The Predicate builder service is currently a NodeJs REST-API service that ingests a defined predicate structure and an undefined data object, that would then produce a result based on the data provided.
At the moment this services both responds to the API request with the desired result as well as publishes the result to the desired Kafka topic. This is temporary until further notice.
Please see the section below on Data Structures to see the definitions of the request object that is expected by the service.
The online get request will respond with a message stating that the service is running and online. As a note, any get requests will return the online message since this service only uses POST for execution.
Predicate Builder Service is online.
Executes the passed in PredicateExecutionRequest and responds with the desired output only. The outcome is published to the provided Kafka Topic.
Request Body:
"outputTopic": "test-topic",
"outputIfTrue": "SomeValue",
"outputIfFalse": "AnotherValue",
"data": {
"transaction": {
"amount": 350,
"amt": 350,
"payer": {
"partyIDType": "D"
"predicates": [
"logicalOperator": "AND",
"dataPropertyPath": "data.transaction.amount",
"operator": "GREATERTHAN",
"not": false,
"value": "300"
"logicalOperator": "AND",
"dataPropertyPath": "transaction.amt",
"operator": "GREATERTHAN",
"not": false,
"value": "300"
"logicalOperator": "AND",
"dataPropertyPath": "transaction.payer.partyIDType",
"operator": "EQUALS",
"not": false,
"value": "N",
"nestedPredicate": {
"logicalOperator": "OR",
"predicates": [
"logicalOperator": "AND",
"dataPropertyPath": "transaction.payer.partyIDType",
"not": false,
"operator": "EQUALS",
"value": "P"
"logicalOperator": "OR",
"dataPropertyPath": "transaction.payer.partyIDType",
"not": false,
"operator": "EQUALS",
"value": "D"
Kafka Producer Output:
Topic: test-topic
Message: "{"topic":"test-topic", "result": "SomeValue"}"
This executes the PredicateExecutionRequest the same as the above execute method but instead of only responding with the desired result it provides debug information with regards to the incoming request as well as the logic it executed to get the result.
Request Body:
"outputTopic": "test-topic",
"outputIfTrue": "SomeValue",
"outputIfFalse": "AnotherValue",
"data": {
"transaction": {
"amount": 350,
"amt": 350,
"payer": {
"partyIDType": "D"
"predicates": [
"logicalOperator": "AND",
"dataPropertyPath": "data.transaction.amount",
"operator": "GREATERTHAN",
"not": false,
"value": "300"
"logicalOperator": "AND",
"dataPropertyPath": "transaction.amt",
"operator": "GREATERTHAN",
"not": false,
"value": "300"
"logicalOperator": "AND",
"dataPropertyPath": "transaction.payer.partyIDType",
"operator": "EQUALS",
"not": false,
"value": "N",
"nestedPredicate": {
"logicalOperator": "OR",
"predicates": [
"logicalOperator": "AND",
"dataPropertyPath": "transaction.payer.partyIDType",
"not": false,
"operator": "EQUALS",
"value": "P"
"logicalOperator": "OR",
"dataPropertyPath": "transaction.payer.partyIDType",
"not": false,
"operator": "EQUALS",
"value": "D"
[transaction.amount, transaction.amt, transaction.payer.partyIDType, transaction.payer.partyIDType,
(data.transaction.amount > "300" && data.transaction.amt > "300" && (data.transaction.payer.partyIDType === "N" ||
(data.transaction.payer.partyIDType === "P" || data.transaction.payer.partyIDType === "D")))
Result: SomeValue
Kafka Producer Output:
Topic: test-topic
Message: "{"topic":"test-topic", "result": "SomeValue"}"
Please advise the examples mentioned in the above Available Calls section to provide a better understanding.
Predicate Execution Request:
* @class PredicateExecutionRequest
* The request object expected when calling the Predicate Builder Service
class PredicateExecutionRequest(){
// The topic that the result should be published to
outputTopic: string;
// The value that should be returned if the predicate is evaluated as TRUE, if no value is passed "true" is returned
outputIfTrue?: "SomeValue";
// The value that should be returned if the predicate is evaluated as FALSE, if no value is passed "false" is returned
outputIfFalse?: "AnotherValue";
// The data object that could be in any structure, this will be navigated by the service to find and evaluate the values
data: any;
// The collection of predicates to be executed on the above provided data object
predicates: Predicate[]
* @class PredicateExecutionRequest
* A predicate that would be executed on the data object
class Predicate {
// The logical operator that would be used to determine the relation from this predicate to the prior predicate in the collection
logicalOperator: LogicalOperator;
// The path that would be used to navigate the data object to evaluate the value against the provided below value
dataPropertyPath: string;
// The operator that would be applied on the dataPropertyPath and the below provided value
operator: Operator;
// The value that would be compared to the value in the data object
value: string;
// Applies the not to the evaluation to "invert" the evaluation
//i.e. to be used to get a NOT EQUALS
not: boolean;
// A set of nested predicates to define deeper logic within this particular predicate
// i.e. To concatenate some OR predicates to get a result
nestedPredicate?: NestedPredicate;
Nested Predicate:
class NestedPredicate {
// The logical operator that would be used to determine the relation to the parent predicate for all the child predicates
logicalOperator: LogicalOperator;
// The predicates that should be used as child predicates for the more complicated operations
predicates: Predicate[];
Logical Operator:
enum LogicalOperator {
'AND' = 'AND',
'OR' = 'OR',
enum Operator{