The default options can be permanently set with a configuration file found in a standard folder for configuration, depending on your operating system:
- Linux:
. Usually this is/home/<your username>/.config/oasis/default.json
- Windows
. - Mac OS,
/Users/<your username>/Library/Preferences/oasis/default.json
The configuration file can override any or all of the command-line defaults. Here is an example customizing the port number and the "open" settings:
"open": false,
"port": 19192
If you run oasis --help
you'll see all of the parameters, which are also defined in the source code here:
Which value is given is decided like this:
- If an argument is given on the command-line, use that value.
- Otherwise, use the value from the configuration file if present.
- If neither command-line nor configuration file are given, use the built-in default value.
The stylesheet values may be overridden by adding custom values to a file found in a standard folder for configuration, depending on your operating system:
- Linux:
. Usually this is/home/<your username>/.config/oasis/custom-style.css
- Windows
. - Mac OS,
/Users/<your username>/Library/Preferences/oasis/custom-style.css
As an example the width used for the main body may be changed to a different fixed width or a dynamic width:
:root {
--measure: 75%;