ESP8266 thermostat with web interface
Based on
Usefull portal for web pages debug:
- Stand alone, no external WiFi/Internet required
- Web server based configuration. No hardware indicators/buttons required
- High power load commutation in sealed enclosure, low heat generation (triac+relay in parallel solution)
- Pretty web pages with css and svg design
- Single side circuitboard, see project at easyeda/oshwlab portal
Check out "Installing Libraries – ESP Async Web Server" to install Async Web Server library. In Sloeber IDE you need to go to Arduino"Add a source folder to the selected project" and refer to local folders with ESPAsyncWebServer and ESPAsyncTCP libraryes. If all done right, you should have it in project references:
Libraryes used for project:
ESP8266 v2.7.4 platfoem used and works fine with following settings:
Dont forget to open SecretsExample.h, set your own credentials and save it as Secrets.h.
Thats all. Compilation should runs sucesfully.
Tips: To get project in Sloeber IDE download ZIP and extract it manually or follow to keep connection with repository.
To get project in Arduino IDE download zip or create new folder, and make "git clone" from Git Bash.
Some details are available on portal. Some pictures for overview: