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Spl3 API: Battle - Post

AIZAWA Hina edited this page Jul 21, 2024 · 19 revisions

not detailed, for API profreshionals:


Endpoint URL:
Request Method: POST or PUT
Authorization: Required, HTTP Header bearer auth only
Content-Type: application/x-msgpack or application/json (*)

*) MessagePack is required to send images.

name type example info
test boolean "no" If "yes", validation only. Defaults to "no"
uuid uuid-string "ca1e4d9d-837f-4c16-853b-570bb1af2b2b" UUID to identify the battle on the client side.
See here for the recommended calculation method when creating on the basis of data obtained from SplatNet 3.
image_judge image a screenshot image of Judd (referee) and teams' pts
image_result image a screenshot image of scoreboard (8 players shown)
image_gear image a screenshot image of user's gears
lobby key-string "regular" one of regular, bankara_challenge, bankara_open, event, xmatch, splatfest_challenge, splatfest_open, private
rule key-string "nawabari" one of nawabari(TW), area(SZ), hoko(RM), yagura(TC), asari(CB), tricolor
stage key-string "yunohana"
weapon key-string "wakaba"
result key-string "win" one of win, lose, draw, exempted_lose
knockout boolean "no" yes: knock out
no: time exceeded or failed to reverse
null: unknown or (Tricolor-)TW
rank_in_team integer [1, 4] 2 position in scoreboard
kill integer [0, 99] 2
assist integer [0, 99] 3
kill_or_assist integer [0, 99] 5 equals to kill + assist if you know them
death integer [0, 99] 4
special integer [0, 99] 6 use count
signal integer [0, 99] 1 Tricolor TW, try to secure the signal
inked integer 1000 not including bonus
medals array of string ["バトル No.1", "トドメ数 No.1"] localized string, 0-3 elements
our_team_inked integer 2000 TW, not including bonus
their_team_inked integer 1500 TW, not including bonus
third_team_inked integer 1000 Tricolor Turf War
our_team_percent decimal [0.0, 100.0] 55.5 TW
their_team_percent decimal [0.0, 100.0] 41.6 TW
third_team_percent decimal [0.0, 100.0] 10.2 Tricolor TW
our_team_count integer [0, 100] 100 Anarchy
their_team_count integer [0, 100] 5 Anarchy
level_before integer 10 level ("ランク" in JA), before the battle
level_after integer 11 level ("ランク" in JA), after the battle
rank_before key-string "c+" one of c- ... s+, lowercase only
/^[abcs][+-]?$/ except s-
rank_before_s_plus integer 1 S+ n.
i.e., 42 for S+ 42
rank_before_exp integer 100
rank_after key-string
rank_after_s_plus integer
rank_after_exp integer
rank_exp_change integer -2 Set rank_after_exp - rank_before_exp. It can be negative. Set only this value if you don't know their exact values.
rank_up_battle boolean "no" Set "yes" if now "Rank-up Battle" mode.
challenge_win integer [0, 5] Win count for Anarchy (Series) and X Battle
If rank_up_battle is truthy("yes") or lobby is "xmatch", the value range is limited to [0, 3].
challenge_lose integer [0, 3] Lose count for Anarchy (Series) and X Battle
x_power_before decimal [0.0, 9999.9] 2345.6 X Power, before the battle
x_power_after decimal [0.0, 9999.9] 2345.6 X Power, after the battle
bankara_power_before decimal [0.0, 9999.9] 2345.6 Anarchy (Open) Power, after the battle
bankara_power_after decimal [0.0, 9999.9] 2345.6 Anarchy (Open) Power, after the battle
fest_power decimal [0.0, 9999.9] 2345.6 Splatfest Power (Pro)
fest_dragon key-string "333x" Set 10x or decuple when the Splatfest battle is "10x Battle"
Set 100x or dragon when the battle is "100x Battle"
Set 333x or double_dragon when the battle is "333x Battle"
Otherwise, set nothing or empty-string (the battle is "1x Battle" or it is not a Splatfest battle)
conch_clash key-string "33x" Set 1x, 10x or 33x for Conch Clash (ja: ホラガイ争奪戦), null or not set for non-Splatfest nor non-Conch Clash battles
clout_before integer Splatfest Clout, before the battle
clout_after integer Splatfest Clout, after the battle
clout_change integer Splatfest Clout, equals to clout_after - clout_before if you know them
event base64-string "TGVhZ3VlTWF0Y2hFdmVudC1OZXdTZWFzb25DdXA=" "Challenge" (ja: イベント, internal: League) Type ID (base64) if you know
event_power decimal [0.0, 9999.9] 1234.5 Challenge Power
cash_before integer 10000
cash_after integer 11000
our_team_color color-string "11223344" See description below
their_team_color color-string "11223344"
third_team_color color-string "11223344"
our_team_role key-string "attacker" For only tri-color TW. "attacker" or "defender"
their_team_role key-string "defender"
third_team_role key-string "defender"
our_team_theme string "Rock" Splatfest team name, localized
their_team_theme string "Paper"
third_team_theme string "Scissors"
our_team_players array of player struct [{...},{...},{...},{...}] Good guys scoreboard data (1-4 elements)
their_team_players array of player struct Bad guys scoreboard data (1-4 elements)
third_team_players array of player struct Tricolor TW third team scoreboard data (1-4 elements)
note string public note
private_note string private note
link_url http-url-string IDN is not allowed, it will be public
agent string (1 ≤ length ≤ 64) "the super client" your client name *
agent_version string (1 ≤ length ≤ 255) "v1.0.0" its version * doesn't care the value of this entry. You can send any information to identify the version. Be careful not to be too verbose about the user. Maximum possible information would be OS type ("Windows", "macOS"), browser type ("Chrome", "Firefox"), and/or architecture type ("x64", "ARM").
agent_variables map<string, string>
(1 ≤ len(key) ≤ 63)
(1 ≤ len(value) ≤ 255)
{"foo": "blablabla"} extra data by UA
automated boolean "yes" set "yes" if the client is operating in automatic mode
start_at unix-time 1599577200 the battle starts at
end_at unix-time 1599577380 the battle ends at

