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Use of Compile-Time Reflection in OpenCMW

OpenCWM (de-)serialiser tooling is based on the IoClassSerialiser, IoSerialiser, and IoBuffer class hierarchy as outlined in detail here.
These (de-)serialisers heavily rely upon compile-time-reflection to efficiently transform domain-objects to and from the given wire-format (binary, JSON, ...). Compile-time reflection will become part of C++23 as described by David Sankel et al. , “C++ Extensions for Reflection”, ISO/IEC CD TS 23619, N4856. Until then, the compile-time reflection is emulated by the refl-cpp (header-only) library through a constexpr visitor-pattern and -- for the use in opencmw -- simplified/feature-reduced ENABLE_REFLECTION_FOR(...) macro:

struct className {
    const std::string unique_name = "myCustomClassName";
    int         field1;
    // ...
    float       field2;
    std::string field3;
ENABLE_REFLECTION_FOR(className, field1, field2, field3) 

The visitor macro derives all the necessary information from the provides class name and field names and stores that information in constexpr structures. The advantage these constexpr structures is that the code is evaluated, largely optimised and, for example, dead/unused code removed during compile-time which greatly boost the run-time performance. Still, since objects sent from clients to the service can (potentially) contain arbitrary field information and/or field definitions that are unknown to the service side, there are some remaining run-time consistency checks. We are striving for that potentially in-service communication could become fully resolved and optimised during compile-time to get the best possible performance. Field names that are not listed are implicitly considered private and not taken into account for (de-)serialisation or other debugging feature.

The following types and (nested) class structures are supported: Beside common primitive and STL container types,

  • primitives T: uint8_t int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t, float, double, std::string and std::string_view
  • stl-container: std::array<T,N>, std::vector<T,N>, std::list<T>, std::unsorted_map<T>, std::set<T> (not yet implemented: std::queue<T>)
  • common opencmw container: opencmw:MultiArray<T, N_DIM>

N.B. regarding support/extensions for unsigned arithmetic types see here. Based on this reflection pattern, there are some useful helper functions in the opencmw::utils namespace (requires #include <Utils.hpp>) that can be used for debugging, automatic 'fmt::format' and 'iostream' printouts, or introspection of classes or differences between classes of the same type. for example:

className a{ 1, 0.5F, "Hello World!"};
className b{ 1, 0.501F, "Γειά σου Κόσμε!"};

std::cout << fmt::format("class info a: {}\n", a);
std::cout << ClassInfoVerbose << "class info b: " << b << '\n';
diffView(std::cout, a, b);

yielding the following console output (N.B. ANSI colouring of fields that differ):

class info a: className(field1=1, field2=0.5, field3=Hello World!)
class info b: className(
  0: int                  className::field1             = 1
  1: float                className::field2             = 0.501
  2: string               className::field3             = Γειά σου Κόσμε!
diffView: className(
  0: int                  className::field1             = 1
  1: float                className::field2             = 0.5 vs. 0.501 
  2: string               className::field3             = Hello World! vs. Γειά σου Κόσμε! 

Please see SimpleReflectionExample.cpp for more details.

User-specific types

It is possible to extend and to provide custom serialisation schemes for any other arbitrary type or struct, class or constructs thereof. For example, while the above struct className can already be automatically (de-)serialised, it is possible to provide a custom IoSerialiser serialiser definition for it (N.B. here Yas is a stand-in for any other protocol):

struct IoSerialiser<YaS, className> {
    static constexpr uint8_t getDataTypeId() { return yas::getDataTypeId<OTHER>(); }

    constexpr static bool    serialise(IoBuffer &buffer, const ClassField & /*field*/, const className & value) noexcept {
        buffer.put<std::string>(MyCustomType::unique_name); // needed to identify class structure when de-serialising
        // add custom sequence of IoBuffer put statements, e.g.
        return std::is_constant_evaluated();

    constexpr static bool deserialise(IoBuffer &buffer, const ClassField & /*field*/, className &value) {
        const auto typeID = buffer.get<uint8_t>();
        if (getDataTypeId() != typeID) {
            // skip or throw an exception
        const std::string unique_class_type_name = buffer.get<std::string>();
        if (unique_class_type_name != MyCustomType::unique_name) {
            // skip or throw an exception, feel free to add additional type checks
        value.field1 = buffer.get<int>();
        value.field2 = buffer.get<float>();
        value.field3 = buffer.get<std::string>();
        return std::is_constant_evaluated();

The unique_name field can be also omitted and replaced by refl-cpp's refl::reflect(value).name class name helper definition, requiring only a ENABLE_REFLECTION_FOR(className) definition.

Type Annotations

provides also an optional light-weight constexpr annotation template wrapper Annotated<type, unit, description> ... that can be used to provide some extra meta-information (e.g. unit, descriptions, etc.) that in turn can be used to (re-)generate and document the class definition (e.g. for other programming languages or projects that do not have the primary domain-object definition at hand) or to generate a generic OpenAPI definition. For example:

using opencmw::Annotated;
struct otherClass {
    Annotated<float, "°C", "device specific temperature">                        temperature     = 23.2F;
    Annotated<float, "A", "this is the current from ...">                        current         = 42.F;
    Annotated<float, "MeV/u", "SIS18 energy at injection before being captured"> injectionEnergy = 8.44F;
    // [..]

    // just good common practise to define some operators
    bool operator==(const otherClass &) const = default;
ENABLE_REFLECTION_FOR(otherClass, temperature, current, injectionEnergy)
// [..]
// printout example for annotated class
otherClass c;
std::cout << "class info for annotated class: " << c << '\n';

yielding the following console output:

class info for annotated class: otherClass(
  0: float                otherClass::temperature       = 23.2   // [°C] - device specific temperature
  1: float                otherClass::current           = 42.0   // [A] - this is the current from ...
  2: float                otherClass::injectionEnergy   = 8.44   // [MeV/u] - SIS18 energy at injection before being captured

Please see SimpleReflectionExample.cpp for more details.

Unsigned Data Types

Except for uint8_t, the OpenCMW (de-)serialiser supports only signed arithmetic types by default but can easily be extended for unsigned data types. The rational behind not enabling all arithmetic types is since we aim at compatibility with other non-C++ languages, for example Java, that natively often do not support unsigned data types well enough. However, if you want to enable all -- and also unsigned -- types (because you work only with C/C++), you may define the following before loading the first OpenCMW header file:

#include <opencmw.hpp>
// ...

more to come ...