diff --git a/docs/templates/pdocs/class.mako b/docs/templates/pdocs/class.mako
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1071d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/pdocs/class.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<%namespace file="general.mako" import="h1, h2, h3, h4, par"/>
+<%namespace file="table.mako" import="table_rows"/>
+<%namespace file="variable.mako" import="variable"/>
+<%namespace file="function.mako" import="function"/>
+## class()
+<%def name="class_(cls)" buffered="True">
+class ${cls.name}(
+ ${",\n ".join(cls.params())}
+ cls_pd = cls.parsed_docstring
+ if cls_pd:
+ short_desc = cls_pd.short_description
+ long_desc = cls_pd.long_description
+ params = cls_pd.params
+% if cls_pd:
+ % if short_desc:
+ % endif
+ %if long_desc:
+ % endif
+ % if params:
+| Name | Type | Description | Default |
+ % for p in params:
+| ${p.arg_name} | ${p.type_name} | ${p.description.replace('\n', '
')} | ${p.default} |
+ % endfor
+ % endif
+% else:
+% endif
+% if show_source_code and cls.source:
+??? source "View Source"
+ ${"\n ".join(cls.source)}
+% endif
+ class_vars = cls.class_variables()
+ static_methods = cls.functions()
+ inst_vars = cls.instance_variables()
+ methods = cls.methods()
+ mro = cls.mro()
+ subclasses = cls.subclasses()
+% if mro:
+${h4('Ancestors (in MRO)')}
+ % for c in mro:
+* ${c.refname}
+ % endfor
+% endif
+% if subclasses:
+ % for c in subclasses:
+* ${c.refname}
+ % endfor
+% endif
+% if class_vars:
+${h4('Class variables')}
+ % for v in class_vars:
+ % endfor
+% endif
+% if static_methods:
+${h4('Static methods')}
+ % for f in static_methods:
+${function(f, True)}
+ % endfor
+% endif
+% if inst_vars:
+${h4('Instance variables')}
+% for v in inst_vars:
+% endfor
+% endif
+% if methods:
+% for m in methods:
+${function(m, True)}
+% endfor
+% endif
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/templates/pdocs/function.mako b/docs/templates/pdocs/function.mako
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c48a568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/pdocs/function.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+<%namespace file="general.mako" import="h1, h2, h3, h4, par"/>
+<%namespace file="table.mako" import="table_rows"/>
+ IGNORED = None
+ IGNORE_PARAMS = ['cls', 'self']
+## function()
+<%def name="function(func, class_level=False)" buffered="True">
+ <%
+ formatted_return = func.return_annotation().strip("'")
+ formatted_params = func.params()
+ parsed_ds = func.parsed_docstring
+ import inspect
+ try:
+ module_name = func.func.__module__ if hasattr(func.func, '__module__') else func.func.__class__.__module__
+ if module_name:
+ import importlib
+ module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
+ globals().update(vars(module))
+ # print(f'Importing: {module_name}')
+ signature = inspect.signature(func.func)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
+ signature = None
+ print(e)
+ %>
+% if class_level:
+% else:
+% endif
+``` python3
+def ${func.name}(
+ ${",\n ".join(formatted_params)}
+)${' -> ' + formatted_return if formatted_return else ''}
+% if parsed_ds:
+ <%
+ from docstring_parser import DocstringParam, DocstringReturns
+ short_desc = parsed_ds.short_description
+ long_desc = parsed_ds.long_description
+ ds_params = parsed_ds.params
+ ds_returns = parsed_ds.returns
+ raises = parsed_ds.raises
+ if signature:
+ ds_params_map = {}
+ for ds_param in ds_params:
+ ds_params_map[ds_param.arg_name] = ds_param
+ params = []
+ for name, param in signature.parameters.items():
+ if name in IGNORE_PARAMS:
+ continue
+ description = ''
+ if name in ds_params_map:
+ description = ds_params_map[name].description
+ type_name = get_type_name_from_annotation(param.annotation, param.empty)
+ default = param.default if param.default is not param.empty else ''
+ params.append(DocstringParam(args=[],
+ description=description,
+ arg_name=name,
+ type_name=type_name,
+ is_optional=IGNORED,
+ default=default))
+ description = ds_returns.description if ds_returns else ''
+ type_name = get_type_name_from_annotation(signature.return_annotation, signature.empty)
+ if type_name:
+ returns = DocstringReturns(args=[],
+ description=description,
+ type_name=type_name,
+ is_generator=inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func.func),
+ return_name=IGNORED)
+ else:
+ returns = None
+ else:
+ params = ds_params
+ returns = ds_returns
+ %>
+ % if params:
+## TODO: Merge params and ret from docstring with func signature, adding missing params, ret and
+## missing members (e.g. type_name, default)
+${table_rows(params, show_header=True, show_arg_name=True,
