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateCreateResponseTemplate'
@@ -11176,6 +12215,8 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - template
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateCreateEmbeddedDraftResponseTemplate'
@@ -11187,12 +12228,16 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - template_id
description: 'The id of the Template.'
type: string
type: object
+ required:
+ - template
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateResponse'
@@ -11204,6 +12249,9 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - templates
+ - list_info
description: 'List of templates that the API caller has access to.'
@@ -11220,12 +12268,16 @@ components:
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - template
$ref: '#/components/schemas/TemplateUpdateFilesResponseTemplate'
type: object
x-internal-class: true
+ required:
+ - unclaimed_draft
$ref: '#/components/schemas/UnclaimedDraftResponse'
@@ -11350,6 +12402,22 @@ components:
summary: 'Default Example'
$ref: examples/json/EmbeddedEditUrlRequestDefaultExample.json
+ FaxLineAddUserRequestExample:
+ summary: 'Default Example'
+ value:
+ $ref: examples/json/FaxLineAddUserRequestExample.json
+ FaxLineCreateRequestExample:
+ summary: 'Default Example'
+ value:
+ $ref: examples/json/FaxLineCreateRequestExample.json
+ FaxLineDeleteRequestExample:
+ summary: 'Default Example'
+ value:
+ $ref: examples/json/FaxLineDeleteRequestExample.json
+ FaxLineRemoveUserRequestExample:
+ summary: 'Default Example'
+ value:
+ $ref: examples/json/FaxLineRemoveUserRequestExample.json
summary: 'OAuth Token Generate Example'
@@ -11594,6 +12662,18 @@ components:
summary: 'Error 4XX failed_operation'
$ref: examples/json/Error4XXResponseExample.json
+ FaxLineResponseExample:
+ summary: 'Sample Fax Line Response'
+ value:
+ $ref: examples/json/FaxLineResponseExample.json
+ FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponseExample:
+ summary: 'Sample Area Code Response'
+ value:
+ $ref: examples/json/FaxLineAreaCodeGetResponseExample.json
+ FaxLineListResponseExample:
+ summary: 'Sample Fax Line List Response'
+ value:
+ $ref: examples/json/FaxLineListResponseExample.json
summary: Report
diff --git a/run-build b/run-build
index 01f458f..d928df3 100755
--- a/run-build
+++ b/run-build
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# see https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/tree/522a5df24ab2424dcd6e4e28393000045e3ea39e/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/resources/csharp-netcore
+# see https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/tree/v7.8.0/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/resources/csharp
set -e
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ WORKING_DIR="/app/dotnet"
docker run --rm \
-v "${DIR}/:/local" \
- openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v6.0.0 generate \
+ openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v7.8.0 generate \
-i "/local/openapi-sdk.yaml" \
-c "/local/openapi-config.yaml" \
-t "/local/templates" \
@@ -48,3 +48,4 @@ printf "Running tests ...\n"
bash "${DIR}/bin/dotnet" dotnet test src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/
printf "Success!\n"
diff --git a/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/Api/ApiAppApiTests.cs b/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/Api/ApiAppApiTests.cs
index e9a3e63..a205334 100644
--- a/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/Api/ApiAppApiTests.cs
+++ b/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/Api/ApiAppApiTests.cs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public void ApiAppGetTest()
TestHelper.AssertJsonSame(responseData.ToString(), response.ToJson());
- [Fact(Skip="DELETE /api_app/{client_id} skipped")]
+ [Fact(Skip = "DELETE /api_app/{client_id} skipped")]
public void ApiAppDeleteTest()
@@ -83,39 +83,5 @@ public void ApiAppUpdateTest()
TestHelper.AssertJsonSame(responseData.ToString(), response.ToJson());
- [Fact]
- public void ValuesJsonifiedTest()
- {
- var oauth = new SubOAuth(
- callbackUrl: "https://oauth-callback.test",
- scopes: new List() {SubOAuth.ScopesEnum.TemplateAccess}
- );
- var customLogoFile = TestHelper.GetFile("pdf-sample.pdf");
- var obj = new ApiAppCreateRequest(
- name: "My name is",
- callbackUrl: "https://awesome.test",
- domains: new List() {"domain1.com", "domain2.com"},
- oauth: oauth,
- customLogoFile: customLogoFile
- );
- var responseData = TestHelper.GetJsonContents(nameof(ApiAppGetResponse));
- var responseObj = ApiAppGetResponse.Init(responseData.ToString());
