Given an array taskMemory of n positive integers representing the amount of memory required to process each task, an array taskType of n positive integers representing the type of each task and an integer maxMemory, find the minimum amount of time required for the server to process all the tasks.
Also each task takes 1 unit of time to process. The server can process at most two tasks in parallel only if they are of the same type and together require no more than maxMemory units of memory.
Here's how we can implement this in Java:
- Group Tasks by Type: Group tasks by their type.
- Process Each Group: For each type, attempt to process pairs of tasks in parallel. If a pair exceeds maxMemory, process them individually.
- Calculate Total Time: Track the total time required, ensuring tasks are processed optimally given the parallel processing constraints.
The server can process at most two tasks in parallel if they are of the same type and together require no more than maxMemory units of memory, we need to adjust the strategy to take advantage of this parallel processing capability.
import java.util.*;
public class TaskProcessor {
public static int minTimeToProcessTasks(int[] taskMemory, int[] taskType, int maxMemory) {
// Step 1: Group tasks by their type
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> taskGroups = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < taskMemory.length; i++) {
taskGroups.putIfAbsent(taskType[i], new ArrayList<>());
int totalTime = 0;
// Step 2: Calculate the time required for each group of tasks
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> entry : taskGroups.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> memories = entry.getValue();
Collections.sort(memories); // Sort to try and pair the smallest and largest together
int i = 0, j = memories.size() - 1;
while (i <= j) {
if (i == j) {
// Single task remaining
} else if (memories.get(i) + memories.get(j) <= maxMemory) {
// Process two tasks in parallel
} else {
// Process the larger task alone
return totalTime;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] taskMemory = {4, 2, 3, 1, 6, 5};
int[] taskType = {1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2};
int maxMemory = 8;
System.out.println(minTimeToProcessTasks(taskMemory, taskType, maxMemory)); // Output: Expected processing time
input | output |
taskMemory: [4, 2, 3, 1, 6, 5] taskType: [1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2] maxMemory: 8 |
4 |
Implement a prototype service to detect a user's location based on their IP addresses.
The IP addresses belonging to the IPv4 space are conventionally represented by 4 octets, "a.b.c.d" - such as To keep it simple, these IP addresses are classified into 5 different regions indexed from 1 to 5 on the basis of the order of the bits in the 1st octet.
Broadly, the IP address can be categorized as follows:
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Given a list of strings, ipAddresses, of size n, representing possible IPv4 addresses, for each address, determine if it is a valid IP or not, and classify it into one of the 5 classes. Return an array of n integers that represent the index of the regions for the corresponding IP addresses. Represent an invalid IP as -1.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class LocationDetection {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> ipAddresses = List.of("", "");
List<Integer> results = classifyIPAddresses(ipAddresses);
System.out.println(results); // Output: [2, -1]
public static List<Integer> classifyIPAddresses(List<String> ipAddresses) {
List<Integer> classifications = new ArrayList<>();
for (String ipAddress : ipAddresses) {
if (isValidIP(ipAddress)) {
int firstOctet = Integer.parseInt(ipAddress.split("\\.")[0]);
} else {
return classifications;
private static boolean isValidIP(String ipAddress) {
String[] octets = ipAddress.split("\\.");
if (octets.length != 4) {
return false;
for (String octet : octets) {
try {
int value = Integer.parseInt(octet);
if (value < 0 || value > 255) {
return false;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
return true;
private static int classifyFirstOctet(int firstOctet) {
if (firstOctet >= 0 && firstOctet <= 127) {
return 1;
} else if (firstOctet >= 128 && firstOctet <= 191) {
return 2;
} else if (firstOctet >= 192 && firstOctet <= 223) {
return 3;
} else if (firstOctet >= 224 && firstOctet <= 239) {
return 4;
} else if (firstOctet >= 240 && firstOctet <= 255) {
return 5;
} else {
return -1;
input(ipAddresses) | output(classification) |
["", ""] | [2, -1] |
Given the following set of data sets, create a function that will find the coupon to display for a given category.
