- airflow. Deploy Airflow infrastructure.
- cartodb.
- cloudera. Deploy Cloudera ecosystem on Docker.
- container-decomposition. Dig into docker inside.
- data-science-lab. Launch an awesome data science toolstack.
- distroless-python. Build a distroless image for serving Uvicorn/FastAPI service.
- elastic-cluster. Basic Elastic cluster configuration.
- elk-filebeat-metricbeat. Stack ELK.
- firefox-chrome. Dockerfile for web browsers.
- freeipa-keycloack. Launch a FreeIPA server integrated with Keycloack.
- gitlab-runner. Use Gitlab Runner for CI.
- gpu-scipy-pytorch-notebook. Run pytorch-notebooks on GPU.
- gpu. Run GPU tensorflow container.
- guacamole-mysql-nginx. Remote access to servers.
- hortonworks. Deploy Hortonworks ecosystem on Docker.
- iceberg. Deploy a Tabular Iceberg Docker Stack.
- intellij. Dockerfile for IntelliJ.
- jenkins-gitlab-registry. Tools for code versioning and CI/CD.
- minio-registry. Use Minio to save docker images and python packages.
- mlflow-minio-psql. Deploy a Mlflow server backed with Minio and PostgreSQL.
- mongodb. Deploy a simple MongoDB server.
- mssql. Deploy a simple Microsoft Server SQL.
- mysql. Deploy a simple MySQL instance.
- nessus. Scan vulnerabilities with Nessus.
- postman. Dockerfile for Postman.
- R. Deploy R services for data science.
- rabbitmq.
- raspberry-tor. Anonymous browsing with RaspberryPi.
- sonarqube. Deploy SonarQube for SAST.
- splunk. Deploy Splunk docker infrastructure.
- telegraf-influx-grafana. Monitoring Docker sockets.
- tibco-spotfire. Deploy TIBCO Spotfire Server.
- trivy. Scan Docker images with Trivy.
- wordpress-mysql. Deploy a Wordpress server.
- workstation. Deploy a ubuntu container for developing.
- zabbix-mysql. Deploy a Zabbix container for monitoring servers/services.
- zap. Pentesting applications with ZAP.