Python / PHP script for Tesla Model S / Model X to keep the HVAC system powered on.
- Edit ./camper/command.php and change password to your desired password. This doesn't need to be extremely secure, as it is only to prevent free access to the start / stop command.
- Place the content of the folder "camper" onto your webserver. Note the location of it. (i.e. if it's /var/www/html/camper/command.php use this for the next step)
- Modify to change the file location according to your location from step 2. It is in line 29. (i.e. /var/www/tesla/camper/is_currently_heating)
- Using ssh log in to your system.
- use screen -S CamperMode to start a detachable screen.
- Run the python script: python
- Enter your Tesla eMail and Password information.
- Detach screen with ctrl-a and ctrl-d.
- Navigate to website and hit start to activate CamperMode. Hit stop to deactivate.