- New color status when the serial monitor is running
- New file windows (Terminal, Monitor) will be opened in a new group at the right side
- Updated pyserial to 3.4
- Added ".h" extension to the list of IOT files (issue: #202)
- Updated "Serial Port(s)" string to "Device(s)"
- Added
< Previous
option in the list of examples (Issue: #205) - Open and show a message the first time the console is call (Issues: #184 #209)
- Automatically load the programmer preference from platformio.ini (Issue: #208)
- Restored feature to show errors inline
- Performance improvements
- Fixed bug fix not showing verbose mode in the upload output
- Fixed bug selecting the serial baud rate when there is an option in the preferences file not stored in the list of baud rates. (Issue: #190)
- Minor bug checking the "freeze sketch" option
- Fixed bug installing pio developer version (issue: #201)
- Fix to avoid add wrong paths in the ENV variable (Issue: #204)
- Fix issue reconnecting the serial monitor even if the upload failed (issue: #171)
- Avoid to ask for a port when the upload protocol is set (issue: #208)
- Fixed auto-scroll options not working in realtime
- Fixed auto-clean option
- New option 'platformio.ini untouch'. To remove any flag added by Deviot before compile or upload (Issue: #137)
- New feature to "freeze" a sketch (Issue: #170)
- New option to update an installed library (Issue: #172)
- Deviot spricht Deutsch! #178
- Create a python.txt file in Packages/User/Deviot with the python paths for cases when python is installed in non standard path (Issue: #159)
- Avoid to close the window buffer when the sketch is moved to the
folder - Show the port previously selected in the list of serial ports
- Show the upload baudrate previously selected in the quick list
- Minor tweaks in the console highlight
- Show an
insted of-
in the boards already selected, in the list of boards - Update the main menu after an update
- Show baudrate, line endings and display mode serial monitor options in a Quick Panel.
- Make PlatformIO telemetry disabled by default
- Deviot console always scroll (Issue: #156)
- Bug fix to select examples in any directory level (Issue: #82)
- Bug fix adding the
flag (issue: #183) - Bug fixes in readconfig library
- other minor improvements
- Updated Chinese Language (Thanks to @chkb123456)
- Replaced the configparser by readconfig library to avoid remove comments (Issue: #144)
- Alert the user when the plugin is updated
- Better syntax assign to IOT files
- Display the develop version in the status bar (Issue: #164)
- Do not move the sketch if there is a symlink in the 'src' folder (issue: #165)
- Remove extra library flag after compile/upload
- Add programmer flags only when the firmware is uploading, and removing it when it finish
- Multiples fixes after renaming the package in the Package Control repository
- Read platformio.ini after move the buffer to a new path (Issue: #165 (comment))
- Split syntax keywords in new lines to avoid make ST crash
- Avoid remove flags in PIO structure projects
- Serial Fix, to allow port names with non ascii characters
- Avoid to remove previous filters (src_filters) in platformio.ini
- Add Arduino.h library at the beginning of the sketch to avoid errors when compiled (Issue: #142)
- Text history in the "Send" Serial Monitor input panel (Issue: #84)
- Deviot fala Portugues (Thanks to Alexandre Fernandes)
- Experimental feature to avoid wrong line number with ino files
- Show a progress bar when the PlatformIO terminal is used
- Updated caption for "Clean Monitor" to avoid confusion when the quick panel use
- Updated shortcuts to avoid override sublime text hot keys in Linux and OSX (Issue: #132)
- QuickPanel shorcut will be the same in all platforms (ctrl+alt+q)
- Rebuild the syntax file after add/remove an extra library folder
- Highlight improvements
- Changed the setup settings to a new file to make the plugin compatible with the sync plugin(s). This change will allow to exclude the deviot.ini file locate in Package/User/Deviot in the sync plugin (Issue: #127)
- Bring back the persistence in the "send" input text (Issue: #135)
- Improved the way to implement the phantom (create and hide)
- Avoid to stop the message queue after use the first command in the platformIO terminal
- Search libraries in the extra library folder if it's set
- Show the list of examples instead of "Import Library" list
- Some Linux distro and OSX versions are not working well, when "pio" command is use. "plaformio" will be used instead.