+ show_type=True, show_description=True, show_default=True)}
+ % endif
+ % if returns:
+**${"Yields:" if returns.is_generator else "Returns:"}**
+${table_rows([returns], show_header=True, show_type=True, show_description=True)}
+ % endif
+ % if raises:
+${table_rows(raises, show_header=True, show_type=True, show_description=True)}
+ % endif
+% else:
+% endif
+% if show_source_code and func.source:
+??? source "View Source"
+ ${"\n ".join(func.source)}
+% endif
diff --git a/docs/templates/pdocs/general.mako b/docs/templates/pdocs/general.mako
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ca882e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/pdocs/general.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+## Disable omnipy root log formatter
+ from omnipy import runtime
+ runtime.config.root_log.log_format_str = None
+## Constants
+ IGNORED = None
+ IGNORE_PARAMS = ['cls', 'self']
+## h1(), h2(), h3(), h4()
+<%def name="h1(s)"># ${s}
+<%def name="h2(s)">## ${s}
+<%def name="h3(s)">### ${s}
+<%def name="h4(s)">#### ${s}
+## par()
+<%def name="par(s)">
+% if s:
+% endif
diff --git a/docs/templates/pdocs/module.mako b/docs/templates/pdocs/module.mako
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bdd0bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/pdocs/module.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<%namespace file="general.mako" import="h1, h2, h3, h4, par"/>
+<%namespace file="table.mako" import="table_rows"/>
+<%namespace file="variable.mako" import="variable"/>
+<%namespace file="function.mako" import="function"/>
+<%namespace file="class.mako" import="class_"/>
+### Start the output logic for an entire module.
+ variables = module.variables()
+ classes = module.classes()
+ functions = module.functions()
+ submodules = module.submodules
+ heading = 'Namespace' if module.is_namespace else 'Module'
+ parsed_ds = module.parsed_docstring
+${h1(heading + " " + module.name)}
+% if parsed_ds:
+## TODO: add meta (example and notes)
+% else:
+% endif
+% if show_source_code and module.source:
+??? source "View Source"
+ ${"\n ".join(module.source)}
+% endif
+% if submodules:
+ % for m in submodules:
+* [${m.name}](${m.name.split(".")[-1]}/)
+ % endfor
+% endif
+% if variables:
+ % for v in variables:
+ % endfor
+% endif
+% if functions:
+ % for f in functions:
+ % endfor
+% endif
+% if classes:
+ % for c in classes:
+ % endfor
+% endif
diff --git a/docs/templates/pdocs/table.mako b/docs/templates/pdocs/table.mako
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cb5ec6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/pdocs/table.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+## table_rows()
+<%def name="table_rows(elements, show_header=False, kind=None, show_name=False, show_arg_name=False,
+ show_type=False, show_description=False, show_default=False)"> \
+% if show_header:
+ <%
+ col_names = []
+ if kind:
+ col_names.append('Kind')
+ if show_name or show_arg_name:
+ col_names.append('Name')
+ if show_type:
+ col_names.append('Type')
+ if show_description:
+ col_names.append('Description')
+ if show_default:
+ col_names.append('Default')
+ header = ''.join([f'| {col_name} ' for col_name in col_names] + ['|'])
+ divider = ''.join(['|---' for _ in col_names] + ['|'])
+ %>
+% endif
+% if elements:
+ % for i, el in enumerate(elements):
+ <%
+ row = []
+ if kind:
+ row.append(kind)
+ if show_name:
+ row.append(f'`{el.name}`')
+ if show_arg_name:
+ row.append(f'`{el.arg_name}`')
+ if show_type:
+ if not el.type_name:
+ row.append(MISSING_STR)
+ else:
+ type_name = el.type_name
+ cleaned_type_name = cleanup_type_hint_str_before_parsing(type_name)
+ for basic_type_name in set(parse_type_hint(cleaned_type_name)):
+ refname, url = lookup(module, basic_type_name)
+ if refname:
+ type_name = type_name.replace(basic_type_name, f'[{refname}]({url})')
+ row.append(f'{type_name}
+ if show_description:
+ if hasattr(el, 'parsed_docstring') and el.parsed_docstring and \
+ el.parsed_docstring.short_description:
+ description = el.parsed_docstring.short_description
+ elif hasattr(el, 'description') and el.description:
+ description = el.description
+ else:
+ description = MISSING_STR
+ row.append(description.replace('\n', '
+ if show_default:
+ row.append(el.default if el.default else MISSING_STR)
+ row = ''.join([f'| {val} ' for val in row] + ['|'])
+ %> \
+ % endfor
+% endif
diff --git a/docs/templates/pdocs/text.mako b/docs/templates/pdocs/text.mako
index 02a41080..7dd59fa8 100644
--- a/docs/templates/pdocs/text.mako
+++ b/docs/templates/pdocs/text.mako
@@ -28,615 +28,4 @@
-### Define mini-templates for each portion of the doco.
