Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | String | Product ID for which you requested the details | |
name | String | Name of the product for which you requested the details | |
created_at | String | Creation UTC date-time of the product (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ) | |
modified_at | String | Last modification UTC date-time of the product (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ) | |
url | String | URL to the product | [optional] |
image_url | String | Absolute URL to the cover image of the product | [optional] |
sku | String | Product identifier from the shop | [optional] |
price | Float | Price of the product | [optional] |
categories | Array<String> | Category ID-s of the product | [optional] |
parent_id | String | Parent product id of the product | [optional] |
s3_original | String | S3 url of original image | [optional] |
s3_thumb_analytics | String | S3 thumbnail url of original image in 120x120 dimension for analytics section | |
meta_info | Object | Meta data of product such as description, vendor, producer, stock level, etc. | [optional] |
s3_thumb_editor | String | S3 thumbnail url of original image in 600x400 dimension for editor section | |
is_deleted | BOOLEAN | product deleted from the shop's database | [optional] |