player structure

  • For the player themselves, the same data will be sent twice in the main structure and this player structure.
  • See above for description of duplicate items such as kill.
name type example info
me boolean "yes" set "yes" if the player is "current" user. otherwise, set "no".
rank_in_team integer [1, 4] 1 position in scoreboard
name string (1 ≤ length ≤ 10) "なぎさのこあくま" the player's name
number string "1112" #1112 in splashtag. Do not send #.
Be careful this value is not always integer (may contains alphabet).
We will accept /^[0-9a-zA-Z]{0,32}$/ at this time.
splashtag_title string "アゲアゲのルーキー" title in splashtag, localized & joined
weapon key-string "dynamo"
inked integer 903 not including bonus
kill integer 3
assist integer 0
kill_or_assist integer 3
death integer 5
special integer 1
signal integer [0, 99] 1 Tricolor TW, try to secure the signal
gears gears struct {"headgear":{...},"clothing":{...},"shoes":{...}} gears and abilities data
disconnected boolean "no" Set "yes" if the player disconnected. otherwise, set "no".
crown boolean "yes" Set "yes" if the player has a crown.
This field is This field is set automatically if you set a specific value for crown_type.
If this field is set to "yes" and crown_type is not set a value, it is assumed that crown_type is set to "x" for compatibility.
crown_type key-string "x" "x": X Battles Top 500 crown
"100x": Winner of the Splatfest 100x battle
"333x": Winner of the Splatfest 333x battle
See also the description of the crown field.
species key-string "inkling" "inkling" or "octoling"


gears structure

  • Be careful to differentiate between gears and gear.
name type example info
headgear gear struct {...}
clothing gear struct {...}
shoes gear struct {...}

gear structure

  • At this time, we have not defined any information regarding the name of the gear.
name type example info
primary_ability key-string "ink_saver_main" primary ability ("メインギアパワー" in Japanese)
secondary_abilities array of key-string ["ink_saver_sub", null] secondary abilities ("追加ギアパワー" in Japanese), 0-3 elements.
set null if the slot has not been opened ("locked") or have not yet attached any abilities.
you can omit them to reduce the number of elements in the array to less than 3.


  // ...
  "our_team_players": [
      "name": "なぎさのこあくま",
      "number": "1112",
      // ...
      "gears": {
        "headgear": {
          "primary_ability": "ink_saver_main",
          "secondary_abilities": [
        "clothing": {
          "primary_ability": "ninja_squid",
          "secondary_abilities": [
        "shoes": {
          "primary_ability": "stealth_jump",
          "secondary_abilities": [
    // other players...
  // ...

