VOLK is migrating from GNU General Public License v3.0 or later (GPL-3.0-or-later) to GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later (LGPL-3.0-or-later).
This file is a list of the authors who agreed to resubmit their code under the LGPL-3.0-or-later license to this repository. In case the affected code is licensed differently than VOLK's current license (GPL-3.0-or-later), this gives the VOLK project the right to use the current contributions under both LGPL-3.0-or-later and that other license. Future contributions by these authors are, however, licensed under LGPL-3.0-or-later, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
We'd like to thank everyone who helped to re-license VOLK under LGPL! Being technical: There are 3 people left (out of 74) who we haven't been able to get in contact with (at all), for a total of 4 (out of 1092) commits, 13 (of 282822) additions, and 7 (of 170421) deletions. We have reviewed these commits and all are simple changes (e.g., 1 line change) and most are no longer relevant (e.g., to a file that no longer exists). VOLK maintainers are in agreement that the combination -- small numbers of changes per committer, simple changes per commit, commits no longer relevant -- means that we can proceed with relicensing without the approval of the folks. We will try reaching out periodically to these folks, but we believe it unlikely we will get a reply.
There are several options. Choose the one you prefer.
- Open a PR and add yourself to the table.
- Add a Github comment that clearly states your wish to be added to the table.
- Write an email to the maintainers that clearly states your wish to be added to the table.
If you go with option 2 or 3, the maintainers add your statement to the corresponding git commit message for documentation purposes.
Suggested wording
I, {contributor name}, hereby resubmit all my contributions to the VOLK project and repository under the terms of the LGPLv3+. My GitHub handle is {github handle}, my email addresses used for contributions are: {email address}, ... .
Together with the date of agreement, these authors are:
Date | Author (as used in commits) | GitHub handle | Email address(es) |
2021-07-01 | Marcus Müller | marcusmueller | marcus@hostalia.de, mmueller@gnuradio.org, mueller@kit.edu |
2021-08-01 | Johannes Demel | jdemel | ufcsy@student.kit.edu, demel@uni-bremen.de, demel@ant.uni-bremen.de |
2021-08-25 | Martin Braun | mbr0wn | martin@gnuradio.org, martin.braun@ettus.com |
2021-08-27 | Carles Fernandez | carlesfernandez | carles.fernandez@cttc.es, carles.fernandez@gmail.com, carlesfernandez@gmail.com |
2021-08-27 | Magnus Lundmark | Ka-zam | magnus@skysense.io |
2021-09-04 | Michael Dickens | michaelld | mlk@alum.mit.edu, michael.dickens@ettus.com |
2021-09-05 | Andrej Rode | noc0lour | mail@andrejro.de |
2021-09-06 | rear1019 | rear1019 | rear1019@posteo.de |
2021-09-08 | Federico 'Larroca' La Rocca | git-artes | flarroca@fing.edu.uy |
2021-09-08 | Bernhard M. Wiedemann | bmwiedemann | bwiedemann@suse.de |
2021-09-08 | A. Maitland Bottoms | maitbot | bottoms@debian.org |
2021-09-08 | Paul Cercueil | pcercuei | paul.cercueil@analog.com |
2021-09-08 | Jeison Cardoso | jsonzilla, 0unit | cardoso.jeison@gmail.com |
2021-09-08 | Brennan Ashton | btashton | bashton@brennanashton.com |
2021-09-08 | Ryan Volz | ryanvolz | ryan.volz@gmail.com, rvolz@mit.edu |
2021-09-08 | Douglas Anderson | djanderson | douglas.j.anderson@gmail.com, djanderson@users.noreply.github.com |
2021-09-08 | Nicholas McCarthy | namccart | namccart@gmail.com |
2021-09-09 | Jaroslav Škarvada | yarda | jskarvad@redhat.com |
2021-09-09 | Vasil Velichkov | velichkov | vvvelichkov@gmail.com |
2021-09-09 | Takehiro Sekine | bstalk | takehiro.sekine@ps23.jp |
2021-09-10 | Vanya Sergeev | vsergeev | vsergeev@gmail.com |
2021-09-10 | Ben Hilburn | bhilburn | bhilburn@gnuradio.org, bhilburn@gmail.com, ben@ettus.com, ben@hilburn.dev |