- Make sure the serial port is in use before to remove it
- Check the last action when not IOT file is in the buffer
- When PlatformIO is already installed and accessible. The command won't be modified (Issue: #133)
- Check and replace the old syntax file after load the plugin (Issue: #133)
- Make sure to get the extension of the file in buffer (Issue: #139)
- Force to initialize the sketch even if it already exitst in the temp folder when "Use PlatformIO Structure" is activated. The 'src_dir' flag will be add before compile/upload the sketch and removed after the task is finished (issue: #137)
- Improvement Syntax is created even if the PlatformIO setup fails (Issue: #125)
- Improvement Force Sublime Text to assign deviot syntax when it's a IOT file (Issue: #125)
- Improvement The console will print the error when installation fails
- Bug fix removing the preferences files who was making crashing Sublime Text
- Multiples Bug fixes installing PlatformIO in macOS (Issue: #124)
- Plugin totally rewritten
- New PlatformIO console
- New Quick Panel, easy access to all deviot features
- New Show error in a phantom window
- New support for symlink
- New serial port selection shows the full name of the port
- New auto-clean serial monitor view (Serial Monitor > Auto-Clean)
- New clean Serial Monitor option (Serial Monitor > Clean)
- New show/hide the information of the status bar (Options > Show Information in the Status Bar) (Issue: #100)
- New option to overwrite the the upload speed (Issue: #122)
- New option to re-build the boards file when it's corrupted (Options > Rebuild Boards File)
- New option to re-build the syntax and completions files (Options > Rebuild Syntax And Completions File)
- New option to re-build the list of libraries if it's correcupted (Library Options > Rebuild Library List)
- New Deviot parla Italiano (Thanks to Antonio Vivace)
- New Deviot mówi po włosku (Thanks to Jacek Czarnecki)
- New snippet 'inotem' to write setup and loop functions
- Improvement mDNS service discovery is more reliable (Issues: #103)
- Improvement OTA auth, removes the 'upload_flags' when no password is needed (Issue: #116)
- Improvement the context menu is translated to the selected language
- Improvement Language selection is shown in the Quick Panel
- Improvement Change the plugin language do not needs to restart ST anymore
- Improvement Better code highlight
- Improvement search library with less than 4 charactes (Issue: #97)
- Bug fix Not more errors when the sketch is moved to another path (Issue:#73)
- Bug fix to avoid remove 'upload_speed' when it was set manually (Issue: #58)
- Bug fix listing library examples with deeper levels (Issue: #82)
- Others minor bugs fixed
- Fix persisting bug in mDNSCheck (Issue: #59)
- Bug fix to avoid remove 'upload_speed' when it was set manually in the ini file (Issue: #58)
- Bug fix checking PlatformIO updates
- New feature to highlight errors in sketch
- New feature to scroll to the error line from console
- Add syntax recognition for boolean, byte and word var type
- Bug Fix checking ota in esp (Issues: #53 #55)
- Bug fix reading comments in ini file with ";" marker
- New option "Previous" to back when a library was selected in the examples list
- Deviot install uses "virtualenv 14.0.6" to simplify the process
- Improved chinese translation (Thanks to "loong")
- The programmer will be add in the platformio.ini file after selecting it in the menu
- Avoid to check PlatformIO updates when developer version is installed
- Show "Framewor(s)" type in library results
- Show IP of mDNS service in list of ports
- Reload main menu when it's corrupted after an update (Issue: #54)
- OTA upload uses the device IP insted of the service name to avoid DNS errors
- Show percentage in console when upload by OTA
- Multiples bug fixes with authentication in OTA uploads
- Bug fix to prevent an error when a sketch folder has been renamed in a non native project
- Bug fix when PlatformIO board list have format problems
- Bug Fix for run monitor serial when none port is selected (issue: #52)
- Bug Fix showing message 'Not Found' when the results only have installed libraries
- Bug fix saving the sketch before build/upload
- Bug fix in menu option 'Open Build Config File' introduced in previous release
- Factorized serial port feature
- Factorized project recognition!
- Support for PlatformIO 3.0
- Other minor fixes
- Adding console feedback when a PlatformIO update is available
- Support for mDNS autodiscover and upload with mDNS port (OTA)
- New Programmer menu option
- New colors in Deviot Console
- New checks for pio updates automatically and warns to the user
- New
Select Board
,Select Environment
,Serial Port
,Import Library
menu options are shown with quick panel instead of menu list - New Asks for board, environment or serial port instead of show an error
- New context menu options (shortcuts)
- New Deviot parle Français
- New Deviot 說中國
- New menu option to install platformio 'develop' branch (Deviot Menu > Options > Use Develop...)