In this case, the clothing can be

"clothing": {
  "primary_ability": "ninja_squid",
  "secondary_abilities": [
    // removed null, the array has only 2 key-strings

and the shoes can be

"shoes": {
  "primary_ability": "stealth_jump",
  "secondary_abilities": [] // removed null


"shoes": {
  "primary_ability": "stealth_jump",
  "secondary_abilities": [
    null, // unknown
    null, // locked
    null  // locked


  • range (like [1, 4]): See this

  • boolean: "yes" or "no". Be careful - it is not a native boolean type, it is a string.

  • http-url-string: HTTP or HTTPS URL. IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) are not supported. It might work if Punycode encode is done on the client side.

  • unix-time: integer, seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 without leap seconds. Be careful if the client using JavaScript -- its time unit is milliseconds, so it must be 1/1000.

  • uuid-string: case insensitive string(lowercase recommended), "00000000-0000-M000-N000-000000000000" format, version 1, 3, 4 or 5 is required (M=1, 3, 4, 5). RFC 4122 variant is required (N=8, 9, a, b).

  • color-string: 6 or 8 characters hexadecimal string. rrggbb or rrggbbaa format, like CSS color, but haven't #. 000000ff means black, 00000000 means fully-transparented black.

  • image: send image binary as binary-string.

    • filesize limit: up to 3 mebibytes (MiB)
    • width: 100 ≤ width ≤ 3840 (typ. 1280 or 1920)
    • height: 100 ≤ height ≤ 2160 (typ. 720 or 1080)
    • format: JPEG or PNG

SplatNet data based UUID

When posting to from data obtained from SplatNet, we expect the following method to generate a uuid.
It allows s3s and other clients to recognize each other as being in the same battle.

  1. decode Base64'ed data from
  2. Cut the data <YYYYMMDD>T<HHMMSS>_<uuid> from the decoded ID (Cut 52 characters from the back, etc.)
  3. Calc UUIDv5 with namespace b3a2dbf5-2c09-4792-b78c-00b548b70aeb
$decodedId = base64_decode($battle->id);
if (
    '/\b(\d{8}T\d{6}_[0-9a-f-]+)\b/', // In actual code, a more exact expression is recommended
) {
  throw new Exception('Something wrong');
// $match[1] is now "<YYYYMMDD>T<HHMMSS>_<uuid>"
$theUUID = uuid_v5(

s3s implementation


The agent parameters must send both or omit both. You cannot send only names.

"third team" for Tricolor Turf War

  • The submitter's team is always our_team.
  • The client can choose which of the other two teams will be their_team and which will be the third_team.


Successful (test=yes)

Status: HTTP 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content: {"error": null}

See the 200.

Successful (test=no)

Status: HTTP 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Content: See example below

  • Location: Public URL, the user can access this URL to view the detail page.
  • X-Api-Location: API URL
  • X-User-Screen-Name: @username (without @)
  • X-Battle-ID: Battle UUID (The ID assigned by the server is set, which is different from the parameter.)

If a battle with the same uuid parameter is submitted, it will not be created a duplicate data, but will return the same data as before.

