- Go to r/place
- Open the browser console (F12/Inspect element -> Click on console)
- Paste the following code and press enter:
async function getAccessToken() {
const usingOldReddit = window.location.href.includes('new.reddit.com');
const url = usingOldReddit ? 'https://new.reddit.com/r/place/' : 'https://www.reddit.com/r/place/';
const response = await fetch(url);
const responseText = await response.text();
return responseText.split('\"accessToken\":\"')[1].split('"')[0];
await getAccessToken()
- The text between the quotes (
) is your access token.
Install NodeJS.
Download the bot from this link.
Extract the bot to a folder somewhere on your computer.
Open a command prompt/terminal in this folder
Windows: Shift + Right mouse button in the folder -> Click on "Open Powershell here"
Mac and Linux: Open a terminal and cd to the directory you installed into
Install the necessary depdendencies with
npm i
For the bot out with
node headless.js ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE
BONUS: You can do the last two steps as many times as you want for additional accounts. Make sure you use other accounts otherwise it won't do anything.