Load JavaScript and its dependencies for content script.
In browser extension world, the content script did not execution environment with the JavaScript in the page. What if I need to read a global variable in the page?
We want to put our content scripts to the page, but some of the scripts have dependencies with scripts from browser extension which cause other dependancy loaders not working. So we create this for content script to load scripts with their dependencies.
Inspired by require.js
//set config
paths: {
'jsapi': 'http://example.com/_ah/channel/jsapi',
'jquery': chrome.extension.getURL('jquery-1.10.2.min.js'),
'gmail': chrome.extension.getURL('gmail.js'),
'react': chrome.extension.getURL('react-with-addons.js'),
'dashboard': chrome.extension.getURL('dashboard.js'),
'main': chrome.extension.getURL('main.js')
'app': chrome.extension.getURL('app.js')
shim: {
'jquery': {
'waitSeconds': 3,
'retry': 1
'deps': ['react', 'jquery'],
'retry': 1
'deps': ['jsapi', 'jquery', 'gmail', 'dashboard']
waitSeconds: 10, //seconds to wait for each script or timeout, optional, default 7
retry: 2, //retry times for each script, optional, default 0
'bootstrap': 'http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css',
'style': 'style.css'
//load script
deps.load(['app', 'main']);