Example of result

  • You should not expect key order.
  • You should not expect JSON to be pretty printed.
  • You should not expect the time zone is UTC.
  • You should expect that most values can be null.
  • You should expect that keys not listed will be present.
    "id": "44bc8e79-cbc2-4de5-a1c3-a17936ab1a5c",
    "url": "",
    "images": {
        "judge": "",
        "results": "",
        "gear": ""
    "user": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "ひな",
        "screen_name": "fetus_hina",
        "url": ""
    "lobby": {
        "key": "bankara_open",
        "name": {
            "en_US": "Anarchy Battle (Open)",
            "ja_JP": "バンカラマッチ (オープン)"
    "rule": {
        "key": "hoko",
        "name": {
            "en_US": "Rainmaker",
            "ja_JP": "ガチホコバトル"
        "short_name": {
            "en_US": "RM",
            "ja_JP": "ホコ"
    "stage": {
        "key": "sumeshi",
        "aliases": [
        "name": {
            "en_US": "Wahoo World",
            "ja_JP": "スメーシーワールド"
        "short_name": {
            "en_US": "World",
            "ja_JP": "スメーシー"
        "area": null,
        "release_at": {
            "time": 1662649200,
            "iso8601": "2022-09-08T15:00:00+00:00"
    "weapon": {
        "key": "dynamo",
        "aliases": [
        "type": {
            "key": "roller",
            "aliases": [],
            "name": {
                "en_US": "Rollers",
                "ja_JP": "ローラー"
        "name": {
            "en_US": "Dynamo Roller",
            "ja_JP": "ダイナモローラー"
        "main": "dynamo",
        "sub": {
            "key": "sprinkler",
            "aliases": [],
            "name": {
                "en_US": "Sprinkler",
                "ja_JP": "スプリンクラー"
        "special": {
            "key": "energystand",
            "aliases": [],
            "name": {
                "en_US": "Tacticooler",
                "ja_JP": "エナジースタンド"
        "reskin_of": "dynamo"
    "result": "win",
    "knockout": false,
    "rank_in_team": 3,
    "kill": 14,
    "assist": 3,
    "kill_or_assist": 17,
    "death": 9,
    "special": 3,
    "inked": 1195,
    "medals": [
        "バトル No.1",
        "トドメ数 No.1",
        "塗りポイント No.1"
    "our_team_inked": null,
    "their_team_inked": null,
    "our_team_percent": null,
    "their_team_percent": null,
    "our_team_count": 57,
    "their_team_count": 25,
    "level_before": null,
    "level_after": null,
    "rank_before": null,
    "rank_before_s_plus": null,
    "rank_before_exp": null,
    "rank_after": null,
    "rank_after_s_plus": null,
    "rank_after_exp": null
    "rank_up_battle": false,
    "challenge_win": 3,
    "challenge_lose": 2,
    "cash_before": null,
    "cash_after": null,
    "our_team_members": [
            "me": false,
            "rank_in_team": 1,
            "name": "Player",
            "number": 4822,
            "splashtag_title": "自称若者",
            "weapon": {
                "key": "sshooter",
                "aliases": [
                "type": {
                    "key": "shooter",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Shooters",
                        "ja_JP": "シューター"
                "name": {
                    "en_US": "Splattershot",
                    "ja_JP": "スプラシューター"
                "main": "sshooter",
                "sub": {
                    "key": "kyubanbomb",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Suction Bomb",
                        "ja_JP": "キューバンボム"
                "special": {
                    "key": "ultrashot",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Trizooka",
                        "ja_JP": "ウルトラショット"
                "reskin_of": "sshooter"
            "kill": 16,
            "assist": 1,
            "kill_or_assist": 17,
            "death": 6,
            "special": 3,
            "inked": 1019,
            "disconnected": false
            "me": false,
            "rank_in_team": 2,
            "name": "Player",
            "number": 2720,
            "splashtag_title": "スライドするフリーランス",
            "weapon": {
                "key": "nzap85",
                "aliases": [
                "type": {
                    "key": "shooter",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Shooters",
                        "ja_JP": "シューター"
                "name": {
                    "en_US": "N-ZAP '85",
                    "ja_JP": "N-ZAP85"
                "main": "nzap85",
                "sub": {
                    "key": "kyubanbomb",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Suction Bomb",
                        "ja_JP": "キューバンボム"
                "special": {
                    "key": "energystand",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Tacticooler",
                        "ja_JP": "エナジースタンド"
                "reskin_of": "nzap85"
            "kill": 0,
            "assist": 5,
            "kill_or_assist": 5,
            "death": 7,
            "special": 1,
            "inked": 917,
            "disconnected": false
            "me": true,
            "rank_in_team": 3,
            "name": "なぎさのこあくま",
            "number": 1112,
            "splashtag_title": "アゲアゲのルーキー",
            "weapon": {
                "key": "dynamo",
                "aliases": [
                "type": {
                    "key": "roller",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Rollers",
                        "ja_JP": "ローラー"
                "name": {
                    "en_US": "Dynamo Roller",
                    "ja_JP": "ダイナモローラー"
                "main": "dynamo",
                "sub": {
                    "key": "sprinkler",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Sprinkler",
                        "ja_JP": "スプリンクラー"
                "special": {
                    "key": "energystand",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Tacticooler",
                        "ja_JP": "エナジースタンド"
                "reskin_of": "dynamo"
            "kill": 14,
            "assist": 3,
            "kill_or_assist": 17,
            "death": 9,
            "special": 3,
            "inked": 1195,