- var api = MockRestClientHelper.CreateApiExpectContentContains(responseObj,
- HttpStatusCode.Accepted,
- "application/json",
- "[\"domain1.com\",\"domain2.com\"]",
- "My name is",
- "{\"scopes\":[\"template_access\"],\"callback_url\":\"https://oauth-callback.test\"}"
- );
- var response = api.ApiAppCreate(obj);
- TestHelper.AssertJsonSame(responseData.ToString(), response.ToJson());
- }
diff --git a/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/Dropbox.Sign.Test.csproj b/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/Dropbox.Sign.Test.csproj
index 67bb761..50c2bf7 100644
--- a/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/Dropbox.Sign.Test.csproj
+++ b/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/Dropbox.Sign.Test.csproj
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
diff --git a/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/MockRestClientHelper.cs b/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/MockRestClientHelper.cs
index 6143196..5e9ed02 100644
--- a/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/MockRestClientHelper.cs
+++ b/src/Dropbox.Sign.Test/MockRestClientHelper.cs
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
using System;
+using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Dropbox.Sign.Client;
+using Dropbox.Sign.Model;
using RestSharp;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
+using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;
+using RestSharp.Serializers;
using RichardSzalay.MockHttp;
+using FileIO = System.IO.File;
namespace Dropbox.Sign.Test
@@ -76,11 +82,158 @@ private static T CreateApiInternal(MockHttpMessageHandler handler)
ConfigureMessageHandler = _ => handler,
BaseUrl = new Uri("https://api.hellosign.com")
- var mockRestClient = new RestClient(options);
+ var mockRestClient = new RestClient(options,
+ configureSerialization: serializerConfig => serializerConfig.UseSerializer(() => new CustomJsonCodec(SerializerSettings, GlobalConfiguration.Instance))
+ );
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.Username = "YOUR_API_KEY";
var client = new ApiClient(config.BasePath, mockRestClient);
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), client, client, config);
+ ///
+ /// Specifies the settings on a object.
+ /// These settings can be adjusted to accommodate custom serialization rules.
+ ///
+ private static JsonSerializerSettings SerializerSettings { get; set; } = new JsonSerializerSettings
+ {
+ // OpenAPI generated types generally hide default constructors.
+ ConstructorHandling = ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor,
+ ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver
+ {
+ NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy
+ {
+ OverrideSpecifiedNames = false
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // see ApiClient::CustomJsonCodec
+ internal class CustomJsonCodec : IRestSerializer, ISerializer, IDeserializer
+ {
+ private readonly IReadableConfiguration _configuration;
+ private readonly JsonSerializerSettings _serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
+ {
+ // OpenAPI generated types generally hide default constructors.
+ ConstructorHandling = ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor,
+ ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver
+ {
+ NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy
+ {
+ OverrideSpecifiedNames = false
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ public CustomJsonCodec(IReadableConfiguration configuration)
+ {
+ _configuration = configuration;
+ }
+ public CustomJsonCodec(JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings, IReadableConfiguration configuration)
+ {
+ _serializerSettings = serializerSettings;
+ _configuration = configuration;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Serialize the object into a JSON string.
+ ///
+ /// Object to be serialized.
+ /// A JSON string.
+ public string Serialize(object obj)
+ {
+ if (obj != null && obj is AbstractOpenAPISchema)
+ {
+ // the object to be serialized is an oneOf/anyOf schema
+ return ((AbstractOpenAPISchema)obj).ToJson();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, _serializerSettings);
+ }
+ }
+ public string Serialize(Parameter bodyParameter) => Serialize(bodyParameter.Value);
+ public T Deserialize(RestResponse response)
+ {
+ var result = (T)Deserialize(response, typeof(T));
+ return result;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deserialize the JSON string into a proper object.
+ ///
+ /// The HTTP response.
+ /// Object type.
+ /// Object representation of the JSON string.
