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File metadata and controls

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Bootstrap Skaffold configuration Run the following command to generate a skaffold.yaml config file: skaffold init

Use skaffold dev

Run the following command to begin using Skaffold for continuous development skaffold dev

Provide external IP

minikube tunnel


Create a topic and recovery

kubectl exec -it kafka-0 -- bash

Create a topic named reservation with three partitions and a replication factor of 3.

kafka-topics --create --topic reservation --partitions 2 --replication-factor 2 --bootstrap-server kafka-0.kafka-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092

Verify the topic partitions are replicated across all three brokers:

kafka-topics --describe --topic reservation --bootstrap-server kafka-0.kafka-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092

Debugging With Skaffold

EventStorming Proccess



  1. reservation

Unstructured Exploration

  1. ReservationRequestedEvent Triggered by the customer submitting a reservation request.
  2. AvailabilityConfirmed Emitted by the system after validating the request and confirming availability.
  3. ReservationCreatedEvent Signals that a new reservation has been successfully created.
  4. ReservationCanceledEvent Indicates that a reservation has been cancelled.
  5. ReservationModifiedEvent Notifies that changes have been made to an existing reservation.
  6. ReservationCheckedInEvent Signals that a booked service or resource usage has started.
  7. ReservationCheckedOutEvent Indicates that a booked service or resource usage has ended.
  8. AddedToWaitlistEvent Notifies that a customer has been added to a waitlist for a service/resource.
  9. PromotionAppliedEvent Signals the successful application of a promotion or discount to a reservation.
  10. ReservationExpiredEvent Signals that a reservation request has expired due to inactivity.
  11. OverreservationProcessedEvent Signals that the system has handled the situation of overreservation by managing excess reservations.
  12. ReservationConfirmationSentEvent Indicates that a confirmation notification has been sent to the customer after a successful reservation.
  13. PaymentAuthorizedEvent (Policy Event Trigger) Signals successful authorization of payment associated with a reservation.
  14. PaymentCompletedEvent Indicates the successful completion of a payment transaction for a reservation.
  15. PaymentFailedEvent Signals that a payment transaction for a reservation has failed.


Happy Path Workflow:

  1. Reservation Creation
  • Customer submits a reservation request.
  • System validates the request and confirms availability.
  • Reservation is successfully created.
  • Confirmation is sent to the customer.
  • Payment authorization is requested.
  • Payment is successfully authorized.
  • Payment completion is confirmed.
  • Reservation is finalized.
  1. Reservation Modification
  • Customer requests a modification to an existing reservation.
  • System validates the modification and confirms availability.
  • Reservation is successfully updated.
  • Confirmation of modification is sent to the customer.
  • Payment authorization may be requested for additional charges.
  • Payment, if required, is successfully authorized and completed.
  • Updated reservation details are finalized.
  1. Reservation Cancellation
  • Customer requests cancellation of a reservation.
  • System confirms cancellation.
  • Reservation is successfully cancelled.
  • Confirmation of cancellation is sent to the customer.
  • Any applicable refunds are processed.
  1. Check-In and Check-Out
  • Customer checks in for a booked service/resource.
  • System confirms check-in.
  • Customer uses the service/resource.
  • Customer checks out.
  • System confirms check-out.

Alternative Path Workflow

  1. Reservation Creation Failure
  • Customer submits a reservation request.
  • System validates the request but finds no availability.
  • System notifies the customer of unavailability.
  • Optionally, customer may be added to a waitlist.
  1. Reservation Modification Failure
  • Customer requests a modification to an existing reservation.
  • System validates the modification but finds conflicts.
  • System notifies the customer of the conflict and suggests alternatives.
  1. Reservation Cancellation Failure
  • Customer requests cancellation of a reservation.
  • System encounters an error in cancellation.
  • System notifies the customer of the failure and suggests contacting support.
  1. Payment Failure
  • Customer submits a reservation request.
  • System validates the request and confirms availability.
  • Payment authorization fails.
  • System notifies the customer of the payment failure and suggests alternative payment methods.
  1. Overreservation Handling
  • Customer submits a reservation request.
  • System validates the request and detects potential overreservation.
  • System notifies the customer of the situation and suggests alternative reservation times or accommodations.


  1. CreateReservationCommand Initiates the process of creating a new reservation.
  2. SendReservationConfirmationCommand Sends a confirmation notification to the customer after a successful reservation.
  3. CancelReservationCommand Requests the cancellation of an existing reservation.
  4. ModifyReservationCommand Initiates changes to an existing reservation, such as altering the time, duration, or details of the reservation.
  5. CheckinCommand Indicates the beginning of a booked service or resource usage.
  6. CheckoutCommand Indicates the end of a booked service or resource usage.
  7. AddToWaitlistCommand Adds a customer to a waitlist for a service/resource that is currently unavailable.
  8. ApplyPromotionCommand Applies a promotion or discount to a reservation.
  9. ExpireReservationCommand Marks a reservation request as expired due to inactivity or lack of confirmation.
  10. ProcessOverreservationCommand Handles the situation of overreservation by managing the excess reservations.