-## Disable omnipy root log formatter
- from omnipy import runtime
- runtime.config.root_log.log_format_str = None
-## Constants
- IGNORED = None
- IGNORE_PARAMS = ['cls', 'self']
-## h1(), h2(), h3(), h4()
-<%def name="h1(s)"># ${s}
-<%def name="h2(s)">## ${s}
-<%def name="h3(s)">### ${s}
-<%def name="h4(s)">#### ${s}
-## par()
-<%def name="par(s)">
-% if s:
-% endif
-## get_type_name_from_annotation
-def get_type_name_from_annotation(annotation, empty_obj):
- if annotation is not empty_obj:
- # (f'Before: {repr(annotation)}')
- type_name = convert_to_qual_name_type_hint_str(annotation)
- # print(f'After: {repr(type_name)}')
- else:
- type_name = ''
- return type_name
-## convert_to_qual_name_type_hint_str
-from inspect import formatannotation
-from typing import get_type_hints, Any
-def convert_to_qual_name_type_hint_str(type_hint: Any) -> str:
- def fixed_get_type_hints (obj: Any) -> str:
- """
- Workaround from https://stackoverflow.com/a/66845686, due to limitations in get_type_hints()
- per Python 3.10
- """
- try:
- class X:
- x: obj
- return get_type_hints ( X )['x']
- except NameError as e:
- print(e)
- return obj
- return formatannotation(fixed_get_type_hints(type_hint))
-## cleanup_type_hint_str_before_parsing
- '~': '',
- '+': '',
- '-': '',
-def cleanup_type_hint_str_before_parsing(type_hint):
- for from_str, to_str in _TYPE_HINTS_REPLACE_MAP.items():
- type_hint = type_hint.replace(from_str, to_str)
- return type_hint
-## parse_type_hint
-import ast
-def parse_type_hint(type_hint_string):
- """
- Parses a Python type hint string and returns the individual types as a list of strings.
- Generated by ChatGPT May 21, 2023, in a guided session. This is the 22nd attempt.
- Args:
- type_hint_string (str): The type hint string to parse.
- Returns:
- list: The individual types parsed from the type hint string.
- Example:
- type_hint = "Union[typing.List[str], typing.Dict[str, int], Tuple[int, str], Optional[int]]"
- parsed_types = parse_type_hint(type_hint)
- print(parsed_types)
- # Output: ['Union', 'typing.List', 'str', 'typing.Dict', 'str', 'int', 'Tuple', 'int', 'str', 'Optional', 'int']
- """
- # print(f'Parsing: {repr(type_hint_string)}')
- source = f"def f() -> {type_hint_string}: pass"
- tree = ast.parse(source)
- type_strings = []
- def process_node(node, qual_names=None):
- """
- Recursively processes the AST nodes and extracts the type names.
- Args:
- node (ast.AST): The AST node to process.
- qual_names (list): A list of qualified names encountered during processing.