// {{CategoryName, CouponName}}
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforters Sale"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath"}
// {{CategoryName, CategoryParentName}}
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
graph TD;
input (CategoryName) | output (CouponName) |
Comforter Sets | Comforters Sale |
Bedding | Savings on Bedding |
Bathroom Accessories | Low price for Bed & Bath |
Soap Dispensers | Low price for Bed & Bath |
Toy Organizers | null |
- Create a function that when passed a Category Name (as a String) will return Coupon Name (as a String)
- Category structure is hierarchical. Categories without coupons inherit their parent's coupon.
- No coupon should be returned if there are no coupons in the Category's hierarchy
- For example: Toy Organizers receives no coupon because there is no coupon in the category hierarchy.
- If a Category has a coupon it should not move up the hierarchy to find its Parent Category (or the Parent's Coupon)
- For example: Comforter sets, should see the coupon for Comforter Sets and NOT Bedding
- Beware of the following examples/edge cases and their expected behaviors:
- Bathroom Accessories should receive the coupon for Bed & Bath because there are no coupons for Bathroom Accessories
- Assumption: Product can only be associated with one category.
import java.util.*;
public class CategoryAndCoupons {
private final Map<String, String> couponsCategoryMap;
private final Map<String, String> parentCategoryMap;
CategoryAndCoupons(String [][] coupons, String [][] categories) {
this.couponsCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.parentCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] coupon : coupons) this.couponsCategoryMap.put(coupon[0], coupon[1]);
for (String[] category : categories) this.parentCategoryMap.put(category[0], category[1]);
private String getCoupon(String categoryName) {
return this.couponsCategoryMap.get(categoryName);
return null;
return getCoupon(this.parentCategoryMap.get(categoryName));
public static void main(String[] args) {
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforter Sale"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath"}
// Bed & Bath > Bedding > Comforter Sets
// Bed & Bath > Bathroom Accessories > Soap Dispensers
// Baby And Kids > Toy Organizers
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
CategoryAndCoupons categoryAndCoupons = new CategoryAndCoupons(coupons, categories);
System.out.println("Comforter Sets => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Comforter Sets"));
System.out.println("Bedding => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bedding"));
System.out.println("Bathroom Accessories => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bathroom Accessories"));
System.out.println("Soap Dispensers => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Soap Dispensers"));
System.out.println("Toy Organizers => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Toy Organizers"));
The system has added a new piece of data to the coupon - "Date Modified". Use this when resolving any ties (when 1 Category has 2+ Coupons).
// {{CategoryName, CouponName, DateModified}}
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforter Sale", "2020-01-01"},
{"Comforter Sets", "Cozy Comforter Coupon", "2020-01-01"},
{"Bedding", "Best Bedding Bargains", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath", "2018-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Bed & Bath extravaganza", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Big Savings for Bed & Bath", "2030-01-01"}
// {{CategoryName, CategoryParentName}}
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
graph TD;
input (CategoryName) | output (CouponName) |
Bed & Bath | Bed & Bath extravaganza |
Bedding | Best Bedding Bargains | Savings on Bedding |
Bathroom Accessories | Bed & Bath extravaganza |
Comforter Sets | Comforter Sale | Cozy Comforter Coupon |
- Create a function that when passed a Category Name (as a String) will return one Coupon Name (as a String)
- If a Category has more than 1 coupon the Coupon with the most recent DateModified should be returned
- If a Coupon's DateModified is in the future, it should not be returned
- Category structure is hierarchical. Categories without coupons inherit their parent's coupon.
- Use of the internet for syntax and basic implementation questions is allowed.
