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Running A Workflow with Trimmomatic (for Jeff Rodzen) for Mykiss

The whole pipeline can be run like this:

snakemake --config run_dir=data/Rodzen-data/0045_FRH_steelhead use_trimmomatic=True --configfile config/Mykiss/config.yaml --use-conda --use-envmodules --cores 20

Note that if you give the use_trimmomatic=True config on the command line, you have to use Python formatted logicals—i.e., either True or False written exactly as shown. (true or TRUE will not work for you!)

Also note that --use-envmodules is specific to my cluster. It allows it to use R, so it probably should be dropped if running on one’s own Linux box with R available by default.

This is a start for Mykiss, but it still needs a lot of cleaning, filtering, and curating, because some of those amplicons may be amplifying multiple regions.

Preparing samples.csv and units.csv

At NMFS we do things a little non-standardly in that we store the NMFS_DNA_ID as a piece of the Sample_Plate column of the SampleSheet.csv. Jeff has his sample ID’s in the Sample_ID column of SampleSheet.csv, so an additional parameter is required when preparing the samples.csv and units.csv files with R:

# do this within R from the top level of the
# mega-simple-microhap-snakeflow directory

    # point it to the SampleSheet in whatever data directory you are working with
    NMFS_DNA_ID_from_Sample_ID = TRUE  # This is the extra required option

For this to work, Eric renamed Jeff’s original SampleSheet_FRH_Steelhead_GTseq_110720.csv to SampleSheet.csv and then added OMY_RODZEN to every sample row in the Description column, and added Test_for_mykiss to every sample row in the Sample_Project column. The first column added tells it what marker set these were typed at and the second is a required column.

The result looks like this:

Investigator Name,Jeff,,,,,,,,
Experiment Name,FRH_Steelhead_GTseqtest,,,,,,,,
Application,FASTQ Only,,,,,,,,
Assay,TruSeq HT,,,,,,,,

...and so forth...

When running the workflow, you should start with a data directory that includes SampleSheet.csv and the directory raw that includes all the fastq.gz files. Then:

  1. create samples.csv and units.csv as shown above.
  2. Run the workflow with the snakemake command shown above.

The config tree

The config file config/Mykiss/config.yaml at this juncture, looks something like: Anyway, we have some starter VCFs for variation now, and they are listed in the config:

        regions: config/Mykiss/regions/OMY_RODZEN-Omyk_1.0.txt
          starter_variation: config/Mykiss/canonical_variation/myk-rodzen-fullgex-484-sites-from-0045_FRH.vcf
        fasta: config/Mykiss/target_fastas/rodzen_mykiss_GTseq.fasta
          starter_variation: config/Mykiss/canonical_variation/myk-rodzen-target-fasta-545-sites-from-0045_FRH.vcf

The starter_variation VCF sets are just produced from some of the variation that I saw in the initial runs, as described below. Note that this will likely need further filtering and cleaning, and certainly more variants will need to be added to it as more populations are typed at these markers. (See, for example, these steps)

Getting the starter_variation

I first ran the workflow with empty VCF files for the variation:

snakemake --config run_dir=data/Rodzen-data/0045_FRH_steelhead use_trimmomatic=True --configfile config/Mykiss/config.yaml --use-conda --use-envmodules --cores 20 --keep-going

I added the --keep-going up there because I knew that it was going to fail at the microhap step, because I don’t have any variants for these guys. But after running through it once, I have the VCF files produced by bcftools, so we can use those for preliminary variants to pass to microhaplot.

After that run completed (and I fixed a few things with the pipeline) I used the resulting VCF file as a starting VCF for micohaplot, like this:

# filter out any sites that are missing in more than
# 50% of the indivs, and then just keep one indiv

#: in: /home/eanderson/Documents/git-repos/mega-simple-microhap-snakeflow/data/Rodzen-data/0045_FRH_steelhead/Mykiss/vcfs/OMY_RODZEN/fullgex_remapped/Omyk_1.0

bcftools view -i 'F_MISSING < 0.5' variants-bcftools.vcf | bcftools view -s M160023FRH > ../../../../../../../../config/Mykiss/canonical_variation/myk-rodzen-fullgex-484-sites-from-0045_FRH.vcf

# for the target fasta ones, we also had to drop one site.
bcftools view -t ^Omy_RAD7016-31:208 -i 'F_MISSING < 0.5' variants-bcftools.vcf |  bcftools view -s M160023FRH > ../../../../../../../../config/Mykiss/canonical_variation/myk-rodzen-target-fasta-545-sites-from-0045_FRH.vcf

What things looked like

A cursory look at things in microhaplot suggested that there were at least a few SNPs that are fully heterozygous, suggesting that perhaps they are amplifying multiple regions.

Jeff will need to go through all his markers and figure out which ones to use.