            "disconnected": false
            "me": false,
            "rank_in_team": 4,
            "name": "Player",
            "number": 2865,
            "splashtag_title": "データで戦うプログラマー",
            "weapon": {
                "key": "tristringer",
                "aliases": [
                "type": {
                    "key": "stringer",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Stringers",
                        "ja_JP": "ストリンガー"
                "name": {
                    "en_US": "Tri-Stringer",
                    "ja_JP": "トライストリンガー"
                "main": "tristringer",
                "sub": {
                    "key": "poisonmist",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Toxic Mist",
                        "ja_JP": "ポイズンミスト"
                "special": {
                    "key": "megaphone51",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Killer Wail 5.1",
                        "ja_JP": "メガホンレーザー5.1ch"
                "reskin_of": "tristringer"
            "kill": 9,
            "assist": 4,
            "kill_or_assist": 13,
            "death": 4,
            "special": 4,
            "inked": 1205,
            "disconnected": false
    "their_team_members": [
            "me": false,
            "rank_in_team": 1,
            "name": "Player",
            "number": 4822,
            "splashtag_title": "自称若者",
            "weapon": {
                "key": "sshooter",
                "aliases": [
                "type": {
                    "key": "shooter",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Shooters",
                        "ja_JP": "シューター"
                "name": {
                    "en_US": "Splattershot",
                    "ja_JP": "スプラシューター"
                "main": "sshooter",
                "sub": {
                    "key": "kyubanbomb",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Suction Bomb",
                        "ja_JP": "キューバンボム"
                "special": {
                    "key": "ultrashot",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Trizooka",
                        "ja_JP": "ウルトラショット"
                "reskin_of": "sshooter"
            "kill": 16,
            "assist": 1,
            "kill_or_assist": 17,
            "death": 6,
            "special": 3,
            "inked": 1019,
            "disconnected": false
            "me": false,
            "rank_in_team": 2,
            "name": "Player",
            "number": 2720,
            "splashtag_title": "スライドするフリーランス",
            "weapon": {
                "key": "nzap85",
                "aliases": [
                "type": {
                    "key": "shooter",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Shooters",
                        "ja_JP": "シューター"
                "name": {
                    "en_US": "N-ZAP '85",
                    "ja_JP": "N-ZAP85"
                "main": "nzap85",
                "sub": {
                    "key": "kyubanbomb",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Suction Bomb",
                        "ja_JP": "キューバンボム"
                "special": {
                    "key": "energystand",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Tacticooler",
                        "ja_JP": "エナジースタンド"
                "reskin_of": "nzap85"
            "kill": 0,
            "assist": 5,
            "kill_or_assist": 5,
            "death": 7,
            "special": 1,
            "inked": 917,
            "disconnected": false
            "me": true,
            "rank_in_team": 3,
            "name": "なぎさのこあくま",
            "number": 1112,
            "splashtag_title": "アゲアゲのルーキー",
            "weapon": {
                "key": "dynamo",
                "aliases": [
                "type": {
                    "key": "roller",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Rollers",
                        "ja_JP": "ローラー"
                "name": {
                    "en_US": "Dynamo Roller",
                    "ja_JP": "ダイナモローラー"
                "main": "dynamo",
                "sub": {
                    "key": "sprinkler",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Sprinkler",
                        "ja_JP": "スプリンクラー"
                "special": {
                    "key": "energystand",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Tacticooler",
                        "ja_JP": "エナジースタンド"
                "reskin_of": "dynamo"
            "kill": 14,
            "assist": 3,
            "kill_or_assist": 17,
            "death": 9,
            "special": 3,
            "inked": 1195,
            "disconnected": false
            "me": false,
            "rank_in_team": 4,
            "name": "Player",
            "number": 2865,
            "splashtag_title": "データで戦うプログラマー",
            "weapon": {
                "key": "tristringer",
                "aliases": [
                "type": {
                    "key": "stringer",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Stringers",
                        "ja_JP": "ストリンガー"
                "name": {
                    "en_US": "Tri-Stringer",
                    "ja_JP": "トライストリンガー"
                "main": "tristringer",
                "sub": {
                    "key": "poisonmist",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Toxic Mist",
                        "ja_JP": "ポイズンミスト"
                "special": {
                    "key": "megaphone51",
                    "aliases": [],
                    "name": {
                        "en_US": "Killer Wail 5.1",
                        "ja_JP": "メガホンレーザー5.1ch"
                "reskin_of": "tristringer"
            "kill": 9,
            "assist": 4,
            "kill_or_assist": 13,
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            "iso8601": "2022-09-16T01:00:00+00:00"
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    "automated": true,
    "start_at": {
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Error (both test=yes and test=no)

Status: HTTP 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Content: {"error": { /* error information */ }}