+ internal object Deserialize(RestResponse response, Type type)
+ {
+ if (type == typeof(byte[])) // return byte array
+ {
+ return response.RawBytes;
+ }
+ // TODO: ? if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Stream)))
+ if (type == typeof(Stream))
+ {
+ var bytes = response.RawBytes;
+ if (response.Headers != null)
+ {
+ var filePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_configuration.TempFolderPath)
+ ? Path.GetTempPath()
+ : _configuration.TempFolderPath;
+ var regex = new Regex(@"Content-Disposition=.*filename=['""]?([^'""\s]+)['""]?$");
+ foreach (var header in response.Headers)
+ {
+ var match = regex.Match(header.ToString());
+ if (match.Success)
+ {
+ string fileName = filePath + ClientUtils.SanitizeFilename(match.Groups[1].Value.Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", ""));
+ FileIO.WriteAllBytes(fileName, bytes);
+ return new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
+ return stream;
+ }
+ if (type.Name.StartsWith("System.Nullable`1[[System.DateTime")) // return a datetime object
+ {
+ return DateTime.Parse(response.Content, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind);
+ }
+ if (type == typeof(string) || type.Name.StartsWith("System.Nullable")) // return primitive type
+ {
+ return Convert.ChangeType(response.Content, type);
+ }
+ // at this point, it must be a model (json)
+ try
+ {
+ return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.Content, type, _serializerSettings);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ throw new ApiException(500, e.Message);
+ }
+ }
+ public ISerializer Serializer => this;
+ public IDeserializer Deserializer => this;
+ public string[] AcceptedContentTypes => ContentType.JsonAccept;
+ public SupportsContentType SupportsContentType => contentType =>
+ contentType.Value.EndsWith("json", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
+ contentType.Value.EndsWith("javascript", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
+ public ContentType ContentType { get; set; } = ContentType.Json;
+ public DataFormat DataFormat => DataFormat.Json;
diff --git a/src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/AccountApi.cs b/src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/AccountApi.cs
index 0b1d311..0e70ee2 100644
--- a/src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/AccountApi.cs
+++ b/src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/AccountApi.cs
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public interface IAccountApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of AccountCreateResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountCreateAsync(AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountCreateAsync(AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Create Account
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public interface IAccountApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (AccountCreateResponse)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Get Account
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public interface IAccountApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of AccountGetResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountGetAsync(string? accountId = default(string?), string? emailAddress = default(string?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountGetAsync(string? accountId = default(string?), string? emailAddress = default(string?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Get Account
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ public interface IAccountApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (AccountGetResponse)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountGetWithHttpInfoAsync(string? accountId = default(string?), string? emailAddress = default(string?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountGetWithHttpInfoAsync(string? accountId = default(string?), string? emailAddress = default(string?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Update Account
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public interface IAccountApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of AccountGetResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountUpdateAsync(AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountUpdateAsync(AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Update Account
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public interface IAccountApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (AccountGetResponse)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountUpdateWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountUpdateWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Verify Account
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public interface IAccountApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of AccountVerifyResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountVerifyAsync(AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountVerifyAsync(AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Verify Account
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ public interface IAccountApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (AccountVerifyResponse)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountVerifyWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountVerifyWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
#endregion Asynchronous Operations
@@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountCreateWithH
localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "AccountApi.AccountCreate";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -449,7 +450,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountCreateWithH
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of AccountCreateResponse
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountCreateAsync(AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountCreateAsync(AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse localVarResponse = await AccountCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(accountCreateRequest, operationIndex, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return localVarResponse.Data;
@@ -463,7 +464,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountCreateWithH
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (AccountCreateResponse)
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountCreateRequest accountCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
// verify the required parameter 'accountCreateRequest' is set
if (accountCreateRequest == null)
@@ -503,6 +504,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountCreateWithH
localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "AccountApi.AccountCreate";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -588,6 +590,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountCreateWithH
localVarRequestOptions.QueryParameters.Add(Dropbox.Sign.Client.ClientUtils.ParameterToMultiMap("", "email_address", emailAddress));
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "AccountApi.AccountGet";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -627,7 +630,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountCreateWithH
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of AccountGetResponse
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountGetAsync(string? accountId = default(string?), string? emailAddress = default(string?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountGetAsync(string? accountId = default(string?), string? emailAddress = default(string?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse localVarResponse = await AccountGetWithHttpInfoAsync(accountId, emailAddress, operationIndex, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return localVarResponse.Data;
@@ -642,14 +645,13 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountCreateWithH
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (AccountGetResponse)
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountGetWithHttpInfoAsync(string? accountId = default(string?), string? emailAddress = default(string?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountGetWithHttpInfoAsync(string? accountId = default(string?), string? emailAddress = default(string?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
Dropbox.Sign.Client.RequestOptions localVarRequestOptions = new Dropbox.Sign.Client.RequestOptions();
string[] _contentTypes = new string[] {
var localVarContentType = Dropbox.Sign.Client.ClientUtils.SelectHeaderContentType(_contentTypes);