2021-09-09 | Philip Balister | balister | philip@balister.org, root@usrp-e1xx.(none) |
2021-09-12 | Andrey Rodionov | dernasherbrezon | rodionovamp@mail.ru |
2021-09-13 | Clayton Smith | argilo | argilo@gmail.com |
2021-09-14 | Martin Kaesberger | mkaesberger | git@skipfish.de |
2021-09-08 | Karl Semich | xloem | 0xloem@gmail.com |
2021-09-23 | Mike Piscopo | ghostop14 | ghostop14@gmail.com |
2021-09-13 | Amr Bekhit | amrbekhit | amr@helmpcb.com, amrbekhit@gmail.com |
2021-09-19 | Eric Blossom | eblossom | eb@comsec.com |
2021-09-20 | Douglas Geiger | douggeiger | doug.geiger@bioradiation.net,douglas.geiger@nrl.navy.mil |
2021-09-21 | Zlika | Zlika | zlika_ese@hotmail.com |
2021-09-24 | Ron Economos | drmpeg | w6rz@comcast.net |
2021-09-26 | Marc Lichtman | 777arc | marcll@vt.edu |
2021-09-28 | Stefan Wunsch | stwunsch | stefan.wunsch@student.kit.edu |
2021-10-02 | Albin Stigö | ast | albin.stigo@gmail.com |
2021-10-09 | Florian Ritterhoff | fritterhoff | ritterho@hm.edu |
2021-10-06 | Sylvain Munaut | smunaut | tnt@246tNt.com, 246tnt@gmail.com |
2021-10-10 | Dan Robertson | dlrobertson | dan@dlrobertson.com |
2021-10-10 | Steve Markgraf | steve-m | steve@steve-m.de |
2021-10-10 | Gwenhael Goavec-Merou | trabucayre | gwenhael.goavec-merou@trabucayre.com |
2021-10-10 | Doron Behar | doronbehar | doron.behar@gmail.com |
2021-10-10 | Brandon Enochs | brandonenochs | brandon.enochs@nrl.navy.mil |
2021-10-10 | Thomas Rondeau | trondeau | tom@trondeau.com, trondeau@vt.edu |
2021-10-11 | Tim O'Shea | oshtim | tim.oshea753@gmail.com |
2021-10-13 | Alexey Slokva | Alesha72003 | Alesha72003@ya.ru |
2021-10-17 | Josh Blum | guruofquality | josh@joshknows.com |
2021-10-14 | Nicholas Corgan | ncorgan | n.corgan@gmail.com, nick.corgan@ettus.com |
2021-10-24 | Andy Walls | awalls-cx18 | andy@silverblocksystems.net, awalls.cx18@gmail.com, awalls@md.metrocast.net |
2021-10-26 | Ettus Research | N/A | nick.corgan@ettus.com, nick@ettus.com, ben.hilburn@ettus.com, michael.dickens@ettus.com |
2021-10-27 | Pascal Giard | evilynux | evilynux@gmail.com, pascal.giard@lacime.etsmtl.ca, pascal.giard@etsmtl.ca, pascal.giard@mail.mcgill.ca |
2021-10-27 | The Aerospace Corporation | N/A | oss@aero.org, damian.miralles@aero.org, jessica.iwamoto@aero.org, kyle.a.logue@aero.org |
2021-10-29 | Christoph Mayer | hcab14 | hcab14@gmail.com, Christoph.Mayer@cern.ch |
2021-10-29 | Valerii Zapodovnikov | ValZapod | val.zapod.vz@gmail.com |
2021-10-29 | Stefan Oltmanns | Stefan-Olt | stefan-oltmanns@gmx.net |
2021-10-29 | Mathieu Rene | mrene | mrene@avgs.ca |
2021-10-29 | Steven Behnke | sbehnke | steven_behnke@me.com |
2021-10-29 | Adam Thompson | awthomp | adamt@nvidia.com |
2021-10-29 | Nick Foster | bistromath | bistromath@gmail.com, nick@nerdnetworks.org |
2021-10-29 | Roy Thompson | roythompson | rthompso@gmail.com |
2021-10-29 | luzpaz | luzpaz | luzpaz@users.noreply.github.com |
2021-10-29 | Damian Miralles | dmiralles2009 | dmiralles2009@gmail.com, damian.miralles@colorado.edu |
2021-11-06 | Julien Olivain | jolivain | julien.olivain@lsv.ens-cachan.fr |
2021-11-07 | Jam M. Hernandez Quiceno | JamMarHer | jamarck96@gmail.com, jam_quiceno@partech.com |
2021-11-19 | Abhishek Bhowmick | abhowmick22 | abhowmick22@gmail.com |
2021-11-29 | Aang23 (Alan) | Aang23 | qwerty15@gmx.fr, aang23@altillimity.com |
2022-02-06 | Nathan West | n-west | nwest@deepsig.io, nate.ewest@gmail.com, nathan.west@gnuradio.org, nathan.west@nrl.navy.mil, nathan.west@okstate.edu, nathan@pepper |
2022-04-01 | Albert Holguin | hades- | aholguin_77@yahoo.com, codename.hash@gmail.com |
2022-04-14 | Elliot Briggs | N/A | elliot.briggs@gmail.com |
2022-05-31 | Geoffrey Nieboer | gnieboer | gnieboer@gcndevelopment.com, gnieboer@corpcomm.net |
2022-06-28 | Moritz Fischer | N/A | gnuradio@pure-entropy.org |
2022-06-29 | Johnathan Corgan | jmcorgan | jcorgan@corganenterprises.com, johnathan@corganlabs.com |