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Lukas Deutz edited this page Jan 7, 2020 · 5 revisions


The build process is defined by stages:

  1. Setup Setup all environments needed for the test and/or build: currently Ruby 2.6, Python 3 and Node.js 13.
  2. Test Run all tests, e.g. a link checker, spelling checker, etc.
  3. Build Build the documentation, currently only HTML, future maybe PDF as well.
  4. Deploy Deploy to either Github Pages (test env) or S3 (using wirecard/s3-deploy).
  5. Post-processing/Notify Post-processing: Upload logs as artifacts, for example. Notify: Send message to e.g. Slack (or other services). This stage/These stages should always run, meaning they should be defined with if: always() because this enable Notify for failing builds.
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