This repository contains a list of packages for the Fedora distribution. Contains a list of packages with repositories, desktop packages, and devops tools.
First we must manually execute the following commands on the computer where the installation will take place:
$ sudo systemctl enable --now sshd.service
Then we must copy a public SSH key on the computer where the installations will be executed:
$ ssh-copy-id -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -i ~/.ssh/ user_name@ip_address_or_localhost
This ansible poroject is for automatic install on post-installation for Fedora Operating System.
The project have three playbooks:
- fedora-base.yml
- fedora-desktop.yml
- fedora-security.yml
- Ansible: 2.16.2
- Fedora: 39
- XFCE: 4.18.0
First we are located on the route:
$ cd ansible-fedora
Execution order:
- fedora-base.yml:
$ ansible-playbook fedora-base.yml -i inventory/inventory.yml
- fedora-desktop.yml:
$ ansible-playbook fedora-desktop.yml -i inventory/inventory.yml
- fedora-security.yml:
$ ansible-playbook fedora-security.yml -i inventory/inventory.yml
Exmaples flags for ansible command:
--ask-become-pass # If you need sudo privileges, is necessary for fedora-base.yml
-e "ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3" # Specific Python version
- Fedora Offcial
- RPM Fusion
- Fedora Packages