- New menu option to use always PlatformIO structure (Deviot Menu > Options > Use PlatformIO Structure)
- New menu option to re-open deviot console (Deviot Menu > Show Deviot Console) (issue #44)
- New menu option to display the Serial Monitor in console (Deviot Menu > Monitor Serial > Output in Deviot Console) (Issue #32)
- New Ask to restart Sublime Text after change the language
- New Always scrolls to the last line text in Deviot console
- Set the same environment as the last chosen board
- Shows s a warn when the libraries and examples menu are empty
- Shows attempts of error in deviot console when programmer not respond
- Improved status bar information
- Improved plugin time load
- Fixed minor bugs updating the status bar information after upgrade the plugin or pio
- Fixed auto scroll feature (issue #43)
- Fixed issue not showing the right error in not verbose mode (issue #39)
- Removed Toolbar
- Removed Support for ST2
- Others minor bugs fixed
- Fix bug saving the platformio version after update it
- Fixed bug checking the current version of python
- Removed not used context menu options
- New Snippets
- New Korean Language (Thanks to gro)
- New auto scroll option in deviot menu
- New support to comment and uncomment option (#25)
- New Serial Option "Not used" to avoid the error "None serial port selected" when a serial port is not necessary (#29)
- New option to save the last path when the file chooser is used
- New option to open the ini config file (related #26)
- New options to set and remove default path when the file chooser is used (#19)
- Changed "Keep temp files" option selected as default
- Fixed bug not showing an error when Python3 is installed (#27) Fixed "Change build folder" bug (#22)
- New option to automatically scroll the monitor serial view to the last received message
- Added missing templates to create a new sketch
- Fixed bug showing the default language when the machine run with an unsupported language (#8)
- Fixed feedback messages after install Deviot
- Fix bug showing the environment menu list in Linux Mint (#16)
- Added compatibility to old libraries (PR #11)
- Added feedback while board list are updating
- Avoids show false success messages in user console when the serial port is not selected.
- Fixed issue selecting serial port (#12)
- Fixed error showing "New Line" item in Monitor Serial menu
- Fixed update PlatformIO option (Deviot > Options > Upgrade PlatformIO)
- Fixed language strings when python is not installed
- Changed shorcuts icons in Windows 7
- Fixed error installing Pio in ST2 | issue #6
- Minor changes in the about platformio links
- Minor fix using pio in OSX
- Fixed error auto-installing platformio in OSX
- Removed Shortcut icons from OSX
- Others minor bugs fixed
- New option menu "New Sketch"
- New option menu "Use CPP File on New File"
- Bug fix false warning at uploading a firmware
- Minor language string fix
- New Auto-install platformio
- New icon shortcuts (Windows, OSX Only)
- New menu option "Show Build Folder"
- New menu option "Change Build Folder"
- New menu option "Remove Prefences Files"
- New menu option "Donate"
- New menu option "About Platformio"
- New menu option "Upgrade Platformio"
- Reorganized menu "options"
- Bug fixes showing messages in the user console
- Bug fix to avoid display empty examples folder in the library menu
- Bug fix when installing a library manually and it not being recognized
- Bug fix to show selected environments when a sketch hasn't a platformio.ini file
- Others minor bugs fixed
- New import library menu option
- New library examples menu option
- New Option to hide the build/upload/clean status console
- New syntax recognition
- New completions based in the library files (ctrl+space)
- New Add IP manually to work with OTA boards
- New the selected COM port and environment is displayed in the status bar
- Bug fix initializing a board from the menu option
- Others minor bugs fixed
- New display mode Hex + Ascii in monitor serial
- New auto-run monitor serial if before to upload a sketch it was running
- Updated the translation files to simplify the way to internationalize the plugin
- Monitor serial: Removing CR and NULL tag in text mode
- Bug fix trying to upload a sketch with a serial port that was online before.
- Multiples minor bugs fixed
- Fixed problem showing errors after compile
- New show compile result in the status bar
- Bug fix in auto-saving file/sketch
- Bug fixes in environment menu after auto-save a file
- Bug fix uploading a sketch when a serial monitor is in use
- Fixed problem showing errors without verbose mode active
- Minor bug fix in send persistent function
- Bug fixes in ST2 to add compability to the plugin
- Fixed multiples minor bugs
- New Monitor serial
- New option to show the user library folder
- New option to change the user library folder
- Fixed bug showing errors in serial console
- Fixed bug showing library manager in ST2
- New library manager based on the platformIO API and CLI
- New option to keep temp files
- New recognition of platformio.ini file in Deviot menu
- Fixed shortcuts in Linux
- Fixed bugs in Sublime Text 2
- Fixed order bug in env_var at setup
- Fixed multiples minor bugs
- Added Multi project recognition (platformIO, Arduino style)
- Added Language(s)
- Improved path environment configuration
- Improved order in plugin files
- Minor bug fixed in ST2
- New instructions when platformio isn't installed
- New Option to set the environment path
- New port serial handled with pyserial
- New download boards list from platformio API
- New user console
- New basic arduino sintax
- New verbose output in "options" menu
- New automatically saved the sketch when build/upload
- Fixed multiples minor bugs
- First alpha release