- 😄 Pronouns: He/His
- ⚡ Fun fact: My Github/web ID comes from "G.A.Z(CN)™️007", which is the nickname I used in Counter-Strike and BBS forums :)
- 🔮 I post on carlrocks.com
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Patternize.io
Algorithms and Data Structure Visualization 🔬 An interactive E-Book
Algorithm animation library for Patternize Workbook ⚙
TypeScript 4
A programming language for cloud of moving things (edge-based IoT)
A "Magic Tree" that virtualizes and combines data sources to generate visualization and real-time analytics 🌲
A Music Theory Analytics Toolkit in Python. A Crappy and Not Pythonic work in progress... 🐼
Python 4