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File metadata and controls

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System.Windows.Forms (Winforms) Examples

This folder contains Winforms controls examples.


Hello World


Common Controls

  • Button represents a Windows button control.
  • CheckBox represents a Windows CheckBox control.
  • CheckedListBox represents a Windows control to display a list of items.
  • ComboBox represents a Windows combo box control.
  • Control refines the base class for controls, which are components with visual representation.
  • DateTimePicker represents a Windows control that allows the user to select a date and a time and to display the date and time with a specified format.
  • DomainUpDown represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays string values.
  • HScrollBar represents a standard Windows horizontal scroll bar.
  • Label represents a standard Windows label.
  • LinkLabel represents a Windows label control that can display hyperlinks.
  • ListBox represents a Windows control to display a list of items.
  • ListView represents a Windows list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of four different views.
  • MaskedTextBox uses a mask to distinguish between proper and improper user input.
  • MonthCalendar specifies values for navigating among accessible objects.
  • NotifyIcon specifies a component that creates an icon in the notification area. This class cannot be inherited.
  • NumericUpDown represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays numeric values.
  • PictureBox represents a Windows picture box control for displaying an image.
  • ProgressBar represents a Windows progress bar control.
  • RadioButton enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired with other RadioButton controls.
  • RichTextBox represents a Windows rich text box control.
  • Splitter represents a splitter control that enables the user to resize docked controls. Splitter has been replaced by SplitContainer and is provided only for compatibility with previous versions.
  • TextBox represents a Windows text box control.
  • ToolTip Represents a small rectangular pop-up window that displays a brief description of a control's purpose when the user rests the pointer on the control.
  • TrackBar represents a standard Windows track bar.
  • TreeView displays a hierarchical collection of labeled items, each represented by a TreeNode.
  • VScrollBar represents a standard Windows vertical scroll bar.
  • WebBrowser enables the user to navigate Web pages inside your form.


  • FlowLayoutPanel represents a panel that dynamically lays out its contents horizontally or vertically.
  • Form represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface.
  • GroupBox represents a Windows control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption.
  • Panel used to group collections of controls.
  • SplitContainer represents a control consisting of a movable bar that divides a container's display area into two resizable panels.
  • TabControl manages a related set of tab pages.
  • TableLayoutPanel represents a panel that dynamically lays out its contents in a grid composed of rows and columns.

Menus and Toolbars

  • ContextMenuStrip represents a shortcut menu.
  • MainMenu provides a main menu system for a form.
  • MenuStrip provides a menu system for a form.
  • StatusStrip represents a Windows status bar control.
  • ToolStrip provides a container for Windows toolbar objects.
  • ToolStripContainer provides panels on each side of the form and a central panel that can hold one or more controls.


  • BindingNavigator represents the navigation and manipulation user interface (UI) for controls on a form that are bound to data.
  • BindingSource encapsulates the data source for a form.
  • Chart
  • DataGridView displays data in a customizable grid.
  • DataSet


  • BackgroundWorker executes an operation on a separate thread.
  • DirectoryEntry The DirectoryEntry class encapsulates a node or object in the Active Directory Domain Services hierarchy.
  • DirectorySearcher performs queries against Active Directory Domain Services.
  • ErrorProvider provides a user interface for indicating that a control on a form has an error associated with it.
  • EventLog provides interaction with Windows event logs.
  • FileSystemWatcher listens to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes.
  • HelpProvider provides pop-up or online Help for controls.
  • ImageList provides methods to manage a collection of Image objects. This class cannot be inherited.
  • MessageQueue provides access to a queue on a Message Queuing server.
  • PerformanceCounter represents a Windows NT performance counter component.
  • Process provides access to local and remote processes and enables you to start and stop local system processes.
  • SerialPort represents a serial port resource.
  • ServiceControler represents a Windows service and allows you to connect to a running or stopped service, manipulate it, or get information about it.
  • Timer implements a timer that raises an event at user-defined intervals. This timer is optimized for use in Windows Forms applications and must be used in a window.


  • PageSetupDialog enables users to change page-related print settings, including margins and paper orientation. This class cannot be inherited.
  • PrintDialog lets users select a printer and choose which sections of the document to print from a Windows Forms application.
  • PrintDocument defines a reusable object that sends output to a printer, when printing from a Windows Forms application.
  • PrintPreviewControl represents the raw preview part of print previewing from a Windows Forms application, without any dialog boxes or buttons. Most PrintPreviewControl objects are found on PrintPreviewDialog objects, but they do not have to be.
  • PrintPreviewDialog represents a dialog box form that contains a PrintPreviewControl for printing from a Windows Forms application.


  • ColorDialog represents a common dialog box that displays available colors along with controls that enable the user to define custom colors.
  • FolderBrowserDialog prompts the user to select a folder. This class cannot be inherited.
  • FontDialog prompts the user to choose a font from among those installed on the local computer.
  • MessageBox displays a message window, also known as a dialog box, which presents a message to the user. It is a modal window, blocking other actions in the application until the user closes it. A MessageBox can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user.
  • OpenFileDialog displays a standard dialog box that prompts the user to open a file.
  • SaveFileDialog prompts the user to select a location for saving a file.


  • ApplicationIdle shows how to create an Application with Application class and Idle event.
  • MouseEvent demonstrates the use of some mouse events.
  • EnableChangedEvent demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnableChaned event.
  • FontChangedEvent demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.Control.FontChaned event.
  • FormClick demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.Form control and Click event.
  • WndProc demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc method.


  • Button2 demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.Button control.
  • ColoredForms demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.Form control and System.Drawing.Color class.
  • ColoredTabPages demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.TabControl and colored System.Windows.Forms.TabPage controls.
  • DataFormatsGetFormat demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.DataFormats.GetFormat method.
  • GroupBoxAndCheckBox demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox and System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox controls.
  • GroupBoxAndRadioButton demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox and System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton controls.
  • LabelsAndUnicodeText demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.Label control and Unicode text.
  • Lines demonstrates the use of System.Windows.Forms.Label control to draw simple lines.
  • SomeControls demonstrates the use of some controls.
  • StopwatchForm demonstrates the use of Stopwatch class, Label and Button controls.
  • SystemSound demonstrates the use of System.Media.SystemSound component.
  • All You can see all examples here.