v4.0.0 (2022-05-02)
Breaking changes:
Closed issues:
Support Puppet v6
Support Puppet v5
Do not manage package with Puppet v4 as it uses the AIO and facter is part of the puppet-agent package.
Support Ruby 2.3.1
Support Puppet v4 w/ strict variables
Bugfix for hiera_merge when no facts are specified
Add ability to control hiera lookup method
This version will always manage the facts.txt. Also adds support for Puppet v4.
Add param to purge facts.d, support future parser
Changed facter::facts to facter::facts_hash as $facts is now reserved for use with trusted node data.
Support future parser
Fix cyclic dependency
Support external facts
Add ability to specify arbitrary string for package_ensure
Ability to specify a symlink to facter Support Puppet v3.5.1 Support Ruby v2.1.0 on Puppet v3.5.1
Support Puppet v3.4 and Ruby v2.0.0
Bugfix in error message
Add ability to toggle management of resources
First release
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