Shows a text along a Polyline.
For example, show path orientation on mouse over :
var layer = L.polyLine(...);
layer.on('mouseover', function () {
this.setText(' ► ', {repeat: true, fillColor: 'red'});
layer.on('mouseout', function () {
This fork adds a couple of options, and completely changes that way that the repeat option works.
Note: If your repeat text is only a single character as in the example above, the original functionality will perform better. This version creates a textPath element for each repition of the text by default. You have better control over the spacing. We are using it for road names. To use the original repeat functionality, which created a single element, set the simpleRepeat option and the repeat option to true.
An example of the extended functionality:
// add road name to geojson roads as they are added to the map
map.on('layeradd', function(e){
var layer = e.layer;
if(layer.feature && {
layer.setText(, {
repeat: true,
offset: 25
repeat Boolen, default: false If true, will repeat the text along the path as many times as will fit.
center Boolean, default: false If true, and repeat is false, will place the text approximately in the center of the path.
fillColor String, default: 'black' Text color attribute.
offset Int, default: 0 Percentage of the path to offset the text if repeat is false, or percentage of the path to put in between repitions of the text if repeat is true. If center is true, offset will be overridden. Note that this is an int, and not a string ( 5, not '5%' ).
simpleRepeat Boolean, default: false Restores the original repeat functionality when passed together with repeat == true. This will result in a single being appended to the layer's path instead of one for each repitition, and may perform better, especially for very long LineStrings.
Most of the SVG legwork was done by the original plugin author.
The main idea comes from Tom Mac Wright's Getting serious about SVG