- Think out loud! Describe your approach and discuss changes as new information surfaces
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;
public class CategoryAndCouponsF1 {
private final String datePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd";
private final DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(datePattern);
static class Coupon {
private String couponName;
private LocalDate dateModified;
public Coupon (String couponName, LocalDate dateModified) {
this.couponName = couponName;
this.dateModified = dateModified;
private final Map<String, Map<LocalDate, List<Coupon>>> categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate;
private final Map<String, String> parentCategoryMap;
CategoryAndCouponsF1(String [][] coupons, String [][] categories) {
Map<String, List<Coupon>> couponsCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.parentCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] coupon : coupons) {
couponsCategoryMap.put(coupon[0], new ArrayList<>());
LocalDate dateModified = LocalDate.parse(coupon[2], FORMATTER);
couponsCategoryMap.get(coupon[0]).add(new Coupon(coupon[1], dateModified));
for (String[] category : categories) this.parentCategoryMap.put(category[0], category[1]);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Coupon>> couponsEntry : couponsCategoryMap.entrySet()) {
this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.put(couponsEntry.getKey(), couponsEntry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Coupon::getDateModified)));
private String getCoupon(String categoryName) {
&& this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.get(categoryName).values().stream().findFirst().isPresent())
return this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.get(categoryName).values().stream().findFirst().get().stream().map(Coupon::getCouponName).collect(Collectors.joining(" | "));
return null;
return getCoupon(this.parentCategoryMap.get(categoryName));
public static void main(String[] args) {
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforter Sale", "2020-01-01"},
{"Comforter Sets", "Cozy Comforter Coupon", "2020-01-01"},
{"Bedding", "Best Bedding Bargains", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath", "2018-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Bed & Bath extravaganza", "2019-01-01"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Big Savings for Bed & Bath", "2030-01-01"}
// Bed & Bath > Bedding > Comforter Sets
// Bed & Bath > Bathroom Accessories > Soap Dispensers
// Baby And Kids > Toy Organizers
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
CategoryAndCouponsF1 categoryAndCoupons = new CategoryAndCouponsF1(coupons, categories);
System.out.println("Bed & Bath => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bed & Bath"));
System.out.println("Bedding => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bedding"));
System.out.println("Bathroom Accessories => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Bathroom Accessories"));
System.out.println("Comforter Sets => " + categoryAndCoupons.getCoupon("Comforter Sets"));
Now that we know what coupon to show to the user, let's make sure the user can apply the coupon by changing the selling price
of a Product.
Format (Category Name, Coupon Name, Date Modified, Discount)
// {{CategoryName, CouponName, DateModified, Discount}}
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforters Sale", "2020-01-01", "10%"},
{"Comforter Sets", "Cozy Comforter Coupon", "2020-01-01", "$15"},
{"Bedding", "Best Bedding Bargains", "2019-01-01", "35%"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding", "2019-01-01", "25%"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath", "2018-01-01", "50%"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Bed & Bath extravaganza", "2019-01-01", "75%"}
// {{CategoryName, CategoryParentName}}
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
// {{ProductName, Price, CategoryName}}
String [][] products = {
{"Cozy Comforter Sets", "100.00", "Comforter Sets"},
{"All-in-one Bedding Set", "50.00", "Bedding"},
{"Infinite Soap Dispenser", "500.00", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Rainbow Toy Box", "257.00", "Baby And Kids"}
graph TD;
input (ProductName) | output (Discount) |
Cozy Comforter Sets | 90.0 OR 85.0 |
All-in-one Bedding Set | 32.5 OR 37.5 |
Infinite Soap Dispenser | 125.0 |
Rainbow Toy Box | 257.0 |
- Function takes a String representing the Product Name
- Function Returns the discounted price (Product price minus the coupon discount) as a String
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;
public class CategoryAndCouponsF2 {
private final String datePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd";
private final DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(datePattern);
static class Coupon {
private String couponName;
private LocalDate dateModified;
private String discount;
public Coupon(String couponName, LocalDate dateModified, String discount) {
this.couponName = couponName;
this.dateModified = dateModified; = discount;
static class Product {
private String name;
private String categoryName;
private Double price;
public Product(String categoryName, String name, Double price) {
this.categoryName = categoryName; = name;
this.price = price;
private final Map<String, String> couponsDiscountMap;
private final Map<String, String> parentCategoryMap;
private final Map<String, Product> productCategoryMap;
private final Map<String, Map<LocalDate, List<CategoryAndCouponsF2.Coupon>>> categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate;
CategoryAndCouponsF2(String [][] coupons, String [][] categories, String [][] products) {
Map<String, List<Coupon>> couponsCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.parentCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.productCategoryMap = new HashMap<>();
this.couponsDiscountMap = new HashMap<>();
this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] coupon : coupons) {
couponsCategoryMap.put(coupon[0], new ArrayList<>());
LocalDate dateModified = LocalDate.parse(coupon[2], FORMATTER);
couponsCategoryMap.get(coupon[0]).add(new Coupon(coupon[1], dateModified, coupon[3]));
couponsDiscountMap.put(coupon[1], coupon[3]);
for (String[] category : categories) this.parentCategoryMap.put(category[0], category[1]);
for (Map.Entry<String, List<CategoryAndCouponsF2.Coupon>> couponsEntry : couponsCategoryMap.entrySet())
this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.put(couponsEntry.getKey(), couponsEntry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(CategoryAndCouponsF2.Coupon::getDateModified)));
for (String[] product : products) this.productCategoryMap.put(product[0], new Product(product[2], product[0], Double.parseDouble(product[1])));
private Set<String> getCoupon(String categoryName) {
&& this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.get(categoryName).values().stream().findFirst().isPresent())
return this.categoryCouponsMapGroupByModifiedDate.get(categoryName).values().stream().findFirst().get().stream().map(CategoryAndCouponsF2.Coupon::getCouponName).collect(Collectors.toSet());
return null;
return getCoupon(this.parentCategoryMap.get(categoryName));
private String displayDiscountPrice(String productName) {
Product product = this.productCategoryMap.get(productName);
Set<String> coupon = getCoupon(product.getCategoryName());
return product.getPrice().toString();
return String.join(" OR ",
.map(s -> applyDiscount(product.getPrice(), this.couponsDiscountMap.get(s.trim())).toString())
private Double applyDiscount(Double originalPrice, String discount) {
double discountAmount;
discountAmount = Double.parseDouble(discount.replaceAll("\\$", ""));
discountAmount = originalPrice * (Double.parseDouble(discount.replaceAll("%", "")) / 100);
return originalPrice - discountAmount;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String [][] coupons = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Comforters Sale", "2020-01-01", "10%"},
{"Comforter Sets", "Cozy Comforter Coupon", "2020-01-01", "$15"},
{"Bedding", "Best Bedding Bargains", "2019-01-01", "35%"},
{"Bedding", "Savings on Bedding", "2019-01-01", "25%"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Low price for Bed & Bath", "2018-01-01", "50%"},
{"Bed & Bath", "Bed & Bath extravaganza", "2019-01-01", "75%"}
// Bed & Bath > Bedding > Comforter Sets
// Bed & Bath > Bathroom Accessories > Soap Dispensers
// Baby And Kids > Toy Organizers
String [][] categories = {
{"Comforter Sets", "Bedding"},
{"Bedding", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Bed & Bath", null},
{"Soap Dispensers", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Bathroom Accessories", "Bed & Bath"},
{"Toy Organizers", "Baby And Kids"},
{"Baby And Kids", null}
String [][] products = {
{"Cozy Comforter Sets", "100.00", "Comforter Sets"},
{"All-in-one Bedding Set", "50.00", "Bedding"},
{"Infinite Soap Dispenser", "500.00", "Bathroom Accessories"},
{"Rainbow Toy Box", "257.00", "Baby And Kids"}
CategoryAndCouponsF2 cc = new CategoryAndCouponsF2(coupons, categories, products);
System.out.println("Cozy Comforter Sets => " + cc.displayDiscountPrice("Cozy Comforter Sets"));
System.out.println("All-in-one Bedding Set => " + cc.displayDiscountPrice("All-in-one Bedding Set"));
System.out.println("Infinite Soap Dispenser => " + cc.displayDiscountPrice("Infinite Soap Dispenser"));
System.out.println("Rainbow Toy Box => " + cc.displayDiscountPrice("Rainbow Toy Box"));