- Returns:
- None
- """
- qual_names = qual_names or []
- if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
- type_strings.append(".".join(reversed(qual_names + [node.id])))
- elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
- process_node(node.value, qual_names)
- process_node(node.slice, qual_names)
- elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
- process_node(node.value, qual_names + [node.attr])
- elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple):
- for elt in node.elts:
- process_node(elt, qual_names)
- returns_annotation = tree.body[0].returns
- process_node(returns_annotation)
- return type_strings
-## module_url()
-def module_url(parent, m):
- """
- Adapted from https://github.com/timothycrosley/pdocs/blob/master/pdocs/html_helpers.py
- """
- import os
- import pdocs
- relpath = os.path.relpath(m.name.replace(".", "/"), parent.name.replace(".", "/"))
- if relpath == ".":
- return ""
- else:
- return relpath + "/"
-## lookup()
-def lookup(module, refname):
- """
- Adapted from https://github.com/timothycrosley/pdocs/blob/master/pdocs/html_helpers.py
- """
- import pdocs
- if not '.' in refname:
- refname = f'{module.name}.{refname}'
- d = module.find_ident(refname)
- if isinstance(d, pdocs.doc.External):
- return None, None
- if isinstance(d, pdocs.doc.Module):
- return d.refname, module_url(module, d)
- return d.name, f"{module_url(module, d.module)}#{d.name.lower()}"
-## table_rows()
-<%def name="table_rows(elements, show_header=False, kind=None, show_name=False, show_arg_name=False,
- show_type=False, show_description=False, show_default=False)"> \
-% if show_header:
- <%
- col_names = []
- if kind:
- col_names.append('Kind')
- if show_name or show_arg_name:
- col_names.append('Name')
- if show_type:
- col_names.append('Type')
- if show_description:
- col_names.append('Description')
- if show_default:
- col_names.append('Default')
- header = ''.join([f'| {col_name} ' for col_name in col_names] + ['|'])
- divider = ''.join(['|---' for _ in col_names] + ['|'])
- %>
-% endif
-% if elements:
- % for i, el in enumerate(elements):
- <%
- row = []
- if kind:
- row.append(kind)
- if show_name:
- row.append(f'`{el.name}`')
- if show_arg_name:
- row.append(f'`{el.arg_name}`')
- if show_type:
- if not el.type_name:
- row.append(MISSING_STR)
- else:
- type_name = el.type_name
- cleaned_type_name = cleanup_type_hint_str_before_parsing(type_name)
- for basic_type_name in set(parse_type_hint(cleaned_type_name)):
- refname, url = lookup(module, basic_type_name)
- if refname:
- type_name = type_name.replace(basic_type_name, f'[{refname}]({url})')
- row.append(f'{type_name}
- if show_description:
- if hasattr(el, 'parsed_docstring') and el.parsed_docstring and \
- el.parsed_docstring.short_description:
- description = el.parsed_docstring.short_description
- elif hasattr(el, 'description') and el.description:
- description = el.description
- else:
- description = MISSING_STR
- row.append(description.replace('\n', '
- if show_default:
- row.append(el.default if el.default else MISSING_STR)
- row = ''.join([f'| {val} ' for val in row] + ['|'])
- %> \
- % endfor
-% endif
-## function()
-<%def name="function(func, class_level=False)" buffered="True">
- <%
- formatted_return = func.return_annotation().strip("'")
- formatted_params = func.params()
- parsed_ds = func.parsed_docstring
- import inspect
- try:
- module_name = func.func.__module__ if hasattr(func.func, '__module__') else func.func.__class__.__module__
- if module_name:
- import importlib
- module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
- globals().update(vars(module))
- # print(f'Importing: {module_name}')
- signature = inspect.signature(func.func)
- except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
- signature = None
- print(e)
- %>
-% if class_level:
-% else:
-% endif
-``` python3
-def ${func.name}(
- ${",\n ".join(formatted_params)}
-)${' -> ' + formatted_return if formatted_return else ''}
-% if parsed_ds:
- <%
- from docstring_parser import DocstringParam, DocstringReturns
- short_desc = parsed_ds.short_description
- long_desc = parsed_ds.long_description
- ds_params = parsed_ds.params
- ds_returns = parsed_ds.returns
- raises = parsed_ds.raises
- if signature:
- ds_params_map = {}
- for ds_param in ds_params:
- ds_params_map[ds_param.arg_name] = ds_param
- params = []
- for name, param in signature.parameters.items():