// to determine the Accept header
@@ -676,6 +678,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountCreateWithH
localVarRequestOptions.QueryParameters.Add(Dropbox.Sign.Client.ClientUtils.ParameterToMultiMap("", "email_address", emailAddress));
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "AccountApi.AccountGet";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -766,6 +769,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountUpdateWithHttp
localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "AccountApi.AccountUpdate";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -804,7 +808,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountUpdateWithHttp
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of AccountGetResponse
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountUpdateAsync(AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountUpdateAsync(AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse localVarResponse = await AccountUpdateWithHttpInfoAsync(accountUpdateRequest, operationIndex, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return localVarResponse.Data;
@@ -818,7 +822,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountUpdateWithHttp
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (AccountGetResponse)
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountUpdateWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountUpdateWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountUpdateRequest accountUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
// verify the required parameter 'accountUpdateRequest' is set
if (accountUpdateRequest == null)
@@ -858,6 +862,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountUpdateWithHttp
localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "AccountApi.AccountUpdate";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -948,6 +953,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountVerifyWithH
localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "AccountApi.AccountVerify";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -986,7 +992,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountVerifyWithH
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of AccountVerifyResponse
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountVerifyAsync(AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task AccountVerifyAsync(AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse localVarResponse = await AccountVerifyWithHttpInfoAsync(accountVerifyRequest, operationIndex, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return localVarResponse.Data;
@@ -1000,7 +1006,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountVerifyWithH
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (AccountVerifyResponse)
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountVerifyWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AccountVerifyWithHttpInfoAsync(AccountVerifyRequest accountVerifyRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
// verify the required parameter 'accountVerifyRequest' is set
if (accountVerifyRequest == null)
@@ -1040,6 +1046,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse AccountVerifyWithH
localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "AccountApi.AccountVerify";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
diff --git a/src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/ApiAppApi.cs b/src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/ApiAppApi.cs
index 4213670..d5ff438 100644
--- a/src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/ApiAppApi.cs
+++ b/src/Dropbox.Sign/Api/ApiAppApi.cs
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiAppGetResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppCreateAsync(ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppCreateAsync(ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Create API App
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (ApiAppGetResponse)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Delete API App
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of void
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppDeleteAsync(string clientId, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppDeleteAsync(string clientId, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Delete API App
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppDeleteWithHttpInfoAsync(string clientId, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppDeleteWithHttpInfoAsync(string clientId, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Get API App
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiAppGetResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppGetAsync(string clientId, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppGetAsync(string clientId, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Get API App
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (ApiAppGetResponse)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppGetWithHttpInfoAsync(string clientId, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppGetWithHttpInfoAsync(string clientId, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// List API Apps
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiAppListResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppListAsync(int? page = default(int?), int? pageSize = default(int?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppListAsync(int? page = default(int?), int? pageSize = default(int?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// List API Apps
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (ApiAppListResponse)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppListWithHttpInfoAsync(int? page = default(int?), int? pageSize = default(int?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppListWithHttpInfoAsync(int? page = default(int?), int? pageSize = default(int?), int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Update API App
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiAppGetResponse
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppUpdateAsync(string clientId, ApiAppUpdateRequest apiAppUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppUpdateAsync(string clientId, ApiAppUpdateRequest apiAppUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
/// Update API App
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ public interface IApiAppApiAsync : IApiAccessor
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (ApiAppGetResponse)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppUpdateWithHttpInfoAsync(string clientId, ApiAppUpdateRequest apiAppUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
+ System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppUpdateWithHttpInfoAsync(string clientId, ApiAppUpdateRequest apiAppUpdateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken));
#endregion Asynchronous Operations
@@ -463,6 +463,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse ApiAppCreateWithHttpIn
localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "ApiAppApi.ApiAppCreate";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse ApiAppCreateWithHttpIn
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiAppGetResponse
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppCreateAsync(ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ApiAppCreateAsync(ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse localVarResponse = await ApiAppCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(apiAppCreateRequest, operationIndex, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return localVarResponse.Data;
@@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse ApiAppCreateWithHttpIn
/// Index associated with the operation.
/// Cancellation Token to cancel the request.
/// Task of ApiResponse (ApiAppGetResponse)
- public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken))
+ public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ApiAppCreateWithHttpInfoAsync(ApiAppCreateRequest apiAppCreateRequest, int operationIndex = 0, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(global::System.Threading.CancellationToken))
// verify the required parameter 'apiAppCreateRequest' is set
if (apiAppCreateRequest == null)
@@ -555,6 +556,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse ApiAppCreateWithHttpIn
localVarRequestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", localVarAccept);
localVarRequestOptions.Operation = "ApiAppApi.ApiAppCreate";
localVarRequestOptions.OperationIndex = operationIndex;
@@ -636,6 +638,7 @@ public Dropbox.Sign.Client.ApiResponse