Kubernetes Cluster for Production with Calico as CNI
This repo has two different approaches to create a Kubernetes cluster in production environments with High-Availability using the default Kubeadm and Calico/Flannel as CNI.
- Kubernetes Cluster: external_etcd_external_haproxy/
- External ETCD - Calico and Kubernetes
- External LB_Instances
- Heapster and Kubernetes WebUI (kube-dashboard/ and heapster/)
- Kubernetes Cluster: pod_etcd_host-embedded_haproxy/
- ETCD as Docker Containers
- Nginx as Docker Containers
- Keepalived on hosts hosting Masters
- Heapster and Kubernetes WebUI (kube-dashboard/ and heapster/)
- Use Heptio's Sonobuoy https://github.com/heptio/sonobuoy to check the readiness of the cluster. Sample Sonobuoy results are attached with the Repo