- if name in IGNORE_PARAMS:
- continue
- description = ''
- if name in ds_params_map:
- description = ds_params_map[name].description
- type_name = get_type_name_from_annotation(param.annotation, param.empty)
- default = param.default if param.default is not param.empty else ''
- params.append(DocstringParam(args=[],
- description=description,
- arg_name=name,
- type_name=type_name,
- is_optional=IGNORED,
- default=default))
- description = ds_returns.description if ds_returns else ''
- type_name = get_type_name_from_annotation(signature.return_annotation, signature.empty)
- if type_name:
- returns = DocstringReturns(args=[],
- description=description,
- type_name=type_name,
- is_generator=inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func.func),
- return_name=IGNORED)
- else:
- returns = None
- else:
- params = ds_params
- returns = ds_returns
- %>
- % if params:
-## TODO: Merge params and ret from docstring with func signature, adding missing params, ret and
-## missing members (e.g. type_name, default)
-${table_rows(params, show_header=True, show_arg_name=True,
- show_type=True, show_description=True, show_default=True)}
- % endif
- % if returns:
-**${"Yields:" if returns.is_generator else "Returns:"}**
-${table_rows([returns], show_header=True, show_type=True, show_description=True)}
- % endif
- % if raises:
-${table_rows(raises, show_header=True, show_type=True, show_description=True)}
- % endif
-% else:
-% endif
-% if show_source_code and func.source:
-??? source "View Source"
- ${"\n ".join(func.source)}
-% endif
-## variable()
-<%def name="variable(var)" buffered="True">
- var_pd = var.parsed_docstring
- if var_pd:
- short_desc = var_pd.short_description
- long_desc = var_pd.long_description
-% if var_pd:
-% else:
-% endif
-## class()
-<%def name="class_(cls)" buffered="True">
-class ${cls.name}(
- ${",\n ".join(cls.params())}
- cls_pd = cls.parsed_docstring
- if cls_pd:
- short_desc = cls_pd.short_description
- long_desc = cls_pd.long_description
- params = cls_pd.params
-% if cls_pd:
- % if short_desc:
- % endif
- %if long_desc:
- % endif
- % if params:
-| Name | Type | Description | Default |
- % for p in params:
-| ${p.arg_name} | ${p.type_name} | ${p.description.replace('\n', '
')} | ${p.default} |
- % endfor
- % endif
-% else:
-% endif
-% if show_source_code and cls.source:
-??? source "View Source"
- ${"\n ".join(cls.source)}
-% endif
- class_vars = cls.class_variables()
- static_methods = cls.functions()
- inst_vars = cls.instance_variables()
- methods = cls.methods()
- mro = cls.mro()
- subclasses = cls.subclasses()
-% if mro:
-${h4('Ancestors (in MRO)')}
- % for c in mro:
-* ${c.refname}
- % endfor
-% endif
-% if subclasses:
- % for c in subclasses:
-* ${c.refname}
- % endfor
-% endif
-% if class_vars:
-${h4('Class variables')}
- % for v in class_vars:
- % endfor
-% endif
-% if static_methods:
-${h4('Static methods')}
- % for f in static_methods:
-${function(f, True)}
- % endfor
-% endif
-% if inst_vars:
-${h4('Instance variables')}
-% for v in inst_vars:
-% endfor
-% endif
-% if methods:
-% for m in methods:
-${function(m, True)}
-% endfor
-% endif
-### Start the output logic for an entire module.
- variables = module.variables()
- classes = module.classes()
- functions = module.functions()
- submodules = module.submodules
- heading = 'Namespace' if module.is_namespace else 'Module'
- parsed_ds = module.parsed_docstring
-${h1(heading + " " + module.name)}
-% if parsed_ds:
-## TODO: add meta (example and notes)
-% else:
-% endif
-${table_rows(variables, show_header=True, kind='Variable', show_name=True, show_description=True)} \
-${table_rows(functions, kind='Function', show_name=True, show_description=True)} \
-${table_rows(classes, kind='Class', show_name=True, show_description=True)}
-% if show_source_code and module.source:
-??? source "View Source"
- ${"\n ".join(module.source)}
-% endif
-% if submodules:
- % for m in submodules:
-* [${m.name}](${m.name.split(".")[-1]}/)
- % endfor
-% endif
-% if variables:
- % for v in variables:
- % endfor
-% endif
-% if functions:
- % for f in functions:
- % endfor
-% endif
-% if classes:
- % for c in classes:
- % endfor
-% endif
+<%include file="module.mako" />
diff --git a/docs/templates/pdocs/type_hints.mako b/docs/templates/pdocs/type_hints.mako
