Using the BadlandsAuthentication
BadlandsClient badlandsClient = new BadlandsClient(BadlandsAuthentication.builder().apiKey("API_KEY").secretKey("SECRET_KEY").build());
Not using the BadlandsAuthentication
BadlandsClient badlandsClient = new BadlandsClient("API_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");
There is currently only one request you can make, however this will be increased after stability has been reached.
BadlandsClient#getCharacterSheet(String, Realm)#
A working example of the API can be found here.
query-wow - Who's C# wrapper contained the ID's of all the special types included in Badlands.
Stormforge Development Team - Who helped debug many issues with their API throughout the development of Badlands.
Stormforge Development Team - Who helped debug many issues with their API throughout the development of Badlands.