A Koop provider plugin to load data from a OpenDataSoft data portal or the Data Network for public datasets.
This provider uses the OpenDataSoft V2 API to request raw data in GeoJSON format.
No configuration is required.
npm install koop-provider-opendatasoft
Register the provider into your Koop app
const Koop = require("koop");
const opendatasoft = require("koop-provider-opendatasoft");
const koop = new Koop();
For example, with the default Geoservices output, the OpenDataSoft data is available in every route like:
"Geoservices" output routes for the "opendatasoft" provider Methods
------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
/opendatasoft/:host/:id/FeatureServer/:layer/:method GET, POST
/opendatasoft/:host/:id/FeatureServer/layers GET, POST
/opendatasoft/:host/:id/FeatureServer/:layer GET, POST
This provider requires two parameters in the route URL.
The host
parameter is the host name of the data repository. It could be your portal or OpenDataSoft's public dataset repository (data.opendatasoft.com
The id
parameter is the dataset identifier of each OpenDatasoft dataset. It is available at the dataset's information page, for example, like this.
The following query parameters are supported:
- token
- where
- outFields
- resultOffset
- resultRecordCount
Get all records from the dataset Local Air Quality @ Town of Chapel Hill from the Data Network
GET http://localhost:8080/opendatasoft/rest/services/data.opendatasoft.com/local-air-quality@townofchapelhill/FeatureServer/0/query