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63f8d343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/pdocs/type_hints.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+## get_type_name_from_annotation
+def get_type_name_from_annotation(annotation, empty_obj):
+ if annotation is not empty_obj:
+ # (f'Before: {repr(annotation)}')
+ type_name = convert_to_qual_name_type_hint_str(annotation)
+ # print(f'After: {repr(type_name)}')
+ else:
+ type_name = ''
+ return type_name
+## convert_to_qual_name_type_hint_str
+from inspect import formatannotation
+from typing import get_type_hints, Any
+def convert_to_qual_name_type_hint_str(type_hint: Any) -> str:
+ def fixed_get_type_hints (obj: Any) -> str:
+ """
+ Workaround from https://stackoverflow.com/a/66845686, due to limitations in get_type_hints()
+ per Python 3.10
+ """
+ try:
+ class X:
+ x: obj
+ return get_type_hints ( X )['x']
+ except NameError as e:
+ print(e)
+ return obj
+ return formatannotation(fixed_get_type_hints(type_hint))
+## cleanup_type_hint_str_before_parsing
+ '~': '',
+ '+': '',
+ '-': '',
+def cleanup_type_hint_str_before_parsing(type_hint):
+ for from_str, to_str in _TYPE_HINTS_REPLACE_MAP.items():
+ type_hint = type_hint.replace(from_str, to_str)
+ return type_hint
+## parse_type_hint
+import ast
+def parse_type_hint(type_hint_string):
+ """
+ Parses a Python type hint string and returns the individual types as a list of strings.
+ Generated by ChatGPT May 21, 2023, in a guided session. This is the 22nd attempt.
+ Args:
+ type_hint_string (str): The type hint string to parse.
+ Returns:
+ list: The individual types parsed from the type hint string.
+ Example:
+ type_hint = "Union[typing.List[str], typing.Dict[str, int], Tuple[int, str], Optional[int]]"
+ parsed_types = parse_type_hint(type_hint)
+ print(parsed_types)
+ # Output: ['Union', 'typing.List', 'str', 'typing.Dict', 'str', 'int', 'Tuple', 'int', 'str', 'Optional', 'int']
+ """
+ # print(f'Parsing: {repr(type_hint_string)}')
+ source = f"def f() -> {type_hint_string}: pass"
+ tree = ast.parse(source)
+ type_strings = []
+ def process_node(node, qual_names=None):
+ """
+ Recursively processes the AST nodes and extracts the type names.
+ Args:
+ node (ast.AST): The AST node to process.
+ qual_names (list): A list of qualified names encountered during processing.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ qual_names = qual_names or []
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
+ type_strings.append(".".join(reversed(qual_names + [node.id])))
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
+ process_node(node.value, qual_names)
+ process_node(node.slice, qual_names)
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
+ process_node(node.value, qual_names + [node.attr])
+ elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple):
+ for elt in node.elts:
+ process_node(elt, qual_names)
+ returns_annotation = tree.body[0].returns
+ process_node(returns_annotation)
+ return type_strings
+## module_url()
+def module_url(parent, m):
+ """
+ Adapted from https://github.com/timothycrosley/pdocs/blob/master/pdocs/html_helpers.py
+ """
+ import os
+ import pdocs
+ relpath = os.path.relpath(m.name.replace(".", "/"), parent.name.replace(".", "/"))
+ if relpath == ".":
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return relpath + "/"
+## lookup()
+def lookup(module, refname):
+ """
+ Adapted from https://github.com/timothycrosley/pdocs/blob/master/pdocs/html_helpers.py
+ """
+ import pdocs
+ if not '.' in refname:
+ refname = f'{module.name}.{refname}'
+ d = module.find_ident(refname)
+ if isinstance(d, pdocs.doc.External):
+ return None, None
+ if isinstance(d, pdocs.doc.Module):
+ return d.refname, module_url(module, d)
+ return d.name, f"{module_url(module, d.module)}#{d.name.lower()}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/templates/pdocs/variable.mako b/docs/templates/pdocs/variable.mako
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c1a09fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/pdocs/variable.mako
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<%namespace file="general.mako" import="h1, h2, h3, h4, par"/>
+<%namespace file="table.mako" import="table_rows"/>
+## variable()
+<%def name="variable(var)" buffered="True">
+ var_pd = var.parsed_docstring
+ if var_pd:
+ short_desc = var_pd.short_description
+ long_desc = var_pd.long_description
+% if var_pd:
+% else:
+% endif